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What's the Most Okay-est/Average Sonic Game?

The DOMinator

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Posted (edited)

We're always asking what's the best and what's the worst when it comes to things. In regards to Sonic, specifically the games, these can usually be boiled down to the most averaging answers. As a result, the same candidates are always being passed around (for good reason). For example, when asked what's the best Sonic game, you'll find many saying Sonic the Hedgehog 2, 3 & Knuckles, Mania, Adventure 2, Colors, Generations, etc. On the flip side, you'll hear the likes of 06, Rise of Lyric, 4: Episode 1, Labyrinth, Shadow the Hedgehog, Chronicles, etc. Of course, everybody has their own opinion, so you'll some curve balls here and there, such as titles that are constantly swapped between being the best and worst, like the Storybook games, Unleashed, Heroes, etc. Another example would be some of the aforementioned best and worst games being swapped between being the best and worst (I know, I'm sounding redundant). For instance, I've seen people say 06 and Shadow are their personal favorites, while others say Colors and Adventure 2 are the pits. Everyone has their reasons, the same as how everyone has a valid opinion. But something that you'll often find, in regards to both Sonic and otherwise, but not have a definitive answer to, is okay/average installments. Back to Sonic, many say games like Sonic 1 and the Rivals games are just decent. Even some of the previously mentioned games may find themselves under this category, such as often considered best and worst games like Generations and 4: Episode 1 respectively, and the "flip of the coin" games like Unleashed. But you know, there's never a certain answer as to what's the most harmless installment. So, I wanted to hear what your takes are in regards to what are some of the most okay-est/average Sonic game; see if there's a general consensus. For me, 06 and Forces are somewhere in the grey area between good and bad Sonic games. With the former, I think the game play is fine enough (admittedly though, it can sometimes dip down a bit), with the only real bad part being Sonic's Mach Speed sections, with the most notable example being the one in Crisis City. The story's okay too. Convoluted, yes. Does it have some unnecessary aspects, such as the infamous kiss scene? Yeah, but I can roll my eyes at it and move along. Additionally, I haven't run into many glitches, which is usually one of the noteworthy factors that garner this game's reputation (maybe it's because I'm playing the PS3 version rather than its Xbox 360 one?). Locations are cool, and music is great, as per the series' norm/what to expect. In the latter's case, game play is yet again fine, with Classic Sonic's game play, although functional and manageable, being the only real downside. The story, as well as new (more than likely one time) villain, Infinite, have potential, but in their current state, are just okay. Nothing I find grating or anything. Locations range from less than stellar to fun and fresh, which are combined with subpar level design. Then there's the unimportant addition of Double and Triple Boosting, as well as some repetitious and grinding after game challenges/achievements just to stretch and pad out the game play time. The soundtrack overall had some memorable tunes, but a lot were just meh. So yeah, there's my takes; what's yours?

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I mean, 1 is Okay. Definitely the right first step if you ask me. if they use the more interesting zone In that game instead of Green Hill, this would be better.

the 8-Bits are alright too. Expanded the world, made interesting locales, stuff like that.

Fighters is the same: Worldbuilding, Character Introduction, etc.

i don't HATE 3D blast; it did world build, great music, but the game is just hard to look at. just tell me you can sit and look at that. with a straight face.

I don't nessesarliy hate the Advance games, but they are a tad... odd. (Im looking at you, sonic's running animation)

Superstars is also lukewarm. Sure, original Zones galore, but... no.

Sonic 4 is just a trainwreak, we don't talk about that (Im trying to keep it to the mid games, not the Bad or good ones)

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Sonic Heroes.

It's incredibly meh. It probably would have been better if it was followed Sonic 3 and not Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Largely because Adventure 1 and 2 are the games that set the standard for what was "3D Sonic," at the time.

