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Mapping Sonic Earth


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Amazing effort!

The only part that bugs me is the distance between the SA locations. I feel like maybe they’re a bit too far apart.

Additional question: maybe I missed something, but why are the Angel Island crash sites labelled as 2015 and 2018? Also, which game was the 2018 crash site in?

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4 hours ago, Forgetful Panda said:

Additional question: maybe I missed something, but why are the Angel Island crash sites labelled as 2015 and 2018? Also, which game was the 2018 crash site in?

I made a Sonic timeline in an earlier post where I placed Chronicles in 2018.  Angel Island crashes into Metropolis about half way through the game.

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"Mapping Mobius" would be a cahier tittle ;-p

Well, I tried something similar last year, but you clearly put more though and focus.  A lot of arguments are flimsy, but I get that we work with what we have

So let's see what I can nitpick

1) Idea that classic islands and modern cities are so close to each other just doesn't mesh well in my brain. I kinda assumed South and West Side were remote locations which is why there are no humans in old games. Green paradise untouched by man before Eggman showed up. But you know, those are, just my preferences. You made some decent arguments in this case.

2) Idea that Angel and WSI used to be one land mass never occurred to me, but it actually has a lot of sense. Even 2 Hidden Palace Zones kinda works (I just assumed more than one civilization abused Emeralds. It's easy to do). Only problem is that Angel Island used to part of the continent, no the island.
( Also if you count Knuckles Chaotix then Isolated Island used part of Echidna Empire, flooded by Chaos. So logically Angel Island belongs in the middle of ocean....then again Mystic Ruins aren't flooded. Hmmm)

3) Emerald Town/Beach/ Hill being connected is kinda stretching it. If you want proof that Emerald Town and Station Square are on same landmass, just consider Holly Summit having echidna ruins, just like Mystic Ruins. (Granted they are kinda far apart, but I guess Knuckles Clan lived in more than 1 city. Heck it could been other echidna clan, just like Nocturne.

4) Trying to group all areas (like every desert being so close to each other) seems to me like a lost cause. For example Water Palace (which you by accident called Ocean Palace) has completely different architecture to Aquatic Ruins. And latter never had dolphins inside.
Also, some Sonic adventures look kinda silly. In "Sonic 2" he goes through stupidly long distance between 2nd and 3rd zone. After Mystic Cave he takes long route to avoid Metropolis, destroys Oil Ocean and then goes to Metropolis.

5) Locations from Sonic Adventure 1 are way to far apart. Remember when Amy gets kidnapped by Zero? It happens in town, yet Sonic chases him till Tails Workshop, which by your map would take some time. Or the fact that Chaos gets 7th Emerald in Mystic Ruins, but rather then destroy whole island, he apparently patiently moves to Station Square before turning Perfect Chaos.

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4 minutes ago, MetalSkulkBane said:


1) Idea that classic islands and modern cities are so close to each other just doesn't mesh well in my brain. I kinda assumed South and West Side were remote locations which is why there are no humans in old games. Green paradise untouched by man before Eggman showed up. But you know, those are, just my preferences. You made some decent arguments in this case.

Well, wait. What about Star Light Zone on South Island? Or Chemical Plant, Casino Night, etc. on Westside Island? 

Before you say that those modern cities were built by Eggman, remember that the official story in the Sonic 2 manual says that Eggman took over the factories and cities. Meaning these modern industrialized places already existed prior to Eggman coming along. 

And in light of that, I think the map does make sense. Station Square is no more out of place than Star Light or the cityscape in the background of Spring Yard, I'd say. It's perfectly feasible for them to occupy the same landmasses.

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I also can’t help but think the animal-based South and Westside Islands should be more separate from the human locales.

I suppose one could somehow come up with an explanation as to how there are two ancient Chaos Emerald-affiliated groups.

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42 minutes ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

"Mapping Mobius" would be a cahier tittle ;-p

Well, I tried something similar last year, but you clearly put more though and focus.  A lot of arguments are flimsy, but I get that we work with what we have

So let's see what I can nitpick

1) Idea that classic islands and modern cities are so close to each other just doesn't mesh well in my brain. I kinda assumed South and West Side were remote locations which is why there are no humans in old games. Green paradise untouched by man before Eggman showed up.

Yet both South Island and West Side Island have thriving cities just like Station Square and Central City, namely Stalight Zone and Chemical Plant Zone.



42 minutes ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

Only problem is that Angel Island used to part of the continent, no the island.

I didn't exposit clearly about this in the op, but did talk about this on another forum:


Originally West Side Island was a peninsula connected to the continent by a narrow isthmus.  After Angel Island rose into the sky the land bridge broke apart into several pieces, two of which became South Island and Isolated Island.  Isolated Island drifted some distance out to sea before sinking beneath the waves, while South Island has continued to float on the surface into modern times.

42 minutes ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

3) Emerald Town/Beach/Hill being connected is kinda stretching it. If you want proof that Emerald Town and Station Square are on same landmass, just consider Holly Summit having echidna ruins, just like Mystic Ruins.

My main motive for locating Emerald Town on West Side Island is that Tails lives there.  Locations with "Emerald" in their name being relatively close together is a bonus.

42 minutes ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

Also, some Sonic adventures look kinda silly. In "Sonic 2" he goes through stupidly long distance between 2nd and 3rd zone. After Mystic Cave he takes long route to avoid Metropolis, destroys Oil Ocean and then goes to Metropolis.

