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Spider-Man (PS4, PS5, PC) - PC VERSION COMING AUGUST 12TH 2022 - The Amazingly Spectacular Spidey game you've been waiting for


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I just played it for about an hour during my lunch break, and just the first 2 minutes of the game are already worth the price. Absolutely incredible stuff. Just wait and see it.

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Game looks like super fun and fluid, but is it possible for a grown man to get pumped on a Spidey game? I guess I should try it, at least. 

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Soooooo... even the developers accepted that


Dan Slott

wants to be


Doctor Octopus


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I need to show you the launch trailer, because (pardon the pun) it's amazing how it gets Spider-Man's character down to a T (of course, the music helps).

No matter how much the world tries to keep him down-- the odds, the hate-- he keeps going. Why? He has a job to do, and he knows it.

You see, this is why I'm sold on this game. They freakin' get it.

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Spiderman character to a true T would be him getting down at times. He does in the comics  he is not perfect and questions himself on and off.


regardless the game is fun as hell

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Just now, Meta77 said:

Spiderman character to a true T would be him getting down at times. He does in the comics  he is not perfect and questions himself on and off.

Except...that's one of the key things in the game? It focuses as much on Peter and his own special brand of "Parker Luck" throughout. That's why so many people keep saying it's a perfect representation, he does question himself at multiple stages of the game, and on top of that, Parker ends up having to deal with as many misfortunes and smaller personal things as he has to deal with bigger threats as Spidey.


For example, there's literally an entire section near end-game where it takes inspiration from the Scarecrow portions of Arkham Asylum, forcing Peter into a hallucinated state due to Scorpion poisoning him and not only is he forced to fight his own guilty sub-conscious, he's racked with guilt.

Or even a lesser example, the fact that there's an entire set of missions based on Peter getting evicted because his landlord was a jerk and dumped everything on him, forcing him to track down garbage trucks for his lost spidey items, that's a perfect example of Peter's terrible luck always portrayed in the comics.


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Just now, Pawn said:

Spider-Man is the UK's fastest-selling game of the year, beating the multi-platform hit, Far Cry 5 and more than doubling the sales of God of War.

Now give me a Black Panther game. Please.

Words don't describe how happy this makes me.

On another note, I'm nearing the 100% completion mark, so expect a full post on the game when I get that done.

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Okay guys what do you think about Insomniac Games working on the next Sly Cooper game after seeing how great of a job they did with Spider-Man PS4? Whatever it is it might get revealed next week. This comes after an article that was posted earlier today or yesterday saying that Insomniac Games would like to work on more licensed games.




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31 minutes ago, Blue Knight/Bluestreak said:

Okay guys what do you think about Insomniac Games working on the next Sly Cooper game after seeing how great of a job they did with Spider-Man PS4? Whatever it is it might get revealed next week. This comes after an article that was posted earlier today or yesterday saying that Insomniac Games would like to work on more licensed games.




I think grasping at straws would be putting it very lightly. There's no evidence to suggest this whatsoever and there's more evidence that is against it (even in the same Twitter thread):

There's no reasoning why they'd deny Jak & Daxter, which is arguably a similar affair to a Ratchet title but then take on a Sly Cooper game. On top of that, random guy on Linkedin trying to claim he has a VA role in a new Sly game is again not solid or conclusive evidence, especially because there's not only no image of the Linkedin mention, but if someone is actively "boasting" it, it sounds like it's someone trying to spread around rumours with no evidence.

At best, it's a reference to a potential new Ratchet game, at the middle, it's a reference to their next project which IIRC is already announced, and if it's the worst case, it's a fun easter egg and nothing more. I want a new Sly game too, especially to wash out the stinking taste of Sly 4's ending, and it's massive amounts of plotholes and bad story telling, but I'm also beginning to get somewhat annoyed at the more constant grasping at straws at every little thing and trying to use that as a mention to a Sly 5. If there's going to be a Sly 5, we'll likely receive info about it a few months before, or after Sly's TV show is due to air. But for the minute, a small Insomniac easter egg and someone making a random claim isn't any kind of evidence to suggest this as a tangible theory. Would I like to see it, especially by Insomniac? Sure, absolutely. They are one of my favourite development studios. Do I think it's going to happen? Not really, no.