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I feel this way about Sonic 4 and Colours, as oppose to the negative/positive feelings they typically get.  The former is a terrible game to market as the follow-up to the classics, but it's a just fine little speedy platformer that super duper isn't physics based.  Feels like a boostless follow-up to the Rush/Advance games for me.  Colours is competently put together, but devoid of any interesting 3D gameplay at all, and the 2D gameplay is also just kinda bland and not especially Sonic-y feeling.

I guess Shadow the Hedgehog as well.  It plays fine, fixes a lot of glitches and movement issues that Heroes had despite playing on a similar engine etc.  Just a little over-reliant on the bland gunplay when it comes to bosses and some stages, but plenty of them are enjoyably platformy for me.  Just a really misguided core concept, the execution is pretty okay.

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I honestly feel this way about SA2.

Speed levels aside....its just a crappy shoot em up and treasure hunt wuth dodgy radar.

Story is good but the Biolizard? Really?? Meh

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3 hours ago, castell-neath said:

Story is good but the Biolizard? Really?? Meh

I headcanon that Biolizard is Gerald's interpretation of Perfect Chaos. Makes it make sliiiightly more sense. Very, very slight.

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The Sonic Boom handheld games.


The are aggressively average. You won't love it, you won't hate it, they are just there. Existing.

The only comment I can make on the games themselves is that they are functional. I honestly have no further input.

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I'll go with Sonic Frontiers. The game is mostly palatable, but I can think of maybe three times I actually had fun playing the game.

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On 5/10/2024 at 5:40 PM, Cyb3rkn1ght said:

i don't HATE 3D blast; it did world build, great music, but the game is just hard to look at. just tell me you can sit and look at that. with a straight face.

I would do this. I LOVE 3D Blast. But I grew up with isometrics. Landstalker and the like, so it's perfectly palatable to me.

I think out of all, Sonic Heroes is the most "meh" game to me. The only reason it's as high on my list as it is is because it brought us the one and only Neo Metal Sonic.

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Posted (edited)

Sonic Superstars.

It plays fine, its production value is kinda on the low side and the level design is a bit effortless, the concept works on paper, but then you play it and it's kinda bland/boring. But it's not bad, it's just... there's absolutely nothing special about the game, nothing that stands out, not even something so bad that becomes note worthy... besides musics maybe, but even those are just so bland that you can't even make fun of them like Sonic 4's dying cats and ducks, plus there are some good songs too so you can't just say that the soundtrack sucks.

I didn't play the Boom 2D games but they give me similar vibes too so I can trust @Sega DogTagz's opinion on those. Add Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble (the original not the fan remake) to the list if you want. EDIT: Maybe Dream Team too? I didn't play it I don't know.

Edited by Iko
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3D Blast. Great soundtracks and some pretty neat gameplay ideas, but it comes together in a way that has me struggling to remember much of it beyond the initial playing experience.

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Sonic Advance 1.  It follows the safest formula for making a Sonic game and there's nothing in it that would really alienate people, but aside from a questionably implemented Amy, there's nothing really new or impressive about it either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One week later...

Welp, guess now's as good as anytime to check out these responses. A bit late, but who knows, maybe it'll get some more attention and I'll get to squeeze out a couple more answers out of people, or something.

On 5/10/2024 at 12:40 PM, Cyb3rkn1ght said:

I mean, 1 is Okay. Definitely the right first step if you ask me. if they use the more interesting zone In that game instead of Green Hill, this would be better.

the 8-Bits are alright too. Expanded the world, made interesting locales, stuff like that.

Fighters is the same: Worldbuilding, Character Introduction, etc.

i don't HATE 3D blast; it did world build, great music, but the game is just hard to look at. just tell me you can sit and look at that. with a straight face.

I don't nessesarliy hate the Advance games, but they are a tad... odd. (Im looking at you, sonic's running animation)

Superstars is also lukewarm. Sure, original Zones galore, but... no.

Sonic 4 is just a trainwreak, we don't talk about that (Im trying to keep it to the mid games, not the Bad or good ones)

I agree with the Sonic 1 sentiment. I mean, I guess it does lean a bit more to the good side for me. Better than some other contenders for the title of most average/okay-est Sonic game. It makes since, as it is the first game in the series, so it laid the groundwork/foundation for all future titles. They were never going to get it right the first time.

