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PlayStation 4 Discussion

Detective Shadzter

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Doesn't bode well for the racing wheels that Sony so proudly licences for Gran Turismo.


Betting the Logitech G27 is compatible, and if it isn't it gets patched in. It worked on PS2, it worked on PS3.


They're all USB peripherals, a software driver modification is all they need to work. Madcatz just wants people to rebuy sticks

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Early data for console pre-orders from major online retailers in the United States show consumers pre-ordered approximately three PS4 units for every two Xbox One consoles during the period between Monday June 10 to Wednesday June 12. While this is not an indication of future purchase intent, it does seem to suggest that Sony resonated louder with consumers during E3 2013 than Microsoft.



Edited by Chooch
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I'm not going to preorder the PS4, but I'll be getting it around the first several weeks after launch.

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I've pre-ordered it...Sony, if the PS4 has the Yellow Light of Death then I'll be PISSED! Make sure that your console is READY, please.

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LOL, you guys need to watch this!




PlayStation fans reacting to the good news.

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Strange, and completely unsurprising, how that all happened after those Xbone rumors regarding DRM etc first started to look real. Wasn't that around the time that that douche working for MS (Adam Orth?) got fired for speaking what later turned out to be the truth about MS' policies? Now, I know that correlation isn't necessarily causation, but that's some eerie timing.

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Oh great....


MadCatz tournament edition fight sticks will not work on the PS4. New ones will need to be made.

I'm pretty sure a 3rd party usb adapter will allow use with at least some fighting sticks. Given, there are adapters that allow ps3 sticks to be used on 360 and vice-versa, I wouldn't put down the chance of a possibility

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505 Games alright.


Good one :)


Still, I wonder what games those 505's developers are working on and how many of them are smaller devs. (Sony's big push for indie developers must have paid off). 

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Well hopefully the PS4 doesn't get off to a slow start then, lest publishers go all pussy mode and try to abandon it. Doubt it will, though. The Xbox One isn't really a viable option for a lot of people. PSWii was the best combination last generation, and now this gen it almost seems like a must.

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Jim Sterling did a video on the PS4.




TL;DW He thinks the Sony shouldn't get the amount of praise they did but sees why.



I'm happy about what Sony is doing but Nintendo shouldn't be ignored as they did the same thing that Sony did as well as including Backwards Compatibility.  

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In a totally unexpected turn of events the PS4 is greatly outselling the Xbone on several online retailers:




If this doesn't get Microsoft to backpedal soon I don't know what will.

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Kind of glad we MS folk have rivals like SONY, if it wasn't for them giving this swift kick in the balls and have the hard core gamer flock to their console, MS wouldn't have me as many heel turns as they have made so far. mind you not enough to be forgiven yet...

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Jim Sterling did a video on the PS4.




TL;DW He thinks the Sony shouldn't get the amount of praise they did but sees why.

Pretty much summed up my feelings.  I've yet to see much in the PS4 that I value, but being the far lesser of two evils I'll gladly applaud it.


I think more damning than the Xbox One's policy itself was the complete lack of coherency in how it was delivered.  The system's bad enough as it is, but their two-facedness about the whole issue just makes them look manipulative and desperate.  They keep attempting to justify their decisions, with things like the family plan, the cloud and building living online worlds, etc, etc, but its such a radical change in their infrastructure that they should have known there would be backlash over it to say the least.  If they just kept their mouths shut over their online policy until they could properly explain just what the fuck they're trying to do maybe this hole they've dug would have only been half as deep.  It might not make the policy itself any better, but at least they wouldn't have been so cornered by their own message that they'd have to stoop so low as to recommend the 8 year old predecessor of the product their trying to plug as a comfy alternative.


Sony, on the other hand, deserved praise not for keeping the status quo, but for saying exactly what they needed to say in the most upfront way they could.  Outside of having some great exclusives, they haven't completely sold me on the PS4 but they did convince me not to be afraid of it.  After Microsoft single-handedly validated some of the worst fears the gaming audience has today, I think that's almost as imperative of an accomplishment at this point in time.



That said, they have a ways to go before I would put money down for a PS4.  I don't think anyone expects consoles to hold up to PCs in terms of raw processing power anymore, so the investment is all about what conveniences the console gives in the living room to enhance the traditional gaming experience.  PS4's answer to that is to more heavily incorporate social media into video games.  With most gimmicks I would just be concerned if they're doing it right, but as someone that usually finds Twitter and Facebook more distracting than useful, I'm still skeptical if that's even a good thing to begin with.



This video concerns me- If the games for this system can be designed so that people have a reason to pester me to do things for them, then I don't want any part of it; it's annoying enough when Farmville does it- a whole console of that would just be tedious.  I will say that I do like the ability to share game clips, and there's some great potential there in all fields, from competitive gamers who want to show off their most awesome kills to creative gamers who want to show off their LittleBigPlanet levels, but I'd like to know how much creative freedom you get with editing them.  I'm not expecting them to give you the full range of tools from Sony Vegas, but potential is pretty limited if it's just an outlet for people to show off; it would be much more interesting if Sony were to let people make and publish Let's Plays and Machinima.

Edited by Metal Gear (sting)RAY
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Sony appears to realize it themselves and are actually being humble about it.



"Winning is determined by a much longer timescale," Gara says. "We were very pleased with how our messages went down at E3. We aim to be the best for gamers, and this was a key step in that direction. E3 is important for early momentum and generating pre-orders. But it is only one step along. We feel we had a good day but there is loads more hard work to do, and we are focused on that."


Don't know about you guys, but that just made me ready my wallet even more with them not having their head up their ass about it.

Edited by ChaosSupremeSonîc
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Sony appears to realize it themselves and are actually being humble about it.




Don't know about you guys, but that just made me ready my wallet even more with them not having their head up their ass about it.

FYI, your link takes me to this page.

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