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9 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

On top of that, random guy on Linkedin trying to claim he has a VA role in a new Sly game is again not solid or conclusive evidence, especially because there's not only no image of the Linkedin mention, but if someone is actively "boasting" it, it sounds like it's someone trying to spread around rumours with no evidence.

I just found the post from LinkedIn on the Sly Reddit, apparently the post was taken down. Same goes for the Facebook post of the same thing, which also used the Insomniac Games tag and Not Sanzaru. Luckily someone was able to get a screenshot of it before it was removed. Also the same voice actor posted many things that were Sly Cooper before this post on July 11th.


9 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

At best, it's a reference to a potential new Ratchet game, at the middle, it's a reference to their next project which IIRC is already announced, and if it's the worst case, it's a fun easter egg and nothing more.

It could be Ratchet & Clank, but this is Insomniac Games were talking about. Their always putting references and easter eggs to future games, starting with Ratchet & Clank PS2 and every Ratchet game (including Deadlocked when they basically confirmed it in the credits) after up to PS4. Which the PS4 game itself has an easter egg coming from or centered around the Plumber once again. Either way I'm hoping it's Ratchet & Clank or Sly Cooper.


9 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Would I like to see it, especially by Insomniac? Sure, absolutely. They are one of my favourite development studios.

Well if they were going to end the series with Sly 5, I would put Insomniac in charge of that so they could end the series in a great way. Even though I don't want the series to end. But Insomniac could take the series where it's never gone before. But for a game for the show it should go to Sanzaru.

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Back on topic, I've fully completed the game 100%. All story, side missions, collectables, and I've gotten the platinum, so I think it's time I finally stopped beating around the bush and actually explained my thoughts on this game.

To put it simply, it is by far my favourite game this year. As a long time Spidey fan, someone who grew up with the TV Shows, movies and earlier games, and then eventually got into the comics, this game was an absolute blast from beginning to end in my humble opinion. Avoiding a lot of the issues that I've heard has cropped up lately in the mainline series of comics lately, and weaving a story that not only focuses on Spider-Man and shows him very naturally and in-character, but also reflects just as well on Peter Parker and his daily struggles through life.

The first thing to discuss I suppose would be the story of the game. This was an aspect I was incredibly nervous about pre-release as reviews began to drop. Some people praised the daylights out of it, while others were saying it's meh with a few standout moments. However, right from the very beginning, Spider-Man PS4 gets you on it's good side with an opening that perfectly reflects the character in a few moments. Stacked top to bottom with small easter eggs that give insight into Peter Parker and his relationships with various characters, the opening is incredibly energetic, exciting, and more importantly, fun. It honestly reminds me a lot of the opening of Homecoming, starting off with a small portion of Peter being Peter before cutting into a Spidey montage with some fun music.

From there, the story has just enough twists and turns to keep you on your toes. As it's been made well-known pre-release, Mr. Negative is the main villain of the game so to speak, and while other Spidey villains do have a significant role in the story too, it's mainly Negative throughout the entirety. However, I'd argue that isn't a bad thing. I went into this not having read one single story featuring Mr. Negative, only knowing that he corrupted Spider-Man at one point or another in the comics. However, the game very smartly has you as Peter Parker interacting with his good persona long before Negative becomes apart of the game, allowing you to grow something of a personal attachment to this guy before he becomes the main villain. As I said, the story just keeps going more and more into different twists and turns as you continue to run through it. All I can say without spoiling is that everyone is on point. Spider-Man's quips and snark are balanced with the heart, and kindness of Spidey, especially with how he interacts with New York.

The side characters like Aunt May, MJ, and Miles are incredibly likeable in this, and MJ is very thankfully much more accurate to her comic. She's extremely proactive, and is as big a help to Peter as Peter is a help to her, and the two play off each other wonderfully, bringing up incidents in each others' life that they love poking fun at, like Peter's horrific attempt to make dumplings that resulting on sending her house on fire. Aunt May also balances a decent amount of kindness, seriousness, and a good chemistry with Peter that really sells the family dynamic between them as well. Miles also has a very cool mentor relationship with Peter, and is a total fanboy of Spidey, and the moments with the two are incredibly fun when they happen. 

