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Pokemon X & Y (October 2013 on 3DS) - [Now out! Go out and play it already]

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A heroic team could be interesting. Team Rocket in particular, their in-universe bad reputation was a lot worse than Plasma's ever was.


I'd like to see a villain who doesn't have a team. Perhaps whatever their goal is doesn't  need strength in numbers, although I'm not sure what it could be ...

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Or we could have no antagonist, but it would be pretty weird after being used to one as there wouldn't be any stakes other than "beat gym leaders and E4" and anything to do with the legendaries.

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I'd like to see a villain who doesn't have a team. Perhaps whatever their goal is doesn't  need strength in numbers, although I'm not sure what it could be ...


Colress and Silver both kinda fit this.


Silver's goal was just to fuck everything up, and Colress just wanted to be da best.

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Didn't the Q&A confirm that there was still an evil team, or was I just interpreting wrong?

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Didn't the Q&A confirm that there was still an evil team, or was I just interpreting wrong?


Ugh.  Team Rocket or bust


We've had at least three expies now. Enough is enough, let's get the real deal back.

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The biggest missed opportunity with BW2's story was that old Team Plasma didn't get to do a lot. It was cool that they were there and I liked seeing N as a good guy, but none of them got to do a lot except hold off a few grunts at one point. They provided more stuff for Hugh to bounce off and develop than anything else, which is why he's there at the end of the post-game and why he tried to rouse them up during the Giant Chasm sequence.


Also I didn't find Silver's redemption THAT forced. I can see him curbstomping everyone up to Lance and being pissed off that he lost to "a bleeding heart like him" but also questioning himself as he knows Lance is fucking strong as shit. It doesn't stick that much, but the more he loses to the player the more it twigs, and eventually this culminates in his Golbat evolving into a Crobat and him trying to return the starter Pokemon, only to have kept it as it really liked him in the end.


I just wish the Giovanni father stuff was in the actual fucking storyline and not tucked away in some event most people will miss. I hate event Pokemon and event shit, especially when parts of the story are there.

Edited by Semi-colon e
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Also I didn't find Silver's redemption THAT forced. I can see him curbstomping everyone up to Lance and being pissed off that he lost to "a bleeding heart like him" but also questioning himself as he knows Lance is fucking strong as shit. It doesn't stick that much, but the more he loses to the player the more it twigs, and eventually this culminates in his Golbat evolving into a Crobat and him trying to return the starter Pokemon, only to have kept it as it really liked him in the end.


I wouldn't call it bad, it's just the usual Pokemon fare, which is just not spectacularly written.

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If we do get an evil team this generation, I hope the villain is female. They gave us 2 female champions and a female professor, so it would make perfect sense.

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I ain't got time for weaklings like you.


Silver is best rival. >:U Also the coolest looking. I just wish his sudden face-heel turn would've been handled better. Silver would benefit a lot from a return.


Woah, shit, what if fucking Team Rocket came back...but was good, with Silver as their leader? Like, a HEROIC team for once!  Well, maybe not Team Rocket, since they're like, holy ground, but it's a cool idea. Yeah, BW2 did it, but they did absolutely jack shit.



Colress and Silver both kinda fit this.


Silver's goal was just to fuck everything up, and Colress just wanted to be da best.



Ugh.  Team Rocket or bust


We've had at least three expies now. Enough is enough, let's get the real deal back.

I'm just going to say this, I didn't find them special years ago and I sure as hell don't now and even if we see them again, as long as the rest of the game is a-ok then I won't care.


As for Silver, his and Hugh's goal were the game. In fact Hugh and Silver are polar opposites with very similar goals. Silver hates Team Rocket, Hugh hates Plasma and both want to get far stronger to defeat them. Their hair and outfit colors are opposites as well, their eyes are the same but their personalities have both differences and similarities. Also, if going by the manga (Silver) and the animated promo (Hugh), both Rivals have water starters with Gold and Nate having fire starters.


There's also the fact that we know more about Hugh as we progress through the same game, while Silver didn't get much of a back story until a whole 2 generations later since there was literally nothing much about him. The good thing is that both Silver and Hugh had awesome themes, the bad thing is that you fight both of them very few times (5 during the main story, 2 more times post game), though at the very least for B2/W2 there's a hard mode. Though the way you unlock is incredibly stupid. Also Silver could only be fought 2 days a week (post game) and Hugh can be re-battled every day.


Anyway I'm going way off topic...I think. I just hope whatever villains we get are cool beans, and the music as awesome and rocking (or just plain good) for Rivals/Gym Leaders/Elite four. I especially still like B/W's elite four theme for the pure intensity of it.

Edited by Jetronic
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Yeah Rocket have nothing cool about them but legacy, they are the generic of the generic, but they're well known and I guess made an impact.


Plasma was a pretty decent Team but only really cause Ghetsis was a good villain, the grunts were amongst the dumbest of any grunt ever.


Also, Colress was a fucking brilliant character imo. Probably the only good character in all of BW2 haha. I really liked him and his interactions with the protagonist.


I wouldn't object to there being no bad team. A single villain perhaps, or a small group of villains, or maybe just a bunch of trainers that you set right over the course of the game who start out as antagonists or misguided and end up becoming your allies as they learn about friendship and shit.


