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I would assume that your skill level is based almost wholly upon your ranking, although I'm not entirely sure. Granted, match-making is never perfect. xP

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27 minutes ago, Polkadi said:

Huh. I've met players that are up at level 90 while I'm at level 20.

Do you also get placed based on skill? Because I think that happens as well.

It operates on skill level. Either they're good enough to play on your level, or you're bad enough to be in their ranks.

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5 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

It operates on skill level. Either they're good enough to play on your level, or you're bad enough to be in their ranks.

I've met some shitty ass players, then.

They're a prestige higher, yet here they are.

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So how did you guys like competitive mode? I personally liked it a lot, but it became apparent that a lot of people sometimes don't understand the rules of the game or think they're good enough that the rules don't apply to them.

For example, choosing Widowmaker/Ana/Hanzo/Torbjorn/Symmetra on attack is always a bad idea. Going to a match with no tanks or supports is a sucide mission. Not playing as a team and communicating with others etc etc.

Obviously, it starts to get better once you start ranking up but a lot of people would be doing themselves (and others) a favor if they would take a step back and analyze how they're playing.

Can't wait for season 2 and its changes though. Hope everyone got the Summer games stuff they wanted. I'll leave you with a PotG I got the other day.

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I'd argue Ana works better on Attack than Defense when you think of her as a backline healer who needs some space rather than a sniper. On Attack your team's frontline can often keep the enemy busy enough for you to shoot often with little interruption (untill that pesky Genji or Tracer comes along...), and since Ana has no mobility nor an ability to climb up walls like Widowmaker or Hanzo she'll appreciate having that safety zone in the back to heal frontliners before she moves in to help capturing a objective. On Defense, more often than not the enemy team will rush in and force you to move out or to fight to survive, which stops her from burst healing the allied team for a few but precious seconds (shooting/healing while backing away in sight of the enemy seems a lot more risky as well). Also teams tend to be more spread out to cover multiple entry points whereas in Attack it's easier to keep track of multiple allies on your scope. That's my experience with her generally.

Also Widowmaker or Hanzo is fine on situations like first point only where you'd want to get some quick picks to snowball on, but usually not longer than that I'd say. They usually start deterring the team after the enemy successfully defends the objective multiple times.

I agree with the rest. Actually, after experiencing Competitive and now having to wait for Season 2 it feels like I'm having a worse time on Quick Play than before. -__- Matches where people weren't as coordinated were fairly uncommon in Competitive, but in Quick Play, it... feels kind of a gamble. At least the carefree nature of Quick Play seems perfect to practice with different heroes, if anything

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I think the trouble with Ana since she came out is that she's the in-between and if character.

She's not the best at damage or healing. But if she's the second support and the player is decent at aiming and awareness then she can really valuable.

In my experience, and talking to players in-game and online it seems to be a rare thing. Like she's a really risky character to use that only a few people have mastered.

And sometimes I honestly get the frustration when she's the main support since you know you're not going to get healed as good as if you had a Zenyatta, Lucio or Mercy.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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I don't suppose cross play is present for Overwatch, is it?

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21 minutes ago, Jovahexeon Undyne Phoenix said:

I don't suppose cross play is present for Overwatch, is it?

No. And that's probably for the better, at least with regards to PC/consoles. 

41 minutes ago, El Driver said:

I think the trouble with Ana since she came out is that she's the in-between and if character.

She's not the best at damage or healing. But if she's the second support and the player is decent at aiming and awareness then she can really valuable.

In my experience, and talking to players in-game and online it seems to be a rare thing. Like she's a really risky character to use that only a few people have mastered.

And sometimes I honestly get the frustration when she's the main support since you know you're not going to get healed as good as if you had a Zenyatta, Lucio or Mercy.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

I think the really important thing about Ana is communication. She's much better if you're playing with friends or using a mic, because then you can coordinate strategies much more easily. Even being able to ask one other player "do you want ult?" rather than surprising the hell out of them makes a pretty big difference, IMO. Also to Ana's credit, she's the best support character when it comes to healing tanks. You can put them back in the fight way faster than Zen or Lucio. 

I definitely agree that she's not good as a solo support, but 2 supports has become the standard in the "meta" for a reason. It's great to have a second healer in case your first one gets picked off. I want to practice with her more, because I am currently terrible at using her tranquilizer.

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Oh my God, I loved this play of the game so much. For some reason the game decided not to load my spray right.

