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Defining moments of your favorite characters.


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So, I'm taking on a type of character that is not yet covered by this topic ... an advertising mascot.


Sega Saturn, Shiro!

This guy has cool all over him despite only existing to shill the Sega Saturn, hey, he did a good job of it,  the Saturn did way better in Japan than anywhere else.

Segata is  played by the  same actor as the first Kamen Rider and (in Japan) GASTON, but he far out badasses them, not a easy accomplishment by any matter, let's go, because Segata plays no games(that aren't on the Saturn!)

Blowing up a guy, twice

Of course, it would not be his defining moments without mentioning this, he threw a guy into the ground and he blew up twice, by all means, this defies all rules of logic but Segata doesn't play by the rules!  Why? To promote Saturn Bomberman, of course!

A good sport:

Segata is one of the few people rivals, no, outclasses Mario when it comes to sports skills! He hit a homerun with his feet! He lifted a whole net to make sure his soccer team didn't lose! He skated on ice barefooted! Though, that last part kinda backfired.

Love and respect:
Segata, despite his reputation of beating up children and entire clubs for not playing the Sega Saturn, is not a loveless being, he loves the Saturn after all! He has shown to have a good time with none other than a character that had her series debut on the Saturn, Sakura! He also shows respect for a baseball player who did ... something I guess, but he, you must be good if Segata respects you.

Saving Sega and getting his own game:

A unknown rival tried to kill Sega by blowing them up with a missile, Sega, knowing that even without the Saturn, Sega must live on(for a few more years) jumped on the missile and with his great skills, he led the missile to space, in honor of him,  Sega gave Segata's beloved Saturn the swan song of his own game, true respect!

But this is not the death of our hero!

He's still thinking...

Because he's still alive! In cossover games of recent time, he has shown alive and well, still teaching the ways of the Saturn, this guy survived a missile blowing up in space, truly a measure of badass no one can level with


Sega Saturn...

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I have recently binging on Disney stuff recently and have actually come to take a fondness to Bambi.

Yeah THAT Bambi.


What surprises me more is that a lot of my fondness for the character comes less from the iconic original film, but the sequel. While Disney sequels have a fame for being soulless badly made cash ins of old classics, Bambi II actually made me love it's universe. The characters felt more defined, Bambi had a lot of his personality traits from the original more defined and some added, he's still a shy, demure little kid, but is more precocious and proactive and is suffering clear emotional wounds from infamously losing his mother. He wants to bond with his father and impress him. A lot of his scenes with his father are fun development because, while they're mostly just the Great Prince learning to lighten up and be close with his son, they have a cool 'old master and warrior in training' feel to them.

The climax is very nicely made to display Bambi transitioning into his independent adult form from the first film. It starts with him finding out his father is sending him to live with another doe, replacing his beloved mother. Bambi argues with his father over this, but it is short lived, the introverted two just aren't very ornery compared to so many other conflicting parent-children duos in Disney series. On the way to live with the new doe however, he is contested by Ronno, who has been bullying him throughout the film and only got more vicious as Bambi has started upstaging him (and yes, he is the guy Bambi defeats in the first film as an adult). Bambi has usually cowered before Ronno, but then he presses his button to get a fight. Yes, it is possible to piss off Bambi:

Okay, so now the parent is stuck and a bunch of vicious hunting dogs incoming, the doe urges Bambi to save himself and 'Keep running! Keep running!'. Sound familiar? Bambi thinks so, and turns back and distracts the dogs onto him to save the doe, and uses every single damn thing he's learned from his father to fend them off and outsmart them (besides one Thumper and Flower deal with to get their moment :P).

The sequel made Bambi, as in the cute fawn version of Bambi that's stuck on tons of cutesy Disney merchandise and subject of endless parodies for being the perennial cloying cartoon forest animal, into a fearless, resourceful young badass student.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you ready for another goddam cat and another goddam Yo-Kai? No? Too bad.


Shogunyan is LEGNDARY, he's one of the best you can get, he outranks most Yo-Kai with his blade alone, he might look like Jibanyan ... like chocobars and Next HarMEOWny like Jibanyan ... and is super lazy like Jibanyan ... but he is not! He is his ancestor!(Makes you wonder where he heard about a band that didn't exist yet though)

But he's not just legendary in power, he also has a legendary heart and soul.

In his first appearance in the Yo-Kai anime, he was shown to be able to cut everything into equally divided pieces, and when Nate and Whisper don't share something he cut to ... well, share, he gets mad and is about to cut through Nate ... but Whisper blocks the way(he's a Yo-Kai, he can't die!), Shogunyan is brought to tears by their friendship, it is shown he respects comradery and he leaves without a fuss(But first taking more chocobars)

He's also in the first Yo-Kai comic, where he is shown why he inspirits people, he helps children who are being unfairly punished by simply being themselves, he defends who appears to be Jibanyan's former owner, Amy, ancestor who keep in mind, is royalty escape being attacked by freaks in masks! Truly a noble soul he is! 

