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Devil's Advocate: Sonic Unleashed is MUCH better then Sonic Adventure

Hazuki Heartwood

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Everyone is always looking back at Sonic Adventure and saying how wonderful it is, and looking at Unleashed and saying "OMG TEH STOOPID WEREHOG!1" Well, I think Unleashed is much better then Sonic Adventure.

Sure, Sonic Adventure was great for it's time, but Unleashed is a lot better. People complain about the Werehog, saying that both the concept and gameplay is stupid. While I'd agree with you that the concept is stupid, I actually found the platforming to be enjoyable. Not to mention it's only one thing to distract you from the FUNKEE ACKSHUN that is Sonic's stages. Whereas in Sonic adventure, there were 5 other things that I didn't find nearly as enjoyable as Sonic himself. I also found the level designs to be less fun, and then there was a hub world and all I didn't like.

What I did like, however, was the plot. Sonic Adventure had one of my favorite Sonic plots of all time, and the chao were very nice as well. I love chao, and would love it if they brought them back. :)

Discuss and no flaming please. Feel free to disagree.

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Unleashed is more finished, and does contain absolutely beautiful graphics (of course, SA1 came out more than a decade ago). It also contains that perfect cartoony feel that the series should keep for the 3D outings (except that the games of course need more whimsical and surreal landscapes like the classics).

But these things don't matter much in the end. SA1 overall had the better gameplay and level design, no matter the glitches and bugs it had (hey, it was good for its time). Sonic was fast, but was also still based around quick platforming, puzzles and keeping the flow and momentum while also exploring the stages (oh yeah, and using the Spindash to toy with physics). That, and also every character was fun to play as minus Big of course. The plot was also much better than Unleashed's, although the voice acting was superior in SU.

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While I'd agree with you that the concept is stupid, I actually found the platforming to be enjoyable. Not to mention it's only one thing to distract you from the FUNKEE ACKSHUN that is Sonic's stages. Whereas in Sonic adventure, there were 5 other things that I didn't find nearly as enjoyable as Sonic himself.

Except the 5 other playable characters are completely optional, unlike the Werehog, which forces you to play through his levels to get back to the Sonic stages.

Frankly, though I haven't played Unleashed, it at least takes full advantage of the "LOLSPEEEEEED!!!1!!11" style gameplay and makes it as fast and exhilarating as possible. It's sort of a good role model for Sonic games, i.e be the best and most straight forward at what the gameplay's meant to be and make the most of what it is.

To be more specific, you go into the daytime stages of Unleashed expecting extreme speed and super fast action and that's exactly what you got.

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I think a lot of people don't see SA as a game weighed down by its other gameplay styles these days, not like they do with games like '06 or Unleashed. People defend SA with "platforman!". People shoot down Unleashed with "wherehawgs!"

Why don't people shoot down SA with "fishan an' tresure huntin'!" and defend Unleashed with...

...well okay it could still use some work.

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Except the 5 other playable characters are completely optional, unlike the Werehog, which forces you to play through his levels to get back to the Sonic stages.

I don't understand your definition of optional. Sure you were free to only play as Sonic in SA1, but the others were necessary in order to beat the game (hence why Big is the bane of so many existences).

Optional would be like Sonic 3, where you had the choice of Sonic, Sonic/Tails, Tails (or Knux).

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Except the 5 other playable characters are completely optional, unlike the Werehog, which forces you to play through his levels to get back to the Sonic stages.

Frankly, though I haven't played Unleashed, it at least takes full advantage of the "LOLSPEEEEEED!!!1!!11" style gameplay and makes it as fast and exhilarating as possible. It's sort of a good role model for Sonic games, i.e be the best and most straight forward at what the gameplay's meant to be and make the most of what it is.

To be more specific, you go into the daytime stages of Unleashed expecting extreme speed and super fast action and that's exactly what you got.

I don't consider them optional, after all, you don't finish the game until you beat all the stories. Optional is like Sonic 2, where playing as Tails is optional. You can finish the entire game just fine as sonic.

I like going as fast as possible, and I find that an enjoyable challenge in itself. I also like the pinball physics games, but that's when I'm in more of a platforming mood.

EDIT: Argh you beat me to it. :)

Edited by Hazuki Heartwood
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<Insert flammly speech! Jk! XD>

Sonic Adventure was good in it's time yes but the thing that got me the most was it's repetition. You constantly play through short versions of Sonic's stages most of the time. There's few original spots like the house of mirror during Amy's Circus Park run but there wasn't a whole lot. Not to mention that Big's gameplay had slowed the game a bit. But it did had a good story and gave us some memorable characters. I just don't feel like it met it's expectations however.

