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Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

Doctor MK

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-DLC Characters confirmed!

-Virtua Fighter character confirmed!

Sheesh, and this comes right after that trailer which confirmed the presence of another two characters and some never-before-seen stages. Sumo Digital, I <3 you guise...

...even if that website incorrectly refers to the Eggmobile as the "Eggpod". But that's whoever made the website's fault, anyways.

Edited by HunterTSF
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With only 39 days to go until release I think it's safe to say at this point that PS3 is NOT getting exclusive content or even DLC by the looks of it. Wouldn't be the first time, Unleashed PS3 only got half the DLC stages 360 got.


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He sounds like modern-day John Madden during Sonic's All-Star video. Which I like a lot.

...In that same video, as I mentioned before, that is clearly a new snow/ice stage. Since we've already got Billy Hatcher's snow level and Heroes didn't HAVE any ice stages, could it be possible we're getting Ice Cap? It would fit in oddly, alongside three Heroes stages. Or is there another ice/snow-centric area from a major franchise I'm just missing on first thought?

It actually looks like ....*gasp* HOLOSKA? :o *faints* xD Holoska or Ice Cap would be awesome! =O but If its not, we can simulate it is XD also yay for Jacky!

...it definitely looks like Holoska.


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I would actually piss my pants with excitement if the ice stage turns out to be Aurora from Virtua Fighter 5. That stage had immense music and was absolutly gorgeous.

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I was wondering about the ice level too. I mean, I love ice stages but I would find having two ice stages strange, it could just be a different part of Blizzard Castle from Billy Hatcher, but I do agree it looks a hell of a lot like Holoska from Sonic Unleashed.

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I was wondering about the ice level too. I mean, I love ice stages but I would find having two ice stages strange, it could just be a different part of Blizzard Castle from Billy Hatcher, but I do agree it looks a hell of a lot like Holoska from Sonic Unleashed.

One is a snow stage, and the other can be an ice stage. They may not be too dissimilar from an ascetic standpoint, but from a racing physics pov the two would be drastically different.

I agree that the clip bears a striking resemblance to Holoska, but Ice Cap is so prominent in the Sonic Fandom that I wouldn't be surprised if Sumo pulled an "Holoska: Ice Cap".

Or they can pull one out of thin air with "Aurora Ice Field" and make a double homage to Sonic the Fighters and Virtua Fighter 5. (and they can throw Bark into the background :D)

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I'm probobly gonna buy this for PC.

I hope it has good content on PC...

It apparently won't, but that won't stop PC hackers!

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With only 39 days to go until release I think it's safe to say at this point that PS3 is NOT getting exclusive content or even DLC by the looks of it. Wouldn't be the first time, Unleashed PS3 only got half the DLC stages 360 got.

That's what they get for messing with the Dreamcast.

...even if that website incorrectly refers to the Eggmobile as the "Eggpod". But that's whoever made the website's fault, anyways.

Note that they say "the Eggpod transforms and takes off down the track", meaning it was the eggpod when it had wheels, but without them it has transformed into something else (aka the egg mobile)

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Thanks bro-botnik and dabbido for the snow/ice stage screen/info. News'd it and credited you guys.

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It apparently won't, but that won't stop PC hackers!

I hope so.

Sweet Jesus, I do love fancreated content in my video games. Hey, maybe they can hack all the exclusive content from the other versions on, such as Banjo and Downloadable content and the Crush 40 DS song onto it. That would be so awesome. :)

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I hope so.

Sweet Jesus, I do love fancreated content in my video games. Hey, maybe they can hack all the exclusive content from the other versions on, such as Banjo and Downloadable content and the Crush 40 DS song onto it. That would be so awesome. :)

I'd almost forgot about Steve revealing that the DS has an exclusive Crush 40 track.

There's the DS's exclusive piece of content then you guys :)

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There's the DS's exclusive piece of content then you guys :)

In b4 it's a remake of Race to Win sung by a generic female pop-band.

Nintendo would love that.

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Fun fact for the kids:

Virtua Fighter Kids is not new to the world of Sega franchise all-star games. In the Saturn fighting game Fighters Megamix, characters from Virtua Fighter, Virtua Fighter Kids, Virtua Cop, Fighting Vipers, Sonic the Fighters and even Daytona USA came together for one-on-one arena fights. Kids Akira (Jacky's All-Star move in SASAR) and Kids Sarah (Jacky's sister) are unlockable in Fighters Megamix.


Edited by Doctor Eggman
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Note that they say "the Eggpod transforms and takes off down the track", meaning it was the eggpod when it had wheels, but without them it has transformed into something else (aka the egg mobile)

Orite! I overlooked an important fact in a frantic rush to post something regarding my excitement for the game - the vehicles have SASASR-specific names this time 'round!

Which brings us back to naming speculation - what's Ulala's hovercraft gonna be called? Can we drive a Mii Mobile? What craaazy name do we have for that taxi?!

I suppose we'll have to wait a wee bit for that "Characters" section to open up to find out then, eh? D:

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In the Saturn fighting game Fighters Megamix, characters from Virtua Fighter, Virtua Fighter Kids, Fighting Vipers, Sonic the Fighters and even Daytona USA came together for one-on-one arena fights.

You forgot Virtua Cop 2. :o


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Regarding B.D. Joe's taxi, I'm looking at the Crazy Taxi manual right now.

His bio mentions that he is a performance artist, and can make music out of a pair of lids, trash cans and drum sticks. Anywho, moving on to his cab, it isn't given a name. It could be Joe's Cab, Crazy Taxi or it could be referred to by its license plate "2HOP260" ("To hop to go" aka "Always ready to get crazy".

Note that Joe's cab in SASAR is missing the back seats. It has been shortened. :blink:

@Dr. SEGA Monkey Icon

Fixed that for yah. Also, let us not forget DEKU!!!


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This is too much, 3 characters, (probably) new courses, new site?

ALL GLORY TO STEVE LYCET!!!!!!!!!!!! and all the people from Sumo Digital in collaboration with SEGA for making this awesome game 6yk0wm0.gif

Also, I'm totally diggin the ASR Main Theme (Go to the community section of the site to listen), that's music has Richard Jaques all over it...

EDIT: WOW! There is another version of the theme in the game info section :D

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Wait, so Akira's in his anime esque Kids form? Awesome.

Still, Jacky and BD Joe are strange choices for characters since they aren't the main characters of the franchises they represent. Like if Tails got picked for Brawl instead of Sonic xD

Still awesome characters though <3 I'm really loving the roster so far (besides Shadbig), I hope the last three characters are real shockers. If it turns out Blaze the Cat is playable or some shit I'm leaving the planet.

EDIT: thinking of reeeeeeeally obscure forgotten SEGA characters who'd really fit in with ASR, what about Pepperauchau, protagonist of Clockwork Knight? He'd be fucking awesome, he's like the Pringles man in a suit of armour and also proves that SEGA invented the Keyblade years before SquareDisney.

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Also, I'm totally diggin the ASR Main Theme (Go to the community section of the site to listen), that's music has Richard Jaques all over it...

Well if you like it so much, why don't you download it? ;)

Main Theme:


Alternate Theme (menu?):



Edit: Check out "Jacky the Racer", great for a LOL:


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Im still confused why you can't use your own music in the PS3 version, because you could do it in Unleashed.

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I own both Clockwork Knights. I was pissed at the lack of a save. Did you know the 3rd was supposed to be a Bomberman clone?

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Guys, guys!



Mysterious red car detected!

First pic I believe I see a spiky blonde head poking out. I think I know who it is:


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