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Mario and Sonic at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games Announced


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I'm sad that Infinite isn't going to be in this game. It would have been so cool to play as him...

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Seeing Peach with a new Equestrian outfit makes me wonder whether the Sonic cast will also get new outfits for this event. Unless I missed some footage showing otherwise...

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I'm honestly worried by the secrecy of guest characters, then I remember we saw Zavok, and I'm okay. Neat gameplay and renders though.

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54 minutes ago, StaticMania said:

Yeah, Rio didn't really do anything...

There's a neat gimmick.

Too bad they didn't make any new sprites.


...I don't mind this in concept but the mismatched art styles and the repurposing of sprites for entirely different actions make it look like a cheap flash game.

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^Yeah that's really lame. Only 8? Although I'm gonna defend the sprites clash because they used each character's original sprite, from the game they debuted in!

Anyway I'm glad this is getting the spotlight, not because of the nice retro feature, but because of the quality of the main sports.

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They should have made it so you can switch between 8-bit and 16-bit sprites. 8-bit would have the original NES sprites for the Mario characters and the Game Gear sprites for Sonic and co, and 16-bit would have MD/Genesis Sonic and SNES Mario.

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That’s great they’ve showed off some more of classic since the reveal a few months back, but I completely agree that the mismatch of sprites is... weird.

On one hand I understand they’re using the “first games” in each respective series. But if they’re using 16 bit sonic, then it should have been Super Mario World sprites to go alongside it. Maybe unlockables for later? (Hahahahahahah...)

I think my biggest concern is that Classic is probably a replacement for Dream Events, these were always the highlight of the previous games for me. Would be sad to see it replaced with what is essentially a 16 bit track and field, even if it does look sweet af.

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2 hours ago, StaticMania said:

Yeah, Rio didn't really do anything...

There's a neat gimmick.

Too bad they didn't make any new sprites.


Aren't those Shy guys in the crowd new?

2 hours ago, Ellipsis-Ultima said:

Look at these renders!spacer.png














And a bonus:





Sonic characters with shirts look weird. Eggman's Egg Armor is also fuckin me up.

Cream's cute, though. JPEG head and all.

2 hours ago, StaticMania said:

But...why does Sonic the Hedgehog look so angry riding that Skateboard?

Blaze is the water princess now.

Because Asian Sonic is hardcore.

Why yes, yes she is.

2 hours ago, MarioKartGamerDude said:

These Mario renders are so clean! 











Also Wario is shirtless lol 



Probably because they've had plenty of practice.

Has Daisy's sports outfit always been those colors?

Mario and Zavok wear Blue for boxing, I noticed. His toes look a little weird, though.

Wario looks "wrong" there.

2 hours ago, Tangled Jack said:

I'm honestly worried by the secrecy of guest characters, then I remember we saw Zavok, and I'm okay. Neat gameplay and renders though.

This made me snicker, for some reason.

Although I noticed he was "replaced" by Eggman here.

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Whilst the Olympic games have never interested me, 2d events with the classic versions of the characters looks really cool.

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40 minutes ago, DabigRG said:

Sonic characters with shirts look weird.

Yeah, Amy, Cream and Blaze definitely look strange with shirts on.

But damn, Cream is adorable.

And like, TOTALLY Japanese and not Jewish.


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There's something really charming about the 2D mode, just a refreshing change of pace this series needed at this point. The 10m platform and marathon events in particular look really wacky especially in its hilarious-awkward use of sprites. At the same time I wish they'd have created new sprites, the whole Mario cast already has sprites from Super Mario Maker and it's not like any of these characters existed back in 1964 (and there's no love for Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Wario, Amy and Metal Sonic regardless). They could have used this mode as justification for cutting dream events once again, so I'm glad we're at least getting the three there are - hopefully actually taking part in Mario/Sonic stages.

Finally I don't think the guest characters will be in this. Rio was designed around the feature in a way that allowed them to have more spotlight alongside the veteran cast (even if it meant shoving down Miis the player's throat), but this game would have a lot more events to fill with new guests which they already said they haven't, and just a select few having them would be weird. I guess there's a chance boss characters like Zavok, whose event is mostly a Rio 2016 port, may be unlockable, but I'm sure we'd have seen them advertised or teased more by this point if that were the case. There's still the mobile version that may use them as a selling point.

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24 minutes ago, MainJP said:

Yeah, Amy, Cream and Blaze definitely look strange with shirts on.


Most of them normally don't.

25 minutes ago, MainJP said:


But damn, Cream is adorable.

And like, TOTALLY Japanese and not Jewish.




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Sonic characters with shirts and no pants is what I think looks weird. Like if they had like shorts that went with and maybe like logos on the front it would actually look pretty neat.

