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[EVENT] The Sonic Stadium 52 Game Challenge 2024! - New Prizes every week! Current Prize: Sonic Heroes Profile gift!


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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Polkadi~☆ was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

Okay, I'm gonna make a proper post to read through!

1. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk (100%)
I already posted about this last time, but I want to make a comprehensive post this time!


One second per second of funky goodness! Even if you're playing the game for Jet Set Radio nostalgia, I think you'll ultimately walk away enjoying the game for being more than the sum of it's parts. Fantastic soundtrack, while being a skating game that's easy to pick up and offers great platforming challenges to master, a clear celebration of street culture arts that uses the cel shaded low poly aesthetic to eye-popping effect, and having a story that was entertaining enough to keep me holding on and wondering where it'll go next! I'd say it's been one of 2023's overlooked gems, so if you haven't gotten around to it yet, definitely give the game a try.

In terms of the challenge in completing the game to 100%, the score challenges are the more frustrating ones from what I've found. Many other players will call the achievement for knocking a basketball into a hoop on Versum Hill to be the hardest achievements, but that was one that I anticlimatically got on my first try with no effort put into it. Though not marked with any achievements, there's also the matter of finding all the collectables in the game, fittingly called "Stuff". There isn't really a proper ingame guide to find many of these, however; you just have to poke and prod at the world enough until you find something. And ultimately, it's either colour variations of your characters and movestyles, music discs, and a few really cool pieces of graffiti you can learn to use.

Interestingly, there's some rather difficult post-game challenges that don't factor into any sort of achievements. You can get new characters and access some new areas in the post game, so it's really if you want to do it or not. However, the post-game characters are a lot easier to unlock than characters you can get during the main campaign... You wouldn't even know about them until you accidentally stumble upon them.

Still a great game. Go play it now.

2. Half-Life Alyx (100%)


I. LOVE. HALF-LIFE. And now that I finally got into VR, Half-Life Alyx was a surreal experience, because being in the world of Half-Life was insane. Headcrabs face-to-face are a whole new experience, as are tense firefights with Combine soldiers, and classic characters talking directly to ME. I was always rummaging through nooks and crannies of maps, constantly finding the tiniest of details in places I never expected to find anything. And Valve knew full well that I'd want to look through everything, because they'd even leave ammunition and resources hidden for you to find. The guns made every encounter tense because I had to physically load, click into place, and aim my weapons to shoot into exactly where I want it to. I had to physically throw grenades, and discover that I am a terrible throw. The gravity gloves in the game are SO fun to play with and so intuitive, I kind of wish I had something like it in real life. This game had deep cuts that I NEVER EVER expected Valve to acknowledge about the series again. There are points in the game where I just wanted to cry from joy of seeing the things I love given new life... or cry because something that's already scary on a computer screen is ten times scarier in VR ;-;

I could honestly keep going about the game. I don't know how to stress hard enough that this felt like a premium experience that you need VR for, I can see now why this game had to be this way. It is perfect in so many ways, as a Half-Life fan and as a newcomer to VR.

In terms of 100%? Most achievements are easily obtained just by playing the game, some are very specific, and then there's a gnome-shaped shadow that looms over the rest.
I had 100% completed Half-Life 2: Episode 2 before, and one achievement was to take a garden gnome from the start of the game into a rocket at the very end. It was a long, tedious and frustrating achievement that felt like it all paid off by the end.
Half-Life Alyx is a lot longer than that game. And it too has an achievement to carry a gnome from the start of the game all the way to the end. You have to physically carry it the entire length of the way there, no shortcuts or anything. I dedicated my second playthrough of the game to exactly that, and by god, did I carry that damn gnome to the end of the game. Gnome Chompski, he's named, with the exact same model ported straight from HL2:E2. I carried him all the way to the Vault.


The post credits scene made me bawl.

3. Neon White (Finished)


I like this game a lot. It has post-game achievements, including one daunting achievement that I hate thinking about. But I'll get it eventually. When I do, I'll post more about this game!

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Making a reminder post to everyone to get your weekly check-ins done before Monday 9pm GMT/4pm EST!

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as it turns out depression makes doing things in a timely manner really damn hard

COMPLETED AND 100%: Ittle Dew





Man, speedrun achievements suck. Other than that, cute little Zelda-like. Not much more to say really.

That's i think 5 complete 4 100%?

