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New powers for Sonic characters.


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After Sonic chronicles i think, Sega has been neglecting the characters in a powerful sense while Sonic getting new abiltes for each new game. I wonder what kinda new attacks should other characters should get and what sort of ablites can they use?

Tails I think should be more versitle in his tails and use them like electric conductors to form a lighting power up that boosts his stats and makes his flying more large scale and faster.

Shadow should upgrade his shoes. And his chaos power should be strong enough to give him an chaos aura like Sonic's wind aura so he can also break the speed barrier and attack with a chaos blast at hand. Low level time/space warping and matter control in base. With more chaos emeralds, the skies the limit.

Knuckles last but no least should have a affinity to fire like Blaze and have enough power to punch moutains to pieces. His fire powers could melt and burn through wind and water because he's got unliminted stamina and endurance with a chaos emerald or his own powerful tie to the M. E.

These are my suggestions.

Now what about yours?

Edited by yoshimar
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The entire cast is already fairly overpowered as it is. If you were so inclined to start adding abilities though, you really wouldn’t have to look much farther than Sonic Battle. In that game, Knuckles punches could cause explosions, and he could summon meteors to powerbomb his enemies. Tails could pull guns and gadgets out of hammerspace, to say nothing of his near infinite aerial combo. Sonic and Shadow were given unholy special moves. (and they all could heal somehow)

I don’t think the characters need upgrades, just to do more with what they already have.

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Sonic doesn't really get new powers.

Since the beggining of the 3D Sonic game, they simply added abilities wich would fit in the 3D universe to make the gameplay more... accurate as I can't find the right words to describe it.

Homming Attack was made to defeat the enemies in way that won't make you pull out your hair if you didn't have it. Imagine a 3D Sonic game without it... hell of a task to do right?

Sonic Bounce/Stomp was another way to be more precise when you simply wanted to stop any aerial activities. Compare to Tails or Knuckles, he can't slow down when landing.

Besides, the latest games we've been playing are 1 shot abilities:

Sonic 06: Match Speed

Sonic Unleashed: Werehog

Sonic Colors: Wisp

The only new ability that was added , tho it would have been there along time ago, is the boosting. IMO, boosting shoulnd make Sonic invinsible and it should be available only in 2D games but thats another story.

As for the other characters... no they are fine the way they are.

I don't want Sega to add more abilities on them, I want them to expand the abilities they already have, exploit them to their maximum capacities.

I don't want Sonic & Co. to be some kind of Elemental Furries of Justice or something like that.

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The entire cast is already fairly overpowered as it is. If you were so inclined to start adding abilities though, you really wouldn’t have to look much farther than Sonic Battle. In that game, Knuckles punches could cause explosions, and he could summon meteors to powerbomb his enemies. Tails could pull guns and gadgets out of hammerspace, to say nothing of his near infinite aerial combo. Sonic and Shadow were given unholy special moves. (and they all could heal somehow)

I don’t think the characters need upgrades, just to do more with what they already have.

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Sonic has super speed, Tails can fly, Knuckles can break boulders and digga tunnel digdiggatunnel, Shadow can warp time and space, Amy can fabricate hammers, read tarot cards and apparently turn invisible (as does Espio), Blaze has fiyah powah, Silver can move things with his MMMIIIINNNNNDDDDDD, Metal Sonic is a copier, Charmy uses his butt as a deadly weapon, Vector blows explosions out of his mouth, but I think we can overpower them somehow!

I... guess you could give Rouge a nuclear bra or something. Otherwise it seems that we have some pretty diverse abilities with the main cast. No need for new abilities, yo.

And Bean should poop bombs.

Edited by Indigo Rush
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I... guess you could give Rouge a nuclear bra or something.

I wouldn't go, ah, quite that far, but Rouge is probably the only important-ish character who I think could use a little spicing up in terms of gameplay abilities. I'm not sure exactly what she'd get (super stealth? Like, temporary intangibility or something? I dunno), since it's kind of hard to fit her skillset into the same kind of game that someone as fast and powerful as Sonic can play through, but I think she ought to have something else.

In terms of non-gameplay-related abilities, I think it'd make some sense for Knuckles to have a natural immunity (or at least resistance) to chaos energy because blah blah Master Emerald something something. I mean, nullifying chaos energy is the whole point of the Master Emerald, so why shouldn't its guardian be able to draw on that a little bit? It'd tie him to the Master Emerald in a slightly more tangible way, too, establishing that he has a special connection with the rock even when he's not sitting on it.

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Rouge can already glide/fly, climb, dig, stealth, manifest bat-bombs and kicks almost as hard as Knuckles can punch. She may be lacking in the speed department, but she certainly makes up for it elsewhere.

