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4 minutes ago, Sonictrainer said:


I see a new meme was born today.

Memetendo doesn't just ride the tide: sometimes, it decides to create its owns.

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It does my heart good to know  that Crash Bandicoot is a perfectly viable and available newcomer who could potentially make it into Smash! Bring on the newcomers along with the roster that made Smash 4 legendary!

And give it a story mode.

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New game. Has been worked on since 2016. I'll take one ticket for the hype train please.

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22 minutes ago, -Robin- said:

Bandai Namco's not working on this. They're not listed on the credits on the main site.




It's a brand new game.

Sora aren't either, despite Sakurai clearly being involved - that and Namco weren't listed in Smash trailers prior to Pac-Man.

HAL haven't worked on the series since Melee, if I recall - the "Original Game" message here refers to Smash 64, the original Smash game. Same disclaimer is on Smash 4's title screen.

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16 minutes ago, mayday2592 said:

How is Crash's inclusion more likely?

Having the original trilogy of all things gives it quite a boost.

And considering them being released both in the same year. Definitely more liable than before.

Also, Crash ain't too busy being buried under Activision's crud like he was during Smash 4's run.

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Here's hoping they come up with something better than that Smash Tour bollocks to set this one apart. I'd love for a more fleshed-out Adventure Mode, maybe with a few funny cutscenes ala Subspace Emissary.

I wonder what characters will be added this time, Inkling aside. An Arms rep is surely a shoe-in and I could definitely see another Xenoblade character or two make the cut. I'd love to see Decidueye if they do add another Pokémon.

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Oh boy I can't wait for all the "Where's Goku" dumb comments all over again.

But no I'm really excited as the build up for Smash is always HYPE....AS.....FUCK! 

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GameExplain says they think this is who is in the fire. From left to right.

  • Pit (Kid Icarus) 
  • Donkey Kong
  • Lucas (Earthbound) 
  • Ness (Earthbound) 
  • Kirby
  • Marth (Fire Emblem) 
  • Mario
  • Link (BOTW) 
  • Captain Falcon (F-Zero, they're unsure if it's him)
  • Samus (Metroid)
  • Figure next to Samus is unsure. (GameExplain think possibly Bayoentta, or Palutena) 
  • Bowser
  • Pikachu
  • Pokemon Trainer
  • Jigglypuff
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4 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

GameExplain says they think this is who is in the fire. From left to right.

  • Pit (Kid Icarus) 
  • Donkey Kong
  • Lucas (Earthbound) 
  • Ness (Earthbound) 
  • Kirby
  • Marth (Fire Emblem) 
  • Mario
  • Link (BOTW) 
  • Captain Falcon (Unsure)
  • Samus (Metroid)
  • Figure next to Samus is unsure. (GameExplain think possibly Bayoentta, or Palutena) 
  • Bowser
  • Pikachu
  • Pokemon Trainer
  • Jigglypuff

Captain Falcon from Unsure.

That seems about right.

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Just now, JosepHenry said:

Captain Falcon from Unsure.

That seems about right.

I meant Falcon was probably the one character they were the most unsure about.

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11 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:


I meant Falcon was probably the one character they were the most unsure about.

I was just joking :P

Anyways just came to say that there's NO way this is a port and I want


Arle (Puyo Puyo)

Zero (Megaman X)

Sora (Kingdom Hearts)


In Sma5h.


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GameExplain says they think this is who is in the fire. From left to right.

  • Pit (Kid Icarus) 
  • Donkey Kong
  • Lucas (Earthbound) 
  • Ness (Earthbound) 
  • Kirby
  • Marth (Fire Emblem) 
  • Mario
  • Link (BOTW) 
  • Captain Falcon (F-Zero, they're unsure if it's him)
  • Samus (Metroid)
  • Figure next to Samus is unsure. (GameExplain think possibly Bayoentta, or Palutena) 
  • Bowser
  • Pikachu
  • Pokemon Trainer
  • Jigglypuff

The one GameXplain thinks might be Bayonetta or Palutena looks more like Marth to me. I don't know about the one they consider Marth, though.

I also don't see Pokémon Trainer at all, but BotW Zelda. I know they speculate that characters are standing together in their respective franchises but that doesn't work when Mario and Bowser are apart.

EDIT: I also thought of Ice Climbers when they were suggesting Ness and Lucas for those two blobs. They've got to be back for this.

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According to a translation of a Sakurai tweet, the game has been in development for 2+ years. Hmm...

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Hopefully Mewtwo won't be left til the last minute again.

In all seriousness it's great to finally see the Inklings in a Smash game proper, and Spring Man's pretty much a shoe-in too. I'm... honestly not sure what's left after that to be honest? I feel like we've reached a point in Smash history where you really have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to justify roster expansions, so if that's all the more incentive to polish on the gameplay and replay value front, all the better.

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I hope we get a Gen 7 Pokemon this time around. Sine Decidueye is in Pokken, Incineroar should be in Smash. He's a wrestler, he'd be perfect for it. Zeraora would be a good fit too since it would be the last Gen 7 Pokemon to be revealed and is a new mythical so it would be fresh on people's minds by the time the game launches.

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I think things will be interesting, and we may get some more retro and unexpected picks due to all the data they got from the ballot. Now the real question is, does this mean we’re in for monthly reveals

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I reeeeeealllly wonder if Smash is really gonna make it by the end of 2018.

I sure hope so. Having a new 3D Zelda, Mario, AND Smash all within the first 2 years of the Switch's life is pretty nuts.

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I’m hyped. Fuck time to get a switch like I said I would do once the game got announced. (Also just FYI I did bring up botw link as a costume for smash switch just sayin*shot*.)

beter not cheat me outta Wolf again Nintendo.

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New Donk City stage, and Clocktown stage. Oh and fountain of dreams. That’s all I want regarding stages. Plz Nintendo 

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3 hours ago, Terriful said:

New game. Has been worked on since 2016. I'll take one ticket for the hype train please.

The last DLC and patches for Smash Bros. 4 came out early February 2016; sounds like they started work on Smash Bros. Switch once Smash 4 wrapped production for good.

Based on the two-year development period and Nintendo's current position of bringing Wii U software to the Switch; I'm predicting Smash Bros. Switch to structurally be Smash Bros. 4 on Wii U, but with the game content given a shakeup (character roster, items, stages, music, game modes, etc. will like get a fair share of additions/changes/removals), and maybe with the fighting mechanics retooled as well (buff Dedede pls). If we do indeed get new game modes I really hope for a more traditional Classic Mode, as well as getting an Adventure mode/SSE equivalent to come back. In analogy terms, same ingredients used to bake a new cake; or the same engine being put into a new car.

Either way, I intend to be there as soon as I can. I still go back to playing Smash Bros on Wii U even today. May or may not play online though, still not happy about Switch's online paywall.

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