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Defining moments of your favorite characters.


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So, lately, my friend got me into the show: Ninjago: Masters of Spinjistu and one character that really stood out is Zane, from the beginning of the show, you can tell he was a bit different from the other ninja, there is a reason for that, Zane isn't human, he's a robot, not even he knew for quite a long time.

When he did find out, he got a bit down, but he finds a switch to his memories and finds out he was made by a good man and he for a good purpose, he had no time to mope around, his friends were in danger and they needed him more than ever, so he comes out, with discovering who really is, he found his true potential and he continues to fight alongside his new family.

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Dragon Age: Origins - When the Warden enters Denerim Palace to confront Loghain in the Landsmeet.


Loghain may be a general, a military man who rose to power later in life, but he proves to be an able politician with a silver tongue. Rhetorics are just another battlefield to him. The Warden's likely to lose major support from the nobles unless he takes steps to prevent an early defeat.

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I hope you don't mind me talking about 3 characters that I like that are pretty fresh in my mind.



Like Pink I got into Ninjago recently and boy was I surprised by it. They made a very lore heavy world and made it actually pretty fun. In a nutshell they do make being a ninja look cool. But honestly I was surprised by their villains, namely Pythor since he left a big mark on my mind. What does Pythor do in this first appearance? He tricked Lloyd into being his friend. Granted this happened before but Pythor actually went beyond and seemed to enjoy his petty deeds. I think Pythor's appearance alone makes him into a Knight of Cerberus by summoning a deity of destruction and being super competent too, almost to DIO levels honestly. He makes sure his plans always work and is super aware of what his enemies does, like when the team manages to escape from their prison only for Pythor to catch them and make sure they're hands are bound too. The only problems Pythor really has though is that he's surrounded by idiots and the fact that he didn't realize he unleashed a God of Chaos essentially. That and he still isn't voiced by Tim Curry. He was a fun villain and I do hope Ninjago gets more of those.

I do wanna give a special shout out to General Skales from the same series, mostly for sharing a name with a Star Fox villain and being just as competent as Pythor, managing to..

Kick Garmadon out of the Serpentine for good and proves to be a strong, capable leader for the Serpentine. Sucks that he's trapped for good.

Misaki Tokura


Misaki is a beautiful, young woman from Cardfight Vanguard and she's practically the best character. She does run the counter of Card Capital at first but she does prove she is capable of being a good Vanguard player. Misaki's biggest advantage over anyone else in the series is her god tier photographic memory that let's her remember EVERYTHING which is a plus considering her Oracle Think Tank deck requires a lot of memorization. But the downside to it is that because she remembers everything she can easily remember her tragic backstory just like it was yesterday. But she gave me the thing I remember the most from the series. Its a spoiler for my stream viewers but since I practically made it into an emote I might as well share it anyways.

She has the most single most awesome moment in the series. Just for the finger gun out of nowhere alone is just so damn memorable. It just made the tone shift towards Misaki's favor and it just looks so awesome to see Misaki take charge like that. I won't forget that anytime soon. As a side note...


Misaki as Lozenge Magus in the manga does deserve that HOT DAMN!

Shun Kurosaki


So a little backstory about myself and the Yugioh meta. As you know Zexal happened and introduced the Xyz monsters. I wasn't fond of this era. The anime wasn't that great compared to what we just had in 5DS and Xyz replaced Synchros in the meta. I personally found them to be mostly broken. Then Arc V happened and it brought everything back into focus including Synchros which was fine and dandy for me. Anyways moving on, Shun Kurosaki was a character I didn't know what to expect from. He did nothing but be this serious character and attack people for being associated for LDS for some reason. But this character later proved to be an awesome character, namely from his duel with Sora.

Revolution Falcon's summoning was pretty dang awesome and badass. This duel in particular lead to the reveal that there's 4 different dimensions. If I didn't think Shun would be able to top himself well I was wrong. This will be in spoiler territory now.

We find out that Dennis not only ordered the destruction of the Xyz Dimension he's also the reason why Ruri, Shun's sister gets kidnapped. Needless to say Shun was pissed off. Dennis reveals his true colors by summoning a giant robot and destroying Shun's previous ace monster shown above. So what does Shun do?

Summon a giant ass bird cannon to nuke it off the face of the planet FROM SPACE! Needless to say this is one of the most cathartic and amazing moments in the series. I was wowed by how awesome to see Satellite Cannon Falcon obliterate Chaos Giant from SPACE!

That's how one character saved a series of cards for me. Now to this day I've been playing Raid Raptors and with newer support I'm proud to be a Raid Raptor player and I will help continue to search for RURI!

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Metal Sonic

His one defining moment:


There were two direct references to this scene in other Sonic media.


One in Sonic X, the Metarex Saga: the death of Zelkova by falling into lava and his subsequent willing suicide.

The second, in the Archie comics, issue 87, when Mecha Sonic saves Sonic and Tails from the erupting volcano, also a suicide, although a heroic one.

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So, today's character is more on the Obscure side, but that's okay, cause I want to share his story with everyone:

Dex-Starr of The Red Lanterns

The Red Lanterns are unique villains since all of them are driven by anger, but the thing is, they all have very good reasons to be angry, making them sympathetic, many of them have sad backstories but the one that makes me tear up the most is the story of Dex-Starr

He was a odd kitten adopted by a kind woman who was reaching a hard point in her life, Dex-Starr(Then just known as Dexter) was one of the few joys in her life and he loved his owner very much.

But one day, a group of scum break into his owner's apartment and kill her, he was thrown out by the cops and finally, a bunch of utter assholes toss him in a bag and throw him over a bridge, he had so much rage in his heart that he gets accepted into the Red Lantern corps before he hits the water under the bridge.

I would like to stress Dexter is just a cat, yet at that point in time, he was chosen over the millions of angry humans of Earth because his life had gone that bad.

What's his defining moment?

You don't think the bad guys got away, did you?



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Not to post again so soon but eh why not.



Yugo is one of Yuya's alternate dimensional counterparts, for specifics he came from the Synchro Dimension and yes he does play card games on motorcycles. While Synchros have been appearing in Arc V, Yugo himself really brought them back in a spectacular manner. His duel with his Xyz counterpart Yuto is one of my favorite duels in the entire Yugioh series for a number of reasons, all because of Yugo, both driving around a static person and summoning an awesome Synchro monster that manages to counter an Xyz Monster. If you read my post on Shun Kurosaki you should know how I feel about this. Anyways for some context Yugo and Yuto are looking for their dimensional counterparts of Yuzu but due to Yuri, the Fusion Yuya, they mistake the other for him (mostly due to Yugo's name being similar to Yugou aka Fusion).. Here's some of the duel, well its best parts anyways ;D

Yugo also does something his alternate selves doesn't.

He manages to upgrade his Clear Wing with a little help from Yuya. None of the other Yuyas, other than Yuya himself due to being protagonist, has yet to accomplish this.