One thing I want to absolutely praise is Spider-Man's general connection to New York as a whole. You can run down to the streets and greet people, you can have people asking Spidey if they can take selfies with him, or get a high-five, and you can actually do that. You have J Jonah's talkshow where callers call in to defend Spidey, leading to Jonah getting insanely angry in really funny ways. Spider-Man even has a social media account that you can regularly access from the map screen, and it's filled with people not only thanking/praising Spidey, or trying to claim he's a menace, or even trying to make money off him, but there's even some posts that Spidey replies directly to. The side-missions are Spidey stopping to help out a few random New Yorkers as well. The game does a really fantastic job of showing off the differences with Spider-Man and the wider Marvel universe, that Spider-Man is also just a regular guy who has trouble paying bills, and interacts with regular people during his crime-fighting. It's really endearing, and a very nice touch.

Going into spoiler stuff...


First thing I want to talk about, Doc Ock. I've heard so many people taking the piss about Ock because Dan Slott was headlining the story of the game, and while it's true he does end up becoming the main villain of the game, I still feel like Otto is put to incredibly good usage in the story. Firstly, giving him and Peter a personal connection through their mentor-student relationship I felt was really good. Showing Otto as a legitimately nice and caring man in the beginning of the story just made it all the more horrifying when the claws take over him and he gives into his rage and aggression by the end.

It actually gave me a nice reminder of Raimi's Spider Man 2, where Otto began as a pretty nice and well-meaning scientist, wanting to help people, and that creates a friendship with Peter Parker himself, only for it to all go wrong as more is revealed in-game and drives Ock to desperate measures to secure his own life. By the end, I was as sad as Peter that this all had to end the way it did. I love the small moments of friendship with Peter and Otto, things like Otto finding out Peter's secret but not only pretending he doesn't, but immediately holding it secret, and even designing the new Spidey suit for him. While I felt his usage in Act 3 could've been better, everything else is so well done and such a different change of pace compared to the comic's (And especially Superior's) smarmy jackass of a scientist who acts better than everyone and once tried to kill nearly all of the planet just to make himself the biggest monster ever.

Tying into that was Mister Negative. I think both him and Otto made for some of the best characterisation for Spidey to date. A lot of Act 3 especially being dedicated to Peter wanting to still find the good inside of both men and convince them to step down willingly, and to not let Norman Osborn win by turning them into complete monsters altogether. It was another example of Spider-Man being more than just a snark machine, that even after all they did, he wants to still help them rehabilitate and stop this madness. Again, like Spider-Man 2 where during the final fight, Peter convinces Otto to stop before he becomes a monster. 

Speaking of Peter Parker, time for the most heart-wrenching moment of the game - May's death. I was not expecting it. I thought it'd just be a way to raise the stakes for Act 3 with the Sinister Six running around, New York becoming a practical war-zone, and such. But no, they stick to their guns and kill May off at the end of the game, and it's done incredibly well. Not only does she reveal she knows Peter was Spider-Man for a long time, she tells him how proud she is of him and in the end, Peter is forced to make the most difficult decision - save May, or save New York. It's a potent message that highlights exactly what he said to Doc Ock at the end, that he has to make the hard choices, no matter how much it hurts him to do so. And to their credit, the in-game world is changed post game to reflect this. You can go to Ben's grave in this game to pay respects and if you go after the story, May's grave will be right next to his. It's the exact same bittersweet ending you would expect out of a good Spidey story.

However, as I said, I think some of the absolute best parts focus solely on Peter, as opposed to Spider-Man. The game fully highlights his struggles and his brand of Parker Luck throughout. Not only does the game begin with several reminders to pay his bills, as well as a phone call from an angry landlord, but there's an entire mission dedicated to the landlord evicting Peter before he gets home at night, dumping all of his belongings, meaning Peter has to swing around following a garbage truck til he finds his stuff. Then he has to try track down a place to sleep. That just felt like a perfect creation of the money struggles Peter always had in the comics, and even the Raimi movies, especially 2. 

There's also very nice representations of the guilt that Peter feels. Spidey has become somewhat of a meme for holding his angst out constantly, blaming things on himself constantly. However, that doesn't occur much in the game, and when it does happen, it's done very cleverly. At one point, Peter does blame himself, only for MJ to tell him it's not the time for his angst shtick and he needs to get back to business, and he does. But even better, there's a sequence right out of Arkham Asylum where Scorpion poisons Peter with a special brand that forces him to confront his own guilty sub-conscious as he feels immense guilt over Otto becoming Doc Ock. It's done really well IMO.

