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5 minutes ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

I played a good load of games tonight on PS4 (I went from Level 0 to Level 8), and It was a load of fun. Only issues is I found some of the balancing between classes to be a bit too much, with certain classes having too many advantages and too few disadvantages to counteract them. 

I think this is remedied by having a lot of characters to counter. For example, everyone loves to hate Bastion since the linear map design makes it fairly difficult to fight him, but Bastion's low HP makes him a easy gun-down with either a flank or multiple people gunning at him.


Also, I think this hasn't been mentioned yet but the game's beta has been extended to May 10th, so you can still get some mileage out of it!

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Okay I talked about this on my twitter but I need some assistant on a really weird problem: There's a thing where everyone skips around and animations seem delayed as hell. I be shooting a dude and they die like 5 seconds after and this is ONLY on a computer match too. I haven't tempted it online because I don't want to be useless on my team and not have a bad time crapshooting through the match. Is it a ping problem or

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Played the beta early a lot  this past week. went 0 to 61 during the week. been enjoying this so far and i can't wait for the game to come.

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On May 9, 2016 at 8:22 AM, I'm Dan said:

Okay I talked about this on my twitter but I need some assistant on a really weird problem: There's a thing where everyone skips around and animations seem delayed as hell. I be shooting a dude and they die like 5 seconds after and this is ONLY on a computer match too. I haven't tempted it online because I don't want to be useless on my team and not have a bad time crapshooting through the match. Is it a ping problem or

Is anything like this happening in any other games?  For what it's worth (beta being over), players can drop in and out of games unlike in a typical moba. 

Which really the only moba like quality is how the characters are constructed. It's weird that Blizzard treats that as a selling point when it basically just says "like a class based system but without the customization". In practice, the comparison is moot though. 

I feel like they need to rethink how they've sorted the heroes. The girl with the turrets is just barely a support by virtue of her ult and shield adding ability, but she isn't a healer and thus can't do the job of an actual support. D.Va is classed as a tank, but is just ok at absorbing punishment and doesn't actually do that well in a DPS race, is really more of an offensive hero that traded damage for health. Tank is admittedly the worst defined group, with Reinhardt and Winston being the only two able to actually absorb appreciable amounts of damage. It seems like a better name for tank would be "initiator", but even then Dva only fits by virtue of her ult. 

On the other hand, you have junkratt who does well on any team and only seems to be defense rather than offense because his ult is safer to use on defense. 

I saw a bunch of complaints about bastion being over powered, but I only found that to be the case when paired with Reinhardt. Otherwise, bastion is very vulnerable to splash and burst damage when set up.  However, when paired with Reinhardt, these weaknesses seem all but obviated. I had such a game as Bastion where I did 43% of my team's damage. 

If I have a serious complaint, it's that a lot of the offense hero ults seem really scrubby. Reaper kills everything in an AoE, mcree kills everything in view, and 76 just gets aim bot. They just don't have the counter play of genji or bastion or even road hog. 

Oh wait, I remembered my real biggest complaint with the game: supports. Much like in TF2, playing a healer is sort of like a second person let's play, you're not really playing the game, you're just one step removed from playing the game, just keeping metaphorical plates spinning. Cyber Dahlsim adds some real damage dealing potential and suppression to the mix, but is tied for being both the slowest and most fragile hero, making him a tracer and sniper magnet and having the longest run back of any healer. 

I also think they need to limit it to one of each hero per team, for two reasons: a second of many heroes (tracer springs to mind) tends to of limited usefulness, but doubling up on others can easily become overpowered (looking at you , Junkratt). 

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Neat! yeah we should probably get the lore shorts and comics all together in the first post.

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Think your sibling rivalry is bad? Hanzo and Genji Shimada would like a word with you.

Watch them clash in "Dragons", now live!


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You don't want to mess with Soldier: 76. The last animated short of the season, "Hero", is live!

Also, the game servers go up today at 7:00 PM EST! Read the launch-day protocols to know when Overwatch launches in your area and what to do.

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Hey, GameStop is doing this thing where if you trade in a select game, you can get Overwatch for $35.


I might actually part with Lost Song since I haven't touched it since I beat it.

