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Breaking up the iconic duo of the series? Well, that's the series gone now

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Chamomile - as in the comic - is three years old today!  Actually, the timing just worked out conveniently, this cover page is something I’ve had on my to-do list for a couple of months since Tapas announced that all comics would require a vertical “book” style cover from May, it just happened to end up being this week that I was finally able to get to doing so.  I wanted to draw a nice neutral group shot of the cast rather than re-use existing art for said cover. The tapas version is tightly cropped on the group, but I thought it’d be nice to not be lazy and make a full size for posting elsewhere!

As always, many thanks to all my regular readers and those who have shared the comic with friends etc. It’s all extremely appreciated.

On a side note I really miss seeing & hugging my friends lately. >8C

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Chamomile will remember that...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whoops, let this topic slip by me again for a few weeks somehow!

Chamomile #167



Chamomile #168


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