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New videos: Sonic Simulator

Detective Shadzter

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why are you guys complaining about Sonic 06's Eggman Theme? its not like this game will be like sonic 06 (it won't)

and that theme was used in unleashed too

the game looks great. i could still point some level design issues at some stages from what i have seen.

[i think the tropical resort video is a tutorial level since their are targets signs]

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I'm not quite sure I get the whole KATE HIGGINS TAILS IS AWESOME THING, to me she just sounds like Amy Palent but vaguely better to be honest. I want a child voice actor for Tails again :(

The Sonic Simulator looks cool. Additcted to the random 8-bit music for no reason. Shame I can't play the game 'cos I don't have a Wii, so I'll only get to play Sonic Rush 3 Sonic Colours DS

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Tails' new voice sounds pretty good. The only problem I have with it is that it sounded a bit emotionless, but that's probably just because it was a tutorial quote. He'll probably have more emotion during cut-scenes.

Also, after hearing Sonic's grunts in that footage, I actually think that the "announcer" is Sonic. I could obviously be wrong, but they sound very similar to me.

why are you guys complaining about Sonic 06's Eggman Theme? its not like this game will be like sonic 06 (it won't)

and that theme was used in unleashed too

I don't think it has anything to do with the game it's associated with. Some people just don't like the theme itself...

I personally think it's ok, and it's nice to have some musical consistency.

I want a child voice actor for Tails again

But the problem with child voice actors is that you have to change the voice actor every few years when the child's voice changes.

I mean, with the rate that Sega changes the voice actors, that shouldn't be a problem. But perhaps they're planning to actually keep these voices for more than a few years.

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I'm really surprised no one has done it yet, but would someone with the proper capabilities mind converting the videos to an .mp3 format and sharing? I realize there are sound effects and what-not, but with the music sounding as good as it does I'll take what i can get in the meantime. :P

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Also, after hearing Sonic's grunts in that footage, I actually think that the "announcer" is Sonic. I could obviously be wrong, but they sound very similar to me.

The voices sound similar, maybe, but the grunts are a bit muffled and are clearly coming from Sonic himself, while the announcements are considerably louder and have a bit of reverb on them. I don't know why there'd be such a difference if Sonic was saying everything.

But the problem with child voice actors is that you have to change the voice actor every few years when the child's voice changes.

And that they often can't act. While I'm no great fan of Amy Palant, I far preferred her to any of the child actors who came before her. I'd take Tails sounding like a girl over having to hear WE ALL! DID IT! TOGETHER! or LOOKIT ALL DOSE EGGMAN'S WOBOTS! any day. Regardless, Kate Higgins sounds like she can both act and sound like a boy, so that's mostly irrelevant.

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I've wanted Eggman to build a Sonic Simulator for years! Like this is how he test runs his areas. Thank you Sonic Team. :lol:

I'm also kind of in love with the game world remixes. The originals were great, and to have the retro remix in the game itself is awesome.

Does anyone else find it kind of hilarious that a non-retro game is riding the retro craze, in the release version?

And I see how people were hearing Omochao in the helper dialogue. Wow, I still hear Omochao even with how clear it is. Tails?

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But the problem with child voice actors is that you have to change the voice actor every few years when the child's voice changes.

I agree, girls can last longer as a voice over child actors. And as said recently, they can usualyl act. Even though I hated Tails' previous voice, this one actually seems good at both the voice and the acting.

Also, about the 06 Eggman theme remixed. I'm actually one of the few who loved Eggman's theme in the game, it reminded me of the Egg Viper fight for some reason, though the remix is a bit iffy it does sound good to me. So I still have no real complaints about this game, surprisingly.

Edited by Shade Vortex
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I'm really surprised no one has done it yet, but would someone with the proper capabilities mind converting the videos to an .mp3 format and sharing? I realize there are sound effects and what-not, but with the music sounding as good as it does I'll take what i can get in the meantime. :P

Here you go. :)

Video 1 mp3

Video 2 mp3

Video 3 mp3

I really want to hear more of the voices, but I really like the little I've heard so far.

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Also, I'd just like to say that I'm a big fan of the game's overall style, this is just about the most appealing looking Sonic game since Sonic CD, I love it. The retro menus and music, the fun design of all the levels, the whole "gamey" feel in general, I love it. This is exactly what 3D Sonic should've been from the beginning in terms of art direction.

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Really liking the music in Sweet Mountain and Tropical Resort. They sound even better than before. It's also pretty cool how they Sonic Advance'd the music for the Game Room zones. That was some good footage too. Replicating GHZ like that is a nice throwback.

This game's beginning to look more like a Day 1 purchase. All I need now is some confirmation that it won't be very short.

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I like this quote I found on an interview earlier.

Takashi Iizuka: Sonic Unleashed was actually more specialised in the high-speed action of the series, and we certainly took something from that. But if you look at many of the other Sonic titles, such as Sonic Adventure and the classic games, you'll find that the series has always been about speed and platforming in equal measure.
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This game's beginning to look more like a Day 1 purchase. All I need now is some confirmation that it won't be very short.

Agreed, if I can, I'll be buying it on day one. Also, I think that I heard somewhere the game is going to be over 10 hours long. But don't quote me on that because, like I said, I'm not sure.

Either way, long or no, I'll still be purchasing the game. ^^

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LOL at Eggman's lines... it almost sounds like he'll have a GLADos effect on the game. I seriously lol'd at the "Please refrain from licking the rides" bit.

And as a whole, this title looks stunning. The Sweet Mountain music sounds amazing, and the stage itself looks ever prettier than it did at E3. The multiplayer looks awesome; I love the retro feel it has in contrast with the rest of the game. Still, I'm confused about that orb... is that the bot that follows you while playing it in single-player, or is it really online...?

Seems like a needless gimmick if it is the online mode. I mean, why not just have the blue Sonic and... y'know, keep everything basically the same?

Edited by EXshad
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The level music in the second and third videos are pretty good, especially in the third. I'm still holding out for something more NiGHTS-esque like the one we heard a while back, though.

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LOL at Eggman's lines... it almost sounds like he'll have a GLADos effect on the game. I seriously laughed at the "Please refrain from licking the lines" bit.

Eggman having a GLADos effect? Haha, that'd be interesting to see! I wonder if they will actually go that route?

Probably not, but the thought certainly deserves a laugh. It caught me off guard when Eggman said that line, but I did chuckle at it.

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Still, I'm confused about that orb... is that the bot that follows you while playing it in single-player, or is it really online...?

Seems like a needless gimmick if it is the online mode. I mean, why not just have the blue Sonic and... y'know, keep everything basically the same?

My personal assumption is it's some form of weird "Ghost" for Time Trial data, or a way for a second player to jump in at any time.

I'm assuming it's the latter, it seems like the multiplayer stages can be played solo. If that's true, I'll be quite happy, because I probably wont' have anyone to play those stages with.

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I don't think this game will be short. i think it might take 2 or 3 hours long for story line, and repeatability maybe 10 hours. this is just a guess

But I can already say 1 thing , the genesis games were 1 hour long and with repeatability they could be 3 hours long.

this game has tons of repeatability (for collecting the red coins) and also for replaying the stages for high rank. :)

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*watches the videos*


That GHZ1-like level is awesome, and I'm going to pretend that ball in the level is a homage to the Sonic 1 beta boulder (and a similar one OOZ in Sonic 2) and nobody is going to change my opinion about that (not even Sonic Team).

The only thing that could make this game better are extra characters (who were hinted, yet not confirmed) and classic physics (wich I never expected so is not like I really want them here).

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