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2 hours ago, Son-icka said:

That’s great they’ve showed off some more of classic since the reveal a few months back, but I completely agree that the mismatch of sprites is... weird.

On one hand I understand they’re using the “first games” in each respective series. But if they’re using 16 bit sonic, then it should have been Super Mario World sprites to go alongside it. Maybe unlockables for later? (Hahahahahahah...)

I think my biggest concern is that Classic is probably a replacement for Dream Events, these were always the highlight of the previous games for me. Would be sad to see it replaced with what is essentially a 16 bit track and field, even if it does look sweet af.

Dream Events are confirmed, what I'm worried about is that 3 of them are confirmed. Too few.

1 hour ago, LukA8 said:

There's something really charming about the 2D mode, just a refreshing change of pace this series needed at this point. The 10m platform and marathon events in particular look really wacky especially in its hilarious-awkward use of sprites. At the same time I wish they'd have created new sprites, the whole Mario cast already has sprites from Super Mario Maker and it's not like any of these characters existed back in 1964 (and there's no love for Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Wario, Amy and Metal Sonic regardless). They could have used this mode as justification for cutting dream events once again, so I'm glad we're at least getting the three there are - hopefully actually taking part in Mario/Sonic stages.

Finally I don't think the guest characters will be in this. Rio was designed around the feature in a way that allowed them to have more spotlight alongside the veteran cast (even if it meant shoving down Miis the player's throat), but this game would have a lot more events to fill with new guests which they already said they haven't, and just a select few having them would be weird. I guess there's a chance boss characters like Zavok, whose event is mostly a Rio 2016 port, may be unlockable, but I'm sure we'd have seen them advertised or teased more by this point if that were the case. There's still the mobile version that may use them as a selling point.

It's too early to say, but since they are rehashing a lot of old sports and animations, guest characters are not a stretch. Guests are nothing but unlockable bosses. The website is still unfinished, it didn't show retro events or all the vetetan characters until now with the update.

Right now, we could also say there is no single player mode because they didn't show that yet, the website has no modes listed at all. No guests. No Dream Events.

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This is shaping up to actually be a game that does what sequels are normally expected to do and keep the advancements coming. For a while, this series was treading water by dialing back on a lot of stuff and feeling extremely redundant. Especially the Winter Olympics. 

This Classic events thing is a neat idea. Of course, I expected it to be an even more limited roster due to the continued pattern of sticking as close to mainstream relevance as they possibly can. So, no made up sprites for characters who weren't in old Classic titles or even characters who had ones outside of Sonic 1, 2, 3 and Knuckles. We can't get too exotic unless we're a mobile game after all.

I don't know how much I'll personally get out of this mode since I'm a 3D guy. It looks like a neat little thing I may play around with every once in a while and not touch again. 

I'm hoping that the whispers of a story mode are true though. There's never been a reason not to include them for the home console versions of these games. It's all mostly a bunch of text and the minor animations you've already given the characters anyway. 

Those renders look excellent though. I don't have a problem with the boys being half naked either. Whatever.

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Some of the bio's on the site are halarious kinda. Some of are like " This person is kind and lights up the room " or " Never a dull moment with this guy " and knuckles like " He guard emerald "

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Honestly, for the retro theme, I really would've preferred Mario 3 or Mario World for the sake of consistency with Sonic's 16-bit sprites. Although granted, I've never been a fan of the original SMB sprites so that could be it.

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5 hours ago, MainJP said:

Yeah, Amy, Cream and Blaze definitely look strange with shirts on.

But damn, Cream is adorable.

And like, TOTALLY Japanese and not Jewish.


and not roboticized 

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Overview trailer with our first peek at the Story Mode! Plot seems to involve Mario and Sonic getting sucked into the pixelated past. (Seem to be a good variety of different mini-games included that aren't necessarily sports as well.)

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new trailer:

features of note: story mode, dream event footage and some side modes, like one where you climb a tower and one where you search for people walking around the city.

the story mode appears to be about the cast being sent back in time to the 1964 tokyo games.

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This game has a actual possible story mode, I'm surprised! 

Other things to note is that Metropolis from Sonic Forces is back, in the dream Hoaverboard event (which looks cool)

Also Eggman Nega is there so I guess guest characters return. Not sure about Sticks tho...

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Eggman Nega is back. Seems he just lives in the Olympics now.

I was about to suggest that it might not he a story mode but another London Party thing but the man said it in plain Engrish. "Story mode". Even had a little cutscene too.

I'm... kind of surprised. Also there's rail grinding through Grand Metropolis and shooting at things with the 2D Tornado. This is going to be a very interesting experience. I feel comfortable saying that much.

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