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25 minutes ago, HywelAtTheMoon said:

Exactly. If it was cancelled, we'd have been notified by now. 

I wouldn't trust that. There's been a lot of debate on why Archie and or Sega wouldn't want it to be know right away. We can't discard the possibility that the book might be cancelled, as sad as that sounds...

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It's also entirely possible that the Archie Sonic comic never existed and we've all just been under a hypnotic delusion at the hands of Flynn, Yardley, & co. Archie is searching for a way to break the news to us gently.

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Hell, I don't even remember posting here at all. As far as I know the only Sonic comic was that british one. And those mangas too. American comics? Never heard of 'em.

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16 minutes ago, Borvoc said:

It's also entirely possible that the Archie Sonic comic never existed and we've all just been under a hypnotic delusion at the hands of Flynn, Yardley, & co. Archie is searching for a way to break the news to us gently.

Delusion would explain why Ken Penders thinks the way he does. He must have gotten wammied real good :P

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Oh jeez. Next thing you tell me is Adventure era never existed. :D


Is it because of '06 erased the universe as we knew it? Damn you Sonic, why you had to let your "girl of the week" with an idea to blow out a freaking candle?

But wouldn't that (Archie Sonic didn't exist) mean Penders' characters are completely original concept then? Since, you know, if American Sonic comics wouldn't have existed, there wouldn't be any possible way of him having any reference from the said media outlet itself?

Uhh, some days the stuff just won't get loose...

I'm still holding out hope of comics coming back, eventually. Hopefully sooner than later. Are they still thinking we think that "no news is good news"?

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The real twist is that Penders was right all along. None of this is real. The only real thing is The Chronicles of Lara-Su. That's the real reason why it hasn't even come out. It's real and we all just don't know it.

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12 hours ago, Borvoc said:

It's also entirely possible that the Archie Sonic comic never existed and we've all just been under a hypnotic delusion at the hands of Flynn, Yardley, & co. Archie is searching for a way to break the news to us gently.

This is the work of an enemy stand!

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'kay, just gonna try to re-rail this here.


On 5/3/2017 at 9:01 PM, JC_Mike said:


Looks like an email is still actually coming. That email that Dejimon11's friend got might have been an accidental fluke. Like if you got an email that said you been accepted for a job or college yet the email was sent as a mistake. Knowing the high volume of emails Archie might send out, they are likely automating the process it or using an email blast.

Kind of odd there'd be a random e-mail sent out to one person in error that may not really represent what their plans/intentions are at the moment. Though looking at the e-mail again, it could've been a direct response to Deji's friend asking a question and may not be the subscriber e-mail? Though why bother respond if they're currently stuck?

Damn, this comic news drought is killing me. Might start re-reading some stuff or crack open the last Sonic Universe arc since I stopped reading after the first issue because of the delays and personal stuff.

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I still haven't read my last Universe issue. I keep getting freaked out that it'll be the last issue I ever get the chance to read. :lol:

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The same guy who got the original "end of April" date spoke to Lisa on Wednesday though. 

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/sigh It looks like the people over at ASO are trying to stir up trouble now. That can only make things worse.

Edit: Never mind. That was probably mean to say. I'm sure there aren't enough people at that board to cause an issue. I just think irritating Archie isn't the way to fix this, and irritating Sega is even worse, as it could cause them to decide the license is more trouble than it's worth.

Edit 2: So if the information about the Archie representative is true, then maybe they'll be updating people soon. Maybe. I wonder if any of this is timed to the Fulop case at all. I'm not sure what the status there is.

Also, I know how you feel, @Smash Slash CC14. I still haven't played the last episode of a podcast I used to listen to before it was cancelled.

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4 hours ago, Zaysho said:

Kind of odd there'd be a random e-mail sent out to one person in error that may not really represent what their plans/intentions are at the moment. Though looking at the e-mail again, it could've been a direct response to Deji's friend asking a question and may not be the subscriber e-mail? Though why bother respond if they're currently stuck?

So let me get this straight.

They don't know how they're going to handle the Sonic comics for now, they don't know how they're going to tell people how they're going to handle the Sonic comics for now, and they don't know how to email subscribers who want to know how they're going to handle the Sonic comics for now.

...Should we just say the cast of Riverdale are our overlords of the comics and call it a day? =P

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44 minutes ago, SSF1991 said:

So let me get this straight.

