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Sonic 4: Is Anyone Remotely Disappointed?

Greg the Fancat

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Yeah. I'm not particularly pleased that much.

I'm going to go into detail why this game is not particularly making me happy. Quoted from Emerald Coast Comics:

I appreciate that Jet, but the reason I say that is that it was quite Ballsy to call this Sonic 4 even though it doesn't feel like a continuation from the previous game. Yes, I hate the fact that they're using the new model. My complaints with it are this:

This design has constantly been changing yet have been keeping some rather disgusting qualities such as ridiculously humongous floppy spines, the more humanoid that hedgehog build that I loved from the Classic Sonic. Yes, the Unleashed Model was rather likable in the fact that he wasn't that tall. However, those floppy pingases on his head are really beginning to bug me.

The eye color is a minor complaint and doesn't bug me as bad. HOWEVER, I do believe that it needs to become much more subtle. The lightning green quality is very in your face, and quite simply disgusts me.

And then there's the inclusion of the Homing Attack and the Linoleum Grass. I mean, GEEZ. It looks more like Sonic Advance than SEGA Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog Trilogy. The original trilogy actually made it look like there were blades of grass instead of a huge sheet of plastic on the ground. HOWEVER, everything else in that world looks GORGEOUS. Admittedly, I'd like it to look more earthly and organic as well as surreal like a painting by Salvador Dali, but it looks awesome enough as it is. That's why I quite simply was wanting it to look like the work of Orioto, minus the blur of course. PLUS, he has ambiance and atmosphere down. His Stardust Speedway masterpiece was quite simply beautiful and emphasized on the tension in the race. It looks like Sonic is truly in danger if he loses and for that, he captured the true spirit of the zone.

But here's why I'm not pleased with the inclusion of the Homing Attack.... What is the real point of it being used in a 2D plane? As it is, the main purpose I've know it's been used for is getting Sonic to higher locations by destroying enemies, but as it is, that's not really fun. I mean, in the original Sonic the Hedgehog if you were speeding around at unimaginable speeds and jumped off of a slope at the right time, it would project you to the higher location as you will remember from Green Hill Zone in particular. With Homing Attack, you would do this, but it wouldn't take much work as building up your speed with advanced uses such as using the momentum you gain from the slopes and springs and using it to reward yourself. Plus, they've been known to use the Homing Attack for the worst of uses. Anyone remember Sonic Heroes' Mystic Mansion? Anyone annoyed with your leveled up teammates for destroying the ghost ahead of you that would've saved you from falling into the pit of doom? I call it right now. We will have levels implementing the Homing Attack, and it will require you to attack enemies in order to get over death pits. I call it right now.

And the physics already look like Sonic Rush. HOWEVER, considering that we only got 5 seconds of gameplay we don't know if this will be as linear as Rush. I'm hoping I'm wrong, but if my sudden realization is of any truth and Wentos was right all along, then this game will be Sonic Rush for consoles and undeserving of the name Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

Plus, the animation of the Badniks is already disappointing. Seeing the Motobug up close is ugly and it doesn't even have a metallic sheen unlike the ridiculously plastic grass. It looks more organic like skin and quite simply is unappealing. The classic Badniks DID have a sheen. Why aren't we getting that out of the modern Badniks?

I'm on the fence here. It may be decent, BUT it doesn't look to deserve the name Sonic 4... At least... Not yet.

To add to the Motobug, it looked very flat too, much like Flash animation. It was a serious turnoff and lacked character. The design of it is awesome, but it looks too much like Flash animation. Just because it's a robot doesn't mean it can't have character.

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Sega called it "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" even though it doesn't meet a single criteria for the name apart from "Stars a blue spiky thing".

I'm also annoyed that Compsense (Sonic Retro again) was able to make a better version of the game's theme already. As in, since the Japanese site came online.

Edited by Phos
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I'm not disappointed. The only thing that somewhat worries me, besides the possibility of poor execution, is the possible overusage of old badnik designs with little to no new ones. Also, I kinda wish Eggman's old design suit returned, just for this title.... I mean, it doesn't make much sense continuity-wise... that is, if you count Sonic Pocket Adventure as canon.

And.... nvm, it's not worth it.

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Meh. All I can say is. I was as giddy as a son of a gun when I saw trailers for Unleashed. It looked fun as all hell. And I did really enjoy the game.

The Sonic 4 trailer left me feeling mighty luke warm. Almost something bordering indifference.

