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  • 3 weeks later...

Whoops realised the other day I'd neglected this topic but didn't realise for 3 weeks on end lol.

Chamomile #146


Chamomile #147


Chamomile #148


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SSMB's image handling causes some inconsistent image widths here... shouldn't hugely affect the experience, but if you want an ideal time reading this special 150th comic, I recommend doing so on deviantART or tapas. Thank you all for reading!

Chamomile #150



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"Always help an old lady in need, no matter what. Also, steal stuff."

I laughed out loud. Great stuff this week.

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I can't wait for Issue 200 where it was revealed the seagull was Layla all along.

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The real seagull was the friends we brought along for the journey.

Man I kind of hope she doesn't get into too much trouble for breaking a standard business policy. Not worth it to pursue personal morals in an actual retail environment, that's for sure.

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Chamomile #152


(I hope it’s clear from the “yet” in the dialogue and the otherwise full shelves - but I want to clarify that today’s comic isn’t meant to have anything to do with panic buying - when I started it I had no idea that this nonsense would still be going on 2 weeks later).

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