Edited by Fireluigi1225
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1. Google Minesweeper







Easy and medium weren't too bad. It's hard that I had a lot of problems with. This was mainly due to the amount of 50/50 decisions I had to make, with one wrong choice resulting in a loss, which is especially painful on the last tile.

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Further to my sonic cd check in on monday, I had another hour on horizon tonight and I have to admit I had a huge amount of fun taking down the huge snake at the gathering. Also, some awsome character development with the side charactets / companions too when you return Aether to Gaia...the back stories to each really do help explain the characters' motivations and actions.

I'm really enjoying thIs. Just had the SoS from the mountain, so lets see what goes on up there!

Edited by castell-neath
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Checking in, nothing finished yet again this week (going back to uni has been rough haha) but the recent announcement of Sonic x Shdadow has me inspired to both start Shadow 05 and finally beat Generations; I'm hoping to at least have a few endings of Shadow by next week, and/or a finished Generations story! (Maybe I'd have more luck finishing and completing games if I stuck to them better, but there's so much I want to play! Eventually I'll get the games done, it adds up lol!)

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Agie was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 20 points.

4. Mega Man 1

I remember originally playing this on the PS2 anniversary Collection, and I decided to play it again via the 3DS Virtual Console release, because...convenience, mostly. This is a short game, but I like it enough. It's certainly rough around the edges not just compared to modern games, but even compared to its immediate sequel Mega Man 2, and some of the difficulty is bullshit, but well, it was the first game, and Capcom definitely built off of what this game started in a way that I can forgive some of the jank. Plus, the game still has a charm to this day.

I'd say not the best place to start but worth it, if mostly to see where the Mega Man series got its start.

My big goals are currently Yokai Watch 2: Psychic Spirits and Warriors Orochi 3: Ultimate to beat those, but it'll be a bit, so I'm also putting in shorter games here and there.


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Last minute check-in. Not much different from last week. Been busy juggling other responsibilities so haven't been able to play much. Still slowly going through FF7 and BG3. Hope everyone else is doing well.

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Dreadknux was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

NOTICE: All of Week 3's Profile Gifts (Sonic & Knuckles) have now been handed out to all who contributed to the thread last week.



Time for my weekly check-in (I quite like doing these on a Monday mornings actually, going to keep doing this). I finished Murder By Numbers on the Switch, a nice little Picross-with-a-story game that I thoroughly enjoyed. I did think it was going to be more of a fusion of Picross and Phoenix Wright (as the main character ends up becoming a detective throughout the story, investigating murders) - and there is some investigation and presenting of evidence to a degree, but it's pretty light on that in favour of the puzzle play. Not that I minded too much. I thought the story and the characters were pretty charming and engaging, and I recommend it as a wind-down game.

I completed the main story and beat all the optional unlockable 'SCOUT Memories' puzzles (which are unlocked by obtaining S-Ranks throughout each chapter/case), so I'm considering this one 100%'d. Proof of extra puzzles completed for the 100% in spoiler tags below.






I've also done that thing I do, where I start playing more games before I complete the existing list in front of me :quack: Because I've been out and about, and a little bit distracted, this week, I've gone back to the ol' Xbox 360 to take on some games ahead of the Marketplace store closure. So with that in mind, I started the South Park Tower Defence game:


Also thought of playing some Xbox games on my phone, and even though I've beaten it a million times already on DS, 3DS and Switch, I'm going to give the original Phoenix Wright trilogy another god damn run thanks to Game Pass.


On top of that, I kicked off The Revenge of Shinobi and Super Hang On, courtesy of the (now delisted) SEGA Vintage Collection compilation pack that also includes Alex Kidd (although I probably won't bother with Alex Kidd as I recently completed the DX remake last year and I've had my fill of that fuckin' game for now)


I'm not sure how I'm going to classify "100%" for any of these, given that they are in a compilation pack and there isn't really a difference between completing and '100%'ing any of these... but I'm looking to the Xbox 360 Achievements list to guide me and give me an extra challenge.