But that trailer sucked hard. I'm waiting for a better one. In fact I was cringing the whole time because I didn't want to be caught off guard by anything wholly offensive. Then I watched it a few times more and just couldn't focus on anything except how nice the sprites looked while running compared to that awful running animation of the 3D model.

Edited by Dejablue
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Sega called it "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" even though it doesn't meet a single criteria for the name apart from "Stars a blue spiky thing". IN MY MIND


Ya got anything other than a logo and three seconds of footage to back that up? When did you get to play the game?

I'm also annoyed that Compsense (Sonic Retro again) was able to make a better version of the game's theme already. As in, since the Japanese site came online.

...wow, you think that's better?

...*sigh* opinions.

*for the record, I'm not the one thumbing you down this time, nor am I doing it anymore. I've just accepted that you've proven yourself to be incapable of separating fact from opinion.

Edited by Indigo Dude
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Sega called it "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" even though it doesn't meet a single criteria for the name apart from "Stars a blue spiky thing".

Well let's see:

*Classic Badniks are returning

*Classic elements in general are returning

*Classic gimmicks are returning (Such as the Sonic 2 halfpipe gap thing)

*Colorful and bizzar visuals akin to the classic games are used instead of realistic aestetics based on actual geography from places earth

*Spin-dash and other classic moves return

*Sign posts, checkered hills, and flags at the ends of stages return

*Momentum based gameplay is being hinted at but hasn't been 100% confirmed yet

There really isn't enough footage or info that solidifies whether or not this game is worthy of the title "Sonic 4" or not, however, besides the use of modern designs everything seems to be classic enough that it wouldn't look too out of place in a Genesis game, had the visuals been high definition.

Also, I started out slightly disappointed because it didn't look exactly like the classics, but then I realised how stupid it was to base my entire opinion of a game based off of less than 5 seconds of gameplay.

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Seriously guys, let's not get all pissed off over this... I made that mistake yesterday, it wasn't cool =/ I don't want Dread or anyone to have to put tighter rules on this forum just because we don't think Sonic's quills are short enough, or something. Plus, they're disappointed in us enough as it is, if I had to guess.

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I'm also annoyed that Compsense (Sonic Retro again) was able to make a better version of the game's theme already. As in, since the Japanese site came online.

Because nothing says classic Sonic like... an orchestra?

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Ya got anything other than a logo and three seconds of footage to back that up? When did you get to play the game?

...wow, you think that's better?

...*sigh* opinions.

*for the record, I'm not the one thumbing you down this time, nor am I doing it anymore. I've just accepted that you've proven yourself to be incapable of separating fact from opinion.

Does everything have to be spelled out in every post that someone makes? I'll be damned if I have to start putting "in my opinion" in my posts, and neither should anybody else, as questionable as others may think of their views.

We're trying to keep drama to a minimum and posts like these are not helping. Let the naysayers voice whatever they want without getting your own balls in a knot over it, it's not like they're being particularly loud about what they're saying considering the overwhelming amount of positive feedback on this game (at least on this board).

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Another thing worries me however. Once 2010 popped into the trailer and Sonic first lands, I overheard some scarily dis-ordinate notes in the music deep in there. In that one moment, it sounded like it was even mocking the classic games, and combine that with the new Sonic model being used, it's a little unsettling.

It's an observation, but it certainly doesn't help my newfound disappointment.

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I'm not disappointed, but I'm not super excited either. "Cautiously upbeat," would probably be the best way to describe how I feel. There wasn't anything in the trailer that I completely disliked, but it didn't exactly fill me with a huge amount of confidence either.

To be perfectly blunt and honest, the only thing I truly give a damn about is whether or not they get the gameplay right. If they get that right, everything else is forgiven. And I mean EVERYTHING. It doesn't matter to me if every level theme, badnik, boss, level gimmick or whatever else is recycled from the classics, if they get the gameplay right, I will not, no, I will refuse to care.

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Does everything have to be spelled out in every post that someone makes? I'll be damned if I have to start putting "in my opinion" in my posts, and neither should anybody else, as questionable as others may think of their views.

We're trying to keep drama to a minimum and posts like these are not helping. Let the naysayers voice whatever they want without getting your own balls in a knot over it, it's not like they're being particularly loud about what they're saying considering the overwhelming amount of positive feedback on this game (at least on this board).

It'd be nice, but that's... my opinion! *bricked*

At any rate, I'll admit I'm getting unreasonably wound up over this. I'd certainly like to move on. I'll be avoiding this topic now.