Moving on from the story, there's the gameplay, and all I can really say is this, it is an incredibly fun game. Web-slinging is at it's absolute peak with this game. Not only is it incredibly fluid, it's just stupidly fun to string about different commands and keep your momentum going. Between wall running, parkour, different variations of web slinging, how you can use it to gain speed, how you can string together web zips and web swings to keep going for when the best situation calls for it, it's actually insane how much effort went into getting it right. It's so simple, yet so filled with options. It makes traversal incredibly fun in my opinion.

The biggest surprise to me was the combat, in all honesty. First time I saw it, I thought it just looked like another Arkham style fighting system, which the two Amazing Spidey games had tried to tackle before to mediocre results. On the final few days til the game released, I actually went back and played Arkham Knight to 240% completion as well, so when I finally got into the game, I found myself completely caught off balance by how different the combat was. It is most certainly it's own thing, despite how it looks compared to Arkham. There's a crap ton of options when inside of combat, and it's insanely fun to keep stringing together combos by using Spidey's normal fighting style, and then using his web gadgets too. Using things like the trip mine during combat to quickly take out two enemies is insanely fun, and thanks to reliable auto-aim, you can string the web attacks very nicely with regular attacks. The health system is also pretty cool too, needing to decide if you want to use your focus bar to instantly take out an enemy, or to heal up. 

The suit abilities are also insanely cool. Each one has their own distinct ability that adds new things to the combat. The Homecoming suit has the Spider Drone that pops out to shock enemies, Infinity War Iron Spider has the ability to use his metallic spider arms in combat, the new suit has the ability to instantly charge your focus, the classic suit can let you do a AOE web attack that's great for clearing out enemies, and there's even one that lets you quip on command. There's a ton of variety and play styles for how you want Spidey to fight and that helps stop the combat from getting really repetitive. 

The final thing to discuss would be the stealth. I honestly found myself really enjoying the stealth in this game. It does something completely different compared to the Arkham series, yet still has some clever design in it. You can use Spidey's web abilities to lure enemies away from each other into safe areas, where you can then choose to either take them down while perched, which means you don't risk other enemies discovering the downed enemy, or you can web strike them quickly and safely at the risk of having enemies detect the knocked out enemy. But even funner is when you're using the web abilities to take people down through stealth. The trip mine is absolutely fantastic to use as you use it to set up traps for enemies or even better, attach it to an enemy and watch as two enemies are webbed together.

The best thing is there isn't a lot of situations where stealth as Spidey isn't actively forced. It's not like Arkham where if you're in a predator map and you're caught, your health will be completely crumbled away like a paper cup leading to death. In most circumstances, if you're caught, you can proceed into standard combat and still come out of the situation fine, or you can retreat and unless it's an enemy base, the enemies will soon stop hunting you and you can go back to stealth combat. Either way, the fact it's a decision for you most of the time is a great feature and makes it so you aren't heavily punished for messing up a stealth section.

Tying into that is the other times you play as other characters in stealth portions. There isn't much to discuss here because I don't want to veer into spoilers, but I'll just say that the stealth as usual is done decently well. There's usually a pre-determined path laid out in front of the player for them to go through and it isn't too difficult to do so. The stealth sections are never around enough to intrude on the main game at hand, and fit decently well into the rest of the gameplay. The only one of particular note is a section where MJ is sneaking through an area and she works with Spider-Man to take down enemies by creating distractions and luring enemies away from each other, which is one of the best stealth sections in the game.

Now, I wouldn't say it's all perfect though. There's two aspects of the game that can get old pretty quickly, these being the base missions which are just your general enemy rush challenges, and then there's the district crimes, where by the end of the game, you need to have 20 different crimes completed in each section of the city for 100% completion. These aren't particularly bad either, they just get rather tedious and repetitive by the time you're done everything else, in all honesty. However, while that isn't great, what I can say is great is pretty much the other extra stuff for you to do outside of story.