Moving on. Sonic Unleashed was a pretty good game. Little slow down and lots of action but outside the werehog it feels more like a non stopping rollercoaster ride. And you didn't had time for the little things. Also the spindash has been more butchered because it was replaced by the boost. And boost makes you bloody invincable unless you hit a wall or something like it. So I feel bad for the spindash now. The game lost some challanges by the common peon. Also the story is pretty random. I mean come on. Sonic randomly becomes a giant furry of doom because the big bad came out. And he was really nowhere near Dark Gaia's influence. But it does shine with it's character development. Now you can be friends with the NCPs now! lol But other than that it's ok.

So in a nutshell...

SA has good story yet repetitive levels

SU is a really fast rollercoaster.

So I guess it's more or less a draw for me. But SA gets more points for originality. Playing as a robot who pulls a coup d'etat is rather intersting for me. But that's just me.

Oh and don't be hating me. I don't like Big's gameplay as a Sonic game but I do like his character. And that's what counts. :)

Edited by Doctor Faustus
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Yeah, if there is one thing I can complain about the daytime levels it was that they were too streamlined, meaning it was designed for speed instead of platforming. The thing I love about Sonic is it's platforming at supersonic speeds.

As for the nighttime levels, I hated the brawling parts. Everything else was fun though, mostly the bits where you use your wii remote motion. And exploration was fun too.

Maybe these things are different in the Xbox/PS3 versions, though. I own the wii one.

Edited by Hazuki Heartwood
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Ah, Adventure, a game I'll defend to my death.

Firstly, in Adventure if you choose to play as Sonic you get to play as Sonic, you aren't forced to play as something you don't want to in order to continue with the character you selected (SA2 is also guilty of this, though if you get stuck you have a whole other story to play to keep you occupied).

Secondly, don't bitch about SA's graphics. There's no need to be that ignorant, the game is over 10 years old and back then SA's graphics were the best you were getting on a home console.

Yeah SA is glitchy, but the gameplay is pretty solid, the characters play different but the gameplay isn't so detached from Sonic's so that you feel as though you're playing a different game. Werehog has a fucking life bar for gods sake.

The Adventure fields are big open areas you can fuck about in, there's alot of secret stuff to be found in them like mini-games, level up items, Chao Eggs and emblems. Unleashed's town stages gimp your character so you can't even fuck around and despite having hidden medals and some missions are horribly uninteresting and limited.

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Fishing doesn't feel like a different game? Shooting doesn't? @_@

Ah, yes, that's the one thing I liked about the Adventure fields, the fucking around. I did miss fucking around in my Unleashed. They also kind of tied the story together.

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Fishing doesn't feel like a different game? Shooting doesn't? @_@

I think what he means is that the general play style of the characters remain the same in SA where as it changes very often in Unleashed.

Character's didn't exactly have too much to separate them from:

Gamma was almost Sonic with a Jetpack and a Gun

Tails was Sonic with the ability to fly and attack with his tails

Knuckles was Sonic who could glide and fight with his fists

Amy was Sonic with a hammer

Big was Sonic with a fishing pole.

The button to attack an enemy is the same for every character even though they use different attacks. Sonic would spindash/light attack, Tails would tail whip, Knuckles would punch, Amy would piledrive with a hammer, Gamma would shoot, and Big would attack with his fishing rod.

The button to get to further platforms is the same. A double press of the button results in a Homing attack for Sonic, a glide for Knuckles and Gamma, and flight for Tails. Despite these differences, they can be used for nearly the same general means.

In Unleashed, however, Sonic and his Werrehog form had drastically different play styles. The button you press to boost at Sonic's top speed is the button that you use to swipe at foes with your claws as the werehog, while the button you use to drift while running as Sonic results in using a shield as a werehog.

Atleast thats how I read it from those who make that claim.

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Allow me to disagree, here. While Sonic Adventure has its flaws, I couldn't possibly, in good conscience, say that Unleashed is a better game by any means. Werehog aside (and even Big's fishing was better than the Werehog), if you want to compare the Sonic gameplay of the two games, Adventure is much, much better designed, while Unleashed just gets more and more frustrating and the fake difficulty just keeps piling up.

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Sonic Unleashed is technically better. That is pretty much it. Conceptually, I'd say they were about even, but when it comes to the actual game design itself Unleashed is a total mess. It is a consistent mess, which Sonic Adventure is not, but a mess all the same.

