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Sonic Colors

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Why does everyone suddenly hate Sonic Colors and treat Unleashed godly? I mean I like Unleashed as much as the next guy, but it was barely a platformer and mostly consisted of lolspeed, bottomless pits, and unneeded QTE's.

I know Colors mostly consisted of 2D but I don't see how that's a bad thing, really.

Has this fanbase become so broken that we have a group that actually HATES platforming in a Sonic game? Isn't Sonic supposed to be a platformer? I'm confused. :(

Edited by Sean
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I certainly don't hate Colours, in fact I asked the same question a few days ago in my daily comic strip.

Now I prefer Unleashed, and always have, due to that I preferred the level design and controls in it, that's all really.

Edit: Speaking of which, the comic can be found here if anyone gives a damn: http://sirtobbii.deviantart.com/art/The-Tobbii-Comic-11-207334060

Edited by Tobbii
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Uh different Strokes for different folks?

BTW I liked Colors and couldn't stand Unleashed.

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I almost wonder if it's due to the console divide.

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Everyone hates Sonic Colors? And now loves Sonic Unleashed? I'm not seeing it. Have you looked outside Sonic fansites?

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Both handle things a little differently. The concept is the same, but the way Sonic handles is a little different. The level design is also very different. Some people like to go fast and furious with some quick-time reaction, with more memorization. Some people want to go fast, but would rather spend time platforming more precisely and not have to worry about memorizing level layouts.

It's just a preference thing. No game handles things incorrectly per-se, they just handle it differently.

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Everyone hates Sonic Colors? And now loves Sonic Unleashed? I'm not seeing it. Have you looked outside Sonic fansites?

I've seen it on here, Sonic Retro and on non-Sonic sites like Destructoid and GoNintendo.

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I don't see where 'everybody' is hating on Sonic Colors. Some people likes Unleashed more then Colors and there's some who likes Colors more then Unleashed. The only thing I dislike about Colors is that the game is too short and there's not much replay value after you beat the game and collect all the red rings. Thats one thing I like Unleashed over Colors is that there's still a ton of replay value and stuff to unlock once you beat the main game so you have a reason to keep playing.

Edited by sonfan1984
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Colors is one of my favorite modern games. I mean, Eggman is in it and he's awesome in it. And the main bad guy. While being awesome.

Colors has my vote of approval.

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The most I'm seeing is people realizing Colors faults, in that it scaled back on a lot of the action and spectacle that Unleashed had.

There's a difference between constructive criticism and outright hating something.

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Even within the community where it's a bit easier to express criticism at the most heralded of games, I wouldn't say Colors is outright hated by the majority of people in lieu of Unleashed. I just think that the hype has died down, and the differences in each game's respective goals have allowed Unleashed to have a more direct comparison than simply the Rush games, making it easier for people to see where its proponents are coming from.

My problems with Colors come strictly from an aesthetic viewpoint. There's no sense of immersion in the landscape nor overwhelming sense of danger or mystery in the narrative despite the focus on comedy which makes the entire package a bit boring overall; It was, in many ways, completely safe. Frankly, I'd rather my world be rocked by a flawed experience than to have an apparently "perfect experience" just blur by.

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Maybe some people are now starting to realize the games flaws.

I thought that Sonic Colors was fun. But I think that the only reason it got so much attention was because Sega played it safe.

There were no other playable characters with different play styles.

There were no gimmicks.(other then the wisp.)

It had a easy to understand storyline.

Personally I hate the fact that Sega played it to safe with this game.

I think that Tails should have been playable at the very least.

I hated the Wisp.

I don't like how the levels are so short.

I also don't think that the game has any real replay value.

I don't like how in some levels the camera will change to a 2-D viewpoint.

I hate how silly the story is. It reminds me of AOSTH.

Edited by Darkfox
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Colors was good, but it wasn't the best.

This game man. This. Game. I pushed and fought for this game soo hard in the days leading up to release, even against the ridicule of non-Sonic fans on other forums. I bought the DS version, and then forked over for a Wii and the wii version of Colors.

To put it shortly, I was disappointed.

Now, I probably shouldn't have, but having really enjoyed Unleashed HD, I was expecting pretty much something similar to that, but obviously scaled back for being a Wii release. Nope, what I got was a game that pretty much played it too safe and held itself back way too much. The wisps were great additions, but there wasn't nearly enough 3D sections, and the platforming was also decent, but it was way too slow and it felt like I was playing a Mario game with a Sonic skin. Any feeling of exhilaration from Unleashed just wasn't brought over to this game, and what I got was pretty much comparable to drinking soda without the fizz.

