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Post your MP3 player


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I remember there was a topic like this before SSMB had the server tragedy, so I thought i'd revive this topic back to shape.

The main point of this topic, is to show off your current, or several MP3 player(s) you own, as well as describing why you like using it. It's a pretty simple topic all in all.

I'll kick off this topic with my MP3 player.


The iPod Nano looked pretty interesting when I read up on it, and when I bought it, I was not disappointed at all. I love how the touch wheel works, and when you hold the iPod on it's side, the screen flips to the iPod's current position. I've already tried playing games on it, and they play pretty good too. I'd say this is quite an impressive MP3 player. 8GB isn't bad too, I can certainly fit all my songs on it, no problem.

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I've had this exact same one for 2 years now. Yes, it's no iPod and yes, it does look like a kidney bean. And that's why it's called the Sony Walkman Bean! XD

Mine is kinda scratched and stuff because I dropped it a few times, plus the original headphones didn't work anymore a few months back (since then I used iPod Nano ones), but it's pretty good and can store ALOT of songs for its size. It charges up thanks to the computer and can last for ages too! The only downsides I could name would be that mine obviously looks very tatty because it's so scratched and the lock thingie is wonky, and the fact that you HAVE to use SonicStage to store your songs onto it. It's not too bad but..I just want to drag them right into my MP3 player, y'know? >.>

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In before iPhone spam/flame war.

Anyways, I've been using one of these for quite awhile now:


Might be kind of a loophole, but it is my primary music player. I find that it works pretty good. Also, it plays games. Quite well, in fact.

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Although it is now 90% broken I still use it so I might aswell post it.

The Samsung YP-Z5, the most invincible MP3 player, known to man.


I have had this thing for about 3 years and although it has been through the washing machine twice and dropped on the floor from a great height more times than I can remember, the little MP3 player carries on (Even if the touch pad no longer works for scrolling, which now leaves me with only my unknown tracks to listen to). Charges up via USB, 2 GB and can store many types of file.

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I have an 80GB Black Zune, the screen has a very large, very deep scratch on it and I hate that. Though I am getting the Zune HD this year or maybe the iPod Touch.

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Though I am getting the Zune HD this year or maybe the iPod Touch.

If they end up costing the same/Zune costs only a little more, I'd say get the Zune.

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The little sucker got all glitchy after a ride in the washing machine.

I'd upgrade to a 4th gen Nano, but I think it'd be smarter to wait till the 5th gen comes out in a few months.

Heard it's gonna have a camera. ;x

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Whatever gen is the most current Ipod Video. My old 5th generation gone busted (started restarting itself every 6 seconds. They said it was a hardware malfunction and nothing good really be done about it a.k.a. "buy a new one you cheap ass punk!"), so I had to get a shiny new 120GB black one. I swear, I probably won't be able to fill it up before I croak, X_x.

It's not my life nearly as much as Aoi's (trust me when I say none of you are even close to Aoi on that one, XD), but I do go nuts if it dies on me or I don't have it. I need to in the car. NEED IT. I have to sing to mah tunes, or the car will be silent since the radio here blows balls.


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*picture of red PSP goes here*

And thank you Nippon Ichi for including a Play All button in your games. Makes up for you crappy Prinny CD with missing tracks.

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Ah, what the hell, I'll chip in too. :)


Yep, this is my MP3 player...My phone, a Sony Ericsson W300i...Unfortunately, I picked mine up sometime in 2007, so it's showing a lot of wear...It needs a new front fascia because one of my friends decided he'd take it off and put it back on with no care whatsoever....and now there's a crack reaching up from the bottom of the phone's front to almost where the screen parts are. :P Still, this thing has stuck with me on many, many occasions, helping me get ready for my exams, lessons and other things in school, providing entertainment via the amount of music I've collected over the years and passing the time through games...I don't know where I'd be without this thing. :)

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120GB Ipod classic played thru mah beloved ATH-ES7 headphones (which I hear they are selling at apple stores at an extortionate price now, lol.)


It's a really good portable setup IMO, for all the shit I give Apple, the Ipod classic is a pretty solid player.

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The thing is, in the long run cheap Mp3 players are bound to malfunction and you'll end up having to buy a new one(s).

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It depends how cheap though. Most Sansa players are pretty low cost, and those are solid to boot.

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The thing is, in the long run cheap Mp3 players are bound to malfunction and you'll end up having to buy a new one(s).

Maybe. I bought mine 2 years ago and it still work perfectly.

And I prefer to spend my money on books ^^

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I can't get a close picture of the thing for crap, but it's the PSP with the custom faceplate on the right. That thing is a godsend for portable multimedia, even if it is a bulky PSP 1000. 8GB is more than enough for my needs of music and video, and the screen is plenty bright enough.

Oh and it plays games too. That be kind of important too.

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I just got myself a black 4th gen 8GB iPod nano last Monday, and it's certainly nice, if a tad costly. Got it because my crappy old dodgy Chinese MP3 player my Dad got me for my birthday last year broke down for the millionth time and was beyond repair.

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I have 3. Let's see if I can find them!


-will find picture-

I don't know what it's called but it's pink. And small. and oval-shaped. And is 2G.

2. Goodmans GMP34G6


Whut why does it say 'Noice' when it should say 'Voice'


I've had this since December last year. I have the Hare Hare Yukai on there, and a load of Sonic songs, though I haven't updated it in a while. I plan to put Sonic X episode 9(My FAVORITE EPISODE :D) on there, the SatSR opening, and all the Charlie the Unicorns. What? I love like those Sonic things. Whatever. Don't judge me. I wonder what they have in common. Hehehehehe....-giggles and swoons-

1. The Sony Erricson W810i


I've had this for about 2 years, and it's the one I use the most. As my mum and dad said, It was the best phone they ever had, til they got thier new ones.(Dad: Nokia Music Xpress. Mum: Sony Erricson W595)

The w810i has been extremely faithful, never broke down on me once, and it keeps it's battery power, unlike number 3.

If anyone needs a cheap mobile('bout 20 quid off eBay. What? It's old, but REALLY good quality. :)) that doubles as a PERFECT MP3/4 player, then I highly reccommend the w810i.

Sadly, (This is the Memory Card's fault, not the phone's) I'm running out of space to put all the Sonic songs. :( It's only like.. 0.3 gig. :( I need to buy a new one. To Play.com!)

But I digest.

I love this phone, it's amazing! It's easily the most used out of the lot, and the inner-ear headphones that came with it are so comfy! My small ears can't stand those big, beastly headphones. ESPECIALLY the iPod ones! Damnit mum, why'd I inherit your ears? >.< Ohwell. That's enough of this ramble. :D

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