In a pretty funny reference to Homecoming, one of the big sets of collectables in the game is backpacks, which Spidey has webbed up and lost in different areas of the city, and if you collect each one, you get a different Spidey easter egg complete with a set of voice lines from Spidey explaining each item. On top of that, there's also landmarks throughout the city for you to find with pretty great references to the wider Marvel universe which if you're a Marvel fan, you will absolutely adore. Not only is Hell's Kitchen one of the prominent areas in the game, you can find Avengers Tower, a Wakanda Embassy, complete with a straight reference to Black Panther by name, and even more throughout. If you're a Marvel fan, you will love every little easter egg and reference to the wider Marvel universe out there, it adds a certain kind of connectivity, similar to the MCU where these different heroes do exist and are likely out dealing with their own problems.

The best thing about this games' collectables, and for that matter - side missions is that they aren't frustrating and tedious time wasters. There is far too many open-world games where they spread out a massive selection of collectables all over it's massive open-world, and expect the player to go out and find them with no map, no idea of where to go, absolutely nothing. It's boring filler that just forces the player 9 out of 10 times to look up a map online just to go and track them down, and it isn't fun. But Spider-Man avoids that. It shows you every single collectable on the map as you unlock more of the map, and I cannot praise it more for doing that. Because of that, I found myself actively straying from the story to go out and collect a few backpacks and landmarks here or there. I was encouraged to go out and find these items because it was no longer a massive hassle to find them.

In the same vain, side missions are laid out like that. Not only are the side missions pretty nice side stories that tie into the main plot, like finding corrupted people created by Mr. Negative, or going up against a few more Spidey villains who aren't in the main story proper, but they each have nice little stories for NPCs that again ties into how connected Spider-Man is to the people of New York. For example, there's a side mission where Spidey agrees to help a man find his missing pigeons, and as you go through the story, you learn more about why he cares so much for them, which I won't spoil, but it just adds more and more onto why Spider-Man is just great as a hero. It isn't just "here's spider man to save new york and the world", it legitimately feels like he's a friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, taking time out of his day to talk and help others. His social media page in-game says it best - "Here to save the world, or to save your cat from a tree". I legitimately think this characterisation of Peter is so insanely well done in this game and even the gameplay and side missions tie into it, it is seriously fantastic how it does it.

And to put it simply, the game is absolutely stunning. I am in absolute disbelief how Puddlegate could've been a thing or how people could seriously with a straight face claim the game had been "significantly" downgraded. The game is absolutely beautiful, I'd argue probably the best looking PS4 game I've ever played, frankly. There are so many good details to the world, the characters, and more. Buildings have interiors that you can see from the windows outside, there's a lot of traffic and citizens walking around New York as you explore through it, the way the sunset shines through the buildings of New York, or how Spidey's different suits interact with the different lighting conditions and such. For example, Spidey's Iron Spider suit has a completely different kind of lighting and reflection system than say his Advanced Suit. In short, the game looks downright gorgeous, no matter the time of day. Exploring areas like Times Square at night especially is pretty nice, although personally, my favourite time was sunset/sunrise.

In terms of sound, the game is excellent. The voice actors all fit their roles very nicely, and have some really great moments of acting throughout. Yuri as Spider-Man especially was surprising how good he was, especially during more of the heart-wrenching moments as Peter Parker. He was a perfect balance of comedic snarky Spidey, and down to earth Peter Parker. I'd honestly say he's up there with Josh Keaton as my favourite Spider-Man to date. In the same vain, everyone is pretty excellent in their roles, Otto, MJ, Kingpin, and May being particular standouts. The soundtrack is pretty decent too. I wouldn't call it amazing, but there's some nice atmospheric themes in there, and there's a song that plays at the beginning that's a perfect fit for getting the player into the game.

In the end, what else can I really say here? I absolutely loved this game beginning to end, and while there was aspects that could've been improved and made better, there is just so much good in this game that it completely outweighs it. This was a three year hype train for this game, and it absolutely lived up to the hype for me in every way imaginable. Not only is this a good superhero game, it is a good game period, and even if you aren't familiar with Spider-Man as a character, I would still recommend it, as it's still a very excellent game in it's own right and stands on it's own. I'd even say it could be better than the Arkham series, and I love that series too. In the end, Spider-Man PS4 is just a fantastic game, made by a group of developers who very clearly had a lot of love for the series, who wanted to make something not only faithful, but amazing for Spidey, and I'm very happy with what we received in the end.