Edited by Tornado
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I need to play Unleashed (for the Wii, of course). Only a matter of time and money.

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To me, Unleashed wins by a landslide. Aside from the shody animation, the game was just... dull. I admit I liked the multiple story perspective, but aside from Sonic's and Gamma's, they just felt slow and boring. The physics were also extremely choppy; when you do a spin dash, you often end up flying all over the place, the fishing rod mechanics are glitchy as fuck, and not to mention Casinopolis' pinball mechanics were just dreadful. Hell, even Heroes did a better job with it in Casino Park. Outside of that stuff, all the levels and bosses were just so easy and short, with the exception of Sonic's Lost World, Final Egg and Egg Viper, which just ended up tedious. I want to like Adventure, at the very least for its classical-style charms, but it's just so hard to overlook how it just seemed to stumble into 3D.

Unleashed, I can't say it was perfect, but it definitely delivered. I thought I was going to hate the Werehog, but I ended up loving him if only for his hilarious fighting style. Hell, I was surprised at how good the platforming and brawling balance was. But he still loses points for repetitive mechanics. I can't say I was much more fond of the daytime stages. They were definitely gorgeous, well varied, and had a classic charm to them, not to mention it was the first game since Adventure 2 to do grinding and boss fights right. I was ticked about how some daytime parts were occasionally self-playing and unforgiving, though, but I don't think there were as many unfair parts as people say there were. Oh, and the medal system was a pointless waste of time, though it doesn't really become an issue till late in the game. Still, the story was charming and the characters were well voiced and developed, which is a huge step up from many previous installments. I guess my biggest grip about the game though is that it's two games trying to be one. At least in the other titles the different gimmicks had certain things in common, but the Werehog is the polar opposite of Sonic. Going back and forth between the day and night levels is like alternating your means of getting to work each day between a race car and a zamboni. It just doesn't sit right. But in the end, I'll take it over Adventure any day.

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I need to play Unleashed (for the Wii, of course). Only a matter of time and money.

And because time is money, doesn't that mean it's a matter of money and more money?
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*stares at the topic title blankly*

First and foremost, I give you credit for even starting this topic. It's one of those things people tend to not say out loud in the Sonic community. To go against Sonic Adventure or it's sequel is normally an easy way to start a flame war. So kudos!

Now Sonic Unleashed better than Sonic Adventure? Hmmm...

(Note: 360 version)

No. I wouldn't say so. In fact, I'll break it down:


I don't care what anyone says they have the SAME plot. Yes, the same. A giant monster is revived by Eggman because he wants to use it's power to take over the world, in the end it backfires. However there is one difference, Sonic Adventure has subplots. Sonic deals with defeating Eggman, Tails goes through a journey of self growth, Amy find her own sort of independence, defeats her own menace (unlike Sonic defeating Metal Sonic at the end of Sonic CD) and saves a flicky... well it looks like a flicky, Knuckles finally gets a chance to learn of his past, and finally with Gamma's story where he frees himself and comrades from living out their existences to being Eggman's machines. Gamma's story is easily the deepest of the game.

Big? Nope. Doesn't matter. He chased a frog that happened to eat a Chaos Emerald. Whatever, stupid idea and even worse execution.

Big aside, These subplots make the game an even more rewarding experience. While you do find out that Chip is Light Gaia that's about as complex and deep as the plot gets.


Sonic Adventure has better levels and more variety. I admit I love Werehog and all of the day levels, minus Savannah Citadel, but the levels in SA are better. While there may not be that many of them, there's only ten, the fact that most levels are played differently from at least two characters adds more challenge and depth. Also, Sonic Adventure has levels that are reminiscent of old school games. Emerald Coast (typical beginning island level), Casinopolis (Casino/Carnival level), and Icecap (it has the same name!!!) are each nostalgia filled.

The controls in each are fine. I hate the fact that light speed dash takes too long and BIG THE RETARDED CAT in SA and in SU air boosting isn't exactly the best new Sonic move (it can be pretty detrimental at times), the Werehog tighroping (it's unnecessary -_-), and the camera at times (especially when tightroping).

Also, I find town roaming and adventure fields to be the SAME. I say this because I don't understand how people love everything about Sonic Adventure, yet hate going into the towns in Sonic Unleashed. What the hell? It's the same!!