While it doesn't seem to have much fanfare, its still pretty awesome to watch.

But yeah that's Yugo the D-Wheeler from Synchro.

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For Mother's Day, let me tell you about someone who really loves his mama!



Oh my swirls!

In terms in Yo-Kai Watch, I'm more team Red Cat than White Dog, but I can see why Komasan has a lot of fans!

Komasan's main shtick is that he's a country bumpkin trying to survive city life with his little brother, Komajiro, he even has a adorable little accent!

Komasan is one of the few Yo-Kai that you can undoubtedly not call a bad guy, a bit misguided,  sure, but never actively mean spirited, I can't even say that about Jibanyan.

He's a real good heart and that can be  seen in not only in specific episodes, but in entire story arcs.

In his debut, his worse crime is stealing bits of ice cream, and when he is called out for it, he doesn't fight, he doesn't possesses  someone else to get away with it, he simply explains his life in the country makes him like ice cream and that he misses it a lot, he quickly befriends Nate and Whisper as they try to introduce him to the city and even though they don't succeed in making him liking it, he gives him his Yo-Kai medal anyways.

His next few appearances shows his true depth, as we introduces the source of most of his defining moments, his little brother Komajiro, if Komasan is the country bumpkin who never got used to the city, Komajiro is the one who got used to it right away, but the brothers care for each other and one cute thing about it, is that Komasan always want to look like the cooler older brother.

This is best shown in one story arc, where Komasan becomes a CEO of a toy company, after accidentally coming up with toys ideas everyone loves, you think where this is heading? Komasan becomes greedy or egotistical because of this and goes mad with power before realizing he's gone wrong and gives it all up? Nope, never happens, he does give up the job, but only because Komajiro was getting lonely. He stays humble as always during this.

I love this Yo-Kai!

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So, I'm covering a different type of character today.

Most of my characters have kind hearts and even the villains have noble side.

But there is one person I see no good in but still love:


Simply put, Dio Brando is a terrible terrible person, one of the worst I've ever seen, but he's so evil he's got some sort of a charm to him.

Let's go over how much of a bastard this guy is:

Kissing a girl he did not love:
If you are aware of this character, you are probably aware of the infamous "It was me, Dio!" meme, but what the context of the line?

You see, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is named that because it always follows someone with the nickname of Jojo(or Giogio) going on a adventure that is well, bizarre, the very first Jojo is Johnathan Joestar, who is a perfect contrast for Dio because he is one of the purest heroes I ever seen, well, you see, Johnathan loved a girl named  Erina and Dio to spite him, forces her to kiss him and boasts he was her first kiss, she spites him by washing her mouth out with mud, showing that she would prefer that over his kiss. He doesn't take it well to say the least.

Burning a dog alive:

TV Tropes has a trope called "Kick The Dog" to show that one is not a good person, Dio might as well be the one who named the trope because one of the first thing he does is literately kick a dog, but that's not the worst thing he did to that dog.

When Johnathan beat Dio up over a incident of Erina, he gets revenge by locking Johnathan's beloved dog in a stove and killing him by cooking him alive and leaving the door locked, you know, that's the thing that separates Dio from the other villains I cover, they would stop there, but not Dio, he is never done with how much of a dick he is.

Becoming a vampire purely out of spite:

Dio was not done messing up Johnathan's life, he finds a stone mask that lets him become a vampire and uses it and causes mayhem all around the world.

Why did he do this?

Simple, he's a spiteful dick who isn't content with outright killing his new brother best friend, think about that, killing a dog wasn't enough, he had to give into the supernatural to become even worse. He's that much of a jerk.

Having a sympathetic backstory but not being sympathetic:

Even if maybe wasn't intended, Dio is a perfect deconstruction of tragic backstory.

He had a abusive father he didn't care about him and only used him to his own advantage, you can partly blame how he is today on how terrible was his real father is.

And despite that, Dio isn't given that much sympathy, because he becomes a even worse of a man than his father ever was and he killed his kind adoptive father, so, he had a chance at a good life and he blew it. It shows real well how good of a soul Johnathan was and how bad a person Dio was is one of Johnathan's most selfless  moments considered by the fans is forgiving Dio before Dio killed him, any other people would go down hating him, he's that bad.

Causing nearly every problem in the franchise:

In this post, I only covered Dio's moments in Part 1, Phantom Blood, and he's only really the main villain in that and Stardust Crusaders, but the thing is, near everything that has gone wrong in two whole universes can be traced back to him, and to be more specific, him being a petty dick, even in Part 2 where he isn't involved that much and the focus of villains was The Piller Men, some of the hardships the characters in the story go through can be blamed on his wrongdoing.

So, Dio is pretty much the main villain of the whole franchise and he's only in 2 stories, that's pretty impressive.

Anyways, these are actually some of the milder thing Dio has done, I can't even go over all the terrible stuff he did, but he's so much of a villain that it's hard not to love him for how dang over the top he is with it.

I plan on covering another Jojo character soon and this one is much nicer, you'll see!




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It's time for me to cover Co Producer: Speed Weed!

Now, if Dio is a example of a bad man who got worse, and Johnathan is a example of good man who got better, Speedwagon is a example of a decent man who became a amazing one.

Speedwagon is introduced  as a crook, but we find out that he doesn't want to be like that, but he had to, in order to provide for his family, Johnathan realized that and before their first fight ends, he spares him, because he didn't want to take a son away from a family, Speedwagon is so touched by this that he becomes Johnathan most trusted allies, as Johnathan was the first one to show him any kindness, and with that kindness, he became one of the Jojo's universe greatest forces of good, he can't provide much of a fight in the later parts of the story due to being unable to learn Hamon, but he provides moral support and sometimes, that's all you need.

Unfortunately, Speedwagon died sometime after Part 2 but his legacy lives on with the Speedwagon Foundation, a organization he found with money he found by strucking oil and it serves as both a charity and a reliable aid to the Jojos and their friends.

Think about that, someone so poor and hated that he had no choice to steal is now one of the richest and kindest men in the world because someone gave him a chance, I think that's amazing.

And with that said and done:


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So, let me tell you a certain Monado Boy:


Shulk nowadays is mostly known for shouting "I'm really feeling it!" and while I do find the meme funny, I think it would be a shame for that all for him to be known for, because Shulk has a lot of depth if you go by his game of origin.

Taking up requests just because it's the nice thing to do:

Now, this can technically can be applied to all the cast of Xenoblade since it's a gameplay feature, but I'm going to put it up in the relation to Shulk, simply put, the Bionis have a lot of people that need help, if you're up to it, you can take up the requests for help, sure, you usually do get a reward for it, but for the most part, the dialogue implies the characters do it because they want to be nice, to give a example specific to Shulk, one early game quest is helping a man find his wedding ring, awwww.

