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Who would you want playable in the future titles?


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I imagine that Shadow would feel best if he played sorta like Gamma. He could spin and use the Spindash like everyone else, but he could also lock-on and shoot things with his Chaos Spear, much like Gamma's... whatever he shot. Also the rocket skates would make for a good hovering ability.

Blaze should have something like parkour implemented into her gameplay as well as something like the flame shield powerup except done both on land and ground; like a mini fire-boost. The only downside would be that Blaze's top speed slightly suffers for having instant acceleration to said speed, which means that parkour would also help her navigate through a stage.

That's about all I can think of at the moment without making my brain hurt.

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Ya know I was thinking, since Tails and Knuckles are obviously going to be playable in Sonic 4: Ep. 2/3, I was thinking maybe Sonic Team would make someone else playable in the "20th Anniversary" Game., would anyone consider this?

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Espio plays like Sonic and Shadow both. See there you go making doube standards again.

Then stop playing your crappy Sonic Heroes and Sonic Rivals games where everybody plays the same, and start playing Knuckles Chaotix where Espio was actually a unique character.

In a good Sonic game, every character should play similarly, but not too similarly. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles should be relatively similar (but with Homing Attack, Fly and Glide respectively) but the aerial abilities are what sets them apart, as well as perhaps minor (read: MINOR) speed differences regarding acceleration. Espio compliments this by having a new gameplay trait that isn't merely yet another aerial ability, instead bragging the ability to stick to walls and ceilings from a run/walk with complete disregard for physics.

Every character has their own unique traits that could warrant them being playable really - they just have to be different enough to Sonic that they're worthwhile but not so different that they become like the Werehog.

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Then stop playing your crappy Sonic Heroes and Sonic Rivals games where everybody plays the same, and start playing Knuckles Chaotix where Espio was actually a unique character.

In a good Sonic game, every character should play similarly, but not too similarly. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles should be relatively similar (but with Homing Attack, Fly and Glide respectively) but the aerial abilities are what sets them apart, as well as perhaps minor (read: MINOR) speed differences regarding acceleration. Espio compliments this by having a new gameplay trait that isn't merely yet another aerial ability, instead bragging the ability to stick to walls and ceilings from a run/walk with complete disregard for physics.

Every character has their own unique traits that could warrant them being playable really - they just have to be different enough to Sonic that they're worthwhile but not so different that they become like the Werehog.

Give Espio, Shadow's ability to run on walls in his game, have more use for his Shuriken, and his invisiblity, axe the homing attack, bang Espio's awesome.

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Ya know I was thinking, since Tails and Knuckles are obviously going to be playable in Sonic 4: Ep. 2/3, I was thinking maybe Sonic Team would make someone else playable in the "20th Anniversary" Game., would anyone consider this?

I think it'll take baby steps to get the extended cast back in the franchise, now that the new Sonic Only approach seems to be working. Tails and Knuckles appearing in the subsequent episodes of Sonic the Hedgehog 4, let's be honest, is small and inoffensive compared to a large three-dimensional game altering the physics and control scheme to allow a controllable flight or punch-up.

That said, if they do go for anybody else other than Sonic, it'll be Shadow. Not only does he reflect back to Sonic Adventure 2, perhaps the most critically successful three-dimensional Sonic game of all time, but he plays the same and is therefore a safe pair of sneakers.

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I also wouldn't mind seeing one of the Chaotix solo, but I'd rather have Vector. He also seems to be Sonic Team's favorite Chaotix. Give him a unique skill or two, like using his big mouth to chomp things instead of gabber all the time. FRENZY!

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Every character has their own unique traits that could warrant them being playable really - they just have to be different enough to Sonic that they're worthwhile but not so different that they become like the Werehog.

I wish people would stop picking on the Werehog; He's not the only irrelevant gameplay experience we've had. *kicks at the ground* Regardless, tenuous combat system aside, do you realize how fuck-awesome a platform character he can be? Seriously! 8( He's already got a pretty good base on him as far as control of a 3D character goes-- He's not slippery like Daytime Sonic nor real clunky like the SA2 mechs, his analog control is pretty good, he has a believable weight to him, you don't have to fight with his natural jumping abilities. At the very least, this is something to commend him on.