There is a limit to how many abilities these characters should have. There is a reason why Chaos Control = Time Travel got retconned out of the game-verse.

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I think they should start by making NOT every single character able to curl into a ball. They made Sonic a hedgehog so that HE could do that. Frankly, I think it was a mistake to let even Tails and Knuckles able to do it- what is a signature move worth if everyone else can pull it off? In fact, giving Tails and Knuckles that move made Sonic the worst character to use since he didn't have any special powers of his own until 3&K, and even then he could only use them with shields on. One of the reasons I loved Advance is that they showed what the ball form is worth when they take it away from you (Amy's gameplay.) Unfortunately, they gave it to everyone again in Advance 2 and then ALL 12 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS in Heroes.

It also only confuses me more when they introduce important moves without any explanation. What the hell was the dummy ring shit in Sonic 06? Why does Tails need those? And why would Shadow need to learn to operate a motorcycle?

My advice: find a single move that defines each character and build off of that. Heroes had the right idea with the speed-fly-power dynamic but ruined it by copy-pasting it for 9 other characters.

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I think they should start by making NOT every single character able to curl into a ball. They made Sonic a hedgehog so that HE could do that. Frankly, I think it was a mistake to let even Tails and Knuckles able to do it- what is a signature move worth if everyone else can pull it off?
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The weirdness of the ball-curling thing didn't really bother me until I played Advance 1. I just kind of accepted it as one of the quirks of the series that everyone could do it, even if it didn't make much sense in some cases. But then suddenly Advance 1 came along and Amy for some reason couldn't, even though she's a hedgehog. What, did her dress get in the way or something? Giving her the ability to curl up in the sequels might have made her feel more generic, but it at least made sense. To let Tails curl up into a damaging fuzzball and then deny the ability to anyone else is just baffling.

I might like it if more characters could perform an equivalent to the ball-curl in a mechanical sense without physically curling up. Blaze's fire-spin is a perfect example of that, and Vector's wheel-curl... well, it's not hugely different, but at least it looks a little distinct and slightly resembles something his species actually does. I might like it if Tails, at least, could get something along those lines... like every time he jumped, he'd do kind of a pirouette with his tails flopping around menacingly. Er, or something.

Edited by Octarine
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Yes Darkfox! Even before Archie though, this idea was cool.

Like when Mecha Sonic charges on the Master Emerald. If you wanna take away Knuckles' regular super form it doesn't have to appear again.

But if the ME is gonna get any more showtime, I want a Guardian transformation. ASR is the closest we have to it. :mellow:

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Thinking about this.

I can only think of two abilities that Sonic has gained in his entire 20 year life that have actually stuck, even then, it depends.

1: The Spin Dash

2: The homing attack.

Every other ability (the infinity run thing from Sonic CD, the forcefield/electric thing from Sonic 3 (when you double jump without a shield)) comes for one or two games, then vanishes,

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Frankly, I think it was a mistake to let even Tails and Knuckles able to do it- what is a signature move worth if everyone else can pull it off?

Sonic can still keep the spindash.

In fact, giving Tails and Knuckles that move made Sonic the worst character to use since he didn't have any special powers of his own until 3&K, and even then he could only use them with shields on.

How? Tails couldn't fly in Sonic 2. Also, for me, Tails' flight wasn't all THAT useful; it was slow, was hardly useful in areas that Sonic could also go through, the paths that were exclusive to Tails were few and far between, and the shield powers were a much better trade off. As for Knuckles, for one, he had a shorter jump which made some bosses much harder compared to Sonic, and the fact that 80% of his game was completely different to Sonic's hardly makes for a fair comparison.

One of the reasons I loved Advance is that they showed what the ball form is worth when they take it away from you (Amy's gameplay.)

Yeah, and it SUCKED. HARD. If anything it only showed how WORSE the games would've been if Tails and Knux couldn't roll.

Unfortunately, they gave it to everyone again in Advance 2 and then ALL 12 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS in Heroes.

Yeah, and it made playing as Amy FUN. Oh noes?

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Abilities for Sonic characters is kind of a touchy subject, and kinda falls victim to the fact that you simply can't please everyone - some feel characters like Silver, who bring genuinely and fully new gameplay to the table, just break gameplay consistency and add unnecessary learning curve, whereas others feel like say, Rouge, who play similarly if not identically to a previous character for sake of said consistency, simply makes the game more repetitive and kinda defeats the purpose of having more than one character of the same type. There's definently a middleground, sure, but it's a very fine line to tread.