Doing everything to prevent a bad future:

One big theme of Xenoblade is that the future can be changed, this is shown well with Shulk who can outright see into the future and uses these visions to change things for the better.

Shulk doesn't want anything bad to happen to the innocent, this is shown well when he gets vision of Otharon dying after sacrificing himself and does his best to prevent that, keep in mind, when Shulk had this vision, he barely knew Otharon yet he still cared about saving his life.

Wanting to kill Metal Face:

A thing to note that not only being a nice guy is what makes Shulk a great character, he is also realistically flawed.
Early in the game, you meet Metal Face who unlike the other Mechcons, can not be damaged purely by the Monado, to make things worse, Metal Face kills one of Shulk's closet friends, Fiora.


Don't worry, she gets better

When Shulk finds out about this, he doesn't just want to defeat Metal Face, he straight up wants to kill him and the context makes it understandable, but still, Shulk could have became just as bad as his enemies with a few bad steps, but he doesn't.

And that's all I can say about Shulk right now, see ya when I'm comfortable with sharing Xenoblade spoilers!

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  • 1 month later...

Time to give some more thoughts on characters I love!

Who are we doing today?


Good ol Dinobot!

Now, Dinobot isn't my favorite ... Dinobot, that goes to Grimlock, but Dinobot is a massive fan favorite despite not having that many versions of himself compared to other Transformers characters, but in Beast Wars, he made a good enough impression to be the first fan voted entry into the Transformers Hall Of Fame!

Let's go over some of the awesome things he does:

Joining the Maximals ... on one condition:

Dinobot was originally a Preadacon, the Decepticons of Beast Wars, but he became a Maximal since the first episode and been that way since, but, he did that in unique way, a fight to the death over who should be leader, this shows he has a bad side despite changing from villain to hero, he's realistically flawed and that makes him interesting when combined with:

His sense of honor:

Dinobot is no cowardly cheater, he does things the honorable way or not at all, when Optimus slipped, he could let him die and become leader, but no, he saves him because he did not die a noble way, he prefers to do things the old fashioned way: BRUTALLY!

Dinobot's honor is the main thing that makes him so intriguing, because it's the one thing separating his villainous past from his heroic present, he also saved Optimus from a missile later not because it was the right thing to do, but since Optimus spared him, he had to do something to make them equal.

When Dinobot acts unhornable, he feels terrible about it  and is clearly conflicted.

That brings up to...

Code Of Hero:

This episode is considered Beast Wars' best and one of the best in the Transformers franchise, simply because it gives Dinobot his most awesome moments, feeling he had dishonored his comrades in a previous episode, Dinobot seriously contemplates suicide,but no, that's not how he was going to go down, he goes after Megatron and the Preds and goes down like a true warrior, regaining his allies trust if not sacrificing himself in the process, he lived like a warrior and died a hero.

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Huh. Thought I posted in here before, but just noticed I didn't, and I'm likely thinking of that New52 Starfire rant I did a while back. Guess I should change that.


(Since it's confirmed Teen Titans Robin is also Nightwing/Dick Grayson, I'm gonna be including those moments too)

Shadow of the Bat: Batman Bad Blood


"If that's your best Batman, you aren't going to fool anyone....Grayson"

Batman Bad Blood is one of my most favourite DC Animated movies in recent memory as it does something I've been wanting to see for a while, Nightwing getting a fully fledged story in the DC Animated Movies. Based on the aftermath of the Battle of the Cowl storyline, one day, Batman gets defeated and goes missing, with only the mysterious BatWoman as a witness. Desperate, Alfred contacts Nightwing to help fill in for Batman, and buy time to find him. Nightwing very reluctantly agrees, and as the movie continues, we begin to understand why.

This isn't just solely a Batman movie. It's a Bat-Family movie, with the original additional member, Dick Grayson front and center. This movie shows a different side to the snarky smartass hero we know, Nightwing gets visibly angry at being forced to step in for Batman, and for good reason. After reaching boiling point, Nightwing reveals that he always felt like he was Batman's sidekick, not his own hero. He wasn't Nightwing, he was Robin. He spent years creating and maintaining his Nightwing persona, his real persona, his persona away from Batman's shadow, and at one simple phone call, he's forced to lose his persona to maintain the Batman's legend, and he despises doing it. It really shows that being his sidekick isn't just fun and games, and this movie directly shows it. There's more I could talk about, but it would potentially ruin the rest of the movie. 

Nightwing: R.I.P (Injustice) 



So yeah, this might be a really odd choice for a moment right? The death of the character, especially how anti-climactic it is? Well, there's a big reason why. It isn't what Nightwing does. It's what everyone else does. This is one year into the Injustice universe, and things are already getting pretty bad. Damian Wayne is on Superman's side, and has broken into Arkham Asylum to kill all of it's inmates. Superman and the Justice League arrive, as does Batman and Nightwing, and his team. However, the two groups are forced to come together to stop a rampaging Grundy. However, after Nightwing tries to help Damian, he accidentally gets pissed off, throwing one of his weapons at Nightwing, who was in the middle of a battle, knocking him out, and causing him to land on sharp rock, breaking his neck, and ultimately killing him.

What happens next shows how much of an impact Nightwing really has made on all of these heroes, and how he's one of the few heroes keeping real humanity in both the heroes and villains. Not only does the Justice League allow Batman to leave peacefully with Dick's corpse, but the Arkham Asylum inmates stop their rampaging, and prison break, and even stand side by side, giving a moment of silence for Nightwing. This is likely the event that ended up killing any and all chances for the Injustice Justice League to stop their new killing ways. Without Nightwing, Batman went into mourning, and the Justice League lost one of their biggest pieces of humanity left. Moments prior to his death, he was the only one who could talk sense into both Batman and Superman's groups, and keep relations calmed down. With him gone, things just got worse and worse.



Penguin Pushover: Batman Arkham Knight


"Ever hear of the Flying Graysons Ozzy?" 

One of the most disappointing elements of Arkham Knight for me personally is how little screentime Batman's extended family really did get. I mean at most, Robin, Barbara, and Alfred get a decent bit of time, but Nightwing gets serious screwed over. He's present for one mission where he helps Batman get the location of Scarecrow, and then gets thrown into a bunch of meh side missions that are rather repetitive where he and Batman track down gun caches that Penguin has around Gotham. However, if you take the time to play through them, you get one really good Nightwing mission where he's been captured by Penguin, and being held at gunpoint as a hostage. You sneak in as Batman and...Nightwing really isn't intimidated at all by Penguin, despite his attempts, causing him to get on Penguin's nerves. Every reply that him or his crew does gets a snarky remark by Nightwing. 

After Batman busts him out, Penguin thinks he's gotten lucky by having grabbed ahold of Nightwing again in the fight, except Nightwing isn't one bit scared by having a gun to his head, and we see why. A dual-team takedown leads to both Nightwing and Batman knocking out Penguin, and this leads to an emotional goodbye.