Also, Phos, sorry if I've been particularly harsh on you lately. I know you're not exactly happy about what SEGA's doing with Sonic 4, but I'll just say that it's really not all that bad. The way I see it, everyone has been expecting something different from this game, and I guess your expectations just haven't been met, and in honesty I can't truly fault you for that.

Let's just move on and get to discussing Sonic effing 4.

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I don't have a opinion yet since all i've seen is a 3 second clip of the actual game. Until I get more footage of the game I'm saying "interesting, Imma have to think about it..."

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I'm not disappointed, but I'm not super excited either. "Cautiously upbeat," would probably be the best way to describe how I feel. There wasn't anything in the trailer that I completely disliked, but it didn't exactly fill me with a huge amount of confidence either.

To be perfectly blunt and honest, the only thing I truly give a damn about is whether or not they get the gameplay right. If they get that right, everything else is forgiven. And I mean EVERYTHING. It doesn't matter to me if every level theme, badnik, boss, level gimmick or whatever else is recycled from the classics, if they get the gameplay right, I will not, no, I will refuse to care.

If everything is recycled why aren't you playing the old games? Save yourself some money.

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I'm not because I'm of the opinion that there's no way in hell any of us know enough about the game to be swayed either way. That's why I'm entirely neutral to it.

Three pieces of concept art, one jingle, and two seconds of gameplay footage are not enough for me shout 'Yay' or 'Nay' and they shouldn't be enough for anyone else either.

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The only thing that bugged me at first was Sonic's run, and now that his full speed run is confirmed to be either wheel legs or figure eight I'm good. Sure the game could still end up bad, but nothing I've seen thus far is leading me to think it will be bad. Everything seems to be going "right" so far.

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Well like I said I was luke warm.

And really... The whole entire, basic down to the nitty gritty point of a trailer is to entice you to want more. This is the sole purpose and business of any trailer. For me, that trailer failed. Everybody is excusing it because its "not enough"

Well you know what? It should have been enough. It failed to deliver. That is a bad omen. Don't bother making a trailer if its not going to blow minds.

Edited by Dejablue
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*Classic Badniks are returning

*Classic elements in general are returning

*Classic gimmicks are returning (Such as the Sonic 2 halfpipe gap thing)

*Colorful and bizzar visuals akin to the classic games are used instead of realistic aestetics based on actual geography from places earth

*Spin-dash and other classic moves return

*Sign posts, checkered hills, and flags at the ends of stages return

*Momentum based gameplay is being hinted at but hasn't been 100% confirmed yet

MY worry is not so much that these things are returning as that these things are returning exactly. THE SAME Motobug, Shellcracker, and Batbot. THE SAME Mobius strip. THE SAME Green Hill remake we've seen every time before.

This game isn't Sonic 4. It's Sonic 2 with the physics gutted out and Sonic Rush's crudely grafted inside.

And I already own at least 4 copies of Sonic 2. :/

Retro fans wanted a new game IN THE STYLE of the classics. But apparently because Sega loves re-releasing S1-K over and over and over again, they did the same here, making Sonic 4 a Frankenstein's Monster of old ideas, rather than new ideas with a touch of retro charm.

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It was more of a teaser then a real trailer though.

The very first trailer was also a teaser. But I guess if you categorize this new one as a teaser then it's ok. But they made such a big deal out of us watching it. I don't think the trade off was good enough.

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I think we can safely say that SEGA America's marketing strategies are pretty different than that of SEGA Japan.

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Well like I said I was luke warm.

And really... The whole entire, basic down to the nitty gritty point of a trailer is to entice you to want more. This is the sole purpose and business of any trailer. For me, that trailer failed. Everybody is excusing it because its "not enough"

Well you know what? It should have been enough. It failed to deliver. That is a bad omen. Don't bother making a trailer if its not going to blow minds.

I'd say like 90% of my favorite games and movies have trailers that just make me want to puke.

Also, it's a valid that people are saying there isn't enough to go by in that trailer to make a judgement of the game. If the marketing so far is anything to go by, Sega is trying to appeal to lost fans who used to play the old games and will be enticed by nostalgia. Just because they're pushing an angle in marketing doesn't make the game a complete re-hash.

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Nope, I'm not disappointed. I think a model is the least of our worries right now, there are other things we could be worrying about, but I don't see any of those issues yet. Considering we only got like 5 seconds of game in that video and all.

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