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General Nintendo sales/business discussion topic (previously: The Wii U Thread)


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He's not saying graphics and RAM are more innovative by themselves. He's saying that the large amount of RAM opens the possibility for more innovation and (as a separate statement) that the graphics will be great.




His main point about this generation being the last for consoles is full of shit, though.

Edited by Tornado
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The lack of consideration towards the rapidly declining industry sales is rather laughable if the expectation is for all of the three consoles to amount to ~250 million consoles sold as a whole with two of them making up a rough hundred each once the gen ends. If you still make numbers like those there'd be no reason for any publisher to call it quits this gen. One could make the case that this is the riskiest gen so far and that Microsoft or Sony could potentially pull out once the gen ends; the former if the division proves somewhat continuously unprofitable and the latter if a repeat PS3+Vita scenario happens and their only profitable division also kicks the bucket. Nintendo will still be sitting on a pile of money even if this console ends with Gamecube numbers (which funnily enough Pachter's numbers suggest they'll be better) and will most certainly continue to invest in console business, at least in the form of a portable hybrid or just phase into portables altogether. Games are, for the most of the part, their only way of making money.

Innovation tech wise is going to be bottle-necked by multiplatform parity even if you don't want to count Wii U into the mix. Every single leak suggests that Durango won't even be within the same ballpark as the PS4.

But of course, listening to serious predictions from Pachter who has more often than not been secretly writing fanfiction about his arms race fantasies and wants nothing more than to have investors take notes is something of an oxymoron in and of it's own.

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Platinum doesn't "want" anything, Kamiya is just being his usual extremely-passive but bluntly honest self.


If you want an Okami game on WiiU, ask Capcom, because there's no point asking Kamiya. That's pm what he means.


No thanks, they shit out Okamiden which was no fun. More disfunctional touchscreen brush horseshit from them is the last thing I want.

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Different strokes. I personally really enjoyed Okamiden despite its limitations. I wouldn't be happy if a true console Okami sequel was that limited and would definitely be skeptical that Capcom could do it right though.


But the Gamepad's touch screen is ideal for the celestial brush.

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Okamiden's problems run much deeper than technical limitations, but this is the wrong topic for that.

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>Wii U not innovative enough

Okay, can someone PLEASE tell me how things like off-TV play, single console 5-player, and TVii aren't innovative? Because I keep seeing people say things like that or that it's a "gimmick", and it makes absolutely no sense to me each time I hear it.

Edited by Red Cap-Blue Spikes
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Single console 5 player isn't really innovative, though. I played X-Men Arcade just last week with 6 players in the same room.




And off-TV play being a new innovation is kinda... sketchy depending on how you want to consider how the Wii U does it. Is it an all new thing? Or is it just an extension of Pac Man Vs./Four Swords Adventures and what Sony did with the PSP (albeit without the extra cost)?

Edited by Tornado
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No thanks, they shit out Okamiden which was no fun. More disfunctional touchscreen brush horseshit from them is the last thing I want.


This is ignoring that Okamiden wasn't made by Clover/Platinum (which may as well be considered the same entity for general purposes). It was made by Mobile & Game Studios Inc., which I can barely find any info on other than making Okamiden. Platinum making an Okami 2 would be the safest bet to a true Okami sequel we'd ever get. I feel like that copyright is retained by Capcom which may make things tricky if this goes beyond Kamiya being Kamiya though.


Anyways! I know I want a Platinum-made Okami 2.

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It might be somewhat innovative, considering that what to Sony is an expensive optional feature, is to Nintendo a central part of the console experience, much like the Remote was before.

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Single console 5 player isn't really innovative, though. I played X-Men Arcade just last week with 6 players in the same room.




And off-TV play being a new innovation is kinda... sketchy depending on how you want to consider how the Wii U does it. Is it an all new thing? Or is it just an extension of Pac Man Vs./Four Swords Adventures and what Sony did with the PSP (albeit without the extra cost)?


I'm not talking about any outside doohickeys or handheld-to-console stuff. Before now, 4+ player games and off-TV play weren't something that a console was MADE to do. They were an after-thought feature that hardly any developers used in their games.


It's the same as saying that the social features and share button on the PS4 aren't truly innovative because several games already have that stuff intergrated into them.

Edited by Red Cap-Blue Spikes
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So Platinum wants Okami 2 on the Wii U...


Nintendo should buy up another Platinum exclusive. They did so with Bayonetta.. do it again with Okami.


Let's get Okami HD on the Wii U before we go and do something like that, okay?


And while you're at it, let's have Viewtiful Joe 3 and a Viewtiful HD collection.