Due to Batman knowing his identity will be gone by the morning, Nightwing promises to make him proud, and to keep on protecting the city, as well as Batman telling him he's proud of Nightwing.

We've Done the Impossible Before: Teen Titans


"If memory serves, we've done the impossible before"

So, it's probably no surprise that as a Nightwing fan, I am a fan of RobinXStarfire. I admit it, it's one of my favourite ships (It can vary depending on continuity, for example if we go by Batman TAS, I do like NightwingXBatgirl too). But out of the show's moments between the two, I think this was the one that was done the best. It worked extremely well in the story's context, and it's an emotional moment that shows Nightwing's real skills as a leader to all of the Titans, and ability to cheer them up. This one needs context.

Any fan of the Teen Titans likely remembers the quote clear as day as it comes from one of the best episodes of the entire series, but for those who don't/haven't seen Teen Titans, the episode is How Long is Forever? The second season's opening episode is a heavily emotional one where Starfire worries her friends will drift and break apart after a friendship celebration she had planned got ruined by the other titans' fighting. Robin reassures her that they fight, but they're still all friends. This occurs at the same time a villain named Warp is attacking a local museum and stealing an artifact, causing the titans to come in. Warp reveals himself as a villain from 100 years into the future, who has come back in time in order to steal an artifact that history deems to be missing.

The fight leads to Warp attempting to go back to the future, but Starfire pursues him through a wormhole, breaking his time travel device, and leading the both of them to come out 20 years later. Starfire finds herself in a world where she went missing for 20 years, the Titans are inactive, and all of them are a broken mess. Cyborg has become defective and outdated, and will die if he doesn't remain connected to Titans Tower's main power grid, and no longer has the will to repair himself or do upgrades. Beast Boy has become a bald middle age sideshow attraction, he's deemed as a freak who's locked in a cage and forced to perform animal morphing for peanuts. Raven has long since lost her mind (Likely because without Starfire, she had to do something drastic to stop Trigon) and now remains in a white room in an insane asylum. 

Starfire runs into Warp, and tries to force him to take her back in time, and save her friends, believing him to be the cause of what's happened. Warp begins laughing and mocking her, telling her that he didn't effect history, and that history is impossible to change. That the artifact that went missing originally went missing in his time because he went back to steal it. With this news, Starfire goes into a depression, and Warp is ready to take the final shot to finish her off. Suddenly, he gets chased off by someone attacking him. That someone being:


Starfire explains the situation to Nightwing about how it's supposedly impossible to change history, and that they're all destined to break apart, and become freaks, leading to Nightwing to say the above phrase. "If memory serves, we've done the impossible before". With that line, Starfire regains new hope, and Nightwing reveals a trump card. He kept his Titans communicator, and uses it to call the other titans. Nightwing had gone missing to the other titans before, so hearing from him was likely a shock. With this, Nightwing backs up his words that the Titans may be apart, but when they really need each other, they come to help one another. They all rally together against Warp, and manage to send Starfire back home, who promises to not allow time to be changed. She proves it to herself by stopping Warp, and saving the artifact that was deemed missing by history. Nightwing's words were right, the Titans can do the impossible, and will do it again.

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I have quite a few characters I do wanna gush about because I'm a gummy apparently. So sit tight as I have quite a lot to say about them.



Oh boy. This is going to be a bit of a dozy to write about because I have quite a lot to say about her. I believe she's one of the few great strong female leads in cartoons and like Pythor as I mentioned before, I was honestly surprised we got such a character from a Lego show. So what's to say about Nya? Let's go over her history real quick. So she has very humble origins starting out being Kai's sister and...being kidnapped by skeletons nearly first thing make her Kai's motivation to become a ninja to save her. Now while yeah the damsel in distress thing isn't new and frowned upon theses days but honestly if Nya didn't get kidnapped, none of the events Ninjago would happen since Kai didn't seem to want to be a ninja at first. However after those events Nya does become her own character outside of being Kai's sister. Notable she become the tech genius of the crew with Jay and even does some vigilante work on the side as Samurai-X who uses a GIANT ASS ROBOT. I repeat NYA USES A GIANT ASS ROBOT AND SHE KICKS ASS IN IT! As Samurai-X she manages to support the team in many ways, becoming a key player in most of their plans even due to her resourcefulness. Yeah she might not be as strong enough to take down the bad guys at first but she has done quite a lot, even taking on one big bad on even footing despite not having any powers while fighting a magical foe. She has gotten a lot of spotlight too in recent seasons, to being main character status even and I just love her for being the gosh darned Batman of Ninjago.


The fact that she becomes the Master of Water, aka THE ONLY THING GOOD AGAINST GHOSTS is another big plus. I'm still watching the season but it shows that Nya herself has gone through quite a bit of character development, feeling torn between being Samurai-X and the Master of Water to help the team out. This stems from the fact she wants to prove her worth to the team by her own way and not any other way.

I think she's very much a key character to Ninjago. Her personality isn't "ninja but girl" because none of those issues do come up. If anything she does try to prove she can do things better than the Ninja because she wants to show that she can do these things without the magic powers they have. And yeah she has proved to be a very reliable character. I think the only weird flubs for the character is her love triangle with both Jay and Cole which kind of felt unnecessary, but I don't think Nya's relationship with Jay hasn't been explored much outside like 1 or 2 dates and a few of of their lines and they had a good dynamic when she was masquerading as Samurai-X but because of the triangle the entire thing fell on the floor and shattered. I probably shouldn't mind since relationships aren't really the focus and Nya does get some character development out of it but I felt like it was again not as explored as much. But either way though, I do enjoy this character because she can be both funny and badass, again to Batman levels. I can't wait to see her in action in the future soon.

...Wow its saying a lot that I wrote more about Nya than I did with Pythor but I digress.


Yuya Sakaki

The Egao Tomato himself! Yuya Sakaki! Yugioh Arc V has honestly been a massive surprise and this is our hero and boy can I say this kid has the worst life next to fellow Yugioh protagonist Yusei Fudo himself. To elaborate his father disappeared years back before a big championship match and became a huge mockery by everyone. Years later he would challenge his father's opponent and get his own unique set of cards that confused the audience by their existence all of a sudden. And guess what? Everyone wondered if summoning 3 monsters in 1 turn was LEGAL. Yuya did try to teach the mechanic to everyone but everyone thought that it wasn't fair that Yuya had this special set of cards and ditched him because they thought it was cheating. As you can see Arc V is a deconstruction of past series and teases its viewers a lot. Yuya's story does go downhill between getting caught in a large multi-dimensional war and finding he has his own violent dark side that he can't seem to control. His own ideology of making everyone smile has even bit him in the ass several times like during his first duel with JACK ATLAS where holding back had consquences to them and his first duel with Edo Phoenix where Yuto remarks its a beautiful ideology but not one that could end a war before taking over Yuya's body in the name of revenge. In short he's an idealist character but an extremely flawed character.