I am about halfway through Shinobi on this run and I did finish the Beginners' run on Super Hang On... but I'm uncertain if that really counts as 'Beaten', let alone 'Completion' as there are many routes I have yet to play and if I just called it 'Beaten' after the shortest route that would be one hell of a short game! I think I'll call it "in progress" until I beat all routes, and then call it "100%" once I do that and get all the Achievements for that game in this compilation as well. I'll let Ryan decide on whether it all counts, ultimately as he's the game master! :)



  • Sonic Adventure (Xbox 360)
  • Turnip Boy Robs a Bank (Xbox Series X)
  • Murder by Numbers (Nintendo Switch)


  • Sonic Adventure (Xbox 360)
  • Turnip Boy Robs a Bank (Xbox Series X)
  • Murder by Numbers (Nintendo Switch)

In Progress:

  • Halo Anniversary (Xbox Series X / Halo: The Master Chief Collection)
  • Judgment (PlayStation 4)
  • Tunic (Xbox Series X)
  • Club Nintendo Picross Plus (Nintendo 3DS)
  • The Revenge of Shinobi (Xbox 360 / SEGA Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co.)
  • Super Hang On (Xbox 360 / SEGA Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co.)
  • South Park: Let's Go Tower Defence Play! (Xbox 360)
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Xbox Series X / Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy)
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Alright everyone, welcome to a brand new week for the 52 Game Challenge! Hard to believe, but we're already on week 4 of the event! I hope everyone's been having a good time thus far, and have been enjoying their weekly profile gifts!

So, with all that said, what's our check-in reward this week? It's...


Sonic 3D Blast!

Do a check-in this week and receive a profile gift dedicated to one of the first major Sonic spinoff games! As always, if you were meant to receive a previous profile gift and didn't get it, be sure to let us know and we'll try to rectify the situation too.

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As @ouenjihas said, since the announcement of Sonic X Shadow Generations I've had the urge to play through StH! Haven't touched it since it came out so what better time? GTA SA has decided to not play nice on the Steam Deck so I'll be replacing it with this. 

326 endings though? Not sure on that.

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Check In - Week 4

  • Brotato - Playing on XSX. I'm going to count this as completed once I've finished Danger 6 as it doesn't unlock any further difficulties after that. Not quite there yet though
  • Star Ocean: First Departure R - Amongst all the other RPGs I'm playing, I'm making progress through one of Square Enix' other major franchises. Having fun with this.
  • Crisis Core: FFVII - Playing this now, and on Chapter 10 so could actually be done tonight, maybe!
  • Persona 3 Reload - Yay another RPG for the backlog! 4 hours in, having fun so far.
  • Dead Space - Still streaming this, I'm on either Chapter 6 or 7, can't remember!
  • Fable II - Started this on my Friday stream. Recruited the first Hero that the story needs.

Think that's everything I've made progress on in the past week...

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Failinhearts was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.




I discussed with Ryan what counts as 100% completion for this game cause completing all missions results in walking for 1000 days with your 3DS for 50 days. So all S Ranks will do the trick. And hoo boy, the things I do to experience Gens, but want Sonic x Shadow Gens to be my proper entry for the console game when it releases.

This game ain't that good. It's got some nice shining levels, but it also has levels that are absolutely sauceless at best, and infuriatingly designed at worst, with that classic Dimps stink we all know and... know.

I appreciate how we get different levels to represent the same game, if not new games entirely with the inclusion of Rush levels, but it's too little, too late for an overall mediocre title that doesn't live up to its HD counterpart.



For completing a Toys to Life game, the rules state that all that has to be done is anything that can be done with the characters required to beat the base story. In this case, its whatever can be done with Batman, Gandalf, Wyldstyle and the Batmobile. A maxed out Batmobile is the longest and grindiest task in the game, and requires me to do everything possible in the story, DC, LOTR and LEGO Movie Adventure Worlds to collect the studs and Gold Bricks possible to get every upgrade. Thus this as the proof.

I really like this game. It's janky and unbalanced, but the story is told with such love and reverence for its franchises, and the sheer level of ambition is evident in nearly every character, location and Easter Egg in this game. And there is so much more to discover with the characters and vehicles I have accumulated over the years, able to create the most bizarre and fun mashups this side of Fortnite.

So I had a really fun time revisiting this game...

...Is what I WOULD say if I was playing on anything else than the Wii U! I played the PS4 version for years, and its been great. But doing the Wii U version for this playthrough, it is one of the buggiest, choppy, and prone-to-crash games you could play on Nintendo's forgotten black box. It was a painful experience and it makes going back to my PS5 just that more of a refreshing experience. Like coming back to a comfy bed after an arduous day at work.



