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Sure, rub it in.


Honestly, I think the re-releases would be a great addition to the Wii-U library, which can obviously use all the help it can get at this point. Most of these games were already on Nintendo handhelds, with the exception of Birth by Sleep, so I don't see a reason for it not to be on there. It can only mean more sales. I suppose it's understandable that KHIII isn't coming to Wii-U, but it's going to Xbone of all things, when it could've just as easily been a Sony exclusive, like all mainline games in the series have been previously.


Though I guess my main point is I don't want to have to shell-out for another console I don't need right now and hate being left out in the cold like this. Much as I want games like this, I can't justify the purchase of a new system for one or two games right now. Cripes, it's Sonic 4 and Generations all over again (though I kinda lucked out with my PC at the time being able to run Generations, but that's neither here nor there).

And II, and 1. 


3 is only going on the Xbone because Microsoft payed them a crap ton of cash for it. Back when the Xbone was getting a lot of hate. They needed some positive, and what's more positive then one of the most hyped next gen games? Seriously, if not for that, Square probably would have kept it Sony exclusive.

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And II, and 1. 


3 is only going on the Xbone because Microsoft payed them a crap ton of cash for it. Back when the Xbone was getting a lot of hate. They needed some positive, and what's more positive then one of the most hyped next gen games? Seriously, if not for that, Square probably would have kept it Sony exclusive.


Well, I wasn't referring to the mainline games in the trilogy. Just the spin-offs/side-stories (though CoM was redone for PS2).


But yeah, I guess that makes sense in why Xbone is getting it. But, will it move many units for them, I wonder? I feel like people who play Kingdom Hearts are already in Sony's camp (given Square's relationship with them) with a scant few on Nintendo systems (though I guess that's why those other games are remade for the HD collections).

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Well, I wasn't referring to the mainline games in the trilogy. Just the spin-offs/side-stories (though CoM was redone for PS2).


But yeah, I guess that makes sense in why Xbone is getting it. But, will it move many units for them, I wonder? I feel like people who play Kingdom Hearts are already in Sony's camp (given Square's relationship with them) with a scant few on Nintendo systems (though I guess that's why those other games are remade for the HD collections).

I'm guessing there's a hefty few KH fans on Nintendo's side(more than Microsoft by far).


Microsofts version of KHIII will mainly move sales because of curious gamers,RPG fans and the very small Xbox KH fanbase.

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If your worried about not having the console for it zaysho, don't, the game probably might not come out for the next 2 years so by then PS4 should be relatively cheap (and have some good games on it).

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I'm guessing there's a hefty few KH fans on Nintendo's side(more than Microsoft by far).


Microsofts version of KHIII will mainly move sales because of curious gamers,RPG fans and the very small Xbox KH fanbase.


I'd think so if you consider most of the side-stories-or I should call them "interquels"--were all released on Nintendo platforms. But I think, in general, if you like Japanese games/developers, you'll likely be playing on Nintendo or Sony systems. I only have to look at my Gamecube/Wii/Wii-U and PS1/2 collection to gather that much. I don't think there's enough of a precedent for Microsoft to even get the third game, especially since they're not even getting the HD collections as a sort of "catch up." I feel like it's not too ridiculous for Nintendo gamers to at least get the HD collections, since the Wii-U could handle that much if nothing else.



If your worried about not having the console for it zaysho, don't, the game probably might not come out for the next 2 years so by then PS4 should be relatively cheap (and have some good games on it).


True. To be honest, the PS3 didn't wow me in all this time, with the exception of a couple games, so I never bothered with committing to it. I'll see how the PS4's library pans out by the time KHIII drops to see if I change my mind.

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So I just gotta ask. What are you looking forward to the most with 2.5? Is there any complaints you had from 1.5 that you hope 2.5 addresses? What are you excited to re-play?


Me personally? Online. I can't wait to play with friends on BBS and work together to beat almost impossible bosses!


I'm also excited for the soundtrack. II had some of my favorite tracks in the series(Sacred Moon, 13th Struggle, Dance of the Darking, Scherzo Di Note,Sinister Sundown, Missing You,Christmas Town Battle, I could go on) So hearing these remastered, is gonna be a great treat!

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I guess one issue that I hope is addressed would be if they actually remaster the things they promise to like making the scenes with those pasted on faces (the ones where its just a blank expression and their mouths moving without sync) actually have real expression and another thing could be to add some new abilities like they did for KH1 final mix.

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New 2.5 HD Remix trailer!



Looking forward to picking this up. I've never played BbS and KH2 is still my favourite game in the series, so this is exciting. 

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The reason Kingdom Hearts II is your favorite game in the series is because you haven't played Birth By Sleep. ;3

haha...hahaha.hahahaha good one. =D(3D is still my favorite.)
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I personally liked Re coded and 3D's gameplay more than brith by sleeps, they weren't as sluggish and had better commands (they scaled in damage better too) though I do still like BBS's gameplay. But I do wish that the command melding would come back and the command styles could be implemented into the drive forms in some way.

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On a gameplay standpoint, 3D is the definite best. The story is incredibly convoluted, though at this point I think we all expect that.

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Kingdom Hearts 1 did a lot of things better than it's successors, but it's combat is kind of weak compared to the advancements of the sequels(still better than kh2). I still think it's my favorite though.


3D from a gameplay standpoint has too many hiccups. Birth By Sleep did it better. Flowmotion is a good idea but the it's usefulness in combat needs to be toned down a few notches.

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The thing abot BBS is that you can barely use any of the neat tricks they give you. Everything turns into mashing block and counterattack by game's end.

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Yesterday I got to play Kingdom Hearts 1.5. It was pretty great to play KH1 again, but I'm a little rusty. I couldn't even beat the final fantasy trio on Destiny Island.



It also seems like they took out the option to control the menu with the right stick, which is what I usually do. I HATE having to control the menu with the D Pad because keeping control of Sora while you're doing it is damn near impossible. I hope I can get used to this.

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So Nomura infact does want Kingdom Hearts 3D remastered on a console!


Interesting. I wonder if this will either be bundled in KH3 somehow(just a movie perhaps?), release after 3, or push 3's release back. Either way, I'm curious to see how it is handled.

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I doubt it'll have any effect on KH3's development. If anything, it'd just be for the sake of stalling for time, if Nomura's desire to have at least one KH-related title released yearly is still a thing.

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Just make it a downloadable title like Revelations HD, and put it on PSN/XBL.

That's cool, considering I haven't played 3D yet.

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I doubt it'll have any effect on KH3's development. If anything, it'd just be for the sake of stalling for time, if Nomura's desire to have at least one KH-related title released yearly is still a thing.

that does make sense as I can't see KH3 releasing 2015... It would make sense to release it then to bide the time. (I also think along with that they'd port KHX somehow outside Japan.)
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Also, watch it get a final mix mix thats only gonna be released in japan if they don't get the content that the US version got.

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Also, watch it get a final mix mix thats only gonna be released in japan if they don't get the content that the US version got.

They really have no excuse to pull that shit now thanks to Digital Services. Just give it a digital release with multiple languages and it's good to go. Hell, they could just make it be DLC for 2.5, even.

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