Despite events being seemingly out of Yuya's power and often going for the worst, Yuya does his best to maintain his father's ideology to heart and tries to pass it onto others. During his second duel with JACK ATLAS he realized what he had to do for the ultimate entertainment by making his own and manages to cause social change for an entire dimension. That's nothing to scoff at by itself, especially when he had everyone cheering for him. Much later he does get sent to Xyz and gets caught up in Academia's invasion of the said dimension but he does eventually shows off his own entertainment to everyone, even to his enemies and also manages to convince them that Academia's ideals are the wrong ones and that card games should just be used for fun, not war. A lot of Yuya's actions during the Xyz arc did legit make me smile and if he can do that then he's doing his job right. I'm actually glad that things are starting to look up for him, but knowing Arc V this might change for the very worst but we will see. For now I think Yuya knows what is like to be an entertainer.


Kuranosuke Koibuchi

If you ever felt like there's a character that's almost exactly like you in a fictional medium well I guess this is the character with Henry from Fire Emblem Awakening but I digress. Kuranosuke is the resident crossdresser from the manga Princess Jellyfish and oh boy he's quite an interesting character. He's from a rich political family but he would rather give up his family's legacy and pursue his passion for fashion. Everything he does is to get away from his family ties, though he does care for them at least considering he has a healthy relationship with his brother. He's also quite popular with the ladies and has a pretty active sex life before he makes his way proper to the story. When he does enter he helps Tsukimi with getting a jellyfish before it dies in a petshop. Kuranosuke then decides to do everything in his power to help Tsukimi and the Amars from losing their home. Needless to say he's often compared to the Fairy Godmother from fairy tales due to his help. Tsukimi even takes a liking to him by actually considering him her own Princess Jellyfish. He later does get involved with the fashion world more and sees how ugly it can get due to not so big demand for expensive but fancy attire. One particular company that Kurano interacts with because they're seen as one of the antagonists of the story does burn their clothes because they would rather take a loss rather than having stuff lie around so Kuranosuke decides he wants to take things in his own hands.

So yeah there's a lot that I can relate to this character besides the fact we both like women's fashion. I try to do my best to help everyone out as much as I can, especially for my closest friends and I do tend to leave an impact for the better. Kurano's desire to change the world of fashion mirrors my own of wanting to change the world for the better as well. We're both also very popular with the ladies but I digress. ;D I honestly never seen a character I've could compare myself to and see myself in like Kuranosuke.

As for an actual moment I particularly love that this character has been well, in Chapter 77 Kuranosuke saves Tsukimi from the corrupt fashion company and basically he went in with literally no plan which means he lacked funds to go back to Japan. So everyone went to a casino and hijinx happens but I remember it so well because not only it was funny but it really did feel like they were celebrating Tsukimi's return. I really enjoyed that moment if I do say myself.




Cause you know you all love hearing me rant and rave about my favorite Yugioh characters.

Also you might wanna expect some Danganronpas. ;D

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Been wanting to type in this topic for a while, and I've got one character I'd like to talk about.



Now, as you all know by now, Amitie is my favorite character ever. But I gotta admit, it did take me a bit to pinpoint why. But I think I got a few things.

The thing that stuck out to me was, if what info I got is correct, in Puyo Puyo Fever 2, she sees that Klug has been possessed, and she wants to help him get back to normal. Now, look at Sig and Raffine's stories; they have their own quests unrelated to Klug, and while thry too see Klug being posessed, they don't seem particularly interested in helping him.

Amitie on the other hand, seems to have started her quest because she saw something was up with him. And keep in mind, Klug can be a jerk, yet she wants to help him anyways. It seems like she's succeeded, and, well, Klug's back to normal.

Another thing that stucks out in my mind is her interactions with S in Puyo Puyo Tetris. Oh, I couldn't read the dialogue, but based solely on the voice acting on visuals, it seems S...doesn't really like her at first. Yet Amitie still seems to talk to her, and while it takes a while, S does come to warm up to her. In the end whey they seem to say their goodbyes, I gotta wonder if S will genuinely miss her or not. Mainly because it seems Amitie wanted to interact with her despite being a big jerk.

Basically, she's usually nice even to jerks. I kinda admit, I admire that. That said, when she met the Frankensteins in Puyo Pop Fever, she seemed rather annoyed that the kid Frankenstein was basically mocking her, ending the cutscene with her saying "The only thing square are your heads!" when the kid suggested two against one was fair. Honestly, I felt the same way she did about them, so it was satisfying to see them beat. I related to her here, honestly.

That's my statement on Amitie. Surely there's more, but hey, they'll come as I go. But I wanted to say something.

There's another I'd like to discuss, but I'll save him for later. Here's a hint, and I quote; believe in the thief.

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Lupin the 3rd


Firs of all, it's pronounced Loo-Pahn, not Loo-Pin, no matter what Streamline or Funimation may tell you (though I like their dubs). Just so we have that out of the way.

He's a master theif. Hilarious. A real charmer. Handsome, too!

But enough about that, let me tell you some defining moments for this guy.

In the Woman Called Fujiko Mine, the very first episode, it's revealed he sent his calling card to the cops. Why is this? He says he likes a little challenege.

This line alone shows this; he doesn't just wanna steal and be done with it. He does it for the thrill. He doesn't want his thefts to be a secret. He wants people to know he's gonna do it, people to know he is doing it, get chased by the cops once he's got the treasure, and still get away with it.

Adding to this? One episode of the Green Jacket series has a heist of jewelrey end with Lupin and the gang failing. He finds one diamond in Fujiko's hair...and says something along the lines of "The great Lupin the 3rd doesn't accept consolation prizes" and throws it away.

He isn't just in it for material gain, basically.

One of my favorite Lupin moments actually came from The Alcatraz Connection, a film I otherwise found to be, quite frankly, boring. Here, we see Lupin getting tortured in various ways...and showing he wasbprepared for all of them. Getting gonged with this metal thing on his head? He had earplugs. And when snake torture got involved, he was screaming for the antidote for the poison. He got it...only to reveal that, since his torturer took too long with the antidote, the snake died.

He laughs in the face of danger.

But he has a bit of a soft spot, too.

In Hayao Miyazaki's amazing feature-length debut as director, The Castle of Cagliostro, we see Lupin trying to rescue a princess named Clarisse, who is trapped by the Count of Cagliostro to be married to him against her will.

Lupi doesn't have any of it. He goes to great lengths to save this girl. When they finally meet, he starts spouting corny romantic dialogue. This would notmally make me groan, but Lupin's a bit of a Casanova wannabe, so it works perfectly. It's both hilarious and beautiful at the same time, even.

He even gives her this flower, and he and Clarisse share a laugh. The moment gets ruined seconds later, but it's nice.

I could go on, but I feel like I'd ruin the whole film. But basically, he's determined to save her, and he won't give up.

