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Best and Worst Sonic game in your opinion


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Worst Sonic game: Tails Skypatrol. This game is really unfun. Touch anything and you die.

Best Sonic game: Sonic Adventure 2. Fun levels, Good story, good music. This game still holds up pretty well. Much better then the first Sonic Adventure game.

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Yuh huh. And SA1, SA2, (only rented ShtH and can't remember much of it anyway), SR, SRA, SU, SC, and SG.

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  • 6 months later...

What I consider the best and the worst going by aspects rather than them explicitly being a favourite/hated?

Best is Sonic CD. Worst is Sonic Chronicles.

Sonic CD.

It has great level design both in layout and art direction. It's eco message isn't anvilicious and heavy-handed, providing a very fair view on technology. It's wise and clever use with nature can benefit nature. This is shown so well in the good futures. It's overuse without any regard with how it affects the surroundings can result in dreadfulness. This is shown in the bad futures.

Not only dodes CD thoughtfully use it's eco aspects, it thoughtfully uses the timeframe aspects too. With past stages having more primitive level gimmicks and different layout that will reveal in the future timeframes due to, well, the lapsing of time. Whilst the futures having more technologically advanced aspects and developed layouts.

The bosses are teeming with originality and most put more focus on sniping the weak spot than senselessly attacking in a barrage. The level design puts good focus on exploration and does it very well.

The JP/EU soundtrack is simply a masterpiece that actually contributes to the games enjoyment and atmosphericness. It is remarkably clever how one musical motif is used and adapted to the feel of the stage. It gives the zones more of an identity through this consistency. The music also feels delightfully Sonicky, bouncy and such.

And those animated sequences are simply made of awesome.

Sonic Chronicles.

This wins the "worst" title from me rather than SONIC '06 because it gets more things wrong than '06.

I suppose a small part of why this game is awful is because of the proclamations made during development and most of said proclamations being utter bull. A wide range of consistently playable characters? The game dictates to you who you are to use and one is even only temporarily playable. Two others can be lost forever. It's going to be the product of Bioware's love and respect for the Sonic series? The final product doesn't really show this at all in all of the incredibly half-assed presentation, lack of balance, poor gameplay and lack of research.

The presentation is freaking terrible. The music and sound effects are an abomination. I cannot honestly see how any sound director worth their salt listened to that and thought it was acceptable. The lower-than-amateurish Flash quality cutscenes look embarassingly bad. Say what you like about '06 but that game at least had production values where it's soundtrack and FMV's were concerned.

Take a look at the graphics such as character portraits in dialogue and items in options. They're teeming with dither as if they've been saved as gifs in Paint and the character portraits look ugly because of their lack of anti-aliasing. The overworlds do look pretty good so I'll give 'em that and non-clone NPC's look generally endearing.

The characterization is flat-out batshit insane for everyone except Rouge, Cream and Big. Cream never really gets input in conversation anyway though. Sonic is the biggest victim of the insane characterization. It is never a good idea to write amazingly one-sided dialogue tree's that only stick to "positive" and "negative" tone down to the absolute wire with no subtlety for a character with an extremely established personality when you don't have any true grasp of that character's personality and mannerisms to start with. The dialogue tree approach squandered it's potential because very very few dialogue options lead to alternate scenario's playing out.

Shade is a boring creator's pet with a deadpan, "Miss Exposition" personality who shunts Rouge sideways regarding Knux' interactions and even has dialogue when she isn't in the party. She is also the most overpowered character in the game next to Shadow.

The RPG gameplay is extremely by-the-numbers and bare-bones. Interactions with things in the overworld revolve around having the correct character for the job and you have no input in what the characters actually go when they use their abilities, leading to sequences that are purely scripted and have no input from the player. Fights get very tiresome POW move wise with them demanding the exact same input time and time again and enemies with an unbelievable degree of dodging capability.

Edited by Verte
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The presentation is freaking terrible. The music and sound effects are an abomination

The black hedgehog says... "gobble gobble."

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This is out of the games I have played:

The Best Game for me is a draw between Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Generations.

