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What was your first console?

Crystal Kingfisher

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The very first console I ever played was, like most people, the NES with SMB/Dunt hunt back in 1990. It wasn't mine obviously, I was only 2 at the time, but my uncle almost never played it and he kept it at my grandmother's house so I got to play it a lot after daycare. Beside that I remember playing Baseball and Darkwing Duck on the console, as well as some shooting game that we could never get to work half the time.

It wasn't until 1992 that I got to visit my cousin and see his new console and play this game where this spiky blue thing could charge up like a engine and then roll throw loops like a buzzsaw, I thought that was the most awesome thing ever and I wanted a Genesis bad just so I could play said game. I few months later in 1993 one of my other uncles surprised me with a Model II Sega Genesis and Sonic 2. It wasn't my birthday or Christmas and I hadn't done anything special so it was a total surprise and literally the happiest day of my life. I remember the box being so huge to me and running all around the house for a half hour telling all four people that "i HAZ uh GENASIS!!" repeatedly. And thus a fanboy was born.

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Let's see...the first real console we had in our house was the NES, before that we had the Atari 800XE computer.

My parents bought the NES for Christmas '91, as that year my sister was born (the 800XE was bought for Xmas '86, the year I was born). It came with 7 carts: Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt, Super Mario Bros. 2 (US), Super Mario Bros. 2 (JP), Megaman, Megaman 2, Parodius Da! and Binary Land. It also came with 2 controllers, the zapper, and a 60pin-to-72pin adapter to play the japanese carts.

I still have both the 800XE and the NES (in fact, I still have all the consoles we've had), but the motherboard of the XE is dead, and the NES was briefly dead for some time, but now mostly works (the controller port 2 is dead and the video out works only when it wants to work, which is almost never)

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Most of you people make me feel old :/

Yeah, same with me. Especially when people say stuff like "The PlayStation was my first console when I was 4" or something. :lol:

what I remember more vividly is the NES, which we got when I was only 2 or 3. Super Mario Bros 1 & 3, Zelda 1 & 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 & 3, Marble Madness...we had some classics in our house, alright

Oh yes, The classics. I remember we used to have Mario 1,2 and 3, Turtles 2 and 3, Duck Hunt... Ah, just remembering those days makes me feel warm and fuzzy. ^_^

A shame we got rid of them, together with the NES, when the Mega Drive and SNES came to our house. :(

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I used to play games on my Spectrum Sinclair. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Yogi Bear, James Bond Clay Pigeon Shooting (light gun for the win!), etc. I suppose it wasn't exactly a console... more just a keyboard that plugged into the TV and that you could load game cassettes on.

If that doesn't count, I guess SNES was my first. I never owned a NES :(

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My first console was Sega Mega Drive which I got on my fifth birthday. We used to play a heck of Sonic 1 and 2 and some TMNT with my friends. I also remember having Cool Spot and Dynamite Headdy which were probably one of my all time favorite games back in the day.

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I've mentioned this loooads of times on SSMB but oh well, I'll mention it again. =P

Back in 1998 my dad brought home a Master System with some games I can't even remember (well, I only remember Wonder Boy), then later that day he went out and got me Sonic 1 because I didn't like the other games. So yeah, a Master System was my first console.

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Whilst the first memories I have of playing video games were on arcade machines that I spent an awful long time on, the first instance of actually having something to play games on at home wasn't really a console at all. I had two of those "Super Joy" type plug and play doohickeys, one of which was a cheap ripoff of the N64 controller and the other was a cheap ripoff of the SNES controller. They were filled with lots of pirated NES games mostly, along with a few Master System titles and some just trying and failing to rip off a more current title.

Looking back on them; they were kind of a mixed bag. Some games ran great and I was able to extract lots of fun from them, but others seemed to have an eternal struggle just to play two channels of music at the same time. I really can't believe how much I kept playing those shitty Mortal Kombat pirates, but I suppose I just didn't care for quality that much as a kid.

As for my first actual console though, that was the ever-reliable N64; a huge step up from the stuff I was playing before I must say. Considering the sheltered video game life I had lived beforehand; the stuff I was seeing on the console was quite amazing and it still remains one of my favourites.

