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As much as people will likely get on my back for daring to mention possibly placing a Forces stage in here...

I really want Egg Gate as a stage, honestly. The graphics and background of that stage was one of the best in the series in my opinion and could make for a really cool backdrop for a fight.

Preferably, they give Sonic more than one stage this time and we get a Mania stage to go with this.

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I'm honestly more hoping we get more remixes this time, 4's assortment of remixes was so terrible.

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For the Sonic stage, why not have a transition/transforming stage using both Mania & Forces?

One minute you're in Studiopolis Zone with the HBH showing up and attacking from the background, then the Phantom Ruby appears and transforms the stage into Metropolis and Infinite appears starts throwing his cubes at the fighters?


Also, GameXplain has an analysis ready :)


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I'm a fool who wants Shadow to be playable.

I've always wanted him in Smash but I've never been disappointed that he's never playable, so I probably won't ever not want him in Smash, hehe.

Isaac from Golden Sun is one of my most wanted characters though. A Tales character would be pretty great too.

Other than that I just hope Sonic and Cloud come back. I'm hoping they'll keep the roster that Smash 4 had.

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For Sonic, Studiopolis should be the new stage. Also, why not give Sonic the Olimar/Alph treatment and let Shadow be a clone in the same slot? 

But Forces will definitely have a stage too... So Sunset Heights is obvious.

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4 minutes ago, JosepHenry said:

For Sonic, Studiopolis should be the new stage. Also, why not give Sonic the Olimar/Alph treatment and let Shadow be a clone in the same slot? 

But Forces will definitely have a stage too... So Sunset Heights is obvious.

Honestly for variety I hope they would go for Luminous Forest Or Egg Gate.

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2 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

As much as people will likely get on my back for daring to mention possibly placing a Forces stage in here...

I really want Egg Gate as a stage, honestly. The graphics and background of that stage was one of the best in the series in my opinion and could make for a really cool backdrop for a fight.

Preferably, they give Sonic more than one stage this time and we get a Mania stage to go with this.

To be fair, that's not particularly controversial when it's essentially Death Egg. I'd be down for anything Death Egg related.

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We'll probably get Green Hill (tho' uh...hopefully not just the exact stage from Brawl) or Windy Hill, which I'm fine with. Not to say I wouldn't love to see Studiopolis or the Death Egg or some other massive surprise, but the grassy hills + checkerboard pattern are iconic for a reason. I get why people are tired of GHZ but I think it's a complete non-issue in contexts like a crossover game where Sonic is a third party guest.

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4 minutes ago, Celestia said:

We'll probably get Green Hill (tho' uh...hopefully not just the exact stage from Brawl) or Windy Hill, which I'm fine with. Not to say I wouldn't love to see Studiopolis or the Death Egg or some other massive surprise, but the grassy hills + checkerboard pattern are iconic for a reason. I get why people are tired of GHZ but I think it's a complete non-issue in contexts like a crossover game where Sonic is a third party guest.

We're getting Sandy Green Hill and we are going to like it. Lol

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Y'all will take your Windy Hill and you'll like it!

In all seriousness, Studiopolis or Metropolis as new fighting stages from Sonic would be pretty cool.

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YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! CAN'T WAIT! The first game I ever played was Melee, and this series has held a special place in my heart ever since!!!! LETS GO!!!

My 20 biggest wishes:

  1. Miles "Tails" Prower joining Sonic and the rest of the Smash roster
  2. Return of story mode
  3. A local play mode similar to Smash Run on the 3DS
  4. Charged attacks replacing Final Smashes
  5. Isaac (Golden Sun) bringing his Psynergy into the fray (And not as a low Assist Trophy Like he was in Brawl)
  7. Magnus from Kid Icarus joining
  8. Return of Great Bay and Fountain of Dreams from Melee (Plus obviously Temple)
  9. Kaden from Fire Emblem
  10. Ridley from Metroid
  11. A more robust Stage Creation mode
  12. Monthly DLC
  13. DLC Story Updates
  14. Return of Melee's Final Destination
  15. Another Fighter Ballot
  16. Return of Wolf
  17. Introduction of Krystal and Bandana Dee
  18. More Mii customization Options
  19. 16 player mode
  20. Debut of King K. Rool, Rex, and Chrono/Geno/Sora
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54 minutes ago, Celestia said:

We'll probably get Green Hill (tho' uh...hopefully not just the exact stage from Brawl) or Windy Hill, which I'm fine with. Not to say I wouldn't love to see Studiopolis or the Death Egg or some other massive surprise, but the grassy hills + checkerboard pattern are iconic for a reason. I get why people are tired of GHZ but I think it's a complete non-issue in contexts like a crossover game where Sonic is a third party guest.

