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Disney Channel's 'Descendants,' featuring teenage kids of classic villains


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After reading the synopsis my first thought was "ya know, if this were an animated series this might have been interesting". Then I remembered that it had already been done through a Mattel toy line/web series Ever After High. I've only seen one episode of it and honestly it's not that bad.




There's some merit to this concept if written well, however my faith in the project is lost once I remember it's gonna acted by a bunch of tweens in cosplay.

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It seems highly likely that the whole Disney hero/villain parentage thing is just going to be background flavour used to excuse the "magical high school" concept.  It's an attempt to play on people's nostalgia without actually having to go to the effort of using the classic material itself.


I guess the whole thing could work if it was just a comedy, though, and didn't pretend to take any of this nonsense seriously - because the rest of us sure can't.

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I wonder what awkward dance numbers we're going to get, maybe we will get some classics like "bet on it" and other things.

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  • 1 year later...

Kill me, this thing just looks so....no. Plus I can't help but think about the 2D animated villains hooking up...


Honestly, I don't know which will be worse; this or Teen Beach Movie 2.

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*runs around the room screaming*

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why Disney Channel why?! This is like High School Musical and Once upon a Time had a one night stand and produced this from the madness!

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This looks so bad, it's good! I can't wait till it premieres just so I can watch it for the lulz. XD

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That could apply to the other villains as well, (what kind of woman would find Jafar attractive enough to sleep with)?


But just you watch that they'll never actually address the other spouse for each villain.

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Oh, I thought this thing had died.


Trailer didn't do anything for me, it still looks like uninteresting schlock. What is par the course for live-action DCOM films.

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On paper, the idea has potential, but as it is now, it's just vomit-inducing, i'm sorry.

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I mused that the idea sounded interesting on the surface regardless of who was doing it, but now that I think about it, the thing that annoys me most is just the complete disregard for both Disney canon and common sense. And I know Disney can throw caution to the wind to their own properties and make some cute, contemporary remix and that kids will like it, but something seems off about them treating their properties in this fashion. You're telling me Maleficent's supposed child was still alive by the time Cruella was popping out kids in the 1900s? 

Well, I suppose they could always go the Kingdom Hearts/Once Upon A Time and claim: "DIFFERENT REALM", DIMENSION_HOPPING, and all that right? Heh....phoenix-sheepish%28a%29.gif

Back with a vengeance

Marth/Lucina? What are you doing there at the far left?!

Hmmm, now that I think about it, what with everyone having kids all of sudden, I can't help but come to a conclusion that Disney's building a lot of this off of Once Upon A Time, Season 4 in particular (and well the Wonderland spin-off since Jafar).

This looks so bad, it's good! I can't wait till it premieres just so I can watch it for the lulz. XD

Well, it'll certainly make good riffing material for moi and my compatriots.

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I can't top laughing. This is beautiful.



Errr...what is this? It sounds like some terrible fanfic by a 13 year old.


How dare you insult our fanfic prowess? :P

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I'm done. Why is this a thing? Is that Luke from Jessie?!


First Disney Channel crossed over Jessie with Spider-Man, now they are giving us this?

Now I know the Avengers Assemble and Dog With A Blog crossover is happening.

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I'm done. Why is this a thing? Is that Luke from Jessie?!


Dammit, I knew I recognized him from somewhere...


This is going to be fun.

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Trailer didn't do anything for me, it still looks like uninteresting schlock. What is par the course for live-action DCOM films.


I remember before High School Musical became big, some Disney Channel movies were actually really good. The Colour of Friendship and Tru Confessions had some pretty serious moments, the former being all about racism and the latter about living with a mentally challenged sibling. Wish we could get good movies like that again instead of this high school BS with pop rock songs.

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I forgot this existed.  :(


Has "Known character has a kid" ever worked in any Disney property ever? Why do they keep coming back to this concept? 


Also, I hate how generic the kids look. Jafar's even back to normal seemingly for the sole purpose of his kid not being unique in any way. 


And I know I'm nitpicking, but anyone have any clue why Belle and Beast are in charge of the place? Not that there's really anything wrong with them having that role, I just don't see why they'd pick them out of the seven or so royal Disney couples. 

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IMO, this isn't looking good so far.


Looks like this show is "Descending" into the pit of disappointment.


Sorry, I'll go now.

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Honestly, looks kinda fun to me, cheesy fun, but fun nonetheless, the recent DCOMs actually haven't been bad, and only one in five is a musical, and this one likely ain't since Teen beach movie 2 already fill that role. Also if you think about it, some of this stuff make sense:


A) Bell and Beast out of all the classic couples are the only independently wealthy pair, Beast at the most is distant royalty, and most likely a Duke or Lord, with family funds, but as time progresses and things modernize they get less income, so they do what most descendants of wealthy distant royalty do: either sell or Convert their massive property and housing into a needed service. Since we're in a world with fairy tale royalty, an private academy makes since, as it allows them to keep their status, while receiving the income they need to survive. The fact it makes them a social center for all the more important royalty is a bonus

B) either fairy tale characters age slower, or in this world traditional magical kingdoms exist side by side with modern society, which is possible, I imagine this may be explained in the intro, and of course stories happened somewhat differently than the originals, that's a given

C) for the adult costumes, they want the most iconic, even if silly looks possible, this is for kids, whereas the children need something vaguely reminiscent of the original, but hip and trendy so Disney can put it in their fashion line(ya, this is a slightly annoying side effect of modern Disney, on the other hand they inherited their eccentricities from their parents, on the other hand did you expect them to be carbon copies?)


Honestly, I'm not expecting anything deep, but this should  be kinda fun, and the spinoff material(like a comic, which is actually extremely likely, I mean they did that with Sky High, and that was an original one before they even owned a fully comic company), should be the fun stuff, especially if it lasts long enough to gain its own identity, which is possible because this one looks like a spinoff machine on purpose

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This looks so horrible. It's basically taking all the classic villains of Disney and turning it into Disney Channel High School Comedy Number #2615191. It looks like generic shit that's gonna be the typical "These outcasts are gonna be bullied but they get payback and wacky hyjinks ensue!". This is an absolute disgrace to such memorable villains like Jafar and Maleficent.

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so I'm reading this thread and I count like 4 instances of "who'd bang Maleficient"


and all I can remember is the 4chan threads doing AUs where she's a dominatrix educating Aurora to join her in ruling evil


and then the movie where she's Angelina Jolie

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