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Opinions & what you would do


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When you encounter opinions, what do you do? If you don't feel good for some reason, then how do you deal with it? Personally, I just say, "I disagree, but I understand why you think that." Once, I did get a bit immature over an opinion one time, but I do regret that and I just ignore it. What do you do?

Edited by IHaveACaseOfSonicMania
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I try to remember they're opinions, but I'm really worried opinions could change my own opinion if I'm pressured. I don't want that to happen. I just have to remember it's their opinion, not mine.

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I sometimes judge, you know, take a normal girl in 2023. Skincare, Makeup, Being the next Charli D' Amelio, Or finding a soulmate, I know that is not all girls but I still judge them. I would curse in my mind, call them snobs in my mind, and etc. I kinda feel that they do the same to me because I am the complete opposite.

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The phrasing in this post is both very weird and very broad, so I can't give you one single remedy. I mean, every single person on this planet has at least 1 opinion different than mine.

Most of the time, live and let live. It can't be that important.
Other times, just accept to live with it. You can't waste precious brain power on millions of people that you can't control anyway

If it is that important to you, try playing Devil Advocate and talk to them. Instead of arguing, politely ask questions. Then either
a) You learn to see they point
b) "Give them enough rope to hang themself" and their explanation will expose obvious flaws in their logic
c) That person will act like an asshole and you can leave with moral superiority

Of course the situation is more complicated if the person is a co-worker, family member, etc, but again, this topic is very broad.

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1 hour ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

The phrasing in this post is both very weird and very broad, so I can't give you one single remedy. I mean, every single person on this planet has at least 1 opinion different than mine.

Most of the time, live and let live. It can't be that important.
Other times, just accept to live with it. You can't waste precious brain power on millions of people that you can't control anyway

If it is that important to you, try playing Devil Advocate and talk to them. Instead of arguing, politely ask questions. Then either
a) You learn to see they point
b) "Give them enough rope to hang themself" and their explanation will expose obvious flaws in their logic
c) That person will act like an asshole and you can leave with moral superiority

Of course the situation is more complicated if the person is a co-worker, family member, etc, but again, this topic is very broad.

Sorry for leaving it broad, I'll explain a bit more. I haven't argued with anyone, what happened was that I saw a video discussing Sonic IDW, they didn't like it, but they started to talk about the scene with Silver, Whisper and Lanolin. I found know, you know, I won't spoil it. I didn't mind it, but they brought up their points for why they didn't like it, and I just couldn't think of a come back. So it just kinda stuck to me, seeing as I don't think people fully understand that scene. So here how I responded... I linked the video to Game Apologist so he could watch it and make some good reason to explain it. I kinda look back and say to myself, "I didn't need to do that." So I regret doing that, as I felt it was immature, even typing this makes me cringe a bit.

I've also had some problems about opinions before because I encountered people who didn't like Sonic, I don't like part of a minority, but now thinking about it makes me feel better if that is or isn't the case. I just started to think, am I in bad taste, stuff like that. But I now look back and just say, "I'm still a bit young, I'll learn to move on." Plus, some of them were probably in the Sonic hatedom, not all of them though. After typing this out, I do feel more mature. Sorry if this seemed a bit vague, or if the way I wrote was a bit weird. I hope this explains things better.

If you're still confused and you still think I'm being a bit vague, ask me some more questions, I'll answer them.

Edited by IHaveACaseOfSonicMania
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This has been a tough one for me for over a decade; I wanted to be someone who respected opinions on fiction even if I disagreed, but I found I was not good at practicing what I preach, and to be honest? I still struggle with that to this day, especially when I see opinions that go to areas I personally find insane. So to be truthful with you, it tends to vary wildly, and as time goes on, it's a subject that becomes one that's a harsh struggle.

As for real life issues? Well, all I can say is we have had wildly different life experiences, and I've had it with people trying to tell me to pretend my eyes are lying to me, and I'll just leave it at that.

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