For mobile games, according to Ryan, finishing it is attributed to doing anything in the game's first campaign, regardless of any story expansions that come later (Villain Arc, Legendary Events, etc.) So to complete Pokemon Masters, finishing is beating the game on Normal, and then Hard. As a frequent player, I certainly have the units overpowered enough to blaze through it in a replay.

Well, that's not fair, is it? So I added an additional challenge to put some validity to my playthrough. Playing with JUST Egg Units, which are free, weak units that pairs your protagonist with a hatched Pokemon. With it, I put myself at a distinct disadvantage as I play through Normal and Hard difficulties. I couldn't rely much on auto battling once I reached the endgame, as I had to think more strategically to stay alive in these real time 3v3 battles, but I managed to beat both modes!

I really like Pokemon Masters as an addition to the Pokemon mythos. It provides a lot of much needed closure to many loose ends left by the mainline Pokemon games, gives the silent protagonists distinct personalities, and revels in the fanservice of crossing over Pokemon characters that would otherwise never have met. Leading to some fun mashups, and discovering characters that are more alike and make best friends that we never would have thought before!

It's a fun little narrative add-on to any trainer's Pokemon journey.



Another addition in what feels like a handheld Skylanders retrospective at this point, the very first portable entry in the Skylanders franchise, as I stated before, is a mixture of Crash Bandicoot and a hack and slasher. It is a fast paced race to complete objectives, in which completing one, a timer begins, forcing you to either rush to the exit, or see if you can complete any other objectives at once. If you're good, you could complete everything in one playthrough without having to replay the stage again. But you better be fast, and have the right Skylanders for the job. Usually one that can hover in mid air.

It's addicting to see if you can complete everything at once, and adds a unique feel to the usual Skylanders formula. My only complaint going back, is sometimes the levels feel TOO constrained compared to say, Giants' spacious levels. 

But overall, Spyro's Adventure is a solid handheld port with a different story, gameplay style and feel to any other console Skylanders title out there.



The Wah to end all Wahs, completion constitutes as getting every bonus item from the capsule, which is done by getting coins. Thank you daily amiibo bonuses for helping fast track the grinding process.

This game is just great, on both an aesthetic and gameplay standpoint. With the Warioware games on Switch relying more on gimmicks and motion controls, it's safe to say this is the last "traditional" Warioware game we will get in a long while, with all the touching, twisting, and whatnot. So it's great that if the traditional gameplay were to go out, it went out in style, compiling the best microgames over the years and mashing them together into one comprehensive and special package. All with voice acting and dialogue based storytelling to add even more character to Wario's delightful original cast.

It truly was a golden time.



Ah, my first Sonic game ever. How are ya, buddy? You know, despite all that, I never actually finished you. It's time I changed that on my Steam Deck.

Granted, not without some modifications. I have implemented a few physics mods that allow the controls to be a lot less slippery, and boy that's gonna hamper any future playthroughs on other consoles, I'm so spoiled by the silky smooth controls of the speed characters.

But overall, Sonic Heroes is a fun time... to a certain extent. But the sheer repetitive nature of playing the same stage over and over again, but longer, or harder, or with 100% more Hermit Crabs is not everyone's idea of fun. And even I, a fan of grinds ended up feeling the length once I made it to Team Dark's story.

But I'm still glad I got to play this, and see it to completion. It's like checking off something in 6 year old me's bucket list. Feels good, man.

IN PROGRESS: Tactica's almost finished, I swear guys. Haven't touched Spidey all week, but it will be done, my lord. After that, some changes in plans will result in an upcoming playthrough of Skylanders SuperChargers on console, and Kingdom Hearts for the very first time.



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Game 3.- Well after my two days of rest, I managed to finish this beautiful game "Sonic CD", I really loved finishing it and seeing my two favorite characters again (Amy and Metal Sonic), In a little while I will do my Check-in for this week, see you later people.


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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Endoian was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 20 points.

Hola a todos, estoy de vuelta para hacer mi Check-in de la 4ta semana esta vez voy a jugar el que para mi es el juego Clásico de Sonic más completo "Sonic 3 & Knuckles" en este juego tengo otro de mis personajes favoritos Knuckles, I have to play on an emulator since I don't have a console to play it, but if you can do it on a better console, I hope you understand me. Espero terminarlo pronto, les deseo suerte a todos los jugadores y hagan su Check-in esta semana, adiós chicos.





