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Sonic 4: Episode 1 Impressions, Thoughts, & Help Topic

Agent York

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Am I the only who is bothered by "SONIC ACQUIRED A CHAOS EMERALD" instead of "SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD"? It's nothing big, but it's weird. It sounds off. They're just trying to sound smart :mellow:

Oh and I think it's funny that CSZ Act 3 is called Casino Climax, yet has the slowest music :lol:

Edited by MarcelloF
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Holy crap! I beat my Wii version time For the 7th special stage!! YES! (renders and uploads video)

Edited by Jetronic
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Okay thanks. I can't beat the Mad Gear Boss now. The stupid second stage is doing my nut in.

The trick is to keep running and not jump unless you have a clear shot at a HA or Eggy drops a spike ball. All his mini balloons will bounce over you this way.

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I have used over 20 lives trying to beat the Egg Station... I feel ashamed...

I got lucky and beat it with 2 lives. I bet next time it will eat my lives like candy XD

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How do you get the last hit on Eggman when he destroys the ground?

Move away right when you see that green target stop, then run to him, jump on him, and dash towards the right to victory.

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I just beat the final boss... Bugger me! How are old people supposed to do this! I've no idea how I'm going to be able to do that without taking a hit for the trophy... but a challenge is a challenge and I'll give it a bash.

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Still trying to get the 7th emerald, i thought 3,4 and 5 were bad =S

But overall an enjoyable game, on LL boss now. Can't wait to see what's in store for the next episode already =)

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YAY! I finally got the "Ring Collector" achievement =D

I have used over 20 lives trying to beat the Egg Station... I feel ashamed...

Yeah. It's embarrassing after you beat him, because you think, damn that was actually easy Dx Yet, next time I fight him, he'll murder me again.

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So I'm trying to go for the Untouchable trophy and this is where I'm starting to get mad. Has anyone actually been able to get this yet? Or gotten past the Mad gear zone boss without taking a hit?

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I downloaded the demo. I didn't enjoy it as much as I liked. The physics seem a bit off, Sonic always stops immediately after I stop moving the analogue stick, and Sonic himself seems less quick than he was in the Genesis games.

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I don't even remember how. I beat it without emeralds and nothing was said, though. And I'm waiting till tomorrow to beat it with emeralds.

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Just wondering, this one is for the xbox users, has anyone unlocked any of the avatar awards?

I haven't unlocked them yet but I've known about them for sometime now after coming across them at Xbox Resource (don't read how to obtain them since it's not correct)

Edited by Shaddix
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I saw someone on my friends list earlier with the body half of the costume. Can't remember how you obtain the Awards.

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Think I'm an odd ball... <3 special stages.

I did them in a weird order:

CS1 = Red/1

LL1 = Blue/2

CS2 = Yellow/3

CS3 = Green/4

LL3 = Grey/5

SH1 = Light blue/6

SH3 = Purple/7

Yes, I did plan ahead.

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So I tried the demo out today, and in all honesty I'm not 100% enthralled with it. Sonic is extremely slow and I really can't get over how momentum works in this. It didn't feel like a bad game, as the level design was good and instantly recognizable as classic Sonic, as was the art style, music, and graphics, but it just felt wrong to me. My friend is buying it Saturday, I think I'ma play it with him but I probably won't buy it unless they changed up some things with a patch or in Episode 2.

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You are most certainly odd XD.

In all seriousness though, I'm enjoying myself so far, even if the final boss is proving to be a bitch. No, the physics aren't right, but I honestly haven't encountered anything even close to gamebreaking, especially things like standing on loops and walls and such. Of course, this may be more due to me being a newer fan, and while I appreciated the classics, I'll take a game where fun is king. I think this is the case with Sonic 4, its just a fun, working game to play. Flawed, but damn fun.

Of course, I'd like to see the physics changed solely so that the ones alienated by this Episode can join in the fun. They're missing out on a good game here, which is a crying shame. And if a physics change can really make the game even more fun, then I am all for it.

If not, the least I would like to see would be new level tropes, new badniks, Tails/Knuckles playable with lock-on, and a fight with Metal Sonic.

Solid at this poiint though, 8/10 by me.

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The guys at SEGA are reading this and laughing.

Interpret that however you like, but they are laughing.

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So I'm trying to go for the Untouchable trophy and this is where I'm starting to get mad. Has anyone actually been able to get this yet? Or gotten past the Mad gear zone boss without taking a hit?

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I think I should be able to do it in a couple of tries. The only one that poses a real threat is the Mad Gear Boss, and all it takes is a lucky combination to get through unharmed (seriously, the more spike balls he wastes his time with, the better).

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