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[Roleplay] SSMB Crossing: In Another Time, In Another Place. [Read page 345]


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"Check it out! They have a little machine that dispenses toys!" Neptune says, running to it.


"Something about it looks awfully familiar, though."

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Rarity use her snout:

Rarity: "I smell ink, lots and lots of ink."

Sweetie Belle: "And Twilight uses a lot of inks in her letters to Celestia, so she would know."

Mewkie: "Hmm, curiouser and curiouser."

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Kazuma then clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Is everyone feeling fresh? Well then let's continue!" Kazuma started to lead everyone down another corridor and showed everyone the first room. However there is someone inside and its...


"Intern Kazuma!? What are you doing here?"

"Just showing these nice people around, showing our organization isn't really that bad as they think."


"That's good. Maybe now they'll see our cause as just as we believe it to be."


"Tsubaki Yayoi, I have plenty of questions to ask you. Namely what are you doing with that?" Kyoko points to the bucket of ink.


"I was placed on painting duty to paint these walls an-"


"Tails could you please examine the contents in this bucket?" Kyoko hands one of the buckets to him.

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Tails looks at the ink. "The paint is clearly CGI..." He scans the liquid wuth his DEUS. "And not of this universe. Why bother going to another universe for such a common material?"

He looks at the description provided by the DEUS. "Universe ID SP-02... Splatoon."

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Callie and Marie sneak into a office:

Callie: "This must be where they keep their secret files ... WELL, THEY'RE NOT SO SECRET ANYMORE, BOOYAH!"

Marie: "Quiet down! They'll hear us!"

Judd: "Meow meow meow meow" (I can hear you and I got my walkie talkie on mute.)

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"We found our culprit. Now then we can charge you on theft of property on you."


"What!? Can I get a say in this?"


"Fine. If we don't like what we hear then its behind bars for you."


"You see I was put in paint duty and I was given this as my only materials to work with so I did what I was told."


"Then how do you explain this!?" Kyoko showed Tsubaki the footage of her stealing the paint.




"You're clearly there and you must be involved. This is absolute proof that you rigged everything yourself. Now explain that."


"I don't remember any of this... It hurts trying to remember it too..."


"What should we do guys?" Kyoko seemed concerned about the nearly broken down Tsubaki.

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"Could it be this easy?" Sayaka says. Tsubaki's near breakdown is giving her second thoughts.

"Just lock her behind bars, already!" Homura exclaims. "She's the culprit!"

"Hang on a second... something about this seems too obvious. Kyoko, I think you know that after the investigations you've gone through. You've seen fairly convincing framed crimes. Could this be one of them?"

"Sayaka, quit trying to be a detective. Your mental capacity is too below average to make such assumptions." Homura scoffs.

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Agent 1 and Agent 2 drop right back in:

Agent 1: "Hold it right there! The one who actually committed the crime ... is this person!"

Agent 2: "... Any of you know who this is?"

Meowkie: "Let me see that, I'm the detective here."

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Kazuma then decided to add, "there's also the fact that she's blind." He pointed at the windows that got painted on accident. "While she's able to get around places, her weapon, the sealed weapon Izayoi steals her 'light' and is blind so we're helping her cope with her disability."


"This seems all too strange. A blind girl who's capable of doing normal things somewhat well and stealing ink to boot." Kyoko thought about it some more. Suddenly a loud siren blared and on the intercom shouted, "we discovered ink on the side of our building! Please take precautions as this may be an enemy attack!"


"Please take back your ink" Tsubaki seemed to had calmed down, "go out and have fun with it. I'll admit I was wrong."


"You're an interesting person Tsubaki Yayoi. Perhaps we will meet again."


"Let's have a Splat Fest here at L.O.S.E. HQ! We're gonna get some payback for trying to ruin everyone's fun!"

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"Now you're talking!" Sonic says, getting out his Splattershot. "Now, choose a side and prepare for Turf War!"

