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Why I Play Sonic Games

Legendary Emerald

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They literally built on top of Unleashed, even leaving in pieces from it to save time.

Edited by Scar
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I agree that too much consistency can lead to stagnation, but too different can break up and confuse your base of gamers too. Sonic kinda ran into that in some way, and are trying to tie thing together now with the games releasing. Sonic Generations is based on old content because its a celebration. It shouldn't come off as a surprise

(hence the name), so if you are looking for fresh levels, you'll have to wait til at least Episode 2 in 2012.

Perhaps it would've been better if Sega did something like this instead.

Edit: we'll going off topic here. Anyway, I enjoy Sonic games because they are just so much fun. The thrill and spectacle it provides, combined with the level design and everything is just irreplaceable compared to other games out there.

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Saying that Generations has no love in it, because it is using an improved engine from Unleashed is woeful logic.

And you must HATE VALVe for using the Source engine so many times.

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I swear. Sometimes, I wish the entry question on becoming a member would be a little bit tougher.

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I swear. Sometimes, I wish the entry question on becoming a member would be a little bit tougher.

We have entry questions now? When was this?

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We have entry questions now? When was this?


"Name a Sonic character other than Sonic?"

Edited by turbojet
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Considering how poor a game Unleashed was, I'd say that about sums it up.

You make Unleashed sound as if it had no content in it at all, even if Unleashed isn't everyone's favorite game, saying there's no effort put into it is completely false.

I haven't seen one thing in Generations that even tries to improve on Unleashed; instead it just tossed in more cinematic moments and racetrack level themes.
Ya know I'm getting real sick and tired of people saying this shit, and repeating on what the fuck they improved on.

Jesus, what do you want a completely new game? Because it sounds like it.

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Woah, Woah, Woah Hold everything what about the character interactions are bad? This is probably the best interactions between Sonic & Tails for years.

I have to disagree. But out of curiosity, what did you like about it? Tell me.

At times Tails seemed like his old self, but the amount of sarcasm and dry humor spewed by the two made me cringe at times. At times Tails seemed to want to smack Sonic for saying stupid stuff just like me, and then a scene later they would both be laughing at the same awful jokes.

I just felt that Tails and Eggman had to be dumbed down because Sonic was dumbed down so awfully.

I know that some people have been wanted to see the two together more, but I felt that it did only that. There was just a lot more of them together, the actual interaction just to me seemed, well, bland (the one scene I did like was when Tails got taken over.) The more I look at it I just think its because I really didn't like how they handled Sonic's character and I expected Tails to break out and say "Sonic, I use to look up to you man. What happened?"

Saying it was "God awful" is a bit harsh. It could be WAY worst. So forgive my moment of over exaggeration. I'm just being a typical butt hurt whiner that couldn't forgive the "Baldy Nosehair" joke. I REALLY hate it.

I'm really happy that so many other people liked that game, Good reviews for the series means more in the future for me to enjoy. I just want the personalities to stay in tacked.

(And maybe this is a moment to muse more on the point that maybe that's just how he acts when he'd alone with Tails? But when Tails has to tell you not to joke, I think there's just something wrong with Sonic.)

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Considering how poor a game Unleashed was, I'd say that about sums it up.

Nope, they get creative with their ideas and don't allow things to stagnate (though it did make that "Valve can't count to three" joke in the process), such as the gravity and portal guns. I haven't seen one thing in Generations that even tries to improve on Unleashed; instead it just tossed in more cinematic moments and racetrack level themes.

Well, have you played Modern Generations?

The controls have been significantly improved, they got rid of QTE's, thus removing some cinematic moments. The Spindash drift has been improved considerably over Unleashed's drift. The jumping physics have been heavily modified and actually work. Sonic's acceleration has been reduced, as has his Top Speed.

So Generations hasn't even tried to improve Unleashed has it? Pff naaa!!

SEGA and Sonic Team spent a considerable amount of money and time making Unleashed and the Hedgehog Engine (Graphics). Generations seems to have an equally large budget and has been under development for at least 2 years.

