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"Students suspended after seeing topless pic of teacher on school-issued iPad"


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.....Just, wow. First off, why would the teacher put a topless picture of herself on school issued property that, you know, students will see? I guess this is just one of thouse WTF cases that has no right soultion; kids wrongly get in trouble for something they didn't even do and the teacher walks home free due to the flawed tenure system.

I just hope touse kids don't get expeled.....

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First off. School issued iPads? For what fucking purpose? What a colossal waste of money. Anyway, with that out of the way...not only doe they waste their money but, apparently they also punish the student and not the teacher who is actually responsible for the picture. TENURE!

I worked in school IT last year, and the rational is that iPad's are relatively cheap computer hardware, that gives the students access to educational resources such as text books/web browsing, educational software, etc.

This is actually a pretty common thing here in Australia. I worked in 4 schools and 3 of them had iPads, one of which had like a total student count of about 40. We bought them with Government funding at out school, where the choice was between netbooks or iPads, and the principle chose the latter.

I'm actually amused from an IT department perspective at how the picture got on their in the first place. We used to just sync everything to a school spec stock image using a mac server. I guess the teacher was syncing the iPads to her personal computer. If that was the case it wouldn't surprise me she copied a bunch of personal stuff on there by accident-- you'd be surprised at the average teacher's level of technological (in)aptitude. It was probably syncing the stuff she had on her phone, like the article said, but it's still embarrassing and stupid. Tech guy should have locked it to the server!

This is BS though

"It's not our fault that she had the photo on there," Troutt said. "We couldn't do anything not to look at it, if it just popped up when he pressed the button. It was her fault that she had the photo on there. Her iPhone synched to it. She had to have pressed something to make all of her photos synch on there."

Like seriously kid, you're not fooling me. I know you gathered up your little friends for a perve session once you found it in the photo app >:|

also, random:

Pretty sure schools tended to not give the kids something to ignore the teacher with, let alone something so expensive in the first place rather than a cheaper and more functional alternative. So your sarcasm falls on deaf ears I'm afraid.

I agree with you, sort of. Cheap laptops are often way more useful than an iPad but they can also be super shitty. School staff for some strange reason also seem to be magnetized towards shiny apple stuff. If you tell them they have a choice between 10 ipads and 15 laptops, they'll choose the ipad every time for bragging rights and ooh shiny factor.

If you think iPads are ridiculous my old high school used to give out iPod Touches. Now there's a device useless for anything but games.

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But isn't this technically the teacher's fault? Despite boys being boys and rallying around pictures of naked women (OOH LOOK BEWBIES!!!) they didn't take the picture or steal it from her device, it was just there. And now they're getting threatened with expulsion for a teacher's mistake?

I get tenure and everything... but why!? This is just two backwards to be taken seriously.

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I see your "threatening a teacher with termination," and raise you "hostile work environment for educating," "unfair bias against female employees," "unfair intrusion on the private life of faculty" and/or "demonization of teaching staff to fight against future teacher's union goals."

This is Tornado shitting on your pair with a Royal Flush.

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