This is hard. While I love the music in Unleashed, way more than the damned '06 Soundtrack which I find very boring, SA bought an era of songs that the series and its fans will never forget. While Sonic receives a new song in each game, the original "It Doesn't Matter" to me and I believe most people is Sonic's theme song. Also, I will never forgot how awestruck I was when I saw the opening with Perfect Chaos and heard "Open Your Heart". I don't LIKE rock music, but this song is still my favorite Sonic rock song. The only song in Unleashed which I find to be flat out amazing (I think the music is really good, but amazing it is not) was Jungle Joyride Night. It's beautiful, simply said. So, with that I'd say Sonic Adventure wins.

Sonic Unleashed is a good contender, one of the best in years, but not more amazing than SA and cannot even hold a candle to SA2. I believe that SA2 deserves to be on the pedestal the fans place it on. Now if you're saying that Sonic Unleashed is better than Sonic Adventure DX, I'll agree! DX is merely a horrible imitation of the original Sonic Adventure. Seriously, I'd buy another Dreamcast just to place the original again.

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These are essentially the two most diametrically opposed 3D Sonic games, Adventure and Unleashed. Adventure mostly followed the classic formula with it's fundamentals, whereas with Unleashed it was stated time and time again that they were making no attempt to be anything like the classic games. In Adventure, Sonic is usually under the player's control while navigating through an environment, but in Unleashed, Sonic is more akin to a component in a Rub Goldberg machine, albeit one that isn't finished and thus needs to be corrected here and there. Adventure had multiple gameplay styles back when that could be seen as a selling point, Sonic Team included the Werehog in Unleashed in spite of being told repeatedly by fans and several other divisions within Sega that that was exactly what they didn't want. Many of Sonic Adventure's levels feature multiple paths that exist for their own sake. Sonic Unleashed has a main path and several other paths that are essentially punishments for not reading the designer's mind. Adventure came out when games that allowed you to freely move around in 3D were still rare and difficult to make, they were essentially breaking new ground. Havok didn't exist yet. It also was originally intended to be a late Saturn game, and needed to be restarted on the Dreamcast and then rushed to meat the launch window. Unleashed had something like three and a half years devoted to it.

What I'm getting at is that while you can see the seams on Adventure from a mile away and it didn't always make a lot of sense, the fundamentals of a Sonic game were there, albeit incomplete. Sonic was fast and could be maneuvered easily, he had the spindash, and you were really navigating through environments. Unleashed can't claim any of that. I can barely describe it as a game, behaving more like a tech demo that they made a bunch of levels and cut scenes for.

I also notice many people berating Adventure for having multiple play styles , essentially calling those citing it as better than Unleashed in that regard hypocrites. The implementation of the other characters in Adventure is noticeably different than in other 3D Sonic games (Save Heroes): You can play through the other characters stories whenever you want to, rather than being forced to alternate. The other character's stories are also much shorter than Sonic's, with many of the other character's levels lasting under two minutes. An interesting tidbit that I suspect most people ITT missed: All the other playable characters in Adventure are essentially Sonic with their stats played with and their own move sets. Tails is Sonic but with a new attack and flight, Knuckles is Sonic with emerald proximity sensors and climbing/gliding/digging, Amy is Sonic but slowed down and with a hammer, E-102 is Sonic but with a larger hitbox, a more complex running animation, the ability to hover over some water, the gun thing, and a different acceleration curve, and Big is another large Sonic, but very slowed down, and the ability to fish. The significance of that might not be immediately apparent, but it is a very important to how these extra characters are better than most others: They all follow the same fundamental laws of physics and thus feel more integrated into the rest of the game. They all respond to the controls in fundamentally the same way. The Werehog uses a completely different set of physics (They copied them from God of War), causing it to seem like a completely different game.

Edited by Phos
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I never hated unleashed for the Werehog. Although I do hate that werehog. To be honest I never hated unleashed.

I disliked it though, for it's super extreme emphasis on Speed in the daytime stages. That is most definitely not what Sonic is about. It's the reason I don't like Rush, or Advanced 2-3. Sonic Adventure on the other hand, felt about the same exact speed as the original Sonic games on the Genesis, and there was a good amount of platforming, and not so much, run like heck and hope you don't die. Seriously, those sudden holes in Holoska are unfair.

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My opinion is that alot of people don't give Unleashed a fair shake because the development team went ahead and re-invented the wheel when they technically didn't have too (technically, because they did have to do something drastic after 06). The day stages, while phenomenal, are like nothing we have seen in a core gameplay mechanic. They ignore everything that Sonic has established in his X amount of years in favor of creating a visceral experience that no other mascot game can deliver. To that extent, I beleive that the Unleashed day stages succeeded in what they were trying to do moreso than with what SA1 attempted to do with its own style.