It ends on the 27th though.

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I 100% love this game. It's probably because I have a bunch of people to play with (brother, girlfriend, misc friends all play)  but I'm having a great time playing this. One thing that's surprising me is how many different characters I like playing. In TF2 I used to mostly hover around Soldier or Demo, whereas in overwatch I'm liking Genji, Pharah (aka soldier) Reaper, Mei, Junkrat, Widowmaker, D.Va, Lucio and Zen. I particularly like how playing a support feels a lot more active then picking  Medic in TF2- lucio for example gives you a lot of room to menace the other team instead of just have to sit, heal and uber a heavy like you would be doing in TF2

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Definitely been addicted.

Maybe I'm completely obsessed with Tracer, but I have really felt a connection with any of the other players yet. I usually go to Trobjorn for defense or D.Va, but definitely Tracer for attacking (even her for defense if enough are communicating). I opted to get it on PS4, which I'm guessing most here probably got on PC, but it's been good so far. The only yuck is that there are definitely ugly textures and even models at times for PS4 for whatever reason. It's fun to just jump in for a few hours and go ham, and I feel like each character is good at making you feel like you're being badass, even if you're playing a mediocre (at best) match against some super sweaties. It's prolly the whole counting kills even if you just put 2 damage on them lmao, but I like it haha.

If anyone does have it on PS4 you can add me "Wolfblur" if you wanna poop around and destroy people though

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This game is almost too good.

I absolutely fucking love Tracer.  It's an absolute blast blinking behind enemy lines and ruining everyone's day.  I did a Payload match recently, and the other team wouldn't even go for the objective because they didn't know how to deal with me .  Then I see my favorite buddy of all time Reinhardt and he has the whole team behind his silly shield, so I just zip through his shield, lob a pulse grenade on his back, reverse time and watch the fireworks as everyone dies and the most hilarious way.  Then I lose to Play of the Game to fucking Bastion because lol turret mode.

Otherwise, I enjoy playing as Mei sometimes, because you can really screw up the other team's groove with her ice walls.  I hop on Mercy sometimes too if we really need a healer.  I still haven't tried all the characters yet, so maybe there's more that I'm going to like, but right now Tracer is the best forever.

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Overwatch is pretty fucking awesome. I often get annoyed a lot whenever players don't try to help balance out team composition or when people don't go on the capture point to defend it, but otherwise it's pretty great. A lot of the heroes accommodate different playstyles and I'm really digging most of them! It's fun to fan the hammer on nearby enemies as Mccree, zip around and ambush enemies as Tracer, or charging into people and blasting off the map with them as Reinhardt.

As expected from the polished beta, the game's design, optimization and mechanics are all polished to a mere shine, and it's genuinely one of the best shooters I've played in awhile. If only I can get some of them cosmetics for Mccree damn it

If any of you are playing on PC, add me on Battle.net at KazenoKlonoa#1987!

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Very addictive. I've been playing (too much) of this for the past days.

I tend to prefer support/disruptive characters, so I've really enjoyed playing Mercy and Mei. If the team's really low on offensive capabilities I'll mostly jump on Hanzo.

I haven't played many heroes extensively but I'm sure there are going to be more that connect with me.

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I've been thinking of trying this game but I'm still unsure. I do find the visual style and character designs very appealing and I don't mind the occasional shooter, but I'm not much of an online gamer and I don't have a Playstation Plus account.

Do any of you guys think it's worth the cost or is that a stupid question?? I mean most of you seem to be loving it, I'm just concerned I might buy the game, upgrade to PS Plus and end up hating it. I'm also a casual first-person-shooter fan, I don't mind them, I just get bored with the large amount of them out there looking the same.

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2 hours ago, DanimeJ86 said:

I've been thinking of trying this game but I'm still unsure. I do find the visual style and character designs very appealing and I don't mind the occasional shooter, but I'm not much of an online gamer and I don't have a Playstation Plus account.

Do any of you guys think it's worth the cost or is that a stupid question?? I mean most of you seem to be loving it, I'm just concerned I might buy the game, upgrade to PS Plus and end up hating it. I'm also a casual first-person-shooter fan, I don't mind them, I just get bored with the large amount of them out there looking the same.