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I guess this is my weekly check-in.

I beat Freedom Planet but only played  the Lilac missions, probably going to stop here, so it's not a 100%..

I'm still making my way through Monster Hunter Stories+, Hoard, and Alan Wake 2.  The last of which being the only one of those I plan to 100%.

I'm also playing Dead by Daylight, I plan on getting 100% of the Alan Wake DLC achievements and nearly have Alan Wake to T3, not sure if that will count, but I will also very likely complete the current rift(season pass) as tomes(challenges) unlock.

I started the Spyro: Year of the Dragon remake last night and finished 1/4 worlds. I might 100% this, I didn't start it with the intention to, but I just really like collecting things in 3D platformers like this and so far did 100% the first hub world's levels (outside of segments I'm locked out of).

Edited by Dwapook
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I guess this would be my first "real" check-in. Made some progress in Yokai Watch 2 and Warriors Orochi 3: Ultimate, and beat shorter games while I'm at it; per my bro's suggestion, I decided to get some shorter games out of the way early for this challenge. But now on to the next game.

5. Mega Man 2

Like the original, I originally played this on the Anniversary Collection on PS2, and like last time, I decided to use the challenge as an excuse to revisit this game. Unlike the first game, however, I decided to do this via the Legacy Collection on my Xbox One rather than the 3DS. I could've done it on 3DS, but I guess I felt like mixing it up a little. I dunno if I'll do Mega Man 3 on the Legacy Collection, 3DS, or something else, but hey; I got it here.

Anyways, this is definitely a much better game than the first one. It still has some of that NES jank, but I feel while the first game had jank and had some nonsense, this one felt more "tough but fair" to me. Like, yeah, you could get your butt kicked, but it felt more like I wanted to give it one more shot, rather than going through the motions like the first one could at points. I still find it amusing that Metal Man is weak to his own weapon in the rematch. Plus, it has a lot of music that, to this day, remain staples of the franchise, and is worth listening to even today.

If you're gonna start on the classic series, this isn't a bad place to start at all.


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This has by far the worst bad European accents I've ever heard in a game that you're supposed to take seriously. Even moreso than Deus Ex, which was at least just the game developers doing it. The game itself still holds up because the core gameplay loop is so great for what it's trying to do; though the later levels are kind of a mess in design. Never thought it was fair that it was always so closely compared to MGS when they aren't the same kind of game.

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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Agie was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

I got three more shorter games done.

6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game

My first real experience with this game was with the version found in TMNT2: Battle Nexus. That version, unfortunately, had the same song in all its levels, but I had fun. Then I played the NES version, which...Konami did the best they could, but I prefer the arcade. Then a couple of years ago, I beat the actual arcade version; that one's a quarter muncher. Then I got the Cowabunga Collection, and I find myself replaying this at least once a year now.

Also, just for fun, I decided to play the Japanese version; far as I can see, there's no notable difference, and it still has English text. The only difference I noticed seems to be in the title screen.

But enough about my history with the game, you're here for my actual thoughts; the game is a fun beat-em up, but as I said, it is a quarter muncher. If you play a real cab, bring lots of quarters. But even so, I just wanted to go at it just one more time to get back at that enemy or boss that beat me.

The story itself, well, it's standard fare for the 80s TMNT cartoon, maybe less so, because while the cutscenes were ambitious for their time, they tell a pretty standard story. Still, it's fun to go through the game, and in many places, it did a good job capturing the feeling of the 80s TMNT show at its best. I would imagine 100% is beating the game at all, since there's no surprises that I could find.

I would definitely recommend kicking some shell with this one.


7. Twinkle Star Sprites

I love this game to bits; it's a nice, cute shoot-em-up. Still a quarter muncher, but I love it. I never did see a Neo Geo with this game in it, probably because it wasn't officially released in the states until the eighth generation. I bought this game on basically everything I could; this is the Xbox One version.

The game has a simple, but funny story of a girl named Load Ran and her faithful, if snarky Rabbicat, and they meet many silly characters along the way. In many ways, it's inspired by Puyo Puyo, though the shoot-em-up gameplay makes it stand out.

The game also has a hilariously bad Engrish translation, and you'll probably be laughing for a handred years at how bat it is.

I don't think I accomplished 100%; there is a main story, but there's also another mode where you play as other characters. Maybe I'll do that for this challenge, maybe I won't, we'll see.