In regards to the 8-Bit entries, they go from being average to good as they went on. I'm mainly referring to 1, 2, Chaos, Triple Trouble, and Blast here, although, if you're talking about every 8-Bit title, then, well, my opinion still stays the same anyways (Tails Adventure and Skypatrol are decent, first Drift is kinda basic), with Labyrinth being the only one leaning a bit more towards the meh side (although it's respectable what they were trying to achieve). But back to the "main five," they just got more polished, better looking, and fun as they went on, going from looking like an 8-Bit title, to almost 16-Bit looking, adding in Tails as a playable character, complete with flying ability, a variety of gimmicks, etc. Only Blast kind of tanked the series' progress a bit, trading the 16-Bit styled graphics for Donkey Kong Country styled pre-rendered sprites, which the Game Gear and Master System obviously can't handle without major compensations (ex: the sprites are gigantic, filling up a lot of the screen), bad Special Stages, etc.

FIghters is cool for what it was trying to accomplish: a one on one Sonic fighting game. Some of what they did to fit the genre into a Sonic themed game is pretty clever, like having barriers to compensate for the Classic characters' short limbs (as well as just acting as an interesting feature in general), the game being filled with slapstick, etc. The introduction of Bean, Bark, and (sort of) Honey were welcome additions to the cast, and having Fang playable is cool too (overall it's nice to have a lot of the Classic cast here). When it comes to the actual game though, it's far from being one of the best fighting games. It'd be neat if one day they revisited the concept, refining it more and polishing it up a bit, but alas...

I can tell you I can sit and look at 3D Blast with a straight face. Another game that leans a bit more to the good side for me (I know I keep saying this. I'm a cop-out/hypocrite, I know). For the Sega Genesis, it does look good for what it is. I don't even mind the whole fetching of Flickies and bring them to a giant ring (although admittedly, it can annoying at some parts). But when it comes to the isometric point of view, that's where the game falters for me. I get that it's being done to give the illusion of 3D game play and perspective, but it just doesn't work for platforming (for what little bits of it there are in the game anyways). I'll line up myself to jump, only to miss, or just slip off, leaving me to retry the whole thing. The Special Stages are pretty meh also, being some of the easiest in the franchise, and not being very interesting. The Saturn version of the game does make things look better, along with adding a new and better Special Stage, a new soundtrack (not that the Genesis one was bad, with being equally good in their own ways), and even some nifty weather effects. It's a shame it never gets ported, leaving people to often overlook it. If you can find a video on it, or even better, a way to play it, I suggest you give it a try. It doesn't make the game light-years better, it's the little things that make something a worthwhile.

Can't comment much on the Advance games, having only played the first through its Android remastered port, and even then, having only played through the first level, as well as its Special Stage. Still, they seem to be a decent batch of games, acting as a good way of getting your 2D Sonic fix. Also, Sonic's running animation? :chuckle:

Superstars also leans more towards the good side for me, although, a far cry from Mania's quality. It looks okay, has an okay story, Trip and the Chaos Emerald powers are a nice addition, Fang's return is welcomed, the new stage themes are refreshing, etc. One of the biggest things working against it (aside from being a follow up to Mania :p) is its heavily marketed multiplayer. New Super Mario Bros. styled co-op 4 player multiplayer just doesn't work for the speediness of Sonic. I'm glad they didn't adjust the level design for it, but still, you'll find yourself constantly outrunning someone, or vice versa. The spontaneous swapping between players in Special Stages is this, but worse, as it can kill a run at trying to get an Emerald. Overall, it's an okay package. Hopefully, a lot of these problems can be ironed out in a future 2D Sonic game.