Saying that Generations and Unleashed had no love or care put into them is complete bullshit, and is an insult to their hard work. Sure the gameplay may not be to your tastes, and may not be the way you want it to be, but to call it lazy, with no effort put into, because its not your cup of tea, is incredibly ignorant.

Edited by Scar
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At times Tails seemed like his old self,
See, I don't see why his old self was any good. Aside from his brief character-developing moments of independence, from SA to Unleashed Tails was a pretty boring character. Colors actually gives him some amount of personality rather than him just being the smart guy.

I just felt that Tails and Eggman had to be dumbed down
Eggman hasn't been dumbed down one bit. Aside from the darkest moments of the series, he's always been a goofy comedic character, and Colors is right in line with that.

I know that some people have been wanted to see the two together more, but I felt that it did only that. There was just a lot more of them together, the actual interaction just to me seemed, well, bland (the one scene I did like was when Tails got taken over.)
To me, their interactions were great because it was the first time the games really showed them just sort of hanging out. Most other games in the series are too busy shuffling the characters from one thing to the next that there's no downtime, no time to show how the characters act when they aren't in mortal danger or trying to save the world. It's the first time in the series that Sonic and Tails actually act like good friends, cracking jokes and needling each other, and it cemented their friendship in a way no previous game ever did.

The more I look at it I just think its because I really didn't like how they handled Sonic's character
Aside from some corny jokes, I still don't get what people find so horrible about Sonic's character. The fact that he does crack jokes and taunt robots gives him back some of the edge he lost, which is a lot better than the bland Goku-lite sort of personality he had before.
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I have to disagree. But out of curiosity, what did you like about it? Tell me.

Ok all you're points are valid, but the entire plot and game were dumbed down severely for kids ok. Anyway before Colors I had no reason to say that Sonic & Tails were friends, they barely talked like friends would, and Tails seemed more like an accessory to Sonic and nothing else, there would be times when I asked "Why are these two friends when they hardly spend time together". Now Colors improved on so many things, for starters Tails actually feels like a character again rather than a walking tool kit, yeah he's a bit more down to earth than before but its better than just being the smart guy and nothing else. Tails can take jabs at Sonic and knows Sonic will blow it off, he can goof with Sonic about nonsensical things and have fun with it, and he still sees Sonic as that awesome Big Brother that he loves with his constant praise, for Sonic its the same thing, except he has his natural brotherly instinct around him, notice how when Eggman shot Tails with that lazer the first thing he did was charge Eggman, no wise crack, no toothy grin, he was dead set on hurting Eggman for what he did to his little brother, and Sonic was visibly distressed when Eggman was going to force Tails to fight him, and I think the Nega Egg Wisp cutscene speaks for itself, Sonic sacrificed himself for Tails` sake.

All of these reasons are exactly why Colors is the crowning achievement for the bond of Sonic & Tails, for them its just another day of stomping Eggman and are happy just joking around with each other and having fun.

Actually this probably why I'm excited about Generations, it opens with a picnic and we can see further how the cast acts when they aren't saving the world or being pushed aside by the new character of the week.

Edited by Shadic93
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I thought that Nega Wisp scene kinda undercut Tails in his "becoming his own hero" theme, but it was nice to see that Sonic still acts like a protective big brother.

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Yep, Sonic in Unleashed was the epitome of blandness

You know, I actually agree with this. I've always thought that Sonic in Unleashed's cutscenes was bland a lot of the time. There were cutscenes where he wouldn't even speak at all and when he did, it was often minimal. I think the majority of Sonic's endearing characterization came from his expressions in both forms and moves in Werehog form as well as the intro and the unlockable videos. Elsewhere, he was as flat as a pancake most of the time.

However, I personally believe that Dark Gaia's influence perhaps made Sonic more introverted in Unleashed, more thoughtful and quiet. Sonic's so-called "Flatness" in Unleashed is so evident that when I watch cutscenes in SatBK, I'm tempted to wonder if it's the same character blink.png

I'll always say that Colours did the Sonic and Tails bromance brilliantly. It wasn't just him shoving Tails into the elevator but his body language before he does it. Notice Sonic jumping in front of Tails when the Egg Nega Wisp shows itself? Heck, he even puts his arm in front of Tails as if he's subconsciously protecting him from the mecha.