Both games had something I liked and something I disliked.

Sonic Unleashed has the better story, both in terms of scope and actual character interaction, and the atmosphere dwarfs Sonic Generations by a significant amount because the levels felt like they were part of a world, as opposed to a bunch of levels (though that isn't completely Sonic Generations' fault, since it was a "Best of Sonic the Hedgehog" to a degree). Not to mention that while Sonic Generations has the more nostalgic soundtrack, the soundtrack of Unleashed felt suitably epic (overused word, but it's true IMO).

Sonic Generations, on the other hand, was generally less tedious when it comes to it's gameplay. While I personally find Classic Sonic FAR more boring compared to the Werehog overall, it's better to be a little on the bland side than to be on the tedious side, which is what tended to happen to the Werehog as a result of the sheer length and occasionally stupidly cheap platforming on the stages themselves (DAM YOU SKYSCRAPER SCAMPER! YOUR SPIKED CATWALKS SHALL BE CONQUERED SOON! I SWEAR ON IT!).

Classic Sonic, however, is still roughly on par with the Werehog IMO because while the Werehog suffered a slow start, increasing his power with enough EXP made him far more fun to use in the long run, while Classic Sonic remained relatively the same throughout the entire game.

The other positive about Generations WOULD be that you are not required to collect a ton of medals in hard to see locations while moving at high speeds, but I'm such an obsessive compulsive tracker of objects that it kind of balances out.

The worst...would have to be Sonic Unleashed for the Wii. I ENJOYED THIS GAME and still do, But I cannot deny that the game is rather poor overall. There are only two strong points to the Wii Version of Sonic Unleashed: No required medal collecting in order to progress (but Sonic Generations beat it in this department), and Less tedious Werehog Stages. The Werehog stages were much shorter, thus you did not have to worry about the tedium of going through a long stage like it's HD counterpart, even if there were almost 3 - 5 times as many stages. But this still doesn't excuse the clunky motion controls, the bland graphics and aesthetics (ESPECIALLY when you compare it to an older game like Sonic and the Secret Rings or the newer game Sonic Colors) and the general feeling that this thing is a sloppy mess compared to it's HD sibling.

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Best 3d: Sonic Generations or SA2B

Worst 3d: Heroes or 06

Best 2d: Sonic CD or Sonic 1

Worst 2d: Sonic Blast...No, seriously. Last 2 stages SUCK and so does the final boss..not saying that the other stages are good in any way.

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Best: Sonic Unleashed

Worst: Sonic '06 or Sonic Adventure 2


Best: Sonic CD or Sonic 3 & Knuckles

Worst: Sonic 1

Edited by Felix
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The characterization is flat-out batshit insane for everyone except Rouge, Cream and Big.

So what in specific is it that you have against Knuckles, Tails, Amy and Eggman's characterization? I would really like to hear it because i think that Knux, Tails and Eggman were possibly at their best ever in terms of characterization, while Amy was at the very least not any worse than she usually is.

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I'm only doing ones I've actually played.

Best: Sonic Adventure 2; it got me back into the franchise and holds high nostalgic value for me. (Which is why I enjoyed Black Knight so much) I loved Shadow's character here. Not too picky on the gameplay; I have zero issues with emerald hunting. Main issue for me would be the homing attack sometimes sending you careening into the abyss, but hey, nothing's perfect.

Worst: As tempting as it is to say 2006, I'd say Sonic Rush Adventure. I never was able to complete that one. It just didn't grab my attention. Sonic 2006 had load times from the depths of the underworld, but I was still able to motivate myself to finish despite my frustrations.

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Based on games I've played:

Best 3D game: Tie between Adventure, Unleashed, and Generations.

Worst 3D game: Colors, it's not so much a 3D game than it is a 2.5D game with some 3D sections thrown in. Otherwise, I'd say Sonic Adventure 2.

Best 2D game: Sonic 3&K, hands down. It's theiginal Sonic Team's magmun opus of the classic Sonic games.

Worst 2D game: Sonic 4: Episode I, hands down.

