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NPD: Sonic Lost World LTD on Wii U and 3DS leaked

Hero of Legend

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Maybe SLW 3DS will have strong legs that give it good sales through 2014 then, it probably won't be long til its price drops a bit more.

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And then watch as people who are so against exclusivity suddenly change their position and not dispute exclusivity when it comes to the Nintendo Wii U.

At least there are a myriad of very understandable reasons for a game not to be on Wii U.

1. Anything natively developed for the PS4 and XB1 might not even have compatible development tools and would have to have a lot of extra time and money invested into development in order to recode everything by hand for Wii U.

2. If just 5% of all PS3 owners buy your game, that's 4,000,000 units sold. In order for the Wii U version to reach those numbers, nearly every single owner of the system worldwide would have to buy the game. Not enough people have one.

Sorry, but I don't think the situations are directly comparable. "multiplatform games are not being ported to this extremely niche system that barely anyone has because it's an extra effort that has a very high chance of not paying off enough to make it a worthy investment" is a very different situation from "this game in a previously consistently multiplatform franchise is being made exclusively for this extremely niche system that barely anyone has because... there's actually no good reason, it just is".

But hey, I guess this means you won't care if the next big game we get in 2016 is exclusive to the Vita, then?

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Out of interest, how do these figures compare to those of previous Nintendo exclusives?

For example the Wii U version of SLW compared to the Wii titles (Colours, SatBK and SatSR)?

Or the 3DS version of SLW compared to 3DS version of Generations (or DS titles such as Colours, Rush and Rush Adventure)?

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I am getting a Wii U this year, so let me clear that out before you go on saying "I am too poor". But yes, right now I don't have one and so do many others. And I would like to play this game. And again, I am sure I am not the only one. Besides I am NOT just talking about Lost World here, because I can overlook LW easily. I am talking about the future of the franchise. If LW was a major success, don't kid yourself that Sega would think this exclusivity deal is the best thing in years. And that would push them even more to just making Sonic games for Nintendo. Nintendo fans celebrate, while others miss out. If LW fails, then it will GIVE Sega a rethink. It can even force them to rethink. No more long length exclusivity deals. If it was Sony or MS and anyone here pointed this out, I would have kudos them. In fact, what would happen to this fan base if Sega finishes their deal with Nintendo, then signs a 10 year with Sony. Would that be a good idea for us fans? Me hoping this game would fail isn't IMO a bad thing if you are not shortsighted. Sega will no question, not rethink if LW was a success. This is business. This is Sega, who is trying to squeeze money with IAPs on mobile apps for goodness sake. So I don't see how I'm selfish. Now Nintendo fans having Sonic games to themselves and loving the way it's going? THAT'S selfish. EDIT: Actually what do you WANT me to think? That I hope LW became a success and make the whole exclusive situation worse?!


I fail to see the logic here about "fairness". It's not fair for Lost World to sell well and Sega to see that the exclusivity is a good idea in the long run? I hate missing out on exclusives as much as anyone else, but you don't see me hoping that the next Sonic game that will come out for PS4 and XB1 will fail so they go back to Wii U. Really, missing out on exclusives is a normal thing, you can't expect that "it's not fair to those who miss out" is a valid excuse whatsoever for backing your argument.



That certainly surprises me. I look at this game's new "features" and see a run button (Mario), gravity mechanics (Mario), tubular level design (Mario), and slower platforming (Mario). 


I mean, if despite those changes it still doesn't play like Mario, then I'll take your word for it. However, it's still extremely clear just from looking at the first trailer what their "inspiration" was and what they based the core design of the game on.


Shaking it up is great. Really. I agree with you there. But from the moment the game was announced I was just baffled as to why it looks so much like a bad Mario clone rather than something that fits Sonic. Obviously this is a matter of opinion as we all have different opinions on what Sonic should be, but the fact that this game has fractured the fanbase so harshly is rather telling in my opinion.


Other gaming series' have done this as well though. Donkey Kong and Rayman have run buttons, and the gravity mechanics aren't really focused on that much. I can't blame you for observing that the game looks "Mario-like", but it plays nothing like any other game from the both Sonic and Mario. The two are really different. Also, this game does have platforming, but it's by no means slow. The parkour always keeps things moving in most if not all situations, and there were really no times in the game where I had to let go of the run button when platforming. This IS a fast game, you just have to get used to the controls (which aren't that complicated imo).