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I thought that Nega Wisp scene kinda undercut Tails in his "becoming his own hero" theme, but it was nice to see that Sonic still acts like a protective big brother.

Well considering that the space station was coming down around them, and Tails openly expressed self doubt its somewhat understandable.

You know, I actually agree with this. I've always thought that Sonic in Unleashed's cutscenes was bland a lot of the time. There were cutscenes where he wouldn't even speak at all and when he did, it was often minimal. I think the majority of Sonic's endearing characterization came from his expressions in both forms and moves in Werehog form as well as the intro and the unlockable videos. Elsewhere, he was as flat as a pancake most of the time.

However, I personally believe that Dark Gaia's influence perhaps made Sonic more introverted in Unleashed, more thoughtful and quiet.

How do you explain some his lines then? "I know little girls that are better with a hammer than you?" Hell in gameplay Sonic seemed a lot more "Knuckles like" when in Werehog with all his shouting and grunting.

Yeah, Sonic was largely boring in Unleashed aside from the occasional line or two.

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> Topic created to discuss gameplay

> Discussion of Sonic Color's storyline and character dynamic.

I... have no problem with this.

Sonic Colors was to me, an almost perfect example of what a Sonic game's story should be. There's a simple but interesting setup, a small cast of characters brimming with personality, and it changes tone to fit the occasion remarkably well. The only complaint I have with it is some of the cornier jokes. Compared to Unleashed, who's storyline was told absymally, and with jokes that can't even really be considered jokes, it's certainly a high point for storytelling in a Sonic game.

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Well considering that the space station was coming down around them, and Tails openly expressed self doubt its somewhat understandable.

How do you explain some his lines then? "I know little girls that are better with a hammer than you?" Hell in gameplay Sonic seemed a lot more "Knuckles like" when in Werehog with all his shouting and grunting.

Yeah, Sonic was largely boring in Unleashed aside from the occasional line or two.

Oh yeah :lol: Those boss lines had a lot of sass and character. But still, Sonic in Unleashed was the guy whose actions tended to speak louder than words. This is especially prevalent in the intro, where Sonic doesn't utter a full sentence until he's cornered Eggman on the cannon. That's like, four minutes or so into the intro?

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Thats another thing, Colors gets a lot a flak for its corny jokes, but no one ever bats an eye at Chip's awful Scooby Doo esque humor, and the constant offering of chocolate.

Though, SA-55 was pretty funny.

Edited by Soniman032-
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Thats another thing, Colors gets a lot a flak for its corny jokes, but no one ever bats an eye at Chip's awful Scooby Doo esque humor, and the constant offering of chocolate.

I fucking hate Chip and his non-humor! Without a doubt, I believe him to be the absolute worst executed idea and character in the Sonic franchise. I loath Unleashed's entire story because of him. He is the opposite of everything that is good in the world. If he makes an appearance in Generations, I will skip every cutscene he is in.

FUCK Chip.

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Thats another thing, Colors gets a lot a flak for its corny jokes, but no one ever bats an eye at Chip's awful Scooby Doo esque humor, and the constant offering of chocolate.
Nothing in Unleashed is anywhere near as bad as Colors' "oh lol sooo random!~" mistranslator "jokes".
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At least that shit had a reason to exist, the translator was on the fritz, ergo it mixed some words up.

Chip saying hed rather be dead than hungry then at that moment turning into a fucking GHOST will always escape me and leave me with a scowl.

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At least that shit had a reason to exist, the translator was on the fritz, ergo it mixed some words up.
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Sigh.... humor just isn't Sonic's thing. It's better to focus on the action, and slip in the occasional 'robuttnik' for a side chuckle. Sure cracking jokes comes with the attitude, but that doesn't mean he has to be a comedian.

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