Yeah, 4 isn't very good, although I'd say this applies more toward 4: Episode 1. Not they're bad, but to call itself 4 is just an outright bad decision, as it builds up expectations as being a follow up to the classics, only to then drop them. 4 reuses themes, has some wonky physics (Sonic standing on walls anyone?), momentum being all messed up (Sonic can't spin dash up a slope, but can just walk on it instead?), and because of its episodic structure, is pretty sure. At least that point means it doesn't overstay its welcome, but that's more than made up for in the game's achievements. I'm specifically ousting the one that requires you to beat the entirety of Egg Station without getting hit once. This is made near impossible due to RNG elements, odd collision detection, a crap shot final attack from the Death Egg Robot, etc. Episode 2 definitely improved upon a lot of its predecessor's aspects, so it's kind of unfortunate that Episode 3 got cancelled, as we've could've seen a good package.

On 5/10/2024 at 3:48 PM, Wittymations said:

Sonic Heroes.

It's incredibly meh. It probably would have been better if it was followed Sonic 3 and not Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Largely because Adventure 1 and 2 are the games that set the standard for what was "3D Sonic," at the time.

Yeah, I agree with that sentiment. Although it's respectable that they wanted to shake things up a bit and harken back to the classics, the whiplash going from Adventure 2 to Heroes does not go unnoticed. Also, the game play could've used some more polishing up. Additionally, the story's a neat idea, the Chaotix's return is welcomed, as well as the formal return of Metal Sonic, and Metal's Neo form is cool. Writing is questionable. So overall, eh. Well, unless we're talking about the PS2 version, then...

On 5/10/2024 at 5:00 PM, Xandur said:


Another game with meh story and writing. When it comes to the game play, the boost feels a bit bogged down compared to its predecessors (Unleashed) and successor (Generations). Understandable, since it was originally released on the Wii, and they didn't want to push it too much, but still. The game's also filled with a lot of 2D segments, which are all okay. The multiplayer seems like an afterthought. On a more positive note though, the level variety is nice (thanks to the idea of traveling across different planets), the Wisp powers are a neat sometimes optional way of getting through levels, the music is good, and the double jump seems like a no brainier addition to Sonic's move set. Of course, this is all referring to the 3D game. When it comes its 2D DS counterpart though, that fairs a bit better. But I digress.

On 5/10/2024 at 5:25 PM, JezMM said:

The former is a terrible game to market as the follow-up to the classics

Whose idea was it to repurpose a mobile game into a follow-up to the classics? Seriously, that alone, already set expectations way too high for a game that was only supposed to be reminiscent, not a true successor.

On 5/10/2024 at 5:25 PM, JezMM said:

Feels like a boostless follow-up to the Rush/Advance games for me.

That's what happens when both you have Dimps working on the game, and the fact that they built said game on Rush's engine, therefore the change in physics and whatnot from the classic titles. If I recall, some mobile version of 4: Episode 1 even still used the Rush/Rush Adventure/Colors DS model in place of the new sprite used elsewhere.

But in general, yeah, 4's okay. Already stated my opinion earlier on in my reply, but in short, Episode 1's fine, and Episode 2 is an improvement that pushes it more towards "good" territory.

On 5/10/2024 at 5:25 PM, JezMM said:

Colours is competently put together, but devoid of any interesting 3D gameplay at all, and the 2D gameplay is also just kinda bland and not especially Sonic-y feeling.

A shorter version of what I said before regarding Colors. I'm pretty sure the lack of Sonic-y feeling was due to Sega wanting a game to appeal more towards the Mario fans after them playing the Olympic games and wanting to potentially try out a Sonic game, if I recall correctly.

On 5/10/2024 at 5:25 PM, JezMM said:

I guess Shadow the Hedgehog as well.  It plays fine, fixes a lot of glitches and movement issues that Heroes had despite playing on a similar engine etc.  Just a little over-reliant on the bland gunplay when it comes to bosses and some stages, but plenty of them are enjoyably platformy for me.  Just a really misguided core concept, the execution is pretty okay.