Another thing is, apparenly in the original manga, this is all second hand info, so forgive me if this is inaccurate. Apparently, there's this girl who's terminally ill, and apparently has no chance of being saved from it. Lupin meets her, and allows her to tag along. Why? She figures if she's gonna die anyways, she at least wants to have fun before passing away, and he's more than happy to provide that.

Jist to provide a few examples. Surely there's more, but I have yet to see all he offers. Hopefully I can add to this!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, this is a Sonic forum, so its inevitable that this guy would show up. (You don't mind a bit of fangirling, right?)


Yep, its the glorious Dr. Eggman, or Dr. Robotnik (as some like to call him). He likes three things-- suffering, technology, and power-- and he'll go to any lengths to get them. He also has a big ego. What really makes him work is how much joy and exuberance he takes in being a selfish, power hungry jerk while still managing to keep his menace. He spans multiple continuities. But what moments stand out to me as the best for Dr. Eggman? I could come up with a bunch, but it'd probably generate a massive, clunky wall of text. So let's limit it to two for now:

The Nega Wisp

Also known as spoilers for Sonic Colors. But I think Colors is old enough that I don't have to worry about spoiling stuff for it.

I suppose the best way to tell you why this particular moment stands out for me is to give a bit of my own experiences on the matter. Now, I wasn't always the Eggfan I am today. I started out being more familiar with The Autarch of Flame's (who went by the username "peanut3423" back then) opinion of the guy-- an annoying douche who can't stop repeating himself and is utterly pathetic considering he can't control anything he summons or tries to use for world domination. Despite loving his ham in Colors and admiring his theme park, I found no reason to disagree with the notion that he can't control anything well and was waiting to see just how he'd manage not to be the final boss this time.

If you have any familiarity with Sonic Colors, you know what really happens.



Even when defeated, the machine never backfired. The machine doesn't attack him instead of Sonic, the Wisps don't decide to necessitate a fight by trying their hand at domination and destruction... This is no-nonsense, final boss Eggman. This was the first time since Sonic 3 that a mainline Sonic game actually had Eggman as the final boss and in complete control of what he summoned. I was born in 1998, so the last time Eggman had actually maintained his role as the main villain before Colors was before I was born. Needless to say, this came as a pleasant surprise for me and made me a fan almost instantly, opening my mind to his other moments of greatness.

But it was significant for Eggman too. It signaled a return to center stage for him. Tired of being betrayed left and right, he finally found a species too small and peaceful to usurp his role but which still contained great power for him to exploit. He also gets props for designing a fully functional and powerful robot in what had to be a short period of time using a form of energy that neither he nor anybody else on Mobius had ever heard of, let alone tried to harness, before. Oh, and that robot has shielding that's invincible to Sonic's usual arsenal-- notice how Sonic bounces off those arms without them taking any damage. In fact, Sonic doesn't actually damage the robot until he targets the one thing that isn't invincible (the Eggmobile attached to it). Even with the power of 8 Wisps combined, Sonic technically didn't destroy it. He merely forced the Eggmobile to eject from it. The only thing that stopped it for good was a black hole. If it weren't for that one small design flaw with the Eggmobile, Sonic would have not only lost this fight, but would have had no chance of winning in the first place.

The context makes it epic too. Eggman's amusement park is crumbling around him and everybody's desperate to get out. But Eggman still has that one task of defeating Sonic, and by god, he's going to get the strongest robot in his arsenal and put his life on the line to complete it. The sheer determination is admirable in its own right and another sign of a return to form.

Robotnik Gets Chaos Emeralds, Actually Uses Them

The Adventures of Dr. Robotnik The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog as a whole showcased this character well. He was called Dr. Robotnik in this show, so that's what I'm going to call him for this section. His big personality and booming, rrrrriveting voice completely steals the show, to the point where some argue that he's the true protagonist of it rather than Sonic. Naturally, this leads to him getting a lot of great moments. But he's at his best for the four-episode arc centering around the Chaos Emeralds. This section will contain spoilers, but again, AoStH is old enough that spoilers aren't a concern anymore.



Now, I feel its important to note that the Chaos Emeralds are almost complete different in the AoStH continuity than from other Sonic continuities. For one, there's four of them (a fifth is revealed in a later episode) and for once, they're all emerald green (Shocking, I know). Each one has a different cut as well. But most importantly, rather than allowing somebody to attain a super form after collecting them all, they each provide their own super abilities and forms and gathering them merely allows an individual to combine abilities. One provides invisibility, one provides invincibility, one provides immortality, and the final one and most powerful of all grants the power of life itself, which translates to enabling its user to bring the non-living to life or kill the living.

And Robotnik, being a power-hungry megalomaniac, wants to use all of them. And has also figured out how to travel back in time, which is helpful. Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends have also figured this out and set out to stop him. Hence sets the stage for a parody of time-travel tropes, but also one of his finest moments.

I mean, you didn't happen to think that Sonic would actually succeed in keeping Robotnik from getting and using all the emeralds, did you? Because if you did, you're in for quite a shock...


Because Robotnik sort of does manage to get all the Emeralds and ascends to godhood. I can't think of another Eggman/Robotnik interpretation that's ever successfully pulled off a feat on this level. As expected, he gleefully seizes the opportunity to bend everybody in the area to his will, after all, what mortal could ever hope to usurp an invincible, immortal, immensely strong god bearing the power to invisibly watch people at any time and decide what lives or dies? Not to mention that his massive size-- he towers over a nearby city. He terms his new form Supreme High Robotnik, and believe me, it fits. Even more frighteningly, he claims that he could conquer the universe with these powers, and if it weren't for some clever thinking from Sonic, what would have stopped him?

Its terrifying for Sonic, Tails, and the audience, but easily one of Robotnik's greatest achievements in the franchise, showing just how competent and dangerous this interpretation of Robotnik can be when he's not being lazy and relying on stupid robots to do his bidding.

The way Robotnik pulls this off is clever too. He fights pretty hard throughout all four episodes. By the third episode, its seemingly clear that Sonic is in the clear. Indeed, it initially appears that Sonic has actually managed to thwart Robotnik's plans and keep him from the emeralds. Finally, Sonic and his friends can relax. But then, in a twist Robotnik's all like "Wait! I have time travel! Screw your victory!" and travels to each emerald before Sonic gets a chance to acquire them. This is a move that most time travel stories actually avoid for the sake of closure, but hey, Robotnik likes to think outside the box, and he clearly wasn't done with his scheme yet. However, he doesn't lose his flair. Rather than take the easy path of just killing Sonic and Tails on the spot, he decides to use his new powers to sending them back to a few moments before Big Bang itself happens so that they'll be obliterated in the explosion. Why? Well, I suspect that it'd be a whole lot more spectacular that way, and more satisfying for him considering all Sonic and Tails had put him through over the course of the series.

