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Street Fighter Cross Tekken AND Tekken Cross Street Fighter

Agent York

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Not much known though we're getting footage later today, but Street Fighter Vs Tekken was just announced at the Street fighter panel (along with a new online Street Fighter 3 and shots of Street Fighter IV 3DS). I just am creating the topic for when footage is up pretty soon and information so will be updating this post. What do you think of this?

UPDATE Announced there are two versions of the game, one by Street Fighter crew, one by Tekken Crew, and the lead developers title at the forefront to show.

And apparently the creators of Tekken and Street fighter are playable... Lols. Also, apparently the graphics in it are AMAZING.

UPDATE 2 They suggests you follow Harada_TEKKEN on twitter, as well as Yoshi_Onochin.

They say these games won't be out for quite some time.

UPDATE 3 Name officially "Cross" and not "Vs".

Edited by Dusk the Alan Wake Keeper
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Street Fighter Cross Tekken? How disappointing, I don't particularly like the casts of either game; whereas I love most of Capcom and Namco's other franchises.

By the way, what's this new version of Street Fighter III?

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...so its NOT Namco vs Capcom... Just Street Fighter vs Tekken. =/

Oh well, so much for that. Mods, please lock or delete my other topic on here. Thanks.

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"Cross"? So is it going to be a pair of crappy RPGs?

SFIII info is far more interesting.

Edited by Tornado
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Looks exactly like SSFIV, but with Tekken characters (and Assists apparently). I guess it's safe to assume that the other game will be a replica of Tekken 6 but with SF peoples in it.

Might check them out somewhere down the line, but I'll skip the first go around. Where are those extra SSFIV characters?

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Looks exactly like SSFIV, but with Tekken characters (and Assists apparently). I guess it's safe to assume that the other game will be a replica of Tekken 6 but with SF peoples in it.

Might check them out somewhere down the line, but I'll skip the first go around. Where are those extra SSFIV characters?

Announced they won't be shown until Tokyo Game Show.

Also Japan got this yesterday but Sue pr Street Fighter IV is soon getting a Tournament Mode where official Tournaments will be held online.

Edited by Dusk the Alan Wake Keeper
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I heard you liek Street Fighter X Tekken Trailer

I'm more of a Tekken fan (Tekken 3 ftw) than an Street Fighter fan but like the sound of this will have to keep a close eye on this for sure =)

Edited by Crash
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Why do they look so strange?

Edited by Gnasher
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Is it sad that I enjoyed the Pac-Man Vs MegaMan bit than anything else in the trailer?

Who knows... maybe other Namco and Capcom characters will cameo...

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Is it sad that I enjoyed the Pac-Man Vs MegaMan bit than anything else in the trailer?

Yes, but that doesn't stop me from agreeing with you. With Marvel vs Capcom 3 on the horizon, it's especially hard to give a shit about this.

And Capcom needs to slow down. How many fighting games can they create in such a short period of time anyway? Isn't part of the appeal of fighting games their lifespan; the fact that they're endlessly replayable? Stop making so many new ones. I think we're set. T_T

Edited by The Soldier
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And Capcom needs to slow down. How many fighting games can they create in such a short period of time anyway? Isn't part of the appeal of fighting games their lifespan; the fact that they're endlessly replayable? Stop making so many new ones. I think we're set. T_T

Blasphemy! We need CvS3 before they can stop.

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I can see why people are excited, surely, but I didn't want Street Fighter vs. Tekken.

I wanted Namco vs. Capcom.

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hopefully it's SF vs. Tekken in name only, Tekken blows ass.

Why do they look so strange?

Street fighter IV artstyle, yep.
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I kinda like both franchises, but MvC3 captures my interests the most while this holds little interest to me at the moment. Though might keep my eye on this, but would like to see Namco vs Capcom be made instead so we can get an actual Megaman vs Pac-Man face-off.

With Capcom making tons of these VS or Cross games, maybe we should get a Capcom or Darkstalkers vs Guilty Gear vs BlazBlue next.

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a Capcom or Darkstalkers vs Guilty Gear vs BlazBlue next.
GG vs street fighter was actually in development at one stage... but it kinda became vaporware
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Who knows... maybe other Namco and Capcom characters will cameo...

There's a Servbot head in the screenshot above your post. Anyway, sucks that it's not Namco vs. Capcom.

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it's not that bad really, after all who fights better then, you know, the fighting game characters,and it's not like street fighter has any shortage of roster.

It sucks that it's not like, Street Fighter vs. Soul Calibur though, fuck tekken.

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I'm not sure if I'm for this game. I'll probably never play it since I don't have any of the Next Gen consoles. Meh, maybe I'll play it. At first I thought this idea would exciting, though I'm not entirely sure. I would never think they'd make a Street Fighter vs. Tekken game. I never imagined it at all.

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Dan cameo in the trailer! Which means he's in the game! Unfortunately, he got beat up. :(

Anyway, so, basically, Street Fighter IV with Tekken characters? That's neat... I guess. They seem to be making two versions of the game, a Street Fighter IV-styled game (Street Fighter Cross Tekken), and a Tekken-styled game (Tekken Cross Street Fighter)...

Five bucks says the Tekken-based version will suck.

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Five bucks says the Tekken-based version will suck.

Get in line, son. I'd be surprised if anyone thinks the Tekken one will end up being anything other than a complete wastenado of our 60 bucksonsoon. And the Super IV one is pretty redundant in an of itself.

Damn you Namco! Why couldn't it be Soul Caliber X Street Fighter? Oh well. Maybe they will make it play like Tekken Tag.

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They probably chose Tekken because:

#1 - Namco clearly don't give a shit about Soulcalibur anymore, the series has become a farce that can't even take itself seriously

#2 - Namco created Soul Blade so they had a weapon based fighting game. Street Fighter and Tekken are both fist fights.

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