I think you might end up enjoying it. I'm a shy person and playing online with other people has never really been my thing but Overwatch is good fun. I think this game was aimed to be more accessible to casual players to begin with. 

Oh and if anyone is on PC would you mind adding me to a friend list maybe (username is Silencer226)? I'm not used to the game and downright suck but I try my best. :< Mainly using Mercy cause she's bae but I guess I can "try" using an offense character if I had to, I'm just really bad. 

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On 5/28/2016 at 6:32 PM, Wolfy said:

It's prolly the whole counting kills even if you just put 2 damage on them lmao, but I like it haha.

Actually really like this too. It completely removes one of the most toxic things about online gaming- some guy blasting you about killstealing and it makes me feel like a god with a high kill count even if I'm just tagging people ;D


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Not sure how well something like this would work on the full version, but something I really liked in the beta was pulling off a skilled Play of the Game. There was a game I played on Route 66 with Genji where I was on the capture team, which was pushing my team back into the spawn. I managed to double jump behind them at the gas station, and land on the gas station, jumping down behind one of them. I unleashed Genji's ultimate and took down like four enemies, allowing my team to move forward. Then I took advantage of the Bastions in the game that was just spamming turrets by sneaking of behind them, hitting them once so they'll turn around and use the turret on me, and I used Genji's reflect move to destroy them.

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I just got into a match where my entire team was Torbjörns.  Normally, I would be sort of mad, but I was in a humorous mood and I joined them in their Torbjörn madness.  The enemy team took the first check point easily enough, but they couldn't quite get the hang of the second checkpoint and we won.  It was a good time, there were shield pick ups everywhere.  This is also the match where I got the Barbossa skin for Torbjörn oddly enough, I'm starting to think the Loot Crates have some sort of twisted humor programmed into them.

Anyways, I've been fooling around with a bunch of characters recently.  I decided to play with McCree a bit before he was nerfed and his Flashbang/Fan the Hammer combo is ludicrously strong, and dear lord the speed in which you can build his ultimate ability is insane sometimes.  It's almost always High Noon.

Roadhog is quickly becoming my favorite of the tanks.  Yanking Pharah out of the sky will forever be my favorite thing to do.

Symettra is my favorite support character.  The most annoying turrets ever and a well placed teleporter will give your team control over the entire match in the early stages.  She's not too bad with dealing damage herself either, and he shields give the team an extra boost even if it isn't much.

Tracer is forever my favorite though.  I just got the Posh skin for her too, so now she's decked out in white with golden bracers and stuff.

9 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Not sure how well something like this would work on the full version, but something I really liked in the beta was pulling off a skilled Play of the Game. There was a game I played on Route 66 with Genji where I was on the capture team, which was pushing my team back into the spawn. I managed to double jump behind them at the gas station, and land on the gas station, jumping down behind one of them. I unleashed Genji's ultimate and took down like four enemies, allowing my team to move forward. Then I took advantage of the Bastions in the game that was just spamming turrets by sneaking of behind them, hitting them once so they'll turn around and use the turret on me, and I used Genji's reflect move to destroy them.

Something like that would work fine in the full version.  Bastion players never know what hits them when Genji comes rolling around.

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So yeah, been playing of this a fuck ton on PC since it came out. I really just alternate between Mercy and Winston now.

Both are so much fun. I normally get around 3 gold medals a match as Winston now.

Skin wise I use Sigrun for Mercy, Explorer skin for Winston.

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Did anyone get this on PS4?

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I tend to switch between Soldier 76 and Widowmaker as my top two picks. With Widowmaker's grappling hook I can setup a nice sniper nest and just wait for the other team to wander into my sights to drop 'em. Soldier 76 is a nice character to start out with due to his healing ability and rocket alt. fire to deal additional damage especially against turrets.

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So,  is this beta free? 

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Uh, the open beta was free, but it's been over for weeks now. The full game's out, and you're going to have to buy it.

But trust me-- it's worth the $40. Just be careful not to accidentally buy the Origins Edition for $20 more if you don't have the money or don't want to.

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