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Callie careless toss all the other papers away:

Agent 1: "Eh, we don't  need these..."

Meowkie: "But I do! Come on, Rarity, we got some files to look over!"

Rarity: "When did I become your sidekick in detective stuff?"

Agent 2: "Oh, looks like you're two members short now ... but maybe we can do something about it!"

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"Yeah, you two can join. Callie and Marie." Sayaka says. "I mean come on, you're fooling nobody."

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Callie and Marie take off their disguises:

Callie: "You guys didn't notice that we sprayed most of this building with black ink and ... white ink? Marie! You were the one who caused this!"

Marie: "And you're the one who almost got us caught doing that in the first place. Besides, you knew I used white ink forever and it doesn't smell like thinner."

Both: "Let's put this aside, it's time for a ...SPLATTACK!"



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"This can't be good" Kazuma said as the chaos started, "we're going to get fired at this rate. Tsubaki, you're the only one with a weapon. Maybe you could persuade them to leave?"


"I'm sorry. I can't. I'm on paint duty." Tsubaki chuckled while Kazuma sighed lightheartedly.

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"Blue VS Purple! Supporting Character VS Deuteragonist! Hated VS Loved! General VS Solider! Sayaka Miki VS Homura Akemi! Who will dominate?" Alter-Ego announces over the intercom.

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Valkyrie got grumpy:
Valkyrie: "You forgot to mention the "total jerkass" part of the other side."

Dreamy: "Hey now, what's competition without a little lead?"

Rosie: "More like a little bias."

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"Well, if I get that title, Miki needs one too! How about "total idiot"?" Homura says. "I think that suits her rather well."

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And with the building painted blue, Sayaka was the winner:

Judd: Meow meow meow(You came close, Homura, but not close enough.)

Rosie: "I still get the feeling he can talk normally."

Callie: "Ah, yeah, with mine being the winning team, I got one more Splatfest victory!"

Marie: "Let's see how much those word stack up in a Splatfest that really counts."

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"You were saying, Transfer Student?" Sayaka chuckles.

Homura scoffs at Sayaka's remark, throwing her gun away. "You were just lucky. If you ever enter the real world, you'll see how meaningless you are compared to me."

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???: "I see you helped me escape, you and me ... are quite alike."

???: "Yeah, but I do get juice for it?"

???" "... Uh, yeah, sure, I guess, but first, let's put our evil plan into place, it's a moe new world!"

New storyline: Everything becomes super deformed! Shouldn't be a problem with Val.

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Kazuma assessed the damaged, L.O.S.E. HQ. "Looks like I might have to dock Secretary Yayoi's pay." Yellow eyes peered out from his green hair as he went downstairs.

Izanami returned to L.O.S.E. HQ and see the mess the heroes left behind.


"Terumi! What is the meaning of this!? I can't go on a simple business trip without you causing something!"

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A couple days later, the Disciples exit a portal, stepping foot on the town's grass before collapsing.

"I'm beeeeat! My Magic Reserve is super low!" Sayaka groans. "The Metarex put up a big fight today..."-

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Suddenly, a wave of blue energy comes surging trough the village:

Valkyrie: "... Huh, must just been one of those ... things, that happen, I guess. I don't feel anything."

Xandra: "Val, uh, look at everyone."

Valkyrie: "What's with them? They look kawii as usual."

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Sonic, Tails and Pop Fizz look at each other. "Nothing really seemed to change... what happened?"

Pop Fizz taps Sonic's shoulder and points to the others. "Uhh... Sonic?"

Sayaka, Madoka, Homura and Neptune walk up to the other three. 

"Wait, why am I the same size as you?!" Sayaka says.

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Valkyrie made a observation:
Valkyrie: "Well, would you look at that, everyone is fun size!"

Serena: "There is nothing fun about this."

Dreamy: "You know what's really not fun? Somehow becoming smaller than you already were.

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