My basic idea is to divide a character into certain categories of techniques rather than use the same "speed, power, flying" motif to define every single aspect of the character. Let's just say for sake of example, the categories are an air-mobility move, a ground-mobility move and a generic attack move. If we were to apply this to the original Sonic trio, it'd turn out a bit like this:

Sonic: HA/Airdash, Spindash, Somersault

Tails: Asscopter, Spindash, Tail whip

Knux: Gliding, Spindash, fists of awesomeness

Now the thing to remember here is that all of the same catergories share the same button inputs, so no matter what the character we choose to play as, we can use the same general controls and not expect anything to completely backfire on us - ergo, variety and consistency in coexistence. Well, aside from the spindash faggotry, I should've used a different set of characters. The point is, whenever a player uses these inputs, they should expect a certain type of momentum or trait to accompany it - spindash-class moves should generally have a forward motion (even for characters that don't spindash - for example, give Amy a lunge attack with her hammer to attack at screen length), air moves should generally assist in, well, moving through open sky (this could be anything from free flight to a double jump), and attack moves, well, you should generally expect to fuck up whoever's immediately ahead of you (but you can mess around with it depending on the character - say for example Silver, give him his paralysis, grab and throw moves all in one). The challenge in that is adding more categories for character actions and making them fit loosely between characters, like descending moves (bounce attack) and ranged attacks (Chaos Spear) without creating a mismatch and making characters do things you won't expect on a first playthrough.

I might add more specific examples of what I'd like to see a bit later, I just wanted to get a bit of theorizing out of the way.

But then suddenly Advance 1 came along and Amy for some reason couldn't, even though she's a hedgehog. What, did her dress get in the way or something?
Simplest possible explanation: her hammer is really fucking heavy.
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Shadow: Do something with his hovershoes. A double jump, a midair hover, hovering over water, I don't know what, but do something; they're too cool a concept to waste on just a running animation.

The latter two were done in Shadow the Hedgehog

Give him Chaos Spear as a projectile attack; maybe in place of the homing attack.

This was done in 06. Homing attack stayed though.

Also, steal the laser power from Colors to use as Chaos Control; the normal bouncing around and the crystals would represent the time-slowed hyperspeed, and maybe something like the antennas (minus the complex circuit run) could represent actual teleportation.

Not a bad idea. None of these are actually. I've always said 06 was the best Shadow gameplay we've ever had.

Also, I support Emerald Power replacing Super Knuckles.

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The abilities of any of the cast depends on who's playable and what the style of gameplay is. Take Colours, where Sonic can swim, or compare how Rouge plays between SA2 to Heroes to Rivals 2. It's quite cool actually that Sonic games are so flexible (and then it's bad cause everything's always changing).

As far as Sonic's own abilities goes, he could really benefit from some rolling moves. Like if you stand still, crouch and then mash a particular button he'll charge up some sort of spinning move. I call it the super-speedy-roll-without-mindless-boosting-attack. And there should be a similar move if you hit crouch when you're running, and that'll just make Sonic roll along the floor. Fuck yeah, those would be awesome. And they've never been done before last time I checked. Or more seriously, Sonic himself doesn't really need any extra moves. He's got loads of cool abilities already that could be expanded. All I can think of is to add more parkour moves. Proper tricks in the air and on rails, grabbing ledges, wall running (like in ShTH) and SA2 style grinding. I suppose I just want Jet Set Sonic. That would be awesome.

Also, give Amy a moveset similar to Advance 1. She doesn't need any new powers at all. Being crap makes her gameplay all the more fun.

Edited by Blue Blood
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Tails... HOVER!

Knuckles... DRILL!

Shadow... BURST!

Silver... CUBE!

Big... FRENZY!


Okay, seriously. Anybody else reckon the Wisps were poorly-disguised explorations of other characters' abilities for a future game?

Or am I reading too much into this?

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Tails... HOVER! Knuckles... DRILL! Shadow... BURST! Silver... CUBE! Big... FRENZY! Amy... GAME OVER!

Okay, seriously. Anybody else reckon the Wisps were poorly-disguised explorations of other characters' abilities for a future game?Or am I reading too much into this?

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The Wisps do cover the basic abilities of some characters (why do you place Shadow as burst though, and surely Amy's hammer better covers cube?), but they've been adapted to work as power ups instead of standard moves. You can only climb walls and dig in certain areas of certain levels for example, and flying is totally useless because of how slow it is without rings to lightdash on. Some of the abilities would be cool to see again as standard moves, but is there any reason to give any characters rocket or frenzy?

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Tails... HOVER!

Knuckles... DRILL!

Shadow... BURST!

Silver... CUBE!

Big... FRENZY!


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Topics like these is why we have this game:


Please do not bring back games like this...If they already have powers, they have powers. NOTHING MORE!

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Topics like these is why we have this game:
No it's not. ShtH has a lot of problems, but wanting to give the character(s) new powers can't be blamed for any of them.
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