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Sony @ E3 2010


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There's a crap load of stuff on PSN as well, including what appears to be the first half of the press conference in HD.

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*still on iPod*

So I just unlocked the VIP area. Your shown a VERY long video of the future on Home, there's a new space coming that looks pretty cool. It's called the playground and it's set in an older style 80s new York. Think the Warriors and you get the idea. There's a dj deck for you to mix tunes. Chess (woo!) but also a giant basket ball court which has has you shooting hoops with a friend. But the ball is not restricted to the court, you can bounce it off buildings, climb fire escapes even take shots from on top of buildings. It looks like there's also a few other areas to explore like a subway, train station and the streets of new York.

Next up is another enormous space called The Midway (I think) it's basically a giant theme park/fun fair at night. Utterly loaded with rides and games to play. More than I've ever seen in 1 home space before.

Then there's an announcement for new arcade games for your personal space. Get high scores and you win prizes. That is live now.

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Okay it took a while... But time for yet another big ol' post from yours truly.

I'll say this... I'm not one who has had good blood with Sony at times. And I'm not going to lie... most of it was because of PHAN RAEG. But to be honestly, that was a long time ago so hear me out. I saw Sony's Conference today, and even though the montages were plentiful, and there were a chunk of games that they mentioned multiple times, I still felt that they did an awesome job! I can't say that I know much of Sony. Definitely not as much as some of you at least, but I'm eager to know more. And to play more.

There were 3rd party games that were revealed, and they were impressive. For those that got the extra support, I'll say that Sony help hurt Microsoft with extra wounds this year. One I have to highlight was the support of Value. Talk about heavy duty back-up! Value may be one company, but when they support something... THEY SUPPORT THE CRAP OUT OF IT! Even if you don't like Portal 2, this will effect other games besides it! The PSN+ Is cool, and if we don't have to pay to play, which I don't think Sony will do, then hell-lo PS3 for me!

Now other than Valve and Portal 2, There were still plenty of PS3 beef cafe to go around. Let's see here... Infamous 2. Hell, it's Sucker Punch, I still want to buy Infamous 1! LittleBIGPlanet 2 is perfect for someone like me, and now that they expanded beyond platformers, my imagination will have even less limitations! Motorstorm 3 caught my eye, because it reminds me of Split/Second. And I'm interested in Killzone 3; however I'm cautious. Twisted Metal, I'll say this... Do you have ANY IDEA how hard it was for a non-Nintendo developer, also on a non-Nintendo console, to catch my attention when the first one came out?! ...Any idea at all?! (You would have better luck getting superpowers!) Twisted Metal was one of the few, and I refused to put it down! So I'm hype, my jaw drop as soon as I heard the two guys talk about car-combat games. And when I saw Sweet Tooth, I dropped--My dog drop bombs. My dog did, yep.

Now, with all of this here, there was still some that didn't catch my eye. Still... I'm not interest in the PSP. While I have respect for the God of War franchise, I can't say that it's one of my favorites. Invizimals... NEXT! And that Marcus advertisement... HELL NO! Back to the Ps3 real quick, with Gran Turismo 5. I know they worked hard on it; blood, sweat and tears. But realistic racers just don't interest me. I was also disappointed in the lack of The Last Guardian. Seeing that game was the definite moment that clinched my decision to get a PS3.

Now the Move is a mix cookie. Heroes on the Move and Sorcery looked nice, but it would seem like I have to pay a pretty penny to get it. I'm not saying that it's a rip-off Sony fans, just that it's too rich for my blood at the moment. Also, keep in mind that I don't have as much issue with the motion controls in Wii games as others seem to have, so why I should I rush?

So overall... There was sweet and there was sour. But the sweet overpowered the sour for me, which is what I wanted. With more games that have me anxious, I'm ready to try them out... Sort of. I need a PS3. Speaking of which, while Sony failed to convince me to get a PSP, they made me even more anxious to purchase a PS3. One of these days, I'll see what makes it so kickass as some say.

I love Nintendo... I like Microsoft... But I think having the PS3 will help me experience a little bit more of how Sony works, Also I REALLY want to ply some of their haymakers. And then... Only then... I will finally put my fanboy past in it's grave for good. A burial that I look forward too.