Still, this game definitely gets my seal of approval. It's on Switch, Xbox One (and Series S and X via backwards compatibility)...but for some reason, if you want it on PS4 or PS5 with the English translation, you have to have a JP account. It can be done, but still.

This game definitely gets my seal of approval no matter how you play it.


8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time

My history with this one is as follows; first played the arcade version in my bro's copy of TMNT3: Mutant Nightmare, and I do admit, to this day, I still wish they would rerelease that version of Turtles in Time; obviously, if you can only rerelease one, the original music is the way to go, but I still like the Mutant Nightmare soundtrack. But then I got to play the SNES version, and that's my go-to version now. But I did play the arcade with my oldest nephew and my niece when the Cowabunga Collection came out.

Just for fun, I played the Japanese version for this challenge. I also decided to play it on hard mode, since that was a way to get the proper ending. Far as I'm aware, there are no other secrets, so you can consider this 100%.

Just like the original arcade game, this is a beat-em-up. I find it more fair than the original, though the fact that I played the SNES version probably has something to do with it. Even so, I still quite like this one.

The real difference is the time travel, which was largely done as an excuse to have various locations that couldn't be done in the first game. But it works for the goofiness of the 80s cartoon, and I still like it. It wouldn't be until Shredder's Revenge before we saw what they wanted to do with the Statue of Liberty, though.

Would I recommend this one? Yes, yes I would if you like beat-em-ups. It's probably one of my favorite beat-em-ups of all time. It's another one I often find myself going back to at least once a year.


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This post was recognized by Ryannumber1gamer!

Salamander was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 50 points.

Note: Following discussion with @Ryannumber1gamer, I have revised this submission from Game 7 to Game 6.

Game 6 (100%): Another Code: Two Memories (DS) - As suggested in my previous post, having played the remade version of this game in the first part of Another Code: Recollection, I couldn't resist the thought of going back and replaying the original, which I was a great fan of back in the day.  It turned out I remembered less of it than I thought; the original is dramatically different to Recollection's version.  The entire layout of the island and mansion has been completely reimagined.  The order in which information is given to you, sometimes even the nature of that information, is rearranged.  Even major plot points have been tweaked.  And the original game has a ton more puzzles which haven't survived the transition.  Granted, a lot of them were either basic DS gimmickry... or highly sophisticated DS gimmickry which can be neither replicated nor even emulated (how do you emulate a puzzle involving part-closing your DS to reflect the top screen onto the bottom?).  Many of the remade puzzles do actually homage elements of the original puzzles, but even so, looking from the original to the remake, Recollection now feels almost like a kind of remix of the original Two Memories.  I'm now convinced of what I already suspected: Two Memories, in the context of Another Code: Recollection, is not really its own game any more - it's been streamlined and reconfigured into Part One of a two-part story.  ...Which makes me wonder anew if I should have counted it as its own full game.  If the mods choose to strike it out and bump me down one finished game in the order, they're welcome to do so.  (Edit: On reflection, I am indeed revising my submissions to treat Another Code: Recollection as a single game.)

On the whole, going back, I think I prefer the original... but there's no denying that it is clunkier.  However, I actually like that clunkiness.  The limitations of the format, the less ambitious scale, the more improbable set-ups - to me they're just part of the adventure game experience, and the modern version is too slick by comparison.  That's not the same as saying that either version is better, though.  Merely that the limitations of a format create a unique artistic experience.

I have claimed to have completed this game 100%, but what does that mean in the context of a Nintendo DS game with no achievements?  Here are the criteria I've fulfilled: Two consecutive playthroughs on the same save file (the second playthrough has minor variations); all optional DAS cards collected in both playthroughs (they have different text); acquired the hidden chocolate item; got the full ending in which D regains his memories; got the second playthrough's post-credits sequel tease for proof.

DAS Cards (first playthrough):






DAS Cards (second playthrough):






Other completion:





And speaking of "To you of 16 years", now it's back to (the remake of) the sequel I never played!

Edited by Salamander
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Just ongoing games this week

Lego Batman 3

Story is finished but I'm still chipping away collectibles and side content.  https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/3140-lego-batman-3-beyond-gotham/Rabid-Coot I'll write a bit more next week when I'm done.

Red Dead Redemption Remastered

Story is done to the point where I like to stop and do everything else possible before that thing happens.

