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[Roleplay] SSMB Crossing: In Another Time, In Another Place. [Read page 345]


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"What a heartbreaking story! We will do anything to save your world Sayaka!"


At that instant Sayaka reminded Ragna of his sister Saya, whom he's been trying to save all his life.

"Shit kiddo. I didn't know you had it rough. I'm sorry if I was a bit of a dick before. But whatever the case is I will help you out. Let's go beat some sense in that Doom!"


"It won't be that easy you know"

Rachel appeared before them.

"By now he has an elite army that's capable of destroying worlds. You will need all your strength to best him."


"Why don't you help us out then Rabbit!"

"Its not that simple unfortunately due to my role. I however do believe you have enough power to defeat Doom."

Rachel then paused and turned back to Ragna

"And Ragna don't use your Azure Grimoire too much. We don't need another problem on our hands."

"Yeah I know Rabbit..." Ragna looked at his right hand knowing the power it contains

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Rosie: "Sayaka, I can't say I believe all of your story, but someone with that much to say must have some truth to them."

Rarity: "I-I was just a toy? Who brought me to life and why am I now a real pony?"

Punchy:"This DOOM sounds like real jerk, totally not someone I would hang with."

Rosie:"I don't know what will happen in the future, but I will be on your side, our stories will be ones of peace!"

Rarity: "Regardless of what is real and what is not, I'm not leaving."

Punchy: "Let me at those punks! I'll take them on!"

All: "We'll stick together no matter what!"

All:"That's what being a friend is about!"

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Sayaka: *tears in her eyes*

"Thank you... Everyone."

"Just, thank you...."

*Sonic comes in and grins*

Sonic: "You guys sure are brave. I can give you that!"

"But if DOOM is planning on something that can destroy worlds, I don't know if I can risk any of you. If this is true, this will become a Disciple operation. We'll deal with that later though...."

"Sayaka, I'm sorry. This fight is not as black and white as how it usually goes."

Sayaka: "Sonic, I'm sorry too. Guess I was being a little selfish, not putting into consideration to the other side. I can't help but be selfish sometimes, I was written that way. Maybe I was too used to the Black and White, Good VS Evil battles recently. Back in my world, everything is just grey. That's what this situation is, grey. Like Homura said before this world reset, my worlds rules really is leaking into this one."

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"If Doom wants a fight I'll give it to him! So what if he can destroy worlds? I can destroy thousands more than him!"


"I would love show Doom the ultimate dance. It should stop him in his tracks."


"You do need another willing member on your team"

Rachel opened a portal and Henry came out


"Hey guys! I heard we're gonna go beat up someone! Sounds like fun haha!"

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Sonic: *sighs and grins*

"You guys got spirit, looks like I can't stop you. You guys can help."

Tails: "Me and Sonic will track down a couple more clues. If all signs point to DOOM, we'll notify you of our plans."

"Until then, let's move on with our normal lives. You know, as normal as they are regarding the circumstances."

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"Heh! As if my life is anything but normal. I'm used to dealing world destruction plots every day. Anyways I ought to treat you to dinner."


"Don't forget your wallet this time Ragna"

"Hey all those times it was Tao and Platinum binging on food what else was I supposed to do?"


"Doesn't it seem like a nice family we got here?"


"I'm not sure about but it works! Haha! Anyways I'm gonna head back to my boring shop now! See you around!"

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Sayaka: "Heh, not like our lives are any more normal Ragna."

"Anyway, Thanks for treating us all for dinner!"

Sonic: "I'm down for some food! Tails?"

Tails: "Count me in! Don't tell any Metal Sonics though. These specific models have a big appitite."

"I might built them, but they have personalities too."

Sayaka: "Why did you build them to eat in the first place?"

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Ragna let out a hardy laugh


"Alright. I'm still new to this village so I don't know any good restaurants around here so lead the way."

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Sayaka: "Well... Positions have changed in this universe but I think there was a restaurant, there!"

*points at a specific area*

"We just need to move forward in that direction and we should be at a restaurant."

"Now let's just hope that we don't get invaded by Battle Droids this time. At least I met a good friend then. Wonder if she's still alive."

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Rosie: "Ah, you made it to the Roost! Come on  in!"

Punchy: "Brewster really made this place, I don't know, bigger ... I remember when they only sold coffee in my old town."

Rarity: "I-I'm still a bit troubled over Sayaka recent speech."

Rosie:"Sayaka is a nice girl but I wouldn't believe everything she says until we get proof, till then, you're as real of a pony as one can be!"

Rarity:"Hmm, I don't know, when I was in that toy room earlier, I felt ... nostalgia."

Rosie:"Ah, don't be silly! People feel that way about toys after they haven't seen in awhile, I  bet when that kitten grows up he'll feel nostalgic too!"

Rarity: "Hmm, I'll keep that in mind."


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Sayaka: "Gosh, I'm hungry. But I'll guess we'll start with drinks first."

*looks at the menu*

"They got some soda, OJ, and...... Purple Stuff? I was always wondering what purple stuff is."

Tails: "Now you can find out."

Sayaka: "Alright, I'll have some Purple Stuff please."