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I wasn't really a fan of Competitive Mode, mainly because nearly every match had at least one person rage-quit, which made it pretty unfair for either side. I don't know if things improved later on, but those early days in the mode left a bad taste in my mouth so I never went back to it after the first week. 

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On 8/22/2016 at 9:55 PM, El Driver said:

Oh my God, I loved this play of the game so much. For some reason the game decided not to load my spray right.


Nice POTG. The spray thing is common on PS4 at least (Speaking from experience as Level 90 on PS4) the game takes around 20 seconds in the spawn point to load in your correct spray for your selected character, so my guess is the same applied for the POTG where it simply didn't have time to load in the correct spray, and therefore placed in the default spray.

19 hours ago, Gamefreak3525 said:

I wasn't really a fan of Competitive Mode, mainly because nearly every match had at least one person rage-quit, which made it pretty unfair for either side. I don't know if things improved later on, but those early days in the mode left a bad taste in my mouth so I never went back to it after the first week. 

It's getting massively overhauled for Season 2.

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Posted this in the TF2 thread, but might as well post it here too.


Well, MatPat decided to do a video on TF2 VS Overwatch. Admittedly, I didn't notice much at first, due to having played TF2 in a bit, but another video I watched rips apart the really badly thought out arguments that MatPat/His friend whoever the hell he is makes.

Warning: Really shitty jokes in the MatPat Video.

Original video: 

Response video that rips apart Matpat's points:



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Anyone playing season 2? Got Platinum and the new system is so much better. Teams feel tighter and the skill match is actually decent.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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Well, I just bought the full game after not playing it since the beta earlier this year. Let's see how it goes

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If you have a PS4 or Xbox One, Overwatch is having a free weekend between the 9th and the 12th. Xbox Live Gold is needed on Xbox One, but it's completely free on PS4, no PS Plus needed for the free weekend.

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  • 1 month later...

Happy Halloween, everybody!

May the Loot Box RNG be ever in your favor.

...or just get enough dupes that you just buy the event items :DD

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Sucks, the one item I want is the wolf icon, and you can't buy that shit. To say the least its been infuriating getting every other available icon except that one. I think I honestly have every icon bar the one I want after getting a lootbox bundle

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You have to love that even when Blizzard improves on the previous mistake they made with the Summer loot boxes, they added another one. Are you fucking kidding me with the prices of these items? 3000 for a fucking legendary? It takes forever to get enough money for one legendary (I have the majority of icons and sprays, and 75 skins and such due to being near level 150) and I tend to get at least some coins every loot box. I have 750 coins or so. It could take up to two weeks or so before you get enough for a legendary, unless you're insane enough to grind out multiple levels a day for loot boxes.

I'm really pissed off, because I want that Witch Mercy skin, and the Reaper skin, but it doesn't matter because they're far too expensive to buy with coins, and I have a shit chance of getting them with RNG.

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20 minutes ago, Ryannumber1Scarer said:

You have to love that even when Blizzard improves on the previous mistake they made with the Summer loot boxes, they added another one. Are you fucking kidding me with the prices of these items? 3000 for a fucking legendary? It takes forever to get enough money for one legendary (I have the majority of icons and sprays, and 75 skins and such due to being near level 150) and I tend to get at least some coins every loot box. I have 750 coins or so. It could take up to two weeks or so before you get enough for a legendary, unless you're insane enough to grind out multiple levels a day for loot boxes.

I'm really pissed off, because I want that Witch Mercy skin, and the Reaper skin, but it doesn't matter because they're far too expensive to buy with coins, and I have a shit chance of getting them with RNG.

They're supposed to be special. Its for a special event after all. The fact that you can buy them at all is a good thing, regardless of price.

And honestly, "insane enough" to get more than one loot box a day? I get at least two or three after a few hours, it's not that hard nor time consuming (and I do mean even with the 22000 experience to level up). I dunno... Maybe it's just because I'm actually having fun playing the game and see the new skins as a bonus for playing. I don't see the problem.

That, plus after... only 5 loot boxes I think, I already have Reinhardt's and Mercy's Halloween skins. Unless I'm abnormally lucky, it shouldn't take long to get some skins.

If anything, play as much as you can during this period of time and just buy whichever one you might not have at the end. You should have plenty of credits after 3 weeks.

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Just now, Radiant Hero Ike said:

They're supposed to be special. Its for a special event after all. The fact that you can buy them at all is a good thing, regardless of price.