Best game overall: Sonic 3&K

Worst game overall: Tie between Sonic 4: Episode I and Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

Based on games I have and haven't played:

Best 3D game: Again, it's a tie between Adventure, Unleashed, and Generations.

Worst 3d game: 06. Sorry for bandwagoning here, but yeah. It's quite terrible, from what I've seen.

Best 2D game: Again, Sonic 3&K.

Worst 2D game: Sonic 4 as a whole.

Best game overall: Still Sonic 3&K for me.

Worst game overall: 06.

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So what in specific is it that you have against Knuckles, Tails, Amy and Eggman's characterization? I would really like to hear it because i think that Knux, Tails and Eggman were possibly at their best ever in terms of characterization, while Amy was at the very least not any worse than she usually is.

Knuckles and Tails; Their objection to Sonic's abscence and scheming to bar him from influencing the way the team goes about things because of it is so out of left field that it is completely and utterly unbelievable. Tails has never shown bitterness at Sonic's abscences before, Sonic Adventure being a particularly good example. In which the manual and even Sonic himself states via a story recap screen that he had been away for a long time on a journey and hadn't seen Tails for quite a while.

Whatsmore, Tails' response in the game is actually inconsistent when you take into consideration that he admitted that Sonic's absence was a good learning experience for him because he had to deal with things around Central City without Sonic's assistance and it had the effect of maturing him a little.

Knuckles has no excuse or justification whatsoever to chastise Sonic considering he's on his island and largely cut-off from him, married to his job and responsibility. So when he does so in Chronicles, it just feels like an unnessary jab and makes Knuckles out to be a fickle person who is picking on Sonic just to cause trouble and seed discontent amongst the others. Whatsmore, Knuckles would have little to no reason to be aggrieved by Sonic's absence.

Amy; Her Operation Jealousy was unbelievable because Amy would know certainly know better than to try an offhanded scheme in order to inspire jealousy in Sonic. She may act like a ditz especially when it by the Flanderization bat but I seriously doubt that she'd stoop that pathetically low in order to grab Sonic's affections by manipulating his feelings in that manner. The way she goes about this operation jealousy is as if she's actually deluded herself into believing that Dexter exists as evidenced by her saying in an incredibly deadpan manner that "...I have a boyfriend..." when Tails and Knuckles demand everyone's opinions on Sonic's absence.

Also, this goes for all of the characters involved in taking down Eggman at the beginning but her expressions of relief that he's gone for good and distaste at the thought of him still being out there is uncharacteristic considering that they tend to enjoy fighting him and don't strike me as characters who would relish the thought of his death.

I should've mentioned Eggman as one of those who was well-characterized because he was such a magnificent bastard and had definately Flanderized yet still endearing mannerisms.

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The way she goes about this operation jealousy is as if she's actually deluded herself into believing that Dexter exists as evidenced by her saying in an incredibly deadpan manner that "...I have a boyfriend..." when Tails and Knuckles demand everyone's opinions on Sonic's absence.

I'd like to interject here and note that there is (poorly written, Flanderized) precedent to this.

In Heroes, she came to conclusion that Sonic was trying to test her resolve (or something) and deluded herself so far along that path that she decided that the best option was to beat the love into him. And in Battle, she became so enthralled with the idea that Emerl was her and Sonic's child to raise and be the basis of their love that she started focusing on that exclusively as if it was her sole goal in life; to the extent that when it was pointed out to her that Emerl was not, she completely lost her shit and started attacking everyone.

Edited by Gilda
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I'd like to interject here and note that there is (poorly written, Flanderized) precedent to this.

In Heroes, she came to conclusion that Sonic was trying to test her resolve (or something) and deluded herself so far along that path that she decided that the best option was to beat the love into him. And in Battle, she became so enthralled with the idea that Emerl was her and Sonic's child to raise and be the basis of their love that she started focusing on that exclusively as if it was her sole goal in life, to the extent that when it was pointed out to her that Emerl was not, she completely lost her shit and started attacking everyone.