Luckily for the universe, Sonic was clever enough to get him and Tails out of the Big Bang alive and use some time travel himself to summon an army of Sonics and Tailses from multiple dimensions to fight and defeat him. But if it weren't for that quick thinking, the AoStH universe as we knew it would cease to be, as Robotnik would start to mold it into his own image. That's how powerful Robotnik got... and really, he'd made good, albeit temporary, progress on conquering Mobius before Sonic defeated him once and for all.

The Chaos Emerald arc showcased the best attributes of all the characters, and Robotnik had a lot of other good moments in that arc too. But none stood out to me more than him becoming god.

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Monkey D. Luffy, when he punched the Celestial dragon in the face that set the tone for what was to come afterward in the One Piece series. Hands down the best moment where I yelled "YES!!!!" when he did that. :P

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She's not a superhero or a princess or the president's daughter or the police commissioner's daughter, she's just a girl with a hammer who likes Sonic that managed to roll with the punches and leave an impact.

Sonic Adventure: Bastet and E-122-Psi told the story better than I ever could. She recognized the good in Gamma and convinced him to rebel. She protects him from Sonic and she's there when he finally sacrifices himself.

Sonic Adventure 2: She convinces a still revenge-hungry Shadow to undo his mistake and help save the planet.

Sonic 06: She treks with Silver for miles attempting to help him find his target. After Silver finds Sonic and almost pulverizes him during one of the most infamous fights in the series, Amy jumps in to protect Sonic and gets Silver to back down and rethink what he's doing. When Sonic goes missing, Amy manages to retrieve Elise from White Acropolis and bring her to castle town.

Sonic Unleashed: Sonic is explicitly saddened when she doesn't recognize him. I can't remember any other time he's been that way in the games.

Sonic Lost World: Someone is actually concerned for the well being of the little animals for once.

Rock on, honey. Don't let them ever be rid of you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It’s time for a buffet of defining moments!




I been on a Digimon kick with Digimon Adventure Tri and with the original series, of course, I like the cat… but I don’t like her because she is a cat, duh.

Gatomon is introduced as a enemy to the Digidestined and is out to kill the eighth child, however, she is much more than a simple bad guy, she was waiting for someone to come into her life and is only the bad side because she forgot due to being under pressure by a real dick, however, her goodness never disappeared, as she saved Wizardmon and when she finally finds the eighth child, she is reluctant to do it and Wizardmon outright convinces her not to do it. Good kitty.




Grimlock is the embodiment of awesome, I mean he’s a robot dinosaur and in the comics, he’s a genius that uses a fault in his vocal processor to make his enemy think he’s stupid and underestimate him, he’s no bozo!

But the biggest moment of awesome he has under his belt is saving the entire universe!


In this episode, Grimlock proves to be smarter than the creator of Unicron and he didn’t forgot that part either, he trashes his lab!


Mumen Rider


His defining moments are more recent, so under a spoiler tag it goes



I think Mumen Rider shows what Saitama could have been if he wasn’t as strong as he was, he’s weak, he stands no chance against the bigger monsters, everyone looks down on him, but he has the heart of a hero, he’s one because he wants to and he respects everyone.

It’s later shown that he can upgrade to class b anytime, but he knows his limit and he prefers to stay class c.

He also shows respect for Saitama by sending him a thank you letter and eating with him.

He may not be the strongest but he is what a hero should be.


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  • 2 weeks later...


They say the Devil can't be a good guy, but Matt Murdock is the closet thing he got.

Becoming a hero due to a rather unfortunate incident:

The Netflix series for the MCU are a bit darker than the movies and Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D, why did Matt Murdock become who he was? A few reasons and none of them are rather pleasant.

When Matt was still young, he witnessed a rape of a girl by her own father, the law could not do a thing about it, so he took things into his own hands, Matt could have just stayed out of it, but that's not the man he is.

Losing his vision:

Daredevil's origin in all continuities show how he went blind, but it's not for nothing.

Matt as a child saved a man from a truck filled with chemicals, he did not know this man and knew how much was at risk, but he does it anyways, showing him to be selfless from day one, what a good kid.

Refusing to shoot The Punisher:

Matt is tied up by The Punisher, he gives him a gun and gives him a choice, kill him or let him kill another man, he decides to ... shoot off the chains, this shows that Matt is moral but clever.

I have more but I honestly think it's best you see it for yourself, you won't regret it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not long ago I made a post on this site in the "Fictional characters you hate/dislike" thread about the DC Extended Universe version of Superman. I really hate that guy. But funnily enough, I'm now here to talk about Superman again, only this time about a different interpretation of the character. ... Obviously.


Fascinatingly, while one of the many reasons Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice has gained notoriety is for being a character assassination of Superman for some reason, a very similar product was released in the same general timespan that has quickly and very soundly reminded me why Superman, the most legendary and beloved comic book protagonist of all time, is in fact not terrible. Also how much easier it must be for DC to backpedal with Barry Allen around.

It's strange I feel the need to explain this, but there's a show running on The CW called Supergirl (yes, it's set in the same contiunimultitimestreamchronoverse as The Flash, Arrow and all those other soapy love dramas) and for it's second season premiere, the show featured a very timely appearance by the titular protagonist's famous cousin, Superman. Not the jacked but joyless version played by Henry Cavill of course (although really, is he doing anything else?), but a new version of the character - we really needed another one of those, right? - played by Tyler Hoechlin.


... Yes, he's small. Smaller than Stephen Amell's Oliver Queen. Smaller even than Jimmy Olsen! Indeed, he's a bit slim and scruffy with a slight complexion, which may make him a laughing stock for the average overweight white comics nerd, but how's the portrayal?

Defining moment: Clark Kent/Superman in The CW's Supergirl 2x1 "The Adventures of Supergirl"

This episode, while a solid continuation to Supergirl's adventures and an episode in which she very much holds her own, features an appearance by Superman that is in my opinion a defining moment for the character in a post-DCEU dystopia in which such moment was really needed. Superman is presented as a charming and lovable character who manages to inspire on a greater level. He serves as a mentor effortlessly, pushing Kara to be her best while also letting her take her own path. He commits to bold, selfless acts of heroism such as saving planes and other things that are shaped like planes while also making way for smaller moments of human decency, stopping to be friendly and caring to anyone he comes across. Even those he feels animosity towards, he is collected and respectful but never manipulated. He does not hold himself above humanity, yet he accepts the burden of his responsibility, facing it with no qualms or raging laser-eye tantrums. Because honestly, he LIKES being Superman, and sees it as a gift rather than a necessity, without carelessness. And he likes people! He seems to have a genuine fondness and interest in everyone he talks to. His relationships with other characters are well-established, the friendly reverence for Perry White, the love he feels for his cousin (something even the great DCAU failed on), his extremely tame but not to be forgotten hatred for evil and the master of it, Lex Luthor, but also his quirky relationship with Lois Lane. While Lois doesn't make an appearance, it's quickly established that the two love each other, with Lois' agency intact and somewhat of a sense that she falls into the role of the Man of Steel's minder. And that's where his role as Clark Kent comes in. Clark is presented as a good compromise, still awkward and clumsy and not entirely putting on an act when he does it, but still completely intrepid, and a buffoon to be reckoned with. And yes, he uses outdated slang, the cherry on top of the cherry flavoured cake.