Can't say much different than that. Still feels a bit slippery, but most of that is gone from Heroes. Guns were fine, and not as bad everybody made them out to be (in regards to game play, as the concept is still pretty silly). The stages are somewhat thorough, and are varied in theming. Having to play the game so many times to reach the final story, despite being interesting in concept (the split runs between good, evil, and whatnot), wasn't executed as well as they thought it would be. Also, whose idea was it to include a grand total of 326 routes? It's not mandatory to go through all of them, but still. Also, don't know if this is just because I play/own the PS2 version of the game, but the slowdown and lag on the multiplayer, boy does it chug.

On 5/10/2024 at 5:33 PM, castell-neath said:

I honestly feel this way about SA2.

Speed levels aside....its just a crappy shoot em up and treasure hunt wuth dodgy radar.

Story is good but the Biolizard? Really?? Meh

Huh, despite being a hot take, you do make a good point. The speed levels are really the only consistently good part of the game. Shooting is meh, and treasure hunting, because of the radar, takes way longer than needed. Also, it's kind of funny that Gerald went from a giant "regular" lizard on life support to an anthropomorphic hedgehog.

On 5/10/2024 at 7:49 PM, Knight Terror said:


Already gave my opinion on Forces in my initial topic post, but yeah, it's okay.

On 5/10/2024 at 9:19 PM, Wittymations said:

I headcanon that Biolizard is Gerald's interpretation of Perfect Chaos. Makes it make sliiiightly more sense. Very, very slight.

I've heard this idea elsewhere, and it's what I headcanon. It does make some sense, as Gerald was seemingly researching on Chaos, with the Artificial Chaos experiments being proof of it. There was that Perfect Chaos mural in Adventure 1, so maybe the Biolizard was based off that. It goes hand in hand with the theory that Shadow was based on the Hidden Palace mural that featured Super Sonic.

On 5/11/2024 at 2:36 PM, Sega DogTagz said:

The Sonic Boom handheld games.


The are aggressively average. You won't love it, you won't hate it, they are just there. Existing.

The only comment I can make on the games themselves is that they are functional. I honestly have no further input.

The closest I've gotten to playing either one of these was playing the demo of Shattered Crystal. Regardless, this is the general consensus I hear across the internet, although it is noted that Fire & Ice is an improvement over its predecessors, with some even saying it's the best out of the Boom games (not that there's a high bar to clear). Funny that it got delayed for further development, while Rise of Lyric was sent out to the pasture.

On 5/11/2024 at 4:34 PM, Cosmos Rogue said:

I'll go with Sonic Frontiers. The game is mostly palatable, but I can think of maybe three times I actually had fun playing the game.

This game was interesting, for lack of a better word. For me, it leaned more toward enjoyable, but there's still a lot to be improved upon. As I said similarly earlier regarding Sonic 1, this makes some sense, as it's the first title of this styled game play (open world zone + Cyberspace/boost + other). It wasn't going to be home run out of the gate. I do appreciate the developers for pumping out free DLC updates, alongside just hot fixed in general. As a result, the game is in a bit of a better state than when it was released. All we can do is hope that Frontiers' successor is an improvement/step in the right direction, rather than being a rushed out, half baked title, as seen within Sonic's history.

On 5/11/2024 at 4:44 PM, TitansCreed said:

I would do this. I LOVE 3D Blast. But I grew up with isometrics. Landstalker and the like, so it's perfectly palatable to me.


I grew up playing 3D Blast, so that may have helped me. Additionally, I'm well averse in isometric game anyways (Zaxxon, Marble Madness, Q*bert), so in general, I just don't mind isometric games. Like I said earlier, it can get in the way of platforming sometimes, but it's otherwise fine. Now, if @Cyb3rkn1ghtwas referring to the graphics, well, I don't mind those either. As also mentioned earlier in my reply, it's just something that games of the time did, usually to good effect, with the aforementioned DKC games being a good example. The first Gex game could count as well. Granted, Sonic 3D Blast isn't the best of looking games, sure. But as I also said earlier, the Saturn version does improve upon the visuals a bit. I said it once and I'll say it again, it's a shame the Saturn version doesn't get more exposure.