Good point. But I think that the Chronicles self-delusion is unlikeable by comparison is because it's based entirely around a big fat lie Amy herself cultivated in order to manipulate Sonic's feelings for her. I thought that Amy's objective in Heroes was just to find Sonic like Cream's and Big objectives were to find Chocola and Froggy respectively? I don't actually recall her stating that she thought Sonic was testing her resolve though correct me if I'm wrong.

In Battle, her delusion not only leads her to raise Emerl but also leads her to boxercise and put weights on herself to train and as a slimming measure, not only making herself stronger but also grabbing Sonic's attention, you know, as if Sonic would really be interested in her losing weight when she's already fine the way she is rolleyes.gif

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I don't actually recall her stating that she thought Sonic was testing her resolve though correct me if I'm wrong.
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Best 3D: Sonic Colours

The Good

- Amazing visuals, especially for the Wii

- Good soundtrack

- The Wisps gimmick works well with the gameplay

- The story was okay

The Bad:

- A little too much 2D

- Some of the jokes fall flat

Runner Up: Sonic Generations

Worst 3D: Sonic and the Secret Rings

The Good

- wtf are you talking about there are no good things

- Has one of my favorite Sonic Soundtracks

- The levels are unique

- A non Eggman villain that has good characterization

The Bad:

- The controls are balls. I always feel like I have to fight with the game to get Sonic to do something.

- On-rails bull shit.

- Stupid mandatory mission stuff.

*Sonic got the red World Ring*

Sonic: "I feel... rage."

Me: >:| "Here's the controller. You play this. Then you can tell me about feeling rage."

Runner Up: shadow the hedgehog 2 Sonic 06.

Best 2D: Sonic 3 & Knuckles

The Good:

- Multiple characters that play similar

- The Elemental Shields are a good gimmick for Sonic

- A large amount of Zones

- A good soundtrack (BY MJ OOOOOOOOH!)

- Super Emeralds

The Bad:


- Robotnik's Deadly Speed Traps

- I feel that bigger acts detract from the feeling of going fast

- Feels slower than it's prequel

Runner Up: Sonic 2

Worst 2D: Sonic Spinball

The Good

- Toxic Caves music

The Bad

- Clunky controls

- I'm not a big fan of westernized Sonic

Runner Up: Sonic Colours DS

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...I like Shade. *hides* If she would just appear in another game maybe her personality can be explored? Knowing SEGA though and their LOYALTY to Sonic, Tails and Eggman only...it's never gonna happen. -__-

The black hedgehog says... "gobble gobble."

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The black hedgehog says... "gobble gobble."

I remember a pic on this...


I remember commenting on it too, Gabz. :3

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FFFFFF that was so long ago!! XD Holy hell, I need to make an improved version now (my style has changed so much since then)!

Edit: There we go. :3 HIsBo.png

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Uh Verte, could ya say what was wrong with Shadow's characterization? I'd kinda like to see what you have to say about that.

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Uh Verte, could ya say what was wrong with Shadow's characterization? I'd kinda like to see what you have to say about that.

Oh God, where to start with him...

Aside from being Omega's Amy Rose, of course...

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Best console game: Sonic Adventure. I liked the simplicity of the controls and objectives, it just felt really natural to blaze through Sonic's levels, which by the way looked really nice and were pretty well-designed. The other playable characters were fairly fun too, and I've never found myself bored with the game. It's just overall really good.

Best handheld game: Sonic Rush Adventure or Sonic Advance 2. Advance 2 was great, and the minor differences in gameplay between characters gave it some replay value, besides the fact that all the stages looked great and were really fun. Sky Canyon was a blast. Sonic Rush Adventure was just pretty fun in general, very - excuse me for this - "adventurous," and the bosses were a nice touch. Very cool overall.

Worst console game: I haven't played a lot of the newer ones, so I'll go by what I know. Heroes was glitchy as heck and even though I still play it a lot, it bugs me to no end.

Worst handheld game: not sure on this one.

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Uh Verte, could ya say what was wrong with Shadow's characterization? I'd kinda like to see what you have to say about that.
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