This legend won't die!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a really obscure one despite having quite a few games under her belt


Zizou Olympia is the main character of The Legend Of The Dark Witch series, she is the Dark Witch in the series title and she is also a goddess, but she never brings that up at all in the game, maybe would spare of her a few fights if she was a bit less humble. She does reveal it eventually, when beating the final boss first phase, the boss asks who she is anyways, she replies with this:


Me? I'm Zizou

She doesn't say she's a great goddess or the legendary dark witch, she just flat out says who she is, it's only  due to the name being assigned specifically to her that Riva, the final boss, even figures out, after the last battle, she makes her give up the source of the boss' power, stating that humans needs gods to guide them because they are so power hungry.

Can't wait to see her again in Dark Witch 3

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  • 4 weeks later...

One day late, but let me tell you about Usagai!

I think her big defining moment is well, the whole series, yes, the whole thing.

Ya see,Usagai is pretty much the embodiment of caring, all of the fellow Sailor Senshi were people that others shunned and mocked for some reason, I mean even the super smart Sailor Mercury, the super strong Sailor Jupiter and the legendary hero Sailor Venus were mocked behind their back, these girls should have perfect lives but the hatred of the world still gives them super terrible fates, but when they meet Usagi, their lives are changed forever, and with Usagi, they will always have a person that cares for them.

She is my hero and my idol and happy late birthday, you lovable klutz! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

With the release of Crash: N Sane Trilogy, let's take a look at the bandicoot's baby sister, Coco.


Coco contrasts her simple and somewhat looney older brother by being more sapient and boosting an IQ of 164. She can hack and invent almost anything to her whim and possesses nearly all of Crash's abilities along with it. Hoo boy, and she was made in the 90s too. We know where this is going. Surely, another generic Sue-ish 'girl power' stereotype with barely any personality but upstaging her dumb boy counterpart and snarking and rolling her eyes at all his dumb antics, right? Well...



There's something noteworthy about the fact that the comparison between Coco and Crash is practically a genius child prodigy and an idiot savant or even a semi animalistic teenager (don't get me wrong, sure, Crash is still a competent hero and there's that extra dimension where Crash sometimes shows he can be brilliant and knows what he's doing while Coco does something dumb or childish, but the behavioural difference is still obvious). However, the charm is not only does Coco revel in acting almost as goofy and fun loving as her brother, but she practically thinks the world of him. Be it more open minded intelligence that can acknowledge less conventional but sometimes equally great forms of intellect (over standard fiction which teaches young intelligent girls to condescend and face palm over all boys being arrogant idiots), or simply a naive young kid blindly idolising their older sibling, it's adorable in concept. What's more, Crash actually lives up to it, as proven with Crash of the Titans, when someone kidnapps Coco, he can and will get serious and bring her back. Crash takes a lot of threats with just a vacuous grin, but Cortex and Uka Uka quickly right under his skin threatening harm to Coco. (adding onto Dr Crusher's MUCH earlier post, I also take interest in the fact Coco was charitable to Nash shortly after Crash befriended Krunk in Crash Nitro Kart, perhaps Crash does teach a few good manners to his baby sister). Coco, rather than showing up her brother, is another character that proves Crash does have a brain after all, while still being a pretty remarkable individual herself.

Coco does what so many 'strong smart female' characters fail to do, be an interesting likeable character with a genuine equal opportunity stipulation (boy, does she get that slapstick...) as well as an actual endearing three dimensional foil for the male protagonist, arguably without even having proper emphasis on being so. I know some are sour about Coco being made to replace Tawna, but I'd choose Coco every time.


Keep being an awesome oniichan, Crash.

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  • 1 month later...


Look at this sweet little thing, she must live a good life, right? Wrong.

Nino is one of the most tragic characters in Fire Emblem, her life going wrong was not the result of bad luck, just bad people and I think that's a good lesson to learn.

Nino's real family was brutally murdered and instead, she was barely spared only to suffer neglect and the bad karma of being  around bad people, Nino didn't want to do any of the horrible stuff she was made to to do, she had no choice, her "family" barely cared about her and when she meets the heroes of the game, her life turns around, she has a real family now.

Nino's defining moment is never giving up, she always kept on smiling, kept on hoping and kept on striving, her smile is real because she had hope in her heart, she did her best and she was rewarded after a long wait of 14 years.

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