I dunno, they could do a lot better than Team Rocket still, as much as I love old plot points being revisited in series' like Pokémon.

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All this talk of a female antagonist and Team Rocket makes me want Madame Boss to immigrate to the game canon.


Mewtwo's new form out of nowhere, if its being used in the story, could have been a great set-up for a TR return and to give the syndicate a fresh makeover. But Madame Boss's inclusion would mean the game would have to be a prequel, which wouldn't make sense due to the introduction of new Pokemon, and even new types. Ah well, I can dream.

I can only hope that, with the genetics theme at play here, the enemy team is focused on a more sinister edge to Darwinism - finding genetic sequences that make Pokemon incredibly powerful, and weeding out the "inferior" genetic makeups.

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I wouldn't mind if they decided to have an actual Pokemon be a game's main antagonist, like Mewtwo, who supposedly has human-like sentience so I can see him pulling it off. But that probably won't happen because Pokemon are pure and humans are corrupt!!

I'd really like that too actually.


I also think it could work because similarly to how most human villains are taught the error of their ways (like Magma, Aqua, and most of Galactic and Plasma's members besides their bosses) a Pokémon who hates or fears humans like anime!Mewtwo (or even something like the Shaymin from Sinnoh mythology) could antagonist until the protagonist proves friendship to them and stuff.


(it'd be cool if you catch said Pokémon and said Pokémon would still talk you you like an NPC. Mystery Dungeon has made me want to get to know Pokémon as characters a little more rather than silent, cute but deadly things.)

Edited by SuperLink
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Dammit...now I really want Mewtwo to be the main villain. :\ 'Specially since he's my favorite Pokemon.


Maybe you have to catch one X/Y legendaries because they're "the only Pokemon strong enough to face Mewtwo's new formes"?

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I've been hoping for a little while that they'd flip the story on its head and have the Champion be a villain while the supposedly "evil" team are actually the good guys.  Naturally, you wouldn't learn this until you'd foolishly helped the Champion to get his or her hands on a legendary Pokemon.


I also prefer the jerk rivals to the rivals who are essentially good, but the supporting cast of X/Y appear to be trying something different, so I'll give them a shot.  I just hope all three starter Pokemon are used up this time.  I hate the fact that, in every game besides BW, there's always one left over sitting on a table forever.

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I've been hoping for a little while that they'd flip the story on its head and have the Champion be a villain while the supposedly "evil" team are actually the good guys. Naturally, you wouldn't learn this until you'd foolishly helped the Champion to get his or her hands on a legendary Pokemon.

I also prefer the jerk rivals to the rivals who are essentially good, but the supporting cast of X/Y appear to be trying something different, so I'll give them a shot. I just hope all three starter Pokemon are used up this time. I hate the fact that, in every game besides BW, there's always one left over sitting on a table forever.

Actually in gen 4, Dawn/Lucas gets the starter that has a type dis advantage to yours. Same thing happens in HG/SS with the player character you didn't choose.

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Since there are like 4 rivals this time, I wonder what their partner Pokémon will be? I'm guessing your neighbour will choose the one strong against you.. but maybe the others will have other mascoty Pokémon like Eevee or Pikachu?


(also there are 4 rivals but none of them fit the kind of rival I wanted to see, a badass female rival! Grr!)

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I'd love to see a girl with a personality like Silver, although maybe not as antagonistic. We really need more "good" characters who aren't all "BAW MY POKEYMANS ARE MY BEEEST FRENZ!"

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Actually in gen 4, Dawn/Lucas gets the starter that has a type dis advantage to yours. Same thing happens in HG/SS with the player character you didn't choose.


...Admittedly, I'd forgotten about DPPt because I'd forgotten the opposite-gender character existed at all, but I'm pretty sure the counterpart character in HGSS just had a Marill?  I'm looking it up, and it seems there's no confirmation that the other character ever got the remaining starter, although it would make sense as fanon.  But the principle still applies, and they didn't exactly reverse it in B2W2.  But B2W2 phoned in the whole story anyway.


Since there are like 4 rivals this time, I wonder what their partner Pokémon will be? I'm guessing your neighbour will choose the one strong against you.. but maybe the others will have other mascoty Pokémon like Eevee or Pikachu?


(also there are 4 rivals but none of them fit the kind of rival I wanted to see, a badass female rival! Grr!)


It would seem a lot like favouritism for just one of the miscellaneous three to get the third remaining starter, since presumably your hatless counterpart gets one of them.  That's kind of odd.  Actually, they've been living in the starter town for a while, right?  Maybe they all already have generic Route 1 Pokemon.


Agreed about a badass female rival, too.  Given that most players are probably male and probably most of those pick a male character, I'd have thought GameFreak would've felt safe in designing a decent female rival.  Time was that a lot of people weren't sure of Silver's gender anyway, but they didn't have a problem with it.

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 The fandom wasted no time in putting in fanart for vivillon



Your days late dude, art for ALL new stuff normally be up at day one reveal, ESPECIALLY from the folks at Pixiv.


Course bare in mind that a chunk of it is Rule34 related.




Look like X & Y Pokemon will be debuting in the anime a lot earlier than expected, along with Viola's sister Alexa.






A total of 3 Pokemon in one episode, kinda spoiling the next region a little too much anime -wise, but whatever.

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Good God, this poor woman has one giant, hideous superboob.

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