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Batman: Arkham Knight "No one knows what it's like... TO FIX THE BATMAN!"

Badnik Mechanic

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My overall completion is now 95.1%


I've completed 13 out of the 15 side-missions. 


One of the side-missions I haven't completed is the Riddler trophies. I've still got 199 to find. This will take ages. There may be nearly 200 less to find than in Arkham City, but they are more difficult to find due to being so spread-out (throughout Gotham) and the puzzles are harder to solve.


Below in the spoiler tag are two screenshots showing my progress:





I still haven't activated the Knightfall protocol yet. I probably will after I finish the "destroy the mines side-mission".

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My overall completion is now 95.1%


I've completed 13 out of the 15 side-missions. 


One of the side-missions I haven't completed is the Riddler trophies. I've still got 199 to find. This will take ages. There may be nearly 200 less to find than in Arkham City, but they are more difficult to find due to being so spread-out (throughout Gotham) and the puzzles are harder to solve.


Below in the spoiler tag are two screenshots showing my progress:





I still haven't activated the Knightfall protocol yet. I probably will after I finish the "destroy the mines side-mission".


I just have to find the Riddler trophies myself now to complete it 100%.


Taking a break though at the minute lol.

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I just have to find the Riddler trophies myself now to complete it 100%.


Taking a break though at the minute lol.


Yeah, I need a break as well. Been playing relentlessly.


I've just completed the 14th side-mission and I now need to find all those lovely Riddler trophies.


Have you activated the Knightfall Protocol yet?

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Yeah, I need a break as well. Been playing relentlessly.


I've just completed the 14th side-mission and I now just need to find all those lovely Riddler trophies.


Have you activated the Knightfall Protocol yet?


Not yet, I didn't want to risk it before I completed 100%

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I have a spoiler question.



Does activating Knightfall lock you out of doing sidequests after you do so? I don't want to activate it until I know that.


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I have a spoiler question.



Does activating Knightfall lock you out of doing sidequests after you do so? I don't want to activate it until I know that.



I don't know, which is why I'm doing them all first so I don't risk it.

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from what I understand you can see the knightfall ending and you will return to normal mode also I do belive the 100 % ending does play after the knightfall ending if you 100 % complete the side missions 

however I personally recommend you go ahead and 100 % everything before you see the knightfall ending

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Let me just say that Harley's story mission is some real nightmare fuel.


We actually see into Harley's mind and it's absolutely disturbing. Her detective vision is a bunch of red scribbles over the walls, about Joker, including things like ''Mr. J would be proud'' to more creepy stuff like ''Dear God, we're alone...'', among other things. But on top of that, it's actually revealed that Joker drove Harley totally insane and her normal Harleen persona is still in her mind, and talking to her, trying to convince her to stop and go back to their normal life now that Joker is gone, only for Joker's grip to be far too much on Harley, forcing her to stay in her Harley Quinn persona. Whatever Joker did, he broke Harley's mind completely.


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There's two different Knightfall protocol endings, one when you have 100% and one when you don't. If you activate it when you aren't at 100%, you see a cutscene and then the credits roll, but afterwards you're sent back to Gotham and told to get 100% to achieve the true ending. From what I've been told, the two endings are actually pretty different from each other, but I haven't seen the true ending yet so I can't say that personally.


I'm about 97% done everything with the Riddler being at 73%, just gotta get those trophies and I'll be set for Knightfall.

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I've collected 73 of the 243 Riddler trophies. I'm going for them whilst playing through New Game-Plus mode.


I suck at those "races" to get Riddler trophies. Some of the Riddles require you to use your batmobile scanner on a circular device, but when I try scanning it nothing happens. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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I've collected 73 of the 243 Riddler trophies. I'm going for them whilst playing through New Game-Plus mode.


I suck at those "races" to get Riddler trophies. Some of the Riddles require you to use your batmobile scanner on a circular device, but when I try scanning it nothing happens. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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So yesterday I finished the game.  Or, rather, the main mission.  I haven't done anything regarding Knightfall and I don't plan to.  I'll try to sum up my thoughts on the game here.




That about sums it up.


In more detail, I actually really liked it at first.  The improvements made to the gliding make zooming around Gotham a real joy, and I was digging the badass Batmobile for a while.  It wasn't until about halfway through the game that I realized I wasn't really enjoying myself.  The tank battles, while fun to me at first, grew extremely repetitive and too chaotic to be fun.  Rather than make the battles interesting, they just kept increasing the number of enemies, which I find to be a really uninspired way to raise difficulty throughout a game.  This was true of the hand to hand combat as well, just constantly increasing the size of the small armies you have to punch your way through.  And once you have a ton of different enemy types, it becomes a frustrating game of trying to remember which button combination to press that makes that particular enemy get stunned.  Most of this just relates to the color coding of the symbol above their head, so it ends up feeling like paint-by-numbers.  I never found Arkham's combat to be that great, but Arkham Knight really amplified the tedium.


As for the story, I find that it has some great ideas unfortunately brought down by some really questionable plot points.  Can't really explain without spoiling, so here:

Most of the plot points involving Joker are, to be frank, just plain stupid.  I liked the idea of Batman hallucinating Joker, but by the end of the story it seems like Joker is actually POSSESSING him.  Joker was supposed to be in Batman's head, but at the end we go into HIS head to see what HE is afraid of.  That could have been interesting, but he is supposed to be a figment of Batman's imagination, so acting like he still has his own thoughts and identity just confuses the point.  And if Batman is literally possessed, then...well, that's where my suspension of disbelief draws the line.  A shame, because some of the imagery could have been very powerful if he hadn't been killed off beforehand.