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Near 80% done with the game solid 7 out of 10.  but still probably the best spiderman game I've played to date since the ps1 game

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As of yesterday, I got the game.

This is everything I want from an Insomniac game, and especially a Spider-Man game. Every little detail counts, and I could not possibly get bored of swinging around New York City. And speaking of New York, it's amazing how well it's all put together, and the fact that you can visit several of it's actual landmarks in the game makes this even better. The little easter eggs in you can find in the game great (anyone else see the Insomniac moon in the opening mission? And a Spider-Man 2 game reference!), and I am desperate to play more.

And the combat, oh yes, it's so satisfying with how you get so many options for how you want to approach it. All sneaky-like, a good ol' fisticuffs fight, use your many gadgets, or a combination of them all with a side of web-slinging.

I still have more to play, but what I have played already makes this game a must-buy for PS4 owners. It looks great, plays great, and is great.

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Goddammit Insomniac.

-although instrumentwise it's far more accurate than the synthesized accordian of Spider-Man 2; minus the electric boop, of course-

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1 hour ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

did someone say P I Z Z A 



Okay. Now this game is the true amazing successor to Spider-Man 2.

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Ok now that's genius.

I've being searching for Marvel's universe easter eggs, and so far all I got was the already known landmarks and backpack stuff. I imagine there must be more to it, like graffitis or some street NPC dialogue (I wanna hear someone talking about DareDevil in Hell's Kitchen).

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I picked this game up on Thursday and its absolutely mind-blowing , The best Spider-Man game since Spider-man 2 back in '04. Those cut scenes are in a league of their own. 

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End game Spoilers

I celebrate Uncle Ben and Insomniac games the only way I know how.




And it was fittingly the Platinum trophy.

Fantastic game. It and God of War are neck and neck for me. Story is good, the combat is even better than the Arkham titles with how many different ways you can combo into things or out of them, and it's also a game I am easily replaying after beating it. It's that good. I almost never replay something right away after beating something. Only downside is repetitive missions, but even those barely phase me because the game mechanics make up for it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

New game plus coming tomorrow and first DLC next week! 3 new suits confirmed.

I've finished the game 2 weeks ago, 100%'d everything, but I'm still playing because it's so fun and gorgeous. This and God of War made my PS4 worthy this year. 


Sequel when?


My wet dream would be 2-players mode campaign, online or split screen (like the new Hitman game or A Way Out). One player controls Peter, the other Miles. Also, I expect they open up the map to go beyond the island of Manhattan, it's a crime that we can't go to Brooklyn or Queens in this game! Seriously, it's such a tease. They could do that in a DLC to be honest. Also, Harry will be... Venom? Also, did you guys spotted the Green Globin's bombs in Norman's laboratory too? Oh man this sequel is gonna be goooooood yo


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Is your Spider-Sense tingling yet?

We know you've been amped on "Marvel's Spider-Man" for PlayStation 4 since it launched last month, and have been itching for more! The wait's almost over as the first chapter of "Marvel's Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps" DLC series—"Marvel's Spider-Man: The Heist"—debuts next Tuesday, October 23. "Marvel's Spider-Man: The Heist" features the return of Felicia Hardy AKA Black Cat along with 3 new Spider-Man suits.

In "Marvel's Spider-Man: The Heist," the chapter centers on Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson finding themselves closing in on Felicia Hardy AKA Black Cat while investigating the robbery of a New York art museum. A new storyline featuring the master thief, new enemies and perilous danger takes Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson deep into the city’s shadowy world of crime families.

Get a glimpse of brand new art for "Marvel's Spider-Man: The Heist" from Marvel illustrator and suit designer Adi Granov above.

Also Spoilers for the New Suits




Feast your eyes on the three new suits above. First up, the Resilient Suit (center), designed by Marvel illustrator Gabriele Dell'Otto, is brand-new, original suit designed exclusively for "Marvel’s Spider-Man." Die-hard Spidey fans will recognize Spider-Man's suit from Scarlet Spider II and the Spider-UK suit from the Spider-Verse. See the Scarlet Spider II and Spider-UK suits in action below.



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