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The Lara-Su Chronicles and Ken Penders topic - READ PAGE 164, POST 4096

Spin Attaxx

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You know what's sad? I almost look forward more to Pender's fuckery than I do Sonic news.


Penders never fails to (not) disappoint.

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So... this is me dicking around for half an hour or so...



While I won't claim it's automatically better (and I did ape Fini-mun's redesigns of Penders's characters some) I will say I put some effort and thought into making him not really look like Knuckles (though I ended up with some homages in there). As for why I gave him Wolverine claws...? I just felt like it considering Penders wrote Knuckles that way early on anyway, and I fully expect those barbs on Not!Knuckles to have retractable claws or something because Penders. And the suit I ended up drawing had an X-Men vibe to it so I just shrugged my shoulders and went with it. Here's the difference, I'm not expecting people to pay me for this shit.

A better artist can always take this a step further if they want.

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Its an injustice that you haven't been hired to help draw/storyboard something while Penders, hack in every regard, was employed for nearly 15 years, Zay.

You actually have talent.

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I think what really infuriates me is that his... art hasn't even improved a bit, and yet he still found employment for this lazy, dodge and burn art. He did the boxart for the SatAM DVD box set, and it was hideous. D:

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What exactly is "dodge and burn" art? I've heard the term thrown around a few times...

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Overuse of the dodge/burn tool in Photoshop making everything gaudy.


I don't even know how to use the thing myself. Probably for the best :U

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Its an injustice that you haven't been hired to help draw/storyboard something while Penders, hack in every regard, was employed for nearly 15 years, Zay.

You actually have talent.


Ha, thanks bro. I'm workin' on it. Wouldn't say I'm good, in spite of my own ego, but one day maybe.


What exactly is "dodge and burn" art? I've heard the term thrown around a few times...


I heard the term in Photography class years ago, so that's where I learned it from. In photography, it's a way of adjusting the exposure on a photograph, making areas darker/more exposed (burning) or lighter/less exposed (dodging). When using it in digital painting/coloring, well, it just makes for really ugly coloring that muddies things up. Instead of using shades of the same color, or even analogous or complementary colors to balance the palette, basically using basic color theory knowledge, it's a crutch for shading and highlighting that almost never looks good. Think of it as opening up the brightness/contrast on select areas of a drawing and adjusting the settings on those sections to create highlights or shades.

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I think what really infuriates me is that his... art hasn't even improved a bit, and yet he still found employment for this lazy, dodge and burn art. He did the boxart for the SatAM DVD box set, and it was hideous. D:

Careful, he may try to take our complete series boxsets back.......


To be quite honest, I have no idea that the boxart was his work. Strangly enough, it actually looked decent, and I have seen every issue cover of the Knuckles comics. There's no way that could be his work.

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...................*deep breath, followed by aggravated sigh*................


....I tried giving him the benefit of the doubt....


....I tried remaining neutral....


....Even after all the bad artwork, snide and arrogant comments, and NIGHTMARE-INDUCING 3D renders, I was actually considering giving this..., this............"I-can't-even-CREATE-a-word-or-term-to-express-how-much-of-a-train-wreck-this-is" a chance! I was legitimately considering shelling out the money and give this eyesore a chance, If only out of pity for the "poor man".


Well, I would have READ it, at least...


...But now? I can't decide if Penders is really so stupid as to think that nobody would notice JUST HOW MUCH LIKE KNUCKLES THIS OFFENDING ODOR TO THE EYES THE MAN CONSIDERS ARTWORK looks like, or if his EGO is so freaking huge that he legitimately thinks he can get away with this because he's Ken Penders!


I mean SERIOUSLY! I showed this pic to my parents, who have NO idea who Mr. Penders is, or ANY knowledge of the craziness he's caused. They also have no idea about ANYTHING Sonic-related outside of who Sonic himself is. You know what my Mother said when she saw it?


"Isn't that the red guy from the Sonic thing you play?"


....My mother, whom is almost completely ignorant of anything Sonic except for Sonic himself, THOUGHT HE WAS KNUCKLES!


....Congratulations, Mr. Penders: you have successfully managed to paint a target on every single part of your body; and snipers, gunslingers, grenadiers, and EVEN ICBM TARGETING COMPUTERS all have their sights set on you. What's worse, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM is a SEGA employee just WAITING for the word from Iizuka and the SEGA Execs to rain the pain down upon your arrogant ass!


And you know what? Pray that the absolute least that they decide to do in retaliation to this is a "cease and desist" order. Because IF, for some reason, you continue through with this and it SOMEHOW ends up selling well enough to warrant you a profit, THEN EXPECT SEGA TO DO MORE THAN JUST SLAP YOU ON THE WRIST THIS TIME!!!


*collapses to his knees, exhausted and failing to catch his breath*


....I-I... apologize to the SSMB community for my sudden outburst... I've been wanting to verbally tear Penders a new one for a while now, opting not to for the sake of civility, and I got a bit carried away...

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....I-I... apologize to the SSMB community for my sudden outburst... I've been wanting to verbally tear Penders a new one for a while now, opting not to for the sake of civility, and I got a bit carried away...

Welcome to the fold... brother.

Trust me, you're not saying anything nobody else hasn't already said and slung around for the last... how the hell has discussion on this piece of shit that isn't even out yet reached 75 pages? Man, Penders really knows how to get under people's skin, that's for sure.


I mean SERIOUSLY! I showed this pic to my parents, who have NO idea who Mr. Penders is, or ANY knowledge of the craziness he's caused. They also have no idea about ANYTHING Sonic-related outside of who Sonic himself is. You know what my Mother said when she saw it?