On top of that, the Arkham Knight himself was a complete waste at the end.  He shows up, saves Batman, then leaves.  Such an abrupt end to a character that should have had a lot more going on in the final moments.  Additionally, once I got about halfway through the game, his identity became so obvious it wasn't even funny.  It's blatant that Jason was brought into the story near the middle solely for the purpose of serving the twist later.  Stuff like this hurt the game as a standalone story, as it's harder to really care about these characters without knowing their stories beforehand.  Newcomers wont' be LOST, but it won't be as engaging.


And then there's all the other aspects that hurt the game.  Batman is a really flat character (true of all three games).  This game's treatment of its female characters is really lame.  Combat often seems like it's interrupting the plot rather than helping it along.  Several important characters don't have enough screen time to make me care about them.  Boss fights are practically non-existent.  Those Kobra tanks are the worst thing ever.  Etc.


The Arkham games were never my favorite thing in the world or anything, so this game wasn't THAT disappointing to me.  But the first two are still very solid games for the most part, ones that execute their gameplay concepts much better.  In the end, Arkham Knight was just a chore, with less charm and personality than the previous games, and I don't see myself giving it a recommendation any time soon.


Graphics were great though!

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Greg, just a small thing I'd like to point out:


Joker wasn't just Batman's imagination, it's said in the game that Batman himself is slowly turning into the Joker because he was infected with his blood in Arkham City, the patients infected with his blood on Robin's base are slowly turning into the Joker because of that, and Batman was infected too, he even says the fifth cell is for him, since his infection is the same as theirs, Batman is slowly turning INTO the Joker, it isn't just a figment of his imagination, it's the Joker's blood slowly making his brain become just like the Joker's was, and Batman has to fight the infection by sheer will since there's no way to cure it.

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That's something I failed to mention:


 I think that entire plot point of the infected turning into the Joker is one of the dumbest things in the game.  The idea that an infection of the blood is causing individuals to adopt the behavior and personality of the Joker really didn't sit well with me.  A lot of crazy things involving science happen in the Batman universe, but simply could not buy that.

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Well Joker WAS turned into what he is today because he fell on a vat of chemicals, so whatever composition made him go crazy is probably still on his blood, and passed into everyone's blood when they got his transfusion, so it makes SOME sense, since it's the same deal as how he injected Batman with his blood and Bruce got infected with the components of Titan that were killing the Joker.

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That's something I failed to mention:


 I think that entire plot point of the infected turning into the Joker is one of the dumbest things in the game.  The idea that an infection of the blood is causing individuals to adopt the behavior and personality of the Joker really didn't sit well with me.  A lot of crazy things involving science happen in the Batman universe, but simply could not buy that.

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Joker's blood probably caused the transformation because his blood was infected and altered by the chemicals that was dumped on him during his transformation into the Joker, which meant that when Joker passed on his blood to others, they're bodies, brains, and personalities are also becoming infected with these chemicals, causing them to turn into Joker clones, only with a little of their personality in tact, for example Johnny still enjoying singing and making puns based on singing. 


Batman throughout the entire game was slowly fighting Joker as the infection grew further and further. Batman wasn't actually seeing Joker because of the infection however, it's due to the fact he got exposed multiple times to Scarecrow's fear toxin, which caused Joker to begin appearing and mocking Batman that he is slowly taking over his body. That's the entire reason Joker wants Batman to keep taking in fear toxin, because Scarecrow's fear toxin is known to drive people insane, and that's exactly the state Joker wants Batman to be in. By driving Batman insane, he would be able to take over his body entirely, and in a way, jokerize Batman.


The final sequence was Batman finally overcoming his fears, and his will power finally stopping the Joker toxin. In a way, Batman was the one case where the infected blood didn't take over, and in a way, due to Batman's sheer will, he managed to remain immune to the infection in the end because he stopped his brain from falling to the toxin.

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Oh wonderful. I think I've run into a game breaking glitch that stops 100% completion. 


I found this video to find the Riddler bomb victims:



But when I go to that first location, the button that is needed to be stepped on in order to activate the challenge is missing from the location entirely.

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Oh wonderful. I think I've run into a game breaking glitch that stops 100% completion. 


I found this video to find the Riddler bomb victims:




But when I go to that first location, the button that is needed to be stepped on in order to activate the challenge is missing from the location entirely.

Did you try closing the game and re-opening it and/or restarting your system?

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Did you try closing the game and re-opening it and/or restarting your system?


I've tried closing the game and starting it again, and it was still missing. Others on Youtube are also reporting the same issue in the comments on the above video

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So I just got to 


The part where after you get all the joker infected back to their holding cells and robin wants you to stay in a cell. My question is, would the story have still progressed if I got into the cell or not? I chose not to (which was subsequently followed by batman pushing robin into the cell) but what would've happened had I done it?

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So I just got to 


The part where after you get all the joker infected back to their holding cells and robin wants you to stay in a cell. My question is, would the story have still progressed if I got into the cell or not? I chose not to (which was subsequently followed by batman pushing robin into the cell) but what would've happened had I done it?

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Batman would go in there and it would be revealed to be just an hallucination, with the Joker showing him Jason's torture, then he'd wake up back on the choice to enter the cell or not

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Yeah I know that part but i'm asking what happens when you enter the cell instead of trapping robin in there after that hallucination

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Nothing. You can go into the cell 4 times before Batman automatically shoves Robin in.

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