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(Help Wanted!) Sonic Unleashed: Uncut - Not Dead Yet


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Hey Everyone! I just wanted to announce that SUU, is back in full swing, with a new 3d engine to boot!




For those who are wondering, SUU is a 3D animated fan-made sonic series, that is set in the timeline of sonic unleashed. The story is basically a different take on the unleashed storyline, with the story focusing on events that happen during sonic's journey around the globe. This miniseries was originally started back in 2013, but all of the data was lost due to my computer breaking. Recently, I have picked back up the project, and I am starting again, hoping that I can make this a phenominal series.





Originally, SUU was being developed in source-filmmaker, but the problem with using it, is that it trades convinience for quality, in other words: Sfm is easy to animate with, but the quality isnt that good. So the project has recently been ported to blender, in order to acheive the same quality look as a real series would have


here is an example of blender's quality with the series:


(sorry for the wierd grainy parts of the image)





I want this project to be the absolute best that it can be, but in order to do that, I'm gonna need alot of help... and I mean alot




So for this series, its going to feature most of the sonic crew, with lots of memorable faces throughout sonics history, and in order to add all of these characters, I'm going to need a few voice actors to help out with things. So if you are able to voice any of the following characters, please reply to the forum, or email me at "josh4taylor@gmail.com"


voices needed:

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Chip, Werehog, Espio, Charmy, Vector, Shadow, Blaze, Jet the hawk, Eggman



That's all the info I have for now, but stay tuned for more news, and maybe even a trailer....


Also, if you have any questions, reply, or email me at "josh4taylor@gmail.com"




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If there's one thing people complained was wrong with Unleashed, it's that there weren't enough characters

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If there's one thing people complained was wrong with Unleashed, it's that there weren't enough characters

I really dont know if you are being sarcastic or not .-.

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I remember seeing a trailer for this project a while back, glad to see it's not dead  :) I think I'll give a quite a few a try just to see which one comes out best...

I'll PM you a link to my Youtube audition once I've got it recorded and posted, although there are a few existing auditions on my channel if you want to see them; quite a few of them are outdated



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I remember seeing a trailer for this project a while back, glad to see it's not dead  :) I think I'll give a quite a few a try just to see which one comes out best...

I'll PM you a link to my Youtube audition once I've got it recorded and posted, although there are a few existing auditions on my channel if you want to see them; quite a few of them are outdated



Sounds cool :) Cant wait to hear the audition!

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If there's one thing people complained was wrong with Unleashed, it's that there weren't enough characters


I actually believe it was more into the slow combat for the Night Time stages and the frustrating medals needing to unlock new stages in the game

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Alright!  :DI've posted the audition and you can find it by following the link bellow! Also, if there's anything apart from voice acting I can help with let me know  :)


wow, sounds pretty good! personally i think your knuckles impression sounded the best. Is there any way i can contact you in order to discuss things about the series more conviniently?

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wow, sounds pretty good! personally i think your knuckles impression sounded the best. Is there any way i can contact you in order to discuss things about the series more conviniently?

You can PM me on the ssmb or youtube

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I like the concept of this. I highly doubt I could help with voice acting, but I wish you the best of luck!


The Sonic model is nice, but is there a reason his muzzle, ears, and eyes look so grainy?

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I like the concept of this. I highly doubt I could help with voice acting, but I wish you the best of luck!


The Sonic model is nice, but is there a reason his muzzle, ears, and eyes look so grainy?

Thanks for the comment :)


as for the grainyness, since i'm using blender, its defaultly set to a grainy output. There is definitiely ways to make it non-grainy, but it takes alot more time for it to render (about 5 minutes per frame)


here is a non-grainy example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6t2b15fhuuu150l/Nongrainy.png?dl=0

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