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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Screens & Media Topic

Agent York

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Well the game content should have remained on your computer in <steam>\steamapps\common\sonic the hedgehog 4 ep 2. If the game runs without Steam like Episode 1 we still should be able to play it.

Edited by Nik1895
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That was SLOW. It was up for about two hours, plenty of time left vulnerable. There were no mods on in that time, which is why the reaction was so delayed.

In any case, I fully intended for it to be deleted, hence why the title had the big fat "MOD ALERT" in it.

Edit: You wait for one mod, and you get three all in a row. I think Clumsy is definitely going into action mode.

Why the hell did you make it so the mods would notice? Did you hate it having been leaked that much?

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They have a tough job at the BEST of times, giving them plenty of forewarning before peak forum activity where it will inevitably spiral into anarchy was the least I could have done.

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Alright, gonna see if I can grab it now.

Damnit, why did we have to go to Brooklyn NOW?!

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They have a tough job at the BEST of times, giving them plenty of forewarning before peak forum activity where it will inevitably spiral into anarchy was the least I could have done.

So you wanted to avoid total chaos? Then you should try to shut down SEGA Forum totally, it's total anarchy anyway.

Alright, gonna see if I can grab it now.

Damnit, why did we have to go to Brooklyn NOW?!

Too late, not it's only pre-order... Only now I noticed it as well... Too bad...

Edited by XRick
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Well the game content should have remained on your computer in <steam>\steamapps\common\sonic the hedgehog 4 ep 2. If the game runs without Steam like Episode 1 we still should be able to play it.

So, did anyone try to launch the game directly trough .exe with and\or without Steam client launched?

Edited by Nik1895
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I wish people would stop being so proper and just upload the music xD

I agree wholeheartedly. C'mon! Let us have the music at least!biggrin.png

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I wish people would stop being so proper and just upload the music xD

I third this notion.

I really want to listen to the soundtrack.

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I'm not all too interested in seeing gameplay vids. I've seen the game in action, now I want to hear it.

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Time for me to rain on all you guys' parade.

You're still not allowed to post leaked assets like the soundtrack.


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Alot of people played the game but only 1 person gave us screenshots of the special stages and world map

Edited by Fuzzy meatloaf
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Alot of people played the game but only 1 person gave us screenshots of the special stages and world map

Where are those screenshots? I wanna see it!

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The person who holds assets on Retro is unwilling to release anything to prevent the Retro Staff from getting into trouble.

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The person who holds assets on Retro is unwilling to release anything to prevent the Retro Staff from getting into trouble.

From what I heard, wasn't he awaiting permission from said mods?

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