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Sonic 4 Playtested By Community Member


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Sonic Advance 2? Not liking the sound of that bit. And this is the final product from what he's saying.

Can't believe they haven't fixed that fucking jump!

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If true, this... displeases me.

Seriously, gravity-jump?

Apparently we HAVE gone back in time and lost the button technology we had 16 years ago.

Edited by Frozen Nitrogen
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If they don't fix that jump or the physics this game is fucked, there's still like, 5 or so months to do which is plenty of time, but from the sound of things if they manage to fix the jump this game'll be pretty perfect for me.

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I think it says a lot that I'm more worried about the fanbase bitching about this than of the game being like one of my most hated.

At any rate, if this is accurate, and if it doesn't change, yeah, this sucks. Back to trying to make my fangame, then...

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I think it says a lot that I'm more worried about the fanbase bitching about this than of the game being like one of my most hated.

Oh shit. That heads up is certainly not going to make anything better either.

Time to stock up on ammo, just to be safe. :D

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Nothings wrong really. There shouldnt be any wars. Let's just all be at piece and accept that this is going to be a shitty game :lol: YAYY

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So the question is: Can your first impression of a game be considered accurate? i.e. based on a 3 second gameplay clip? From that impression posted it sure seems that way.

They really should have picked a different name. :mellow:

Edited by Light
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Watch this be a prank or something like that. I call that.

If it's not.. Well, my heart just freaking sank.

Sega, you're not gonna get away with this if this is true. You're gonna get it, I swear.

I might still enjoy it a little bit, but for the love of all that holy I don't wanna spend another game holding right until my thumb bleeds, especially if it's titled Sonic 4. D':

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Nothings wrong really. There shouldnt be any wars. Let's just all be at piece and accept that this is going to be a shitty game :lol: YAYY

I got anti-air cannons and surface-to-air missiles ready to shoot down the next person who gets high enough to blow some shit out of proportion just for the lulz, buddy. Accepting is one thing, raging is something that needs to be cooled the fuck down. ;)

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You know how people say that you typically like to listen to music that matches your mood? Right now I'm listening to a song based on it's title.

I thought you said it was going to be like Rush 3, not Advance 2. :P

Good song tho. I'll probably be listening to it as well.

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There's still time....

I think... and desperately hope.

Granted, they sent it to the ESRB for evaluation... but by fixing the physics, that's not changing the ratable content of the game, right....? I mean, he did say it was a playtest...

I'm crossing my fingers, because besides the physics sounding awful, the rest of the game sounds like a dream.

But if they're not fixed, I've got a wager to own up to.

....btw, I don't like that song very much. It just happened to have the right title :P

Edited by EXshad
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There's still time....

I think... and desperately hope.

Granted, they sent it to the ESRB for evaluation... but by fixing the physics, that's not changing the ratable content of the game, right....?

I already mentioned that. Physics won't change how bloody or mature the game is. If you think sending it to be rated so they can have an age rating before it's released makes it a final product, sorry, not true.

And besides, the guy mentioned he likes the game, then does a 180 and talks about how it's a shitty horrible mess. I'm finding it hard to take him seriously.

Let's get a video of all this, we really don't have much that shows off any bugs at all. I want to see that it's playable by the community at this point by any means.

Edited by Nathan Speed
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Additionally, the game’s software was sent to ESBR game content analizys team. Considering the game is already been analized and rated by ESBR, the development team cannot overgo any significative change in the game, visually or otherwise, which therefore pretty much means that this is what the game looks like.

I don't think I buy that...It's just ESRB. They won't stop development just because they lay judgement on how "mature" the game is.

Edited by Ryusuke
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You know how people say that you typically like to listen to music that matches your mood? Right now I'm listening to a song based on its title.

Feels good, man.

Could do with some substantiation though. :\

(In pertinence, I remain intrigued as to boss information)

Edited by Frozen Nitrogen
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The guy obviously tries to be a bit positive but then get's reminded that this should be the succesor of sonic and knuckles.

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Oh, impressions!

It might be my faulty english or his' (or maybe that I'm half-asleep), but I'm not understanding how does he says that the jump works, so can anyone explain it to me in a clearer way?

Anyways, I want to play the game already, but the release is so far away...

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Goddamn it.

Now, the game will probably be decent, but with this news, I can't see it being anywhere near the quality of the old games. Sonic 4, evidently, won't deserve the title.

Edited by Masaru Daimon
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So what, I'll still need to judge it for my own if the game is good when I play it. The game is in freaking episodes, there has to be much more to come than what was offered in that insipid review.

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I hope this game sells like shit so they realize what the fuck they are doing wrong for once

What exactly do you mean by shit? You mean "good" or "bad"?

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Bad. It just needs to sell like shit if it's a bad game. They need to earn our support like they did back then. It's unfair if they just keep getting all our support if they arent even delivering quality. They will just keep on taking the easy way out....

Edited by Jaouad
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Did you honestly believe they'd even try to recreate the classic physics?

It's seems more and more like apparantly no thought beyond 'LET'S MAKE A CLASSIC STYLED GAME' was put into Sonic 4.

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