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Zones we hate

Gaming Misfit

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So since Sonic Generations is celebrating 20 years of the best and worst of Sonic, I've decided to make a topic devoted to those crappy zones that made us want to just put down the controller and walk away. Without further notice, here's mine (Lord help us all...)


First Appeared: Sonic 1

Crappy things about this zone: Underwater zone partly, enemies popping out of nowhere, traps everywhere, difficult boss fight.


Oh lord. Labrynth zone. What ISN'T wrong with this one? First of all it's an underwater zone. Now that's not necessarily a bad thing all the time. There are plenty of fun underwater zones out there (Hydrocity) however this is sadly not one of them. Along with the constant fear of dying from drowning, there is also the constant worry of traps and enemies popping out. Not to mention this zone made you take your time and go slow (Ugggggh) in a Sonic game. What a great presentation. The biggest problem for me with this zone though is the boss fight. Robotnik is a pain this time around. I've actually heard people say this boss fight is easy. I can personally never beat it without losing at least 2 lives.


First Appeared: S3&K

Crappy things about this zone: Quicksand, traps, walls to crush you, annoying enemies.

I think everyone hates Sandopolis. This zone is a bitch. Especially Act 2. The quicksand is annoying and the enemies don't help it's case.

(To be continued, I can only post so many videos in one post, BTW, Post your's!)

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Now..I don't want to start a war, but......

Edited by HMSX
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Chemical Plant zone from Sonic 2... Those dang parts with the moving links of blocks when your underwater in the purple chemicals were the worst <_<

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I think everyone hates Sandopolis.
I like Sandopolis. Only problem I have with it is it's hard to figure out where you have to jump to escape the infinite loop in act 2, but that's not nearly enough to write off the whole zone considering Carnival Night has something far worse.

Marble Zone, tho'. It's a terrible example of a Sonic level; barely a single hill to be found, almost entirely slow-paced platforming. You could stick it in any generic platformer and it'd fit just as well, if not better.

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First appeared in: Sonic 1

Crappy things about this zone: Pits, Lava, lava pits, being crushed, having to go slow.


The thing I hate about Marble Zone is that you have to go so slow. Not to mention this zone was right after GHZ, So all you want to do is run through a loop and run as fast as you can. Doing that gets you KILLED here. If you take your time and go slow you can get through it without losing any lives. But that's just it. Who wants to go slow in a Sonic game? The one good thing about this zone is that you have a pretty easy boss fight in the end. But it doesn't make up for all those lives you lost simply because you wanted to go fast.

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Sandopolis was easy...for me anyways.

I'd say I hate Chemical Planet in Sonic 2 and Death Egg in Sonic and Knuckles.

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First appeared in: Sonic 1

Crappy things about this zone: Pits, Lava, lava pits, being crushed, having to go slow.

The thing I hate about Marble Zone is that you have to go so slow. Not to mention this zone was right after GHZ, So all you want to do is run through a loop and run as fast as you can. Doing that gets you KILLED here. If you take your time and go slow you can get through it without losing any lives. But that's just it. Who wants to go slow in a Sonic game? The one good thing about this zone is that you have a pretty easy boss fight in the end. But it doesn't make up for all those lives you lost simply because you wanted to go fast.

Ok what? I didn't bother to answer the Sandopolis zone line because frankly I doubt many people at all would agree with you considering how both acts of that zone are very different and offer some fantastic challenges.

But Your remarks about Marble Zone.

Pits: Really? Theres pits in this zone? I don't seem to recall any pits? According to this map of the zone, there doesn't seem to be any pits either.

Lava/Lava pits: So you replace the spikes with lava? Difference is one is orange and not pointy.

Being crushed: You mean like being crushed in just about every stage in Sonic 1 bar Green hill and Labyrinth?

As for going slow, yes. This is what we call platforming. It's when a player has to use care in order to get through various obsticles in order to progress to through the stage. Having flat zones with obsticles that are easy to get through is fine, but if your entire game is like that then you've got a very easy and rather dull game that doesn't have much variety at all.