Now I will admit he is a bit slow on foot, run motion aside, but this need not be a problem anyways-- Just further utilize those arms and cleats of his, (and give him a nice roll motion to boot). Remember the cutscene after the Egg Dragoon took out the floor? The amount of agility he displayed? To be able to use those arms to slingshot yourself around an area or to gain speed, and to use those cleats to stick and slide around on surfaces, to basically climb up, down, and all around and conquer the playground-- I mean, he could be like Mario with Spiderman powers or something! 

... Screw all you guys; I think it sounds cool. <<;; 

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I wish people would stop picking on the Werehog; He's not the only irrelevant gameplay experience we've had. *kicks at the ground* Regardless, tenuous combat system aside, do you realize how fuck-awesome a platform character he can be? Seriously! 8( He's already got a pretty good base on him as far as control of a 3D character goes-- He's not slippery like Daytime Sonic nor real clunky like the SA2 mechs, his analog control is pretty good, he has a believable weight to him, you don't have to fight with his natural jumping abilities. At the very least, this is something to commend him on.

Now I will admit he is a bit slow on foot, run motion aside, but this need not be a problem anyways-- Just further utilize those arms and cleats of his, (and give him a nice roll motion to boot). Remember the cutscene after the Egg Dragoon took out the floor? The amount of agility he displayed? To be able to use those arms to slingshot yourself around an area or to gain speed, and to use those cleats to stick and slide around on surfaces, to basically climb up, down, and all around and conquer the playground-- I mean, he could be like Mario with Spiderman powers or something! 

... Screw all you guys; I think it sounds cool. <<;; 

Ok the Werehog is fine, but:

His levels are painfully slow, especially the first time, which can take up to 15 minutes, a level should not take 15 minutes to complete, longevity my ass. Second the platforming is kinda dull, I mean what you said about the spiderman thing was great, but it wasn't that, it felt more like Mario with God of War elements thrown in. Third, I'm well aware of that awesome cutscene, I also remembered how you couldn't do none of it in the game, it was awesome to see, but it falls flat if you're not the one doing it.

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My post was not defending how the Werehog was done, but to make a point about much potential he has as a platform character in general. After all, that seems to be what several other of the posts in this topic have done, and with characters that decidedly aren't platforming-centric or even playable no less. Not quite interested in getting into an argument about the ins and outs of Unleashed today. xP

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I wish people would stop picking on the Werehog; He's not the only irrelevant gameplay experience we've had. *kicks at the ground* Regardless, tenuous combat system aside, do you realize how fuck-awesome a platform character he can be? Seriously! 8( He's already got a pretty good base on him as far as control of a 3D character goes-- He's not slippery like Daytime Sonic nor real clunky like the SA2 mechs, his analog control is pretty good, he has a believable weight to him, you don't have to fight with his natural jumping abilities. At the very least, this is something to commend him on.

Now I will admit he is a bit slow on foot, run motion aside, but this need not be a problem anyways-- Just further utilize those arms and cleats of his, (and give him a nice roll motion to boot). Remember the cutscene after the Egg Dragoon took out the floor? The amount of agility he displayed? To be able to use those arms to slingshot yourself around an area or to gain speed, and to use those cleats to stick and slide around on surfaces, to basically climb up, down, and all around and conquer the playground-- I mean, he could be like Mario with Spiderman powers or something! 

... Screw all you guys; I think it sounds cool. <<;; 

Now I've never actually played Unleashed so I can't judge really; I was just pulling a character name out of my arse for the sake of the argument I was making. And the argument I was making still stands - if there are multiple playstyles, they should be similar at least, like Sonic/Tails/Knuckles in Sonic 3 And Knuckles or Mario/Luigi/Wario/Yoshi in Mario 64 DS. I don't dislike the Werehog as a character or even as a concept, but at the same time I don't even have to have played Unleashed to know that having two characters and playstyles that are so fundamentally different shared out in one title is just poor game design.

I'm sure the Werehog has it's merits, but I prefer consistency myself. Not two different games that take place on the same disc.

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But "the Werehog" doesn't have to be Unleashed Night gameplay any more than "Tails" has to be SA2 Mech gameplay (or Heroes Flight Formation gameplay or '06 Horrible Broken Mess of a Helicopter-Bottomed Fox gameplay).