"Isn't that the red guy from the Sonic thing you play?"

....My mother, whom is almost completely ignorant of anything Sonic except for Sonic himself, THOUGHT HE WAS KNUCKLES!

I'm willing to bet this is confusion he will capitalize on at the Super Con this weekend. I can already see kids saying this. Now I wish I could go (I'm not wasting a birthday to see this travesty first-hand though). The only thing one can hope for at this point is that this confusion reaches SEGA and they shut him down, because they'd definitely be in the right on this.

...come to think of it, I thought Kn--uh, "Praetorian" was dead in the script Penders teased a while back...? Then again, maybe he "discovered" how important he was and threw him into this awful stew.

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Trust me, you're not saying anything nobody else hasn't already said and slung around for the last... how the hell has discussion on this piece of shit that isn't even out yet reached 75 pages?

Because crap can spread pretty damn far if you push it enough.

Really, though, if it wasn't Penders we were talking about, I'd wonder how thinks he can get away with this. A blonde wig and goatee combo does not make it not-Knuckles.

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All of you should check out his Twitter again. He's posted a few tweets responding to Not Knuckles, 1.Being he doesn't use Photoshop and the other being one that will probably piss off most people here. I would post them here but I don't know how to quote tweets.

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You guys should check out his Twitter again. He's posted a few tweets responding to Not Knuckles, 1.Being he doesn't use Photoshop and the other being one that will probably piss off most people here. I would post them here but I don't know how to quote tweets.


I'm really happy with the reaction to the new material for THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES at the FL Super-Con.

I... what? I don't even have anything to say on this, just ... WHAT?! Dude needs to step out of his bubble... maybe someone can tweet my little "letter" and my redesign at him, he needs to see the reaction isn't even remotely what he thinks it is.


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No not that one, look a little further and you'll find a tweet where Ken says something along the lines of "I'm within my rights to use that design for Lara-Su's father"

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Ken denies use of Photoshop as a whole, let alone dodge & burn. https://twitter.com/KenPenders/status/484819899110686720




Ken Penders

@KenPenders @ToriLPeterson I didn't use Photoshop.

3:04 PM - 3 Jul 2014


Ken says his lawyers tell him he's within his rights. https://twitter.com/KenPenders/status/484821006918242304


Ken Penders

@KenPenders @VeggieMadness I can't comment on the agreement but my lawyers would say I'm within my rights.


3:08 PM - 3 Jul 2014


Ken introduces Not Knuckles and Twitter spits in his face, which he ignores. https://twitter.com/KenPenders/status/484671928771547137

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No not that one, look a little further and you'll find a tweet where Ken says something along the lines of "I'm within my rights to use that design for Lara-Su's father"


Ah, here it is:



I can't comment on the agreement but my lawyers would say I'm within my rights.




You know, I'ma second what one of the commenters said, dude must have the best lawyers in the world, but he still needs a fucking reality check.


I also find it hilarious he dodges the question about his dodge and burn by saying "I didn't use Photoshop." Good for you, you're so fucking clever, Penders. See what he did there? The person said "the burn tool in Photoshop" hahaha. *gag* It's not that hard to see you still used it and it's in other image editing software besides Photoshop. Try to understand criticism for once, cripes.

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I'm willing to bet this is confusion he will capitalize on at the Super Con this weekend. I can already see kids saying this. Now I wish I could go (I'm not wasting a birthday to see this travesty first-hand though). The only thing one can hope for at this point is that this confusion reaches SEGA and they shut him down, because they'd definitely be in the right on this.


That's what I said a few pages back. Kids are going to walk past his stall and the first thing they're going to say is "Woah, is that a Knuckles comic?" or "Hey that looks like the red guy from Sonic the Hedgehog." How on earth is Penders going to explain to them that it's his own unique thing and not in any way related to the SEGA character Knuckles, when it looks so similar to him? XD

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Ah, here it is:





You know, I'ma second what one of the commenters said, dude must have the best lawyers in the world, but he still needs a fucking reality check.

Or his lawyers realize he's a delusional narcissist and are squeezing him dry with cash for lawsuits that he can't hope to win, and will eventually leave him high and dry.

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What really pisses me off about the tweet is that It more or less confirms he didn't even put effort in making the design. He believed that with one or two slight changes, he's going to get away with it. He seriously needs to get a freaking reality trip.

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He should be sued anyway. If it's done, he'll have to pay lawyer fees which ain't cheap, hopefully leaving him hardly anything to continue his project. I hate myself for wishing problems like that on a man but I really don't think he'll learn any other way. If its released, it'll flop and he won't blame himself. It'll be some other factor. He needs something hard to get a reality check.

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Or his lawyers realize he's a delusional narcissist and are squeezing him dry with cash for lawsuits that he can't hope to win, and will eventually leave him high and dry.

Lawyers can get into serious trouble for that. They're not supposed to tell their clients that they have a legit case when they know they don't. So either he's lying about his lawyers, or they're as delusional as he is.

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Serious question - why are we so sure that Penders can't use "The Preatoroian"? Like, where do the ownership rights lie for the M25YL characters, which What the Fuckles essentially is? While the character in M25YL is Knuckles, the design in use isn't. And the character here isn't either. The last thing I would ever do is defend this fuckwit, but l don't actually think he's going to get n any sort of trouble for this. Of course I hope SEGA fight, but I don't know if they actually can or if they'd ever try fighting it at this stage.

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If Ken had an assurance (to himself) that he could use something, he'll use it without hesitation. He's too lazy to put in work that would otherwise lead to nothing, save for his failure projects as a whole.


He honestly thinks he can get away with it, despite that design at one time being very clearly & explicitly being called Knuckles.

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