SA1 felt like a real stepping stone as to what Sonic could bring to 3D. It was buggy, had a horrible camera, but left you optimistic for what could be done in the future. Unleashed, while leaving a sour taste in the mouth of some fans, certainly delivers the speed, which is its goal. The platforming with the Werehog on the other hand, felt somewhat busted and that really drags Unleashed down.

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What is wrong with you guys! How could you possibly say SA1 is a better game than unleashed?? (PS3/360)


Ok, yea the plot's are basically the same, except Unleashed gave Sonic a new transformation. Nothing too mind blowing, but it was enjoyable and I didn't have an issue with it. What i did have an issue with was the "subplots" in SA. By giving Tails his "independence" He's become nothing more than the mechanic, and barely does anything anymore. They didn't have to make him SO independent that he never does any field work anymore. Big's story was a waste of time, and even to this day his character is still useless. I'm surprised Bioware was able to make him somewhat acceptable. Knuckles was poorly executed and was just "GOTTACATCHEMALL! EMERALDSTHATIS! LOLZ OH NOES TRICKEDAGAINDOWNTHELINE!" Gamma was alright, and Amy could've been cut. We really didn't need to play as her to get what she was doing.


This is where Unleashed DESTROYS SA. All you guys are saying that the platforming was better in SA, when that's just stupid. Stop thinking of platforming in the "old" sense of simply jumping on platform a,b, and c to reach platform d. Unleashed took platforming and said: "How can we make high speed platforming in 3D while delivering the kind of thrill no other mascot game can?" Obstacles! it's always been about obstacles!

Throw a wall in his path!

Better Quick step it! Oh shit spikes!

Quick hop over those! Damn hard turn ahead!

Driiiiiiiift! Fallen Pillar!

Slide under it! Loop de loop!

Crap a cramped alleyway! i can't slow down though! Navigate it!


Griiiiiiind! Boost!

Sonic unleashed had all that cool stuff going on that you had to watch out for PLUS plain ol "platform hopping" that SA had. To me, THAT is how you do high speed platforming in 3D. It's much better than SA's technique of giving you a stretch of land to run on, stopping you to jump some gaps, giving a bit more land, stop AIM THIS LANTERN SO YOU CAN SEE (Lost world!) So how could SA possibly win in this category??? It simply can't. And as far as the werehog is concerned, he was simply a case of Sonic Team spilling a little God of War in their Sonic game. Seriously, he controls almost exactly like Kratos. When so many people loved that game for it's combat, why hate on a admittedly stupid idea that emulates it? The werehog also had a good long list of combos to use, and they were all well animated and fit the character. There were alot of moves that just left me going "OOOoooooh Sonic XD". There was nothing wrong with him. Sure he was a dumb idea, but he was polished, and you could tell a lot of time and effort when into his stages and movelist. I can't say the same for SA's other characters.

ChaosSupremeSonic said:

"Character's didn't exactly have too much to separate them from:

Gamma was almost Sonic with a Jetpack and a Gun

Tails was Sonic with the ability to fly and attack with his tails

Knuckles was Sonic who could glide and fight with his fists

Amy was Sonic with a hammer

Big was Sonic with a fishing pole."

How is that a diverse gamplay experience? That's just slapping 5 other poorly executed gimmicks on Sonic's basic design and some cases (Amy, BIG, Knux) Gimping Sonic unnecessarily. I would rather play as the werehog than the rest of them because since the werehog wasn't executed POORLY he ended up being pretty fun. I mean, imagine Knuckles with the werehogs game play style. I GUARANTEE 80% of the split Sonic fanbase would love it. He only get's hate because he's Sonic, and the transformation makes no sense. Really it makes as much sense as his super transformation. If Sonic Unleashed dropped the werehog and instead featured Sonic and Knuckles venturing around the earth with chip to restore the emeralds (Knuckles IS the guardian afterall, and i'm surprised with the earth shattering the ME didn't break again, but I'd imagine he would still care about restoring the Chaos Emeralds) and stop eggman, and they called it SONIC AND KNUCKLES 2 I bet it would be the most loved 3D Sonic easily. These werehog complaints are ridiculous. The ones concerning his actual gameplay at least.