On 5/11/2024 at 4:44 PM, TitansCreed said:

I think out of all, Sonic Heroes is the most "meh" game to me. The only reason it's as high on my list as it is is because it brought us the one and only Neo Metal Sonic.

Something I already said, and so agree with. I was pretty excited when Neo Metal Sonic was added to Sonic Speed Simulator, not only being playable and to be fought as a boss fight, but also having the ability to fly, as well as invincibility. I'm glad he seems to be a permanent addition to the game, because his missions are quite grindy (well, everything in the game is really).

On 5/11/2024 at 7:56 PM, Iko said:

Sonic Superstars.

It plays fine, its production value is kinda on the low side and the level design is a bit effortless, the concept works on paper, but then you play it and it's kinda bland/boring. But it's not bad, it's just... there's absolutely nothing special about the game, nothing that stands out, not even something so bad that becomes note worthy... besides musics maybe, but even those are just so bland that you can't even make fun of them like Sonic 4's dying cats and ducks, plus there are some good songs too so you can't just say that the soundtrack sucks.

I didn't play the Boom 2D games but they give me similar vibes too so I can trust @Sega DogTagz's opinion on those. Add Sonic Pocket Adventure, Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble (the original not the fan remake) to the list if you want. EDIT: Maybe Dream Team too? I didn't play it I don't know.

Agree with all of these points. These are all serviceable 2D Sonic releases, with few noteworthy things. I've only played Superstars, Chaos, and Triple Trouble (and have already given my two cents on them), but I think I can also trust @Sega DogTagz, along with most of the internet, on that the others are also just fine. Although, Pocket Adventure in particular always seems to be flip floppy, opinion wise. One moment, it's cited as a hidden gem. The other, its hand waved as a pseudo Sonic 2 port, and nothing more. Still, even having not played it, it's a shame that whatever's happening behind the scenes is preventing the game from not only getting rereleased, but also, as Ian stated when answering as to why it wasn't in the Encyclo-speed-ia, from even getting officially acknowledged. Dream Team seems to be good, but I took haven't played it, so can't say much else.

On 5/12/2024 at 12:13 AM, ZinogreVolt said:

3D Blast. Great soundtracks and some pretty neat gameplay ideas, but it comes together in a way that has me struggling to remember much of it beyond the initial playing experience.

Agreed. Has highlights, but nothing truly memorable and remarkable. Essentially, it was just a hold over until the next actual mainline Sonic game, and it served it's purpose.

On another note, the more I think about it, this, Spinball, Chaotix, and Mean Bean Machine always seem to be considered average-bad filler titles, with other half of the Genesis + add-on library (1, 2, CD, 3 & Knuckles) being praised for the most part. Just something that came to me :p 

And we don't talk about Eraser...
On 5/12/2024 at 2:20 AM, Scritch the Cat said:

Sonic Advance 1.  It follows the safest formula for making a Sonic game and there's nothing in it that would really alienate people, but aside from a questionably implemented Amy, there's nothing really new or impressive about it either.

Pretty much was I thinking judging from what little I played, and just others' view in general. It seems as though it was its successors that tried to break the mold and shake things up a bit, for better or worse.

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I've gotta say Sonic 2. I rage at that game, but I still love it.

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On 5/21/2024 at 12:46 PM, Maple Syrup said:

I've gotta say Sonic 2. I rage at that game, but I still love it.

Another hot take, but understandable. I consider Sonic 2 as a good game, and is either close or within range of my favorites/personal best Sonic games. In my opinion though, 3 & Knuckles and Mania are better, but that's just me. Some of my own grievances with Sonic 2 are Tails in the Special Stages (why is he so delayed?!?!), Metropolis Zone (mainly the frustratingly placed Badniks with annoying attacks), and Super Sonic in Wing Fortress Zone, which is clearly not built with him in mind (precise platforming with him here is almost nonexistent).

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