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None of the consoles are really innovating in meaningful ways. The Wii U's controller may be good for off-TV gameplay, but that really is it. Aside from being able to stream stuff to it to play while others use the TV, it has zero benefits; anything that takes your eyes away from what is happening on screen (the TV in this case), is not really a benefit. 

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None of the consoles are really innovating in meaningful ways. The Wii U's controller may be good for off-TV gameplay, but that really is it. Aside from being able to stream stuff to it to play while others use the TV, it has zero benefits; anything that takes your eyes away from what is happening on screen (the TV in this case), is not really a benefit. 

So... Unsymmetrical local multiplayer capabilities isn't a benefit? Could've fooled me!


Nevermind that the DS did pretty much the same thing and it was pretty cool. Ideally, the best uses for new tech are ones where you can do stuff that traditional controls can't, ie, Skyward Sword's sword controls.

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Why do people use Off-Play TV as an example for the Wii U being innovative?


Go play Nintendo Land or something. Then you can see how the Wii U can be innovative. It's a lot harder to describe (bad for Nintendo!) but when shown, it really shines.

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Weirdly, playing Nintendoland with the Gamepad gets me standing and moving about way more than the Wii Remote ever did.

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Why do people use Off-Play TV as an example for the Wii U being innovative?


Go play Nintendo Land or something. Then you can see how the Wii U can be innovative. It's a lot harder to describe (bad for Nintendo!) but when shown, it really shines.

The TvTropes page on Nintendo Land features decent descriptions of each of the attractions.


Seriously, though, Nintendo Land is very fun, and is quite a good showcase of the Wii U's capabilities with the gamepad.

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I'm not talking about any outside doohickeys or handheld-to-console stuff. Before now, 4+ player games and off-TV play weren't something that a console was MADE to do. They were an after-thought feature that hardly any developers used in their games.


PS3 supported 7 players at once from day one. Period. The console was literally made to do it because the console hardware supported 7 devices at once (and Sony even played it up, though the only games that typically took advantage of it were sports titles). It wasn't something bootstrapped into individual games while working around system limitations. The 360, for example, cannot under any circumstance support more than 4 players; so games developed that have 4+ player support don't have it on the 360 version. "More developers are using it" isn't innovation, and to claim otherwise means that I can say the Wiimote wasn't innovative because a lot of third party games could be played holding the thing like an NES controller (or even just with the Gamecube controller) forgoing motion controls entirely.

Edited by Tornado
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PS3 supported 7 players at once from day one. Period. The console was literally made to do it because the console hardware supported 7 devices at once (and Sony even played it up, though the only games that typically took advantage of it were sports titles). It wasn't something bootstrapped into individual games while working around system limitations.


Okay, you got me there. I honestly didn't even know that.


But still, to claim that the Wii U isn't "innovative enough" is really dumb considering that Sony and Microsoft aren't doing anything truly innovative with the PS4 and Durango either.

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Regardless of how innovating the Wii U is (which really can be debated in a number of ways, including whether the sum of the parts make a difference) what really strikes me as "new" and "exciting" about this new console is that the online community is actually warm and friendly with each other.


I mean seriously, an online console community where people are actually nice is innovation (not just nice, but warm and inviting as well as buzzing with people who have cool creative/artistic comments). Being called a fag has been synonymous with online gaming communities since their inception. I could spend hours reading those Warawara Plaza comments.


Wait till Smash Bros. comes out....wink.png

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You think that's scary?

Mario Party Online.

Eh, depends on the actual quality of the game. People will argue like mad about 9's board setup (I personally think they're whining over nothing), but while I haven't played it, its minigames are probably the most Mario-like in the entire series, and look absolutely brilliant. Hopefully the next Mario Party game will continue in that direction.

Edited by Masaru Daimon
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I will get it when the price comes down or there's sufficient titles for it. Right now I'm most interested in the next Smash Bros. and the inevitable Sonic Wii U title.


I'm going to rage pretty hard at that second bit. I'll just be all, "Oh great now I have to get a new console JUST to play Sonic. What I will do for the Hedgegod."


Overall looks like a neat concept though, the console. Nintendo's usually the cheapest of the consoles as well so I'll be able to squeeze it into the budget somewhere once there's enough reason for me to get it. I have Transformed for my 360 and don't really play Nintendo titles so right now there's no real impetus.

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I was playing Sonic Colours on my Wii U yesterday, and something strange happened. There was some odd lines on Sonic's model and the stage model. They were small and white. They weren't too noticeable  but it's something that never happened to me before. I played the game again today and there was no white lines.


Perhaps my Wii U loaded the game up wrong, causing some rendering issues? I'm not sure. I know it's not my TV.

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