Finished 9 Complete 8

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58 minutes ago, Salamander said:

Game 7 (100%): Another Code: Two Memories (DS) - As suggested in my previous post, having played the remade version of this game in the first part of Another Code: Recollection, I couldn't resist the thought of going back and replaying the original, which I was a great fan of back in the day.  It turned out I remembered less of it than I thought; the original is dramatically different to Recollection's version.  The entire layout of the island and mansion has been completely reimagined.  The order in which information is given to you, sometimes even the nature of that information, is rearranged.  Even major plot points have been tweaked.  And the original game has a ton more puzzles which haven't survived the transition.  Granted, a lot of them were either basic DS gimmickry... or highly sophisticated DS gimmickry which can be neither replicated nor even emulated (how do you emulate a puzzle involving part-closing your DS to reflect the top screen onto the bottom?).  Many of the remade puzzles do actually homage elements of the original puzzles, but even so, looking from the original to the remake, Recollection now feels almost like a kind of remix of the original Two Memories.  I'm now convinced of what I already suspected: Two Memories, in the context of Another Code: Recollection, is not really its own game any more - it's been streamlined and reconfigured into Part One of a two-part story.  ...Which makes me wonder anew if I should have counted it as its own full game.  If the mods choose to strike it out and bump me down one finished game in the order, they're welcome to do so.

On the whole, going back, I think I prefer the original... but there's no denying that it is clunkier.  However, I actually like that clunkiness.  The limitations of the format, the less ambitious scale, the more improbable set-ups - to me they're just part of the adventure game experience, and the modern version is too slick by comparison.  That's not the same as saying that either version is better, though.  Merely that the limitations of a format create a unique artistic experience.

I have claimed to have completed this game 100%, but what does that mean in the context of a Nintendo DS game with no achievements?  Here are the criteria I've fulfilled: Two consecutive playthroughs on the same save file (the second playthrough has minor variations); all optional DAS cards collected in both playthroughs (they have different text); acquired the hidden chocolate item; got the full ending in which D regains his memories; got the second playthrough's post-credits sequel tease for proof.

DAS Cards (first playthrough):

  Reveal hidden contents





DAS Cards (second playthrough):

  Reveal hidden contents





Other completion:

  Reveal hidden contents




And speaking of "To you of 16 years", now it's back to (the remake of) the sequel I never played!

As a heads up, I can't submit this officially to the list because there's a rule about same game entries, where unless there's enough to make it different, we can't allow double entries of the same game.

I can at least keep it within the general tally so you can see it amongst all the games finished at the end of the year, and this will at least count for your weekly check-in, but I can't add it to the official tally. 

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9. Sunset Riders

This wild-west game is a fun shoot-em-up from Konami, where you shoot up various outlaws. There seems to be no real plot beyond "these are wanted bad guys, go get them," which, for this type of game, is all you need. I've never been a huge fan of westerns, but I do enjoy this take on them.

Of course, when it comes to the game's portrayal of Native Americans, let's...just say it's aged poorly, and save that discussion for another thread. Game's still good besides that, but it's difficult to talk about without at least mentioning that.

I played the version found in Arcade Archives, and I would imagine beating that one qualifies for 100%. But it's a classic, and I honestly appreciate this challenge for giving me an excuse to revisit classics. I say give it a go, just beware of the aspects that haven't aged well.


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So apparently i have to make new posts instead of just editing my previous one, my sincere apologies and i'd really appreciate it if i still got the week 3 check-in reward
anyways, here's the games i've beat since then:
Game 9: Sonic generations!!!
All acts S ranked, all bonus challenges S ranked, All bosses S ranked in normal and hard mode, All red star rings

i know im going a bit out of order here but with all the rumours about a gens remake i got a sudden urge to quickly go through it again, also to take a bit of a break from the absolutely gruesome sa2 grind. love this game and i pray whatever theyre cooking up honours it well

Game 10: Sonic Adventure 2!!!!!!!
All 180 emblems obtained

My favourite game of all time, this is probably my 7th time getting 100% and its still just as fun
every level in this game is a blast to play and i dont even have to say anything for the ost
im super excited for the third sonic movie and how they'll adapt this great story

To make the poor piccolo guy's job easier here's the count:
Games beaten - 10
Games completed - 9

Thanks for reading, i'll be back soon enough

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