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TwitchPlaysPokemon (Couple minutes passed, guess it's time to save again!)


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In the papers....





Please dear lord, don't let this happen!

I assumed the stream would end once the game was completed. There's really no reason to catch Mewtwo, though if by some miracle they're able to pull THAT off, than that's bragging rights.

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I wish I could watch TPP live instead of just following the story, but my internet sucks so much that it keeps buffering when I try to watch it on Twitch.



Can it be viewed anywhere else?

Believe it or not, I'm using a combonation of the poped out chat window and this kotaku article:


Why the Kotaku article? because it has a window to the stream and when I set it to low, everything seems to run smooth and then I don't need the main twitch site and just have the seperate chat pop up window.

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I didn't watch all of it, but on BBC1 programme This Week tonight they showed Pokemon Twitch at the end credits!! Wtf and this is supposed to be a programme about politics, what was Pokemon doing there? XDD maybe it'll be available on iPlayer soon.

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In the papers....





Please dear lord, don't let this happen!


No reason to worry, there's been regular automated emulator save states, and I assume the guy running the stream will make a manual one after Blue is defeated by Pidgeot's final attack.

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They're gonna consider everyone following this to be a heretic, and part of some cult. Especially after this:




Mark my words! When Fox News gets a whiff of this, it'll be Dungeons and Dragons 2.0. XD (Let's hope not.)

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They are currently in Victory Road doing the strength puzzles. Lord Helix has been handling most of the chumps in this place, so we're lucky for that.

(Sorry to double post, just wanted to get everyone up to speed.)


Oh, and team Dome is ready.



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They're gonna consider everyone following this to be a heretic, and part of some cult. Especially after this:




Mark my words! When Fox News gets a whiff of this, it'll be Dungeons and Dragons 2.0. XD (Let's hope not.)

What happened with Dungeons and Dragons?

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What happened with Dungeons and Dragons?


Think Harry Potter.  A fundamentalist Christian moral panic in the 1980s saw D&D and its players persecuted as a vehicle for Satanism corrupting the minds of the innocent.  I'd point you to Wikipedia, but honestly, all you really need to read is Dark Dungeons.  Bear in mind that it is not a work of parody.  People genuinely believed this.  The time might come when they will genuinely believe something else ridiculous as well, and tar and feather another perfectly innocent pastime.  Will it be Twitch Plays Pokemon?  Probably not, but you never know.


So for those who missed it. This is what happened on 'This Week'


At the end of the show the host said 'And we leave you now with footage of the Governments new IT system for the NHS in action,' 


They then showed a sped up version of the twitch plays pokemon. 



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So for those who missed it. This is what happened on 'This Week'


At the end of the show the host said 'And we leave you now with footage of the Governments new IT system for the NHS in action,' 


They then showed a sped up version of the twitch plays pokemon. 


Good, good...the Influence of Lord Helix is spreading....


So if Twitch whites out and have to return to Viridian, chances this is going to happen again?



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So for those who missed it. This is what happened on 'This Week'


At the end of the show the host said 'And we leave you now with footage of the Governments new IT system for the NHS in action,' 


They then showed a sped up version of the twitch plays pokemon.

Lol and that was it? XD I don't even get it...I just found it so random they showed it at the end of a politics talk show.

Still cool though.

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This has to be some sort of allegory for the determination of humanity when enough of us are united towards something. 

Music related. 

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We wont even last past Lorelei, lol.


Yep. Maybe we need to rethink pokemon order. Anarchy Jesus needs to be in first definitely.

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Aaand we're in! Lorelei, here comes Lord Helix's army!

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