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Artwork: Barry the Nomad's Designs & Doodles

Barry the Nomad

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As the forum rules now allow for design, I thought I'd share some of my stuff. First off, I've released a new paper craft thingy: a Sonic Generations Genesis case complete with cart label and manual


You can find the building instructions and download link here!

Back in 2010, I did something similar for Sonic 4. Thing got pretty popular, generating a lot of comments and Sonic Retro even featured it! Aaron Webber said he liked it, and oddly enough some months later a XBLA avatar item of a very similar Sonic 4 Genesis case popped up. Coincidence? Probably.


Building instructions, etc. can be found here!

I have some drawings in the works, as well as some other design things. So when I get to them I'll make sure to post them here!

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Always love these! You should post your others ones like the Sonic 4 Episode 2 one. That one was really cool.

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Thanks! You're talking about this one, right?


Been meaning on spiffing it up, but not until SEGA releases some new renders of Tails.

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Man, your getting those cartridge arts down to a science. If I didn't know any better I'd think they were legit. I still think that Sonic 4 case is god tier level quality.

Got any mockups for the Dreamcast?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man, your getting those cartridge arts down to a science. If I didn't know any better I'd think they were legit. I still think that Sonic 4 case is god tier level quality.

Got any mockups for the Dreamcast?

I have made some DC covers in the past, mostly for lol's in past forum discussions. Nothing print quality but I'll see what I can dig up and post.

and thanks for the Genesis box comment! it was fun dissecting and recreating all the elements. really allowed me to "get" what the original designers were going for.

edit: found two:

This one was fun to make, despite the subject matter. Sort of a "what if the DC lived until 2006". I used the (IMO superior) renders from Sonic Rivals for Shadow and Silver. I think Sonic is from '06? The logo represents Sonic (the blue) Silver (the gold) and Shadow (the red)


Also made a Dreamcast 2 box:


another "what if", this time what if Shadow had his own game on the Dreamcast and it lost the guns. Sonic, Eggman and Black Arms represent the three paths you can take.


Edited by Barry the Nomad
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  • 3 months later...

Damn! Those are gorgeous. My only criticism would be that Metal Sonic has more screenspace than he deserves for episode 1 really, but apart from that those are... just, damn. Better than the official "box"art.

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Thanks! Yeah, I made the episode 1 one last year, and considered revising it by removing Metal, but then I realized there were very few things to put in its place. Episode 1 didn't really offer up much cool imagery.

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Thanks man! Yeah, I don't like tampering with renders too much. I removed Eggman's fist which was sneaking into the frame, but aside from that I didn't do anything to the characters.

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How very lovely artwork, particularly the Generations and Sonic 4 ones. I'm thinking on making a fake X-Treme cover for Saturn as a gift to Chris Senn, if I made the artworks and whatnot would you like to assemble it into a good-looking Saturn cover?

As a bit of crit, your Dreamcast ones are a bit... lacking. They need a bit more work, though perhaps not much in your area? Dunno. I mean, let's put them all together for comparison.






So here are my suggestions, now that I have them all together:

1- Composition. Though more noticeable in Adventure, the covers are composed to be a circle in the middle of a square, where Sonic (and Shadow) are, with the logo on the bottom (except for Shuffle, but the circle's still there). Your composition for Adventure 3 however simply makes a triangle, or rather, places the renders where they fit and that's that.

2- 3D renders. The Adventure covers pride themselves on the Adventure style. I suggest therefore the use of 2d images for Adventure 3, even if they just come from Sonic Channel. Though personally I'd make new ones for the effect. As for Shadow's cover, I'd just advise using better resolution renders.

3- Logotype. Shadow's fine, Adventure 3's is a bit too simple. Shadow could maybe take a cure from Shuffle and be located on top, complimenting a circular composition?

4- Background. Adventure and Adventure 2 have Sonic and Shadow floating in a background of textures, some whirly effects, and whatnot. You'll notice the textures are related to the game- Adventure has a blue sky going dark and cloudy complimenting the water on the bottom (Perfect Chaos), allied to a subtle addition of a couple of level renders. Adventure 2 has the colours divided on Sonic and Shadow's areas, showing the game's dual system, with Sonic having skies and dirt in blue, representing both the good side and Sonic's personality of just running wildly with nothing to him but the skies, and Shadow having a red space and Earth, showing darkness, Shadow's origin, and foreshadowing the game's ending. Added swirls on both covers serve to frame the circular composition and suggest the effect of ripples, particularly on Adventure's case. On Shadow's case the texture you used of fire, along with Sonic, Eggman, and Black Doom, works well, though I'd maybe reduce the contrast on their renders.

So in conclusion and if I may suggest, in the case of Adventure 3 I'd work a new, more complex logo, 2d artwork arranged in a circular composition, divided perhaps in 3 with Silver on top, Sonic on the left, Shadow on the right, and the background textures using skies, lava effects, a destroyed city, green fields, and footage like that to work together.

Edited by The KKM
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Thanks for your comments. To be fair to myself, I made those at least two years ago and at the time didn't spend a lot of time making them. I think they started as just a bit of fun on the forums. Somebody said "lolz, make a SA3 cover" and I did. Back then there wasn't a whole lot of good Sonic Channel art for me to use.

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  • 1 month later...

Looks really awesome Barry love it! But it's missing something for us Europeans fans ;)



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Yeah, this time out I'm making PAL and US versions, no worries ;)

I tried making a PAL episode 1 cover, but I needed assets that either didn't exist or were too low res.

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Think I'm pretty much done! Now to make the manual and cart sticker, then resize it all to fit the printable versions.


Anybody care to proofread it? Not looking for suggestions on changing what i wrote, looking for grammar stuff only. :) Those who do get rep.

Edited by Barry the Nomad
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...nice. XD

Also, as for your Episode 1 & 2 background, do you think you'll be adding Episode Metal in the future? XD

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...nice. XD

Also, as for your Episode 1 & 2 background, do you think you'll be adding Episode Metal in the future? XD

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I finished it up! Files and instructions are over at SEGAbits: http://segabits.com/...-and-cartridge/

A few photos:




Alternate cart sticker, it doesn't fit in a standard Genesis case, but its fun to have as a bonus if you made the first one and want to "lock-on":


Edited by Barry the Nomad
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  • 8 months later...

After a looong time away from this topic, I've gone and made this:




Classic Sonic meets Classic Pickle!

Edited by Barry the Nomad
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They could have, and should have, slipped him into the Rooftop Run stage in Generations as a stage-side cameo. Sumo Digital seems to be the only dev who really knows how to cram in cameos these days. :P Seriously, I demand a Prof. Pickle patch to Generations!

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  • 9 months later...

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