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Trailer. Not that there's anything to say about it yet, except the Inklings are in. No idea if it's a new game, an upgraded port or what, except the Inklings are in and Link is seen with his BotW design.

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I'm so happy. Hoping it's a port of 4 though, honestly. I'd love a fully expanded version of that with all 3DS and Wii U stages and more characters added. 5 would be great too though.

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Not realky interested until we know if this is a new game or not. The switch has more than enough wii u ports anyway.

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If they threw out this teaser and it ends up just being a port, Nintendo will be met with fire and fury, and quite frankly, angry forum posts like the world has never seen.

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You can make out additional cast in the fire. From what I can barely make out: 

  • Bowser
  • King Dedede
  • Kirby
  • Marth (I think)
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I'd be very surprised if it wasn't just an enhanced port, likely a compilation of both Wii U and 3DS material.  The only real question is: How enhanced?

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If Links can get his BOTW design, can Samus get updated to her SR or MP4 design? I'm not a fan of the Other M one.

7 minutes ago, Chili Dawg said:

If they threw out this teaser and it ends up just being a port, Nintendo will be met with fire and fury, and quite frankly, angry forum posts like the world has never seen.

Would it really matter? It's getting new characters and presumably stages, either way,  who cares if it's a port of 4. If anything, that's preferable since we wouldn't lose content.

4 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

You can make out additional cast in the fire. From what I can barely make out: 

  • Bowser
  • King Dedede
  • Kirby
  • Marth (I think)

Samus is right above girl Inkling's head.


And I think DK on the left.

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God damn it why did I even buy my Wii U if everything it did is now getting irrelevant. 

Fuck Nintendo man. 

Hope this shit is hype as it deserves. At least add Funky Kong you yous.


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All aboard the hype train! Again! And here’s to hoping they add in characters like Decidueye.

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It looks like my insane logic on the Direct board was right: we might be getting a new game after all

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God, I feel even more silly for buying that Wii U. I was on the fence when it came to getting it too but that three Sonic game deal idea got to my head and it ended up not being worth it.

I wouldn't mind if it was a port but I doubt it... although, the 2018 thing seems odd if it is. 

At least to me anyway. 

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I wasn't expecting this to come out of today's Nintendo Direct! I'm really excited to see how the Switch version of Super Smash Bros turns out!

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Not gonna lie, I figured this would be a mere port with Splatoon DLC.

But with the new logo, possibly redesigns og the cast and being an overall tease instead merely showing typical Smash 4 gameplay footage, now I’m convinced this could very well be a new installment instead.

Consider me hyped.

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That short teaser alone was enough to get me incredibly excited and send my hype levels through the roof. Smash Bros. hype again; it feels so good!

Also, the new website is up as well. Nothing much to see yet, but it'll definitely be something to keep an eye on.


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B R I N G B A C K S T O R Y M O D E S 

I know SSB is meant to be a multiplayer focused game but for people with no gaming-friends like me, SSB4 really fucking got dull fast without a story mode. At least the Subspace Emissary kept me busy for weeks. 

Come ON Sakurai. 

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I’m betting it’s built upon 4, but is being treated as a new title. Nothing wrong with that. Also I’m expecting plenty of newcomers, with at least half of them being ballot influenced

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I'm guessing it's mostly likely a port since it's coming this year, and that's kinda the theme with Switch this year. Best case scenario it's like Hyrule Warriors, a Definitive version with both 3DS and Wii U content mashed together into one package plus (hopefully) DLC included.

On one hand it feels too soon for a new Smash, but at the same time, it's the perfect time for a new Smash since the Switch is doing so well.

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If it's a new game.

Things I want:

New DK stage. Tropical freeze is re-releasing give us a stage.

A new Yoshi stage from the new game for Switch

New Donk City ( it's a must)

If sonic is back give us Studiopolis

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