They don't know how they're going to handle the Sonic comics for now, they don't know how they're going to tell people how they're going to handle the Sonic comics for now, and they don't know how to email subscribers who want to know how they're going to handle the Sonic comics for now.

...Should we just say the cast of Riverdale are our overlords of the comics and call it a day? =P

In keeping with the the above theme, I suppose we don't know. :P

And again, I can only put so much weight on an e-mail few have seen or the recounting of a conversation with an Archie rep whose pay grade is no-doubt far below the answers that the unverified caller was looking for. (Heck, Archie execs may not have pay grades high enough for the info we want.)

Maaaaaan, if Archie could just convert us all over to Riverdale fans, wouldn't they all just love that. Then they'd start releasing the Sonic comics again anyway for the extra $15 USD a month they could grab from us there on top of the Riverdale books! :P

I for one, welcome our new Riverdale overloar—*KO'd with a cliche-bat*

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20 hours ago, SSF1991 said:

So let me get this straight.

They don't know how they're going to handle the Sonic comics for now, they don't know how they're going to tell people how they're going to handle the Sonic comics for now, and they don't know how to email subscribers who want to know how they're going to handle the Sonic comics for now.

Ok to be honest, I was just spit balling with that fluke email thing and assumed that the guy might have not been the only person who got the email. That is also assuming that they were quick to shut it down before any of us (us being me and any other subscriber) could get it. I think Zaysho is right in that this was just in response to an email.

Also I don't think the subscription department knows how to handle the comics because...you know...they only handle the subscriptions.


Unless your just joking, in which then I'm a fool and should...shut up.


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Yes, I'm just joking. I thought the part about the Riverdale cast being overlords was clear about that. =P

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Alright, I've been holding onto some information for a while until we got some more details and because I've been going through some personal stuff on my end. However, I had the pleasure of seeing my informant (and a few other informants who know what their talking about) during Free Comic Book Day yesterday, and I have some new information.

The book is definitely cancelled, and the reason why we haven't heard anything yet is because Archie and Sega were trying to reach a deal together, and because--like I said many months ago--Archie is stalling because of the potential PR nightmare right now while it's all hands-on-deck during Riverdale. My informant also mentioned that Jon Goldwater (the CEO of Archie Comics) has told him privately that eventually, they want to "get away from Sonic" because it's "not really Archie," despite how much of a money-maker it is. When I asked if, also, it was likely that Archie didn't feel like fighting back for the license, he explained that (as stated above) Archie has had one foot out the door for a long time for a number of reasons (ie: low sales of Sonic recently, bad decisions on other books like Reggie and Me only selling ~4000 copies, the Fulop lawsuit). He also inferred that Sega apparently wanted more money to retain the license, giving more reasons for Archie to not re-up. 

Finally, he said he knows how annoying it is that Archie has still not clued the fans in as to what's going on (he no longer works for Archie and hasn't for some time, but he's spoken to people who currently do). So he obviously doesn't know when it'll happen.

Believe me, I'm not happy in relaying this information--this sucks. But I think we should've all seen this coming. 

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So sales may have been tied into it? That's honestly the most surprising thing, despite how common that is in the comic industry!

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@doctorbenMD Hey, man. Are you sure you want to air all this here? I assume you've already thought this all through, but if true, I'm sure you don't want to risk any of this being traced back to any "informants" currently with Archie and getting them in trouble.

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16 minutes ago, Borvoc said:

@doctorbenMD Hey, man. Are you sure you want to air all this here? I assume you've already thought this all through, but if true, I'm sure you don't want to risk any of this being traced back to any "informants" currently with Archie and getting them in trouble.

I'm not using any names, am I? 

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If that's true then that really blows...but at least we (or rather I) had a large gap in order to deal with it.

So now what?

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16 minutes ago, Conquering Storm's Servant said:

If that's true then that really blows...but at least we (or rather I) had a large gap in order to deal with it.

So now what?

Move on and find another book to read. 

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Hold on a minute! If Sonic comic sales were low, why did the informant still say it was a money-maker?

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16 minutes ago, Operationgamer17 said:

Hold on a minute! If Sonic comic sales were low, why did the informant still say it was a money-maker?

For years it had been a money-maker, but not so much now.

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Yeah, it definitely took a major hit after the 2016 hiatus at least. Did they mention how long sales figures had been considered low for?

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