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Gee, all of you people are making me feel really young. XP

My first console was a N64. It used to be my cousins', and I would always look forward to going to their house to play Mario Kart 64. I used to suck at it back then, but it was still a fond memory. =P Then, when they got their brand-spanking-new PS2, we were allowed to take the N64. Epic joy on the day I found out. 8D

You see, a lot of my first consoles were second-hands or bought very close to when the new versions came out. That's because my parents are cheapskates and don't value gaming as much as I do. The first console I ever got close to its release date was my DS, and I had to pay for that. XP

However, we did have heaps of games for the computer. Things like the first Croc and Logical Journey of the Zoombinis, as well as old DOS games like Commander Keen and Fatty Bear's Fun Pack. Oh Fatty Bear was fun. Influenced the way I play Go Fish forever. And Tangrams and Lines and Boxes were awesome. =D

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The first console we had was a Genny Mk. I. We bought it new at Wal-Mart, so it must have been around 1992-1993. It lasted until about 1998 when it broke and we replaced it with a Playstation and the sucktastic Sega 3 (both of which I still own to this day. The Sega 3 is fun because the RF shielding is so thick that I just took it out of the plastic case and screwed the RF shielding shut). By the time it broke we had amassed nearly 100 games for it, all starting with the obligatory pack-in copy of Sonic 1. I remember long nights where me and my parents played games like Bart vs. The Space Mutants and the original Micro Machines. I also remember my mom playing Sonic 2 until she beat it, then calling up my dad at work and cheering. We also used to get the Game Genie booklets in the mail.

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My very first console I ever had was the PlayStation (PSOne/PSX) in 1998. I was seven years old...and I remember, I got the console as my Christmas present...however there was NO game for me to play on it...except for this demo disc.

And two days later when I >finally< got a game, two hours after playing a game and restarting the system by accident, my game wasn't saved...and I was wondering why...then I realized it's because I HAVE NO memory card. (Those were the days... o.o)

But seriously, no memory card? So I couldn't play any games until I got myself a memory card. DX

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Our cousins had an NES up at our family cabin and we played games like the original Mario Brothers, The Legend of Zelda, and The Little Mermaid game lol. But we didn't get to play very often. Then of course, the old school gameboys; I can't honestly tell you what games we had before Pokemon on the Gameboy color.

Our first real console was the SNES with Donkey Kong Country and Super Mario All Stars . We played those games so much. My brother king of 'hogged.' I didn't really start pushing him off consoles until the crystal shard Kirby game on N64. Yay nostalgia <=3.

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My memory is hazy on this. It was either a NES with Super Mario Bros 3, or a Mega Drive with Sonic 2......

Best guess would be the NES.

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I'm pretty sure my first console was NES with SMB 1. It was technically my parent's console, since they bought it when they first got married. However, they never used it after my sister and I were born, and let us play it whenever we wanted. I even remember cheating on Duck Hunt by running up to the TV, pointing the gun straight at the screen, and shooting (which took out the whole aiming element). Good times...

The first console that my sister and I (not my parents) owned was a PS1, which we bought along with Crash Bandicoot.

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My very first console I ever had was the PlayStation (PSOne/PSX) in 1998. I was seven years old...and I remember, I got the console as my Christmas present...however there was NO game for me to play on it...except for this demo disc.

And two days later when I >finally< got a game, two hours after playing a game and restarting the system by accident, my game wasn't saved...and I was wondering why...then I realized it's because I HAVE NO memory card. (Those were the days... o.o)

But seriously, no memory card? So I couldn't play any games until I got myself a memory card. DX

Nice to see I'm not the only person whose first console was the Playstation. I was only 4 in 1998 though, but I remember when I was that age I saw a lot of PS1 commercials with the guy in the Crash costume, and I was so entertained by them that two years later I had to get a PS1.

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While my dad's first console was probably Atari Pong or something, the first console I played was the MegaDrive back when I was 2. We had a SNES aswell but that broke so I pretty much only played the MegaDrive. I was banned from gaming for a few years since me and my brother really fought and fought over getting to play them, I probably had some kind of superiority complex back then! Whereas nowadays we bond over gaming instead and hardly ever fight (I only rant at him when he goes on WoW)

Got the MegaDrive back when I was 5 or 6, and got an N64 a couple years later. That was the first console we had that wasn't actually our dad's. After that was got GameBoy Colors, and we were pretty much Nintendo people until just over a year ago, despite originally being SEGA people. I am now a total idort.

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