And don't even get me started on the length of the levels. I'd rather take 2 or 3 acts of decent length than 6 stages where you can already hear the goal ring chime at the start of some of said stages.

Also, people often criticize Unleashed for it's automated segments, well, here's what I have to say to that: Starlight Carnival, act 1, first 15 seconds. That's all.

Edited by Inferno
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I don't even own Colors, so I can't hate it.

However, I still really enjoyed Unleashed.

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Just personally preferences, really. Colors is one of my favorite games in the series now, but it definitely has things about it I could see people disliking, like focusing on 2D, and scaling back in terms of "thrill" compared to Unleashed.

Though I think part of Unleashed being liked more now by some is due to people having beaten it, and being able to replay and enjoy the parts of the game they liked without being bound by the Werehog or medals. Because even if you like the Day stages over Colors stages, you have to admit that Colors has much more consistent quality in that you can freely go from one Sonic stage to the next with no interruption.

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Because some people just love jumping the bandwagon. Meh.

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I've noticed a bit of Colours hate myself, and not just on Sonic sites. Personally I like both Colours and Unleashed, though the former is higher up for me.

What really gets me is when, if someone so much as wonders (read: barely saying there should be one) about a Colours 2, only to get replies like "Oh, it's served it's purpose, keep it single, that way it doesn't get milked." Why does it piss me off? Because while a statement like that would be fine in itself, half the time these same people completely look the other way when asked about an Adventure 3, and because of that I feel as if they not so much want Colours "to stay original" as they are just trying to disguise the fact that they just don't like the game.

It's like if I said I didn't want an Adventure 3 because "it would milk the Adventure formula", when in reality it's simply because "I don't want one". If you don't like a game for whatever reason, just say it.

EDIT: Also because there's no Shadow/Knuckles/Amy/Metal Sonic and Sonic's the only playable and the plot's actually decent and rah rah rah. Bah.

Edited by Dr. Crusher
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I hate to say this, but even without anyone elses opinion, my first impression on Colors led me to sort of dislike it. It took away a lot of control in 3D areas, and spoonfed blocky Megaman-esque platforming to you. I would allow some steady paced platforming if it contained some slopes and a sense of thrill as well; but Colors was just really stale in that department, especially with how doing anything mostly requires using Wisps.

I like how the QTEs have been removed and replaced with something easier, but besides that I found nothing I preferred in Colors. Unleashed, although having quicktime events and little platforming, were much more fun than anything from Colors. Plus, I think the endless amounts of beauty the HE delivers while playing Unleashed kind of helps. :P

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What really gets me is when, if someone so much as wonders (read: barely saying there should be one) about a Colours 2, only to get replies like "Oh, it's served it's purpose, keep it single, that way it doesn't get milked."
Hm. Well, I'd say something like that, and I like Colors. I certainly can't speak for everyone, but I wouldn't ask for a Colors 2 since I want the series to keep moving forward. Take what we learned from Colors and try to make something better. Also I don't think its alien powerups gimmick really needs to return, either.
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As others have said, it seems to be mostly a case of the insane hype wearing down and people finally recognizing the game's flaws. I haven't seen any newfound Unleashed love anywhere, though.

Oddly, I hated Colors when it first came out, but now I love it. It took a long, long time and multiple playthroughs, though. But when I quit comparing it to Unleashed and started looking at it on it's own merits, I learned to really enjoy it.

You get to go underwater in Sonic Colors.

Therefore Colors am superior

Eh, I personally thought the underwater parts of Colors were some of the worst of the game, honestly. If you didn't have a drill wisp to speed through it, it was mostly just long, drawn-out sections of needlessly open space.

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Hm. Well, I'd say something like that, and I like Colors. I certainly can't speak for everyone, but I wouldn't ask for a Colors 2 since I want the series to keep moving forward. Take what we learned from Colors and try to make something better. Also I don't think its alien powerups gimmick really needs to return, either.

I meant those Adventure-fans who use "I want Colours to stay fresh" as a poor disguise for their real reason of "I hate that game". It just feels hypocritical to me.

I also said that the ones who asked the questions would usually only wonder what a Colours 2 would be like and not actually believe if there should be a one or not. I'm not saying there should be one either (though I wouldn't complain), but if there was, they'd probably be able to use something else for powerups. Probably.

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Wait a minute, when did safeness become a bad thing? Doesn't Sonic Team normally get flak for not being safe or something like that?

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Wait a minute, when did safeness become a bad thing? Doesn't Sonic Team normally get flak for not being safe or something like that?
People want them to be dangerous in a very safe way.
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