All in all, while not a complicated or particularly layered character, this appearance embodies everything Clark is and should be in my mind, a hero and a gentleman of the absolute greatest order on both counts. Further; it remembers that ultimately with Superman it's the gentleman that matters most. And he's got a cute little ass.


So, Supergirl is worth checking out. It's a really good show at it's best, maybe a little cheesy, and a bit feminine for the insecure Joshie Gatekids among us, but I find it consistently thoroughly enjoyable, with a strong protagonist and some great crossover episodes with Justice League characters like Superman, The Flash and a memorable appearance by Martian Manhunter. Give it a go maybe.

And seriously, his ass is really something. It defies what's real.

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It's Jojo night, so I figure right now is a good time to complete the "Good, Bad and Middle" trio.



Now, everybody has a favorite JoJo, in fact, they're all so good that I'm having a hard time deciding my favorite, so let's start with the guy who started it all, shall we?

Johnathan Joestar is a nice man, a really nice man, I'm willing to argue he's nicer to Superman and I never say that lightly.

What did Joey JoJo here do to earn this reputation? Well, I kinda already covered it, but let's go over it again.

Sparing the life of Speedwagon

The lovable Speedwagon could have his life ended by Johnathan if he got out one more  hit, but before the final blow was struck, Jojo realizes why Speedwagon was like this, he had a family and he would bring that family sadness by taking him away.

Keep in mind, this would screw the world over if he actually went and done it, and people say he had no impact, ha!

Mastering Hamon:

What is Hamon, you might ask? Well, imagine if you could take the power of the sun into your hand and use your fist to kill vampires? Pretty badass, right? Johnathan is the fastest learner and one of the most powerful users of Hamon ever and he would become even better had his life went on, but alas:

His final moments:

The ever so terrible Dio has attacked the ship, turned people into monsters and generally went on a killing spree despite Johnathan's previous efforts to stop him, he has to give his life to stop the attacks, and his last words to tell his wife :"Be happy" and he forgave Dio in his final thoughts, thinking they had a bizarre friendship, I repeat, he forgave Dio Freaking Brando, who Johnathan of all people should hate the most, the man is a freaking saint and it's because of his actions that the Joestar family lived on, giving birth to a line of hero after hero, often the only ones who can stop the biggest bads.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Whoashi, it's a defining moments postshi!

The Yoshis has always been one of my favorite characters, even when in my "I hate everything cute" phase  I couldn't bring myself to hate them, what makes him so great?

Saving Mario before he was a hero:
If it wasn't for Yoshi, the Mario series would be over before it even started, because Bowser tried to kidnapped him and Luigi when they were just babies and he probably wasn't going to do something pleasant with them, Yoshi found Mario on complete chance, saw he was a helpless baby, saw Bowser was up to no good and gathered his friends to stop him, he didn't know this baby, but if he didn't care, the whole Mario universe would be doomed.

For happiness:

In Yoshi's Story, Bowser takes the Super Happy Tree and turns the island into a story book and most of the Yoshis into zombies, but the baby Yoshis, having just been born are unaffected and set out to save their home? And you know how they did, just being happy enough to move on from the scaryness, I repeat, these are just babies but they saved their home just by being happy, how awesome is that?

Being a good team leader:


Now, let's get to THE YOSHI, in Mario Strikers Charged, Yoshi is one of the few captains to never mistreat his teammates, in fact, when he's sad, his teammates cheer him up, showing they have just as much respect for him as he does for them, that's a sign of a great leader.

The page turned and the Yoshis grew happier.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm sure he needs no introduction, so let get the ball rolling.


The best "Saved the Princess" moment:

(Start at 6:05 if it doesn't automatically.)

Out of all the times Mario rescued Peach, this one honestly felt the momentous and rewarding for our portly little hero. He went through hell and back fighting Bowser in a collapsing series of platforms and debris, but his efforts didn't go unrewarded as he still came out on top at the end of the day. The little "victory duet" they do is absolutely adorable.

The Protective Big Bro:

(Start at 4:26 if it doesn't automatically.)

During the finale of Dream Team, the final boss (who I won't be referring to by name for the sake of spoilers) has a attack that specifically targets only Luigi where it'll spawn a airship and have it chase after him. While Luigi is dodging fiery projectiles, Mario will run up to said airship and knock the mooks off with his hammer before wailing away at it in order to defend Luigi. It's simple moment that only happens occasionally during the battle, but it really shows Mario cares a lot about his little bro.

A Peaceful Resolve:

(Start at 1:32 if it doesn't automatically.)

Another fairly simple moment, but fairly cute nonetheless. Despite all the trouble Donkey Kong put Mario through during the events of Mario vs. Donkey Kong, Mario was still nice enough to forgive the great ape and even give him a free Mini Mario toy.

King Mario of Cramalot:

(Start at 2:57 if it doesn't automatically.)

Despite as cheesy and ridiculous as the DIC Mario Cartoons were, I always love this episode strictly for the fencing scene. 

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  • 5 months later...

Gotta get back to my favorite topic before it gets stuck in the past!

With none other than Samurai Jack!


Let's go trough a run through:

Helping people for no other reason that it was the right thing to do:

Trough out the series, Jack is a nice guy for mostly just for being a nice guy, sometimes he is guided for wanting to find a portal back home but that's hardly the only reason, he helped "talking demon dogs" despite barely meeting them, he helped the Woolies despite how much their slave owners treated him like a god, he outright destroys a thing that can grant any wish because he figured out it was causing suffering, he's not only nice, he's also smart too, all the incidents came to help him in his quest.

Conquering his anger:

One of Jack's few flaws is that he has a short temper, so much so that Aku made a living embodiment of it as his foe, fighting him makes him recognize this flaw and he slowly does away with it, only getting mad when he needs to.

Coming to terms with killing:

One of Jack's greatest foes are the Daughters of Aku, unlike most of them which were either beasts or robots, these were human and they could cut him to a pulp, when Jack kills one of them, he is horrified, he clearly does not want to kill, but he comes to term that if he and the entire world are going to survive, he must not show mercy for those who choose that  path in the first place, the one who had a chance at learning and the one who survived, Ashi,  later became Jack's ally due to him taking no shit.

He does not kill for the sake of it, in fact, he tries to off himself when he thinks he killed children, but when Ashi was shown all the good he has done for the world, she made him realizes that the world needs Samurai Jack


Surely more defining moments are to come in the final episodes, till then





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