Honestly I think the werehog would be easier to "fix" than a lot of other members of the cast...alongside a more SA-styled Sonic, just up his speed a bit, greatly reduce the emphasis on combat (maybe give him just a couple different attacks for various enemies), and focus more on his grabbing and swinging gameplay.

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Now I've never actually played Unleashed so I can't judge really; I was just pulling a character name out of my arse for the sake of the argument I was making. And the argument I was making still stands - if there are multiple playstyles, they should be similar at least, like Sonic/Tails/Knuckles in Sonic 3 And Knuckles or Mario/Luigi/Wario/Yoshi in Mario 64 DS. I don't dislike the Werehog as a character or even as a concept, but at the same time I don't even have to have played Unleashed to know that having two characters and playstyles that are so fundamentally different shared out in one title is just poor game design.

I'm sure the Werehog has it's merits, but I prefer consistency myself. Not two different games that take place on the same disc.

Edited by Nepenthe
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Well that's where the balance needs to be met then.

I feel Sonic 3 And Knuckles DID have a good balance, since it allowed three different characters that didn't handle too differently but had different techniques and very different paths through the levels. Ideally there'd be a bit more uniqueness between the characters than that, but I think there is a perfect balance to be met - the Sonic Advance games for example presented little motive to switch characters, but the Adventure games, at least in the case of Adventure 2 and/or Big/Amy, have too much differentiation in some cases. I liked the difference between Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and E-102, but any slower or any more defined and the differences go too far.

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Well that's where the balance needs to be met then.

I feel Sonic 3 And Knuckles DID have a good balance, since it allowed three different characters that didn't handle too differently but had different techniques and very different paths through the levels. Ideally there'd be a bit more uniqueness between the characters than that, but I think there is a perfect balance to be met - the Sonic Advance games for example presented little motive to switch characters, but the Adventure games, at least in the case of Adventure 2 and/or Big/Amy, have too much differentiation in some cases. I liked the difference between Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and E-102, but any slower or any more defined and the differences go too far.

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Well that is where we'll have to agree to disagree then, because everybody's idea of how different characters should be implemented is vastly different.

One thing I think we can all agree on though is that the different play styles shouldn't be forced on us as gamers. I can get on board with Sonic Adventure, but the idea of essentially being forced to play as one character to get to the next bit with your favourite character is a bit flawed, and I didn't like that about Sonic Adventure 2. Seperate, intertwining stories is definately the way to go if the characters ARE to be drastically different.

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My post was not defending how the Werehog was done, but to make a point about much potential he has as a platform character in general.

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For the 20th Anniversary specifically; bringing in all,or alot of, Sonics Friends, I don't think it would make much sense, considering it's SONIC's Brithday.

Tails and Knuckles would be nice, as someone else said earlier the other characters are just carbon copies.

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For the 20th Anniversary specifically; bringing in all,or alot of, Sonics Friends, I don't think it would make much sense, considering it's SONIC's Brithday.

Tails and Knuckles would be nice, as someone else said earlier the other characters are just carbon copies.

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Tails and Knuckles would be nice, as someone else said earlier the other characters are just carbon copies.

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Random notes:

  • "Walking on walls" is putting Espio's scaling abilities lightly. He can Spin Dash on ceilings, for Spark's sake. You know how in Zero Gravity how you can basically change planes to any side? Yeah, that's basically every character playing as Espio.
  • I never gave a real comment, but yes. I too, support giving EVERYONE a chance. However, I do subscribe to the Sonic + ability notion, unless a character has a game to themselves. Example: A Silver game could be done on the Wii, using the remote to...

HOLD THE FREAKIN PHONE. I just got the craziest idea. A Silver the Hedgehog game on KINECT! Oh god yes, give YOU his powers, and make the environment your bitch. Only thing is to work out a way for basic movement. Maybe walking in place or something, I dunno. But damn.

Maybe I should make a topic on that.

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I'm serious. That is, if Knuckles and Tails still don't count.

Here's why:

Characters that don't annoy me - Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Eggman, Amy, and Metal Sonic. Everyone else can get axed for all I care.

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I'm serious. That is, if Knuckles and Tails still don't count.

If the name's not Sonic or Eggman, it counts.

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If the name's not Sonic or Eggman, it counts.

In that case, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy are the only characters I'd want playable.

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