I kinda got a more classic Sonic vibe from this game honestly, instead of Mario. Classic Sonic games (even some of the 3D ones) have had bright and saturated colors, so why are we drawing comparisons to Mario instead of previous Sonic games that have done these things before? Maybe it's just me who doesn't see the blatant Mario connections I guess (other than the whole gravity gimmick thing).


EDIT: Fixed a sentence with a lot of errors in it.

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I'm just going to throw my 2 cents into the ring on the whole "SLW ripping off Mario Galaxy" thing. Yeah, both games have gravity mechanics, tubular level design etc, but when I played Mario Galaxy for the first time and was anticipating all these amazing gravity based things I'd heard about from people, I couldn't help but feel like it was all stuff I'd seen done before on a smaller scale in the last third of SA2.


As for the Wii U, if anyone out there has a partner or kids (mines only 6 weeks old, but still!), the Wii U is awesome. If she wants to watch any TV because she's bored of me playing games, I can just hop straight to the gamepad! Similarly, if I'm playing something a bit gruesome or scary or whatever and the missus is uncomfortable with it being on while the baby is in the room, straight to the Gamepad. Seriously, if more consoles came with a separate miniature screen you could switch to with the swipe of a finger or press of a button, I think that could be an awesome standard feature.


There was no real point that I'm getting at with any of this. Food for thought!

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In regard to the gravity gimmick , after playing both galaxies and Lost World I have to say that the mechanics aren't really similar at all, in the galaxy games the gravity actually is part of the gameplay, you can build momentum with it that can can help you jump around a whole planet, you can jump between planets and other crazy similar things, the gravity actually has an effect on Mario and his jumps and spins. For lost World all it really does is change where "down" is I would honestly hardly call it a "gravity gimmick" when the gravity doesn't really affect anything apart from which direction sonic falls. Heck if Lost World was flattened out it would work EXACTLY the same, If galaxy was flattened out the game would work in a significantly different way, things like centrifugal forex and free fall momentum (caused by an orbiting Long jumping mario) would not be possible.

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But hey, I guess this means you won't care if the next big game we get in 2016 is exclusive to the Vita, then?

I'm not really worried about something that's even less probable than Davy Jones' resurrection in the POTC franchise. (Lord knows I can never get enough of Bill Nighy playing a Scottish "Squid Face".wub.png )

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I'm not really worried about something that's even less probable than Davy Jones' resurrection in the POTC franchise. (Lord knows I can never get enough of Bill Nighy playing a Scottish "Squid Face".Posted Image )

Lol, I think you missed the whole point of my post.

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Lol, I think you missed the whole point of my post.

Oh Don't you worry, I'll get around to replying to the rest of it. I just felt the urge to reply to the funniest post first.
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Well, it was predictable. Better luck next time Sega.

Oh, hey Cy. Long time no see.

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I think another BIG reason Sonic Lost World did so bad was because of marketing. It shouldn't be a surprised since Sega drops the ball in this department though to be fair not in a lot when it comes to Sonic.


I almost feel this game had as much marketing as Transformed, and at least that game had a good word of mouth and not a mixed reception like Lost World. I'm not talking Generations level of marketing but I feel the marketing aspect of Lost World lost steam after the summer.

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A third party Vita game in 2014. Hahaha. Ha.




I'd take anything at this point. I want my Vita to get more use, like my PSP did. I mean, it wasn't as much as the DS but, things like Dissidia kept me glued to it.

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A Vita Sonic that isn't Rivals would be fantastic.

I haven't played Rivals, personally; I just haven't heard very good things about it. I'd prefer a Sonic Adventure style game


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I don't even have a Vita, and I think it's about time it had a Sonic game.  Good luck to you, Vita owners.


Meanwhile, if it's at all possible that Wii U sales were cannibalising 3DS sales or vice-versa for Sonic Lost World, maybe that'd be an impetus for Sonic Team to put original games out on the 3DS again.  I'm really bored of the downgrades.

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If a Sonic game ever got made exclusively for the Vita, I'd have two reasons to buy one!


...once the price drops.

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