Unleashed had more things to do endgame as well. The DLC added tons of stages, there were townspeople missions, medal hunting, and the classic S ranking. In SA, you could find things in the world sure, but for the most part they were just empty spaces to dick around in. Mystic ruins did not need to be so big, and the egg carrier was a wasted opportunity. And how was level design better??? Sonic games have always been about trial and error. You can't make a game like it without trial and error!! In my opinion the thrill of Sonic games is learning a stage and then dominating it as fast as possible while pulling off whatever slick moves you can come up with. These games were never designed for perfect run throughs on a players first try.

Many of Sonic Adventure's levels feature multiple paths that exist for their own sake. Sonic Unleashed has a main path and several other paths that are essentially punishments for not reading the designer's mind.

There are multiple paths in unleashed just the same as SA. But, in some paths in Unleashed there are traps waiting, or a higher chance of dying.

Bottomline, Unleashed delivers a much more satisfying 3D high speed platforming experience. Your're crazy to say SA1 OR 2 are better!


I remember back when they were releasing those trailers level by level, I loved the song in each one. Every level in Unleashed has a great track, and I can't say the same for SA. SA's vocal tracks are great, and I remember really liking speed highway's track. Endless possibilities really fits with Unleashed, and I say that game also has the better soundtrack.

SA was great back in the day, but Sonic Team has improved tremendously. To say that 10 year old project is a better game is an insult.

Edited by XavierRussell
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Meh, Unleashed (at least PS2 version, except the disc somehow is broke and doesn't want to work anymore) Is okay in my opinion (Yes, even the Werehog is okay) But SA1 is so much better in every way, and don't just mean Sonic's stages, screw him.

I like the adventure fields, it was fun to mess around in them, it's what's made ADVENTURE an ADVENTURE ya'know? SA2 lacked them, so why call it ADVENTURE? I never played PS360 Unleashed, but it can't be much better.

Also the one thing SA1 had that no one seems to like, other characters. Tails, Knuckles, Big, I loved them all, (except Amy...) and Chao gardens (at least in SADX) that was awesome. (There was good music too...)\



I thought the main reason everyone liked SU was the fact that it was Sonic only (Werehog is Sonic, get over it)

Make up your mind people! Do you want Sonic or more?!

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I like the adventure fields, it was fun to mess around in them, it's what's made ADVENTURE an ADVENTURE ya'know? SA2 lacked them, so why call it ADVENTURE? I never played PS360 Unleashed, but it can't be much better.

Also the one thing SA1 had that no one seems to like, other characters. Tails, Knuckles, Big, I loved them all, (except Amy...) and Chao gardens (at least in SADX) that was awesome. (There was good music too...)

......Never played 360/ps3...Go play them and then tell me SA is better. Seriously. And whats with the love of adventure fields!? Big empty spaces! that's all!

Edited by XavierRussell
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Even though they are very different games, I hold Adventures and Unleashed as the best Sonic games closely to where I hold the classics. Sure Unleashed is very different from SA2 which in itself is very different from SA, which D: is close to the classics but not same. I agree that playing the werehog is as frustating as SA2's character system, and slightly worse than SA's. I'm not that bothered by the werehog, it's not that hateful to me, though it's not very Sonic to me either but neither was any of the characters' gameplay besides Sonic and Tails from SA. I do think that Unleashed is much more refined than Saonic Adventure, but they are twelve years apart. What it really makes me annoyed at Unleashed and not SA is not the werehog, it's the lack of pinball physics and spindash, which SA had.

Edited by redmenace
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I thought the main reason everyone liked SU was the fact that it was Sonic only (Werehog is Sonic, get over it)

Make up your mind people! Do you want Sonic or more?!

Thats just it. People don't want sonic with a drastically different gameplay style. And since Knux is a member of the Triple Threat (lolz) no one would've complained.

Even though they are very different games, I hold Adventures and Unleashed as the best Sonic games closely to where I hold the classics. Sure Unleashed is very different from SA2 which in itself is very different from SA, which D: is close to the classics but not same. I agree that playing the werehog is as frustating as SA2's character system, and slightly worse than SA's. I'm not that bothered by the werehog, it's not that hateful to me, though it's not very Sonic to me either but neither was any of the characters' gameplay besides Sonic and Tails from SA. I do think that Unleashed is much more refined than Saonic Adventure, but they are twelve years apart. What it really makes me annoyed at Unleashed and not SA is not the werehog, it's the lack of pinball physics and spindash, which SA had.

The werehog is not worse than the characters from SA. Sonic and tails were the only fun ones in SA.

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