There is precedent for this kind of sudden travel and backtracking in Sonic games though.  For example in SA2 Sonic escapes from Prison Island and makes his way back to Central City, then chases the President on Route 101, after which Hero story skips ahead to when they reach Hidden Base without showing all the traveling they had to do to reach the desert (although we see in the Dark story stage Sky Rail that the heroes indeed traveled through the Pumpkin Hill/Wild Canyon area).  Similarly Sonic Mania has Sonic being catapulted from a desert over the horizon to Oil Ocean.

42 minutes ago, MetalSkulkBane said:

5) Locations from Sonic Adventure 1 are way to far apart. Remember when Amy gets kidnapped by Zero? It happens in town, yet Sonic chases him till Tails Workshop, which by your map would take some time. Or the fact that Chaos gets 7th Emerald in Mystic Ruins, but rather then destroy whole island, he apparently patiently moves to Station Square before turning Perfect Chaos.

I agree that this is problematic and have thought about ways to adjust the map so the Station Square landmass is between Tails' Workshop and the mainland.  Rearranging the Sonic Advance 2 locations to fit this model would be time consuming though. 

37 minutes ago, Forgetful Panda said:

I also can’t help but think the animal-based South and Westside Islands should be more separate from the human locales.

What makes South Island and West Side Island animal based?

It can't be the presence of the small animals Eggman imprisons in robots, because those guys also inhabit the locations Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Rush take place in, which are also human populated (GUN controlled Huge Crisis in Rush's case).

It can't be the presence of Tails on West Side Island since Amy lived alongside humans in Station Square and Central City and there's no reason to suppose Tails wasn't doing the same in Sonic 2.

It can't be Sonic visiting any of these locations since he's no less an outsider than Eggman.

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Anthro animals, to be more specific. The generic small animals can be common to both societies while, with humans and anthros, some places can be more anthro inhabited than humans and vice versa.

Post-Super Genesis Wave Archie Sonic demonstrated that idea nicely. There are both humans and anthros on the planet, but places like South and Westside Island are shown to be almost, if not entirely populated by anthros.

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1 minute ago, Forgetful Panda said:

There are both humans and anthros on the planet, but places like South and Westside Island are shown to be almost, if not entirely populated by anthros.

What evidence is there to support this in the actual games though?  The only inhabitants of West Side Island we see besides Tails are Flickies and other small animals, and Flickies are shown to inhabit the locations games like Sonic Adventure and Sonic Rush take place in as well.

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6 minutes ago, Ivo-goji said:

The only inhabitants of West Side Island we see besides Tails are Flickies and other small animals

Sonic Forces. The game takes place in entirely anthro-inhabited locations on a single landmass, with Green Hill and Chemical Plant being shown to be a part of them.

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15 minutes ago, Forgetful Panda said:

Sonic Forces. The game takes place in entirely anthro-inhabited locations on a single landmass, with Green Hill and Chemical Plant being shown to be a part of them.

Sonic Forces also completely and totally contradicts the idea that Green Hill is located on South Island, and the island Chemical Plant is on has nothing on it except Chemical Plant, which makes it difficult to argue that the location shown in that game is supposed to be West Side Island.

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On 10/3/2019 at 3:11 PM, Forgetful Panda said:

Sonic Forces. The game takes place in entirely anthro-inhabited locations on a single landmass, with Green Hill and Chemical Plant being shown to be a part of them.

How do we know these places are entirely animal-inhabited?

We don't really see too many ordinary citizens; most of the animal characters we do see are members of the resistance, actively fighting Eggman's forces.

I'm just saying, were it not for the "two worlds" decree, it wouldn't be too hard to imagine humans living in some of the buildings and just going unseen due to lack of relevance to the action.

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42 minutes ago, Forgetful Panda said:

So absolutely no humans wanted to join the resistance? Not a single, solitary one? Okay.

Well, did we see the entire resistance? Not necessarily.

Think of it this way: Amy lives, or at least lived at one time, in Station Square - a mostly but not entirely human-populated city.

The inverse being true isn't unbelievable. The odd human here or there in predominately animal-populated communities doesn't seem completely infeasible.

I feel like it'd be more likely for there to be areas that are predominately populated by one or the other, but likely very few places that are 100% only one. Station Square has Amy as a confirmed resident, it has posters of an unnamed animal model, etc. So there's already precedent for "species minorities" living in places predominantly populated by the other group.

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I know it’s always possible that some humans could live in primarily anthro areas. But the way the map up there is set, it gives me the impression that a single landmass like that would be a Much more thorough mix of humans and anthros.

That’s the impression I always got at least.

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I like to think that Eggman only bothered to conquer South Island and not human lands, since he didn't want to deal with G.U.N.

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Maybe this is kind of pedantic, but Isolated Island is actually separate from Newtrogic High Zone, which is the main island setting for Chaotix that rose from the sea or whatever. You can see it in the background of Isolated Island.


I have no idea what a Newtrogic High is, but judging by the trippy look of the place I sure would like to find out!

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6 hours ago, Forgetful Panda said:

So absolutely no humans wanted to join the resistance? Not a single, solitary one? Okay.

There's a real world explanation for that though- all of the Resistance soldiers are generated from the Avatar-maker.

We could also reasonably ask if we were meant to think there were zero reptiles in the entire world-wide Resistance besides Vector and Espio, if we took the pre-generated soldiers as evidence that there were no humans around at the time.

There is one detail that makes me think there were refugee GUN forces among the Resistance: they both use similar squad names (Snake Squad, Fox Squad, etc).

Of course the writers had the opportunity to explicitly include GUN in Episode Shadow, and chose not to, when Rouge receives information from the Intelligence Division.  Intelligence Division of what?  Just the Intelligence Division. If she got intel from the Resistance she would have said "Amy".

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