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Sonic Central Presentation coming May 27th | New Projects to be Announced


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Expect official reveals for Colors Ultimate and Sonic Collection, along with some surprises, maybe?


A promo for the 30th anniversary was also released with some cameos by some special guests. 

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I dont care if its bad news or good news, I'm just glad for news. I've been so long in the tooth that I'm just glad to have news. 

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Finally. Hopefully more than just Sonic Colors HD and the collection. I want a new game. Would be nice to hear Sonic's new voice, too.

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Okay first, I'm gonna miss the premiere, I'll be at my singing lesson huh. But will watch it as soon as I get back home.

Second, at this stage I really feel bad that some of the stuff was leaked.

Third, that video right there is so epic, Roger is back again, bits of new footage, IDW and Evan Stanley. It's just great.

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4 minutes ago, Soniman said:

Wtf is this bros?


Sonic Colors CG? Looks like Planet Wisp.

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Looks like this trailer was made long before Roger left the role as Sonic. I wonder if they pitched it down on purpose to disguise his voice. 

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16 minutes ago, VisionaryofSUPER said:

Looks like this trailer was made long before Roger left the role as Sonic. I wonder if they pitched it down on purpose to disguise his voice. 

That's just what he sounds like. It's not like he's not hiding his involvement on twitter either. They probably had him do it as a passing of the torch kinda thing 

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7 minutes ago, Soniman said:

Wtf is this bros?


Could well be a CG trailer for Colours Ultimate. Looks like he has the "laser" glow around him.

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I don't think that's the laser wisp, it could be, but it could also be how his electric spark from the movies works here.

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It's probably something from the Colors remaster, but I wonder, could it be a scene from Sonic Prime? I doubt but still...

EDIT: and did someone notice the cameo of Sonic the Real Life Hedgehog in the video?

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Just now, Thigolf said:


Hardlight involvement confirmed.

😧 please let it be a minor phone spin-off, I don't want them to work on anything bigger than that.

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I think the Sonic collection & Colours Ultimate will be revealed with release dates for this year, and the new 3d game and 2d game (if what Zippo said is correct) will be announced/teased with release dates for 2022.

It's so nice to finally be getting news of Sonic games again. The wait for news has been torture!

Gonna need the hype train!

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Glad they're finally getting on with it, but I'm not going to overhype it. Gamewise I expect them to confirm what's already been leaked and maybe a new mobile game or something, but I'm not expecting to see the next big game here. Certainly wouldn't complain if I'm wrong, of course...

21 minutes ago, Soniman said:

Wtf is this bros?

Probably the Colors port, as others have said. The original game's opening has a similar glowing outline effect as he starts using the wisps.

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6 minutes ago, Iko said:

😧 please let it be a minor phone spin-off, I don't want them to work on anything bigger than that.

Why not? For all we know, they could make a great game.

And it's not like Sonic Team is setting the world on fire. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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7 minutes ago, Iko said:

😧 please let it be a minor phone spin-off, I don't want them to work on anything bigger than that.

So Hardlight worked on the PC port of Forces. I think they're likely to take part in other bit projects from SEGA, such as PC ports or even the rumoured collection.


23 minutes ago, Marcello said:

Sonic Colors CG? Looks like Planet Wisp.

Looks like the Colours intro, but it's clearly not. It could either be related to the rumoured Colours remaster or am entirely new game. I like that they've teased this little clip with only a couple of days until a full reveal.

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Just now, Marcello said:

Why not? For all we know, they could make a great game.

And it's not like Sonic Team is setting the world on fire. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Because Sonic Forces mobile plays like shit, crashes randomly, and it cheats because the developers are unable to balance it. They are one of the worst teams who worked on the franchise. Give me Dimps back instead.

If the 2D game is developed by Hardlight, all the hype is gone for me.

Just now, Blue Blood said:

So Hardlight worked on the PC port of Forces. I think they're likely to take part in other bit projects from SEGA, such as PC ports or even the rumoured collection.

Is that true?

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It's definitely Sonic Colors related. The "Ultimate" version probably has some new CGI to go with it.



Or maybe Sonic Colors Ultimate is a stopgap release for Sonic Colors 2 lmao.


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"Colors Ultimate" would have to be a rather substantial remaster if they are going to dedicate new CG to it.

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As usual, Motobug will be streaming the event live so SSMB members have a stream to watch the show together.

As for myself, I’m obviously happy we’re finally getting some news, I imagine we’ll be getting a tease of the new game, much like Forces got back during the 25th. I want to see this supposed collection most though. At this point, the news reveal is long overdue.

Also, I pray this isn’t a technical nightmare, or padded to the brim with filler. As someone who hosted SSMB’s stream of the 25th anniversary, the technical issues from SEGA’s stream were horrible to deal with, not helped by there only being a handful of actual announcements and the rest was a flurry of random events, and pizza products. They’ve been hyping this “Sonic Direct” for awhile, so I sincerely hope they got their shit together.

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1 minute ago, NoKaine said:

"Colors Ultimate" would have to be a rather substantial remaster if they are going to dedicate new CG to it.

So....y'know. A remake.

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Just now, Jovahexeon The Undyne said:

So....y'know. A remake.

...nah. This can't be the game to remake.

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