But it doesn't make up for all those lives you lost simply because you wanted to go fast.

Sorry but... you can go through this zone fast without loosing a lot of lives, it's called practicing and learning how to play the game. Without trying too hard you can get through that stage in just over 60 seconds, theres even a trophy for completing this stage in a quick time.

I've seen videos of people that can beat the zone in a period of 40-50 seconds (without glitching). It's not like this zone forces you down to a crawl so long as you know what your doing.

Furthermore... the music...

It's has a very similar structure/beat to Andy Williams' Music to watch girls by... Don't believe me?

Compare it to...

Edited by Hogfather
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Labyrinth, Sandopolis, Marble, Metropolis, (fucking Slicers!!!!) and Aquatic Ruin (the water parts are a nightmare if you're not quick enough) are the only ones that come to mind right now.

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Marble Garden and Sandopolis. No other stages seemed to drag on as long as those...

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Labyrinth, Metropolis, and Sandopolis are the big three that come to mind for me, for reasons already stated.

I never found Carnival Night Zone particularly enjoyable either, and that's not even factoring in "the barrel." Then again, I was never much of a fan for the pinball-esque stages.

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Labyrinth Zone. It's slow and frustrating. Likely the most annoying water level in the series.

Death Egg Zone in Sonic 2. I know that it's just two bosses, but the second one is freaking difficult. And you have to fight both with NO RINGS.

Carnival Night Zone. I think you all know why.


Any stage with Big in Sonic Adventure. Fishing? In a freaking Sonic game?

Mad Space. Crappy pre-Super Mario Galaxy gravity mechanics and emerald hunting make for an unholy combination.

Mystic Mansion, at least with Team Chaotix. It takes so frigging long, and if you miss just one of the sixty - SIXTY - torches you have to put out, you have to just retread the entire stage, hoping that you will finally find it so you can get on with your life...

From ShtH, Central City, The Doom and Lost Impact all take an equal place on my most hated list, particularly if you're playing the dark missions on Central City and The Doom or the hero missions on Lost Impact. You have to find every item/enemy in this huge, open-ended stage that it's REALLY easy to get lost in. If you already hate treasure hunting in the SA games, then prepare to experience some of the most grueling torture you have ever experienced in your life.

And last but not least, Crisis Freaking City. If I ever hear "DAT TURNAYDOEZ KARYING A KAR!" or "DA HOLE SITEEZ AWN FEYE-YER!" ever again I think I'll kill myself.

Chemical Plant zone from Sonic 2...

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Marble Zone: I was stuck on this damn level for years. I finally got past it a week ago.

Metropolis zone: annoying traps, bitchy badniks, and just when you think your free of this hell hole, it turns out there's an Act 3. Fuck you Metropolis.

Sandopolis Zone: DAMN GHOSTS!!!!!

Every zone in Sonic 4: just rehashed sonic 1&2 zones

Sonic Adventure: none

Sonic Adventure 2: Knuckles and Rogue stages. Long, tedious, boring, and not to mention it really works on your nerves. The worst being Meteor Herd and Security Hall.

Heroes: none

Shadow: Central city, it's nothing but one big circle and the fact that you have a time limit doesn't make things better.

06: Damn near everything

Unleashed: Eggmanland. Wii version is easy but the Hd version is a modern day metropolis zone. Ugh

Colors: none

Edited by Johnny Boy
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Marble Garden and Sandopolis. No other stages seemed to drag on as long as those...

Oh hey look who joined.

Metropolis Zone: This zone can go fuck itself, it has the cheapest enemy placement in any Sonic game.

Scrap Brain: Ehh Not as bad as Metropolis but it comes pretty damn close.

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I'm probably one of the angriest Sonic gamers around so I'll have a lot:

Labyrinth Zone, Act 3: The boss to me is absolutely the hardest part in the game, Final boss included. I've still never actually destroyed the eggmobile since I'm always just trying to escape.