Edited by YoshiUnity: Larry Butz
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Just been back on Home again and the content has once again altered slightly, theres a few editied trailers and on the official forums, they say that theres free items/furniture to be given out in the next few days to celebrate E3.

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Oh my... whats that you Say Mr Valve person? You say you might bring Left 4 Dead to the PS3?

Well thats interesting isn't it? Valve's Gabe has said, whilst Portal 2 is the main focus right now, they want to bring a Steam service to the playstation since Microsoft didn't want it, but Sony have been more receptive for the service.

He also goes on to say that Team Fortress 2 had over 120 updates for the PC version. the 360 version had less than 5. This is something that Valve is not happy with, releasing a form of Steam onto consoles is a way around this. However Microsoft do not want it on their system, all indications are that Sony does.

Gabe also said that older titles could soon find their way onto the Playstation when Steam goes live. He also did not deny that the left for dead series could be one of them.

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I'm starting to think that this change of heart may be because Valve is sick of Microsoft's bullshit when it comes to updates. They were very public about the issue a couple of months before Left 4 Dead 2 came out, about how Microsoft was making demands that Valve charge for updates that the PC players were getting for free.

Edited by Tornado
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It's a mix between being able to freely pimp Steam on another platform, financial/technical Sony support and the PS3 userbase being on par with the 360's.

Live is a closed system that doesn't want to deal with third party software (hence why Sony got a free timed exclusivity for FFXIV), so Valve can't just constantly autoupdate their games with patches, content and hats. Much less for free because Microsoft wants a fee for every DLC item.

If the Steam features really do allow PS3 users to get their updates directly from Valve, it means they could potentially get simultaneous content parity, which is kind of a big deal for users and one less headache for Valve. Additionally, this could push Microsoft over the edge to be less restrictive and not miss out on stuff.

Now considering Source games are pretty scalable and don't push too much the graphical envelope on PC, add kb/m support to the PS3 and Gabe's got another perfectly viable platform to finance his pizza orders. I'm still getting their games on PC, but it's nice for those who cannot.

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If the Steam features really do allow PS3 users to get their updates directly from Valve, it means they could potentially get simultaneous content parity, which is kind of a big deal for users and one less headache for Valve. Additionally, this could push Microsoft over the edge to be less restrictive and not miss out on stuff.

Actually... I don't see why this wouldn't happen... because it's already on PS3 in a way.

Konami have their own service like Steam, it's not a brilliant service, but I've used it and it works, is how they used to do updates/downloads for Metal Gear Online, you didn't buy from the PSN, you bought and downloaded directly from Konami's site.

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Yeah. Unfortunately Konami's online works as an argument in favor of Live's draconic approach, hah. Hopefully Valve can fill the other end of the spectrum.

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Konami's service is shockingly bad I agree. But the point is, it's there, it's working and it doesn't involve the PSN. So for SteamWorks, the barrier is.... nothing.

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Hmmm I think this might have more to do with Steven Seagal than Sony. I seem to recall when he came to England to do Justin and Alans Friday Night Project he was a bit.... strange... Alarn Carr said on I think it was Johnathan Ross that he was the strangest guest host they've had on. Like at times he refused to talk to people one moment, then suddenly he would talk to them, he refused to do things that you would consider 'normal' but would be up for doing stuff that made you raise an eyebrow at him.

Oh and Sony's E3 Home space has updated with a new free prize... a Giant PS3 controller... it's... well... big!

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Anyone care to take a guess at the timetable for Resistance 3? The other members of the big 4 (Killzone, Gears, Halo) all have new games on the way and it will be weird to not have a Resistance title to match up with the group.

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Anyone care to take a guess at the timetable for Resistance 3? The other members of the big 4 (Killzone, Gears, Halo) all have new games on the way and it will be weird to not have a Resistance title to match up with the group.

Normally we'd have heard of it by now and the game would release this Fall, but Insomniac is extending their development times.

I'd say we could see the game by Gamescom in August (or in a magazine beforehand), with a high probability of it being pushed to next year for a better layer of polish.

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