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Rosie:"I wonder where Nightwing's been."

Rarity:"Oh, darling, he's probably busy with his mayor duties."

Punchy: "Hey ... it's Sayaka, and those people ... wait, they're going to order the purple stuff!"

Punchy: "Woah, woah woah, Saye, we do not order the purple stuff, it's basically taste bud poison!"

Rosie: "Isn't every poison taste bud poison?"

Punchy: "I was being ... uh, that thing where you kill two stones with one bird thing!"

Edited by Pink Cat
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Sayaka: "Oh, hey guys! Thanks for the warning."

"I'll just have some soda then."

Sonic: "Soda sounds good."

Tails: "I drank enough orange juice so I'm not thirsty."

Sayaka: "Anyway, Ragna's treating us to dinner. You wanna sit with us?"

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Punchy: "This place serves dinner? Wow, Brewster hasn't told me anything!"

Rosie: "Why don't you come over here and sit with us, I know how to create a great dinner mood!"

Punchy:"She's right, you know, I should know, I invited over to eat a couple of times and it felt like I was on a cruiseliner."

Rarity: "This is the first time I ate with you, how do you do that?"

Rosie: "With music! Hey, Brewster, put this CD in the radio please."


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Sayaka: "Sure, we'll sit with you. Come on guys!"

*everyone moves to sit with the others*

"Look at us, just one big group having a bite."

*waiter comes up*

Sayaka: "I see you guys have some burgers, I'll have your signature burger please."

Sonic: "They have Chili Dogs. I don't know what the other Sonics see in them. I'm more of a pizza guy."

Tails: "I'll have a salad, and maybe one or two slices of pizza."

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Rarity:"So, darling, there been something on my mind, why did you two move here?"

Rosie: "Basically, my old home was a mess with a incompetent mayor and they were so condescending, I couldn't live there anymore."

Punchy: "I moved here because Rosie was moving here and I wanted to meet her again."

Rarity: "Say, Rosie, where did you used to live?"

Rosie: "... Better Than You Town, I know, they were a bunch a losers like the name implies but I couldn't move to Animal Village, too many sad memories there."

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Sayaka: "No way, you came from BTYT?! I guess in this universe they take more than just toys."

Sonic: "Back in the old world, BTYT was the second biggest threat to this town. They tried to switch everyone's mind with a toy's."

Sayaka: "BTYT was stopped thanks to a miracle but if there's still a mayor, that means there's another threat on our hands."

Sonic: "Why do I think it was BTYT who stole those museum equipment? I mean, they dabbled with Metarex tech before."


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Rosie:"Hmm, well everyone did look a bit plasticy?  But I think the mayor is a harmless ego driven old man."

Rosie: "After all, he named his town Better Than You Town."

Punchy:"I used to live in a town called Justice, it's name was awesome."

Rarity: "... I actually don't remember where I used to live."

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Sonic: "I've never actually met the mayor before, he always keeps himself hidden. He did threaten me and my friends several times through speakers."

"Do you know what he looks like?"

Tails: "I'm going to have to investigate BTYT later, now that I know it still exists."

Sayaka: "I thought it went away after the re-write. Looks like I'm wrong."

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Rosie: "I never actually seen him but I have heard him, he has a bit of a southern accent. Plus his office always smelled like Strawberries."

Rarity: "Hmm, Sayaka, did I live in Better Than You Town in the old world?"

Rosie: "Of course not, Rarity, you ought to live in Ponyville, like the other Ponies!"

Punchy: "Does Justice have a role in this big shindig? I want it to be, I want my old town to be important, it should be important, it's name is Justice!"

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Sonic: "Southern accent and strawberries.... If my knowledge if movies serves me right, this guy sounds familiar."

Sayaka: "Well, back in the old world, you were a toy DOOM owned which BTYT stole and brought to life. Who knows, you might not even be the same Rarity, There are millions of Raritys in the fictional realm, you may be a different one."

"Oh, and sorry Punchy, I never heard of a town named Justice before."

"It was always this village, BTYT and Animal Village."

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"Sounds complicated if you ask me. Anyways I'm getting some udon."


"An excellent choice Mr.Bloodedge. I'll have the same."

"Goddamn copycat! Anyways it looks like Rachel left. Oh well. Less money to spend on her the better."

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*after a while, to food arrives*

Sayaka: "Aw yeah, let's eat!"

Sonic: "For what used to be a coffee shop, this pizza is really good!"

Tails: "The salad's OK. I tasted better."

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Rosie: "Hmm, someone ordered a lot of tuna. Who eats that much?"

Punchy: "Hey, everybody, I feel really really really sleepy, I'm going home."

Rarity: "Okay, Punchy dear! Good night!"

Rosie: "Bye, Punchy! Remember not to sleep too long! It hurts your neck!"


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Sayaka: "Night, Punchy!"

Sonic: "See ya later!"

Tails: "Sweet dreams!"

Sayaka: "That is a lot of tuna, though."

Sonic: "If my friend Pac-Man was here, he'd eat it all."

"Or Kirby, or Dedede, or Stitch, or Eruptor...."

Tails: "Or the Metal Sonics that are here."


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