And honestly, "insane enough" to get more than one loot box a day? I get at least two or three after a few hours, it's not that hard nor time consuming (and I do mean even with the 22000 experience to level up). I dunno... Maybe it's just because I'm actually having fun playing the game and see the new skins as a bonus for playing. I don't see the problem.

That, plus after... only 5 loot boxes I think, I already have Reinhardt's and Mercy's Halloween skins. Unless I'm abnormally lucky, it shouldn't take long to get some skins.

Not when you still need to get so many coins to do it. By the point you have 3000 to get the skins, you either have a huge reserve of the currency, or you've bought that many boxes to get it. Because from my experience, most lootboxes won't give you much at all. It's a good thing they're for sale, but if they're gonna be on sale for outrageous prices, what the hell's the point when it's unrealistic you'll get enough for them before the event is over?

And if you get two or three a day, you clearly have more free time than I do, because I usually only go up a level and a half from a few hours of play. You need to keep in mind that your XP gain also counts on factors like wins, game modes, time spent in game. 

Finally, it is your luck, because I've done about 3 loot boxes and I've just gotten nothing but crap sprays and voice lines from it.

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If they were buy-able at standard price people probably wouldn't spend these 3 weeks grinding their gears off for money and lootboxes. I imagine the main draw of Blizzard doing these seasonal events is to bring players back in via having something new to do in the game, so having triple the item's standard price still makes it a rare collectable worth grinding for, but at least not one locked away by pure RNG shenanigans either.

I'd argue the bigger problem is the game's inconsistency when it comes to collecting coins (Overcoins they're called?). Until you get a certain amount of items getting credits is dependant on pure luck from a lootbox that's only granted once every 8-11 games or so (I'm at level 181 on PC and am averaging 20'ish items for every character, and only at this point I seem to get duplicates so often that I have a small cash flow coming in). I wish Overwatch granted a small but certain amount of coins for finishing a match, with maybe an extra 10 or 20% for winning a match. That would help lower level players accumulate coins to get whatever they wanted to buy too.

But yeah, basically Blizzard wants people playing. Those who play less will end up screwed up by this system, unfortunately...


EDIT: Saw Ryan mentioning game modes for EXP gain above, and that reminds me, the special Brawl event grants about 2.8k EXP (if you survive until the end!) and the game time usually hangs around 6-7 minutes. Meanwhile Quick Play can either end up more quickly for slightly more, or take longer than 6-7 minutes, it's a bit of a gamble depending on the player's skill level. Since time per match is constant and EXP seems to be almost the same on it's 3 difficulty levels, it might be a... freaky way for players to build up EXP for lootboxes!

Edited by Mystwalker
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20 minutes ago, Ryannumber1Scarer said:

Not when you still need to get so many coins to do it. By the point you have 3000 to get the skins, you either have a huge reserve of the currency, or you've bought that many boxes to get it. Because from my experience, most lootboxes won't give you much at all. It's a good thing they're for sale, but if they're gonna be on sale for outrageous prices, what the hell's the point when it's unrealistic you'll get enough for them before the event is over?

And if you get two or three a day, you clearly have more free time than I do, because I usually only go up a level and a half from a few hours of play. You need to keep in mind that your XP gain also counts on factors like wins, game modes, time spent in game. 

Finally, it is your luck, because I've done about 3 loot boxes and I've just gotten nothing but crap sprays and voice lines from it.

Unless you spend every coin you have the minute you get them, I don't see why you wouldn't have a nice stash of coins by now.

I have about 1 hour in the morning and 3 at night. It's not like I play the game incessantly. I have to share the game with my siblings too (they share the time I have).

Sprays are really cute this time yall should respect them >:V

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21 minutes ago, Radiant Hero Ike said:

Unless you spend every coin you have the minute you get them, I don't see why you wouldn't have a nice stash of coins by now.

I have about 1 hour in the morning and 3 at night. It's not like I play the game incessantly. I have to share the game with my siblings too (they share the time I have).

Sprays are really cute this time yall should respect them >:V

Except I don't. To date, I bought five items with Loot Box coins that I earned in game over the course of my playing, those being Genji's young skin (Not the blue haired one, the black haired one), Mercy's angelic taunt, Reaper's clap taunt, Genji's sit taunt, and D.Va's legendary taunt. That's hardly "spending every coin". 

And for the record, I play about 4 hours or so when I do get playing it, so I'm finding it hard to believe that at most, I get a level and a half, and somehow, you're getting three levels. 

And finally, the cute achievement sprays are the best and you don't even get them in loot boxes :U

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