If they do go with a new version of Green Hill, then I'd hope for this one:


It's still bright and colourful with a blue background, but changes the scenery up with an underground lake. All the better if this game includes an updated lighting system (which I think could really go a long way to improving an otherwise attractive visual style in the Wii U version).

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I'm fine whether it's a port or a new game, but my only demand - just make sure Mega Man and Pac-Man are in it, yeah? I need my mains. On the more unrealistic end of the scale, aka newcomer wishlists - Arle from Puyo is my number 1 want. I think she's actually in a good place to have a chance right now.

Also, DOOMGuy. Just coz. It's DOOMGuy. 

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Puyo Puyo representation would be awesome. I'd also like to see Bomberman on the third party end of things.

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So my wishlist is pretty short:


-Wolf & Ice climbers returning 

-if they don’t do toon link, young link with Majora’s mask inspired moves

-Skull Kid


-Shovel Knight 

-Hades perhaps


-Studiopolis from Mania 

-Clocktown or Rooftop Rub

-Fountain of Dreams

-New Donk City

-Zara’s domain from Botw or just the opening grassy plains area


a story mode 

-tweaked gameplay that better blends casual and competitive play


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People are already dreaming big, I see. Nothing wrong with that; I’ve got a wish list going on in my head as well. I just hope that you all are keeping some of these as “wishes”, and not “expectations.” I remember seeing a lot of people lose it after Bayonetta was announced as the last DLC fighter for Smash 4, making characters and/or stages that people wanted and thought were absolutely guaranteed to be in, based on nothing other than them really wanting them, not included. I’m not trying to be negative or rain on anyone’s parade, since I’m extremely hyped about this as well. I just advise everyone to keep their expectations in check. I mean, Sonic hasn’t even been confirmed to be returning yet, and people are already asking for more Sonic characters and stages. :P

With all that being said though, Sonic returning with a Studiopolis stage would be amazing.

Also, I would absolutely love it if Dixie Kong made it in this time. She's my personal most-wanted new character.

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Anyone got any ideas as for a name for the game? I was thinking Super Smash Bros Clash or Super Smash Bros Rumble.

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8 minutes ago, Operationgamer17 said:

Anyone got any ideas as for a name for the game? I was thinking Super Smash Bros Clash or Super Smash Bros Rumble.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch.

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I just hope the word "All-Stars" stays far from it. I have a strange hatred for it.

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1 hour ago, Operationgamer17 said:

Anyone got any ideas as for a name for the game? I was thinking Super Smash Bros Clash or Super Smash Bros Rumble.

The obvious joke would Super Switch Bros., but i guess they'll come up with something better.

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3 hours ago, Operationgamer17 said:

Anyone got any ideas as for a name for the game? I was thinking Super Smash Bros Clash or Super Smash Bros Rumble.

Super Smash Bros. Ultima?

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16 hours ago, Johnny Boy said:

So in development since 2016 huh? Well here’s to hoping Sonic makes the cut again. And that they can come up with a stage that’s not fucking Green hill again.

Hmmm, so Sakurai says it's been in development since 2016.

And, well, Sakurai was seen hanging out with Hideki Kamiya and Shu Takumi in 2016 so.......I guess Bayonetta and Phoenix Wright are on the potential table.

Which would just add all the more needed star power to the roster.

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13 hours ago, Kuzu the Boloedge said:

I'm honestly more hoping we get more remixes this time, 4's assortment of remixes was so terrible.

Wasn't the problem that like...the majority of remixes were medleys?

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