Metropolis Zone: Probably the cheapest classic sonic zone I've ever played. I think I beat it without dying maybe twice.

Death Egg (Sonic 2): As I've said before, I just can't jump over those claws without dying.

Carnival Night: Not just the barrel of doom. It's the other barrels that drop out of the ceiling that get me. That and it drags on forever and I often get to the boss with 7:58 or something already on the clock.

Sandopolis Zone, Act 2: I always get crushed at least twice on the rising sand part.

All of Big's levels in SA2: To me these horrid levels are absolutely the worst gameplay ever in the sonic series.

Sky Deck: Bottomless pits everywhere and a HORRIBLE camera that screws me over constantly.

Security Hall: I hate this level so much. Huge level, a time limit, and enemies everwhere. I probably lost about a dozen lives (And had a couple ragequits) just trying to pass it. Somehow I got all A ranks on it and have no idea how I did it.

Death Chamber: Huge, Confusing level that is pretty much all luck.

Mad space: Huge huge level but with crappy gravity controls and screwed up hint monitor. I still can't get better than a freaking E rank on it. (Last time I tried it I rand the clock over 12 minutes and rage quit.)

Final Rush and Final Chase: Bottomless pits are a problem, But it's mostly the crappy rail grinding controls that get me.

All of Sonic heroes: Actually just the first few since I rage quit shorty after I got to rail canyon. Crappy controls, Bottomless pits and irritating voice acting through the whole game me it unplayable to me.

All of Sonic unleashed HD: Mostly the night stages. I like the day stages but for some reason cannot play them for crap. I just get totally destroyed and it usually ends with a rage quit. (I actually hurled my game disc across the yard after getting destroyed by that stupid first tornado defense because I suck horribly at QTEs)

The night stages in unleashed Wii: I actually can tolerate the day stages but the night levels are just terrible. (Fun fact: A game box can actually fly pretty well when you throw it like a frisbee.)

The yellow spring acts in colors: Probably the only thing I hate about that game. Slow, Full of cheap pits and boring.

Also, I can't stand special stages since I'm terrible at them. Except the sonic 1 stages. I'm somewhat competent at those.

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Wacky Workbench from Sonic CD. Good god. That level is terrible. Also the water level in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for Master System. It makes Labyrinth zone look like the Island Water Park.

And for Modern... the Pyramid level with Silver. That. Fucking. BALL Puzzle. The one where you have to roll the only object in the whole game, that you can't levitate, into a hole, in a limited number of hits. That level took me twenty fucking minutes. That would probably be the only reason I wouldn't ever re-buy the game, even at seven dollars ( I threw out my Xbox360, so I could only get it for PS3... if I wanted. )

Also, I loved Shadow the Hedgehog. I really did. But those levels with Maria as your partner. Both of them. BOTH of those levels. Fuck those levels, and everything they stand for.

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XD I love Sandopolis Act 2. As far as the classics go, I actually like every level now. I used to dislike Carnival Night as a kid though, not because of the barrel, but due to almost getting Time Over in Act 2 a couple of times.

Having said that, last night I played Sonic 2 with Knuckles and got pretty annoyed with the seahorse badniks in Oil Ocean. Also those Slicers in Metropolis.

Wacky Workbench from Sonic CD.

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Chemical Plant zone from Sonic 2... Those dang parts with the moving links of blocks when your underwater in the purple chemicals were the worst <_<

And its making a comeback in Sonic Generations.


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Metropolis Zone.

It's everything I hate about Sonic levels manifested into one massive disaster. Enemy placement is atrocious and they're programmed to be broken and cheap as hell. The level design is flat out dull and overstays it's uninspired welcome. It's main gimmick is tedious and pointless, and it's a massive chore to play through.

And it has three acts. Fuck that shit.

The best I can hope for when I get to this level is that I already have Super Sonic.

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