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Waiting for an early glimpse at what to expect from the Knuckles show dropping this week? Well, wait no longer, as it seems the review embargo is up, and first reviews on the series is now starting to drop. I’m sure more is likely to come, so feel free to use this topic to post and discuss them.

For now though…

Game Informer:


That's perhaps Knuckles' biggest flaw: Despite its sometimes fun and heartfelt moments, it feels entirely inessential. Video game adaptations have an outdated reputation for being bad. Knuckles isn't outright bad, but when compared to its contemporaries like Fallout, The Last of Us, Twisted Metal, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, and even Sonic the Hedgehog 2, it feels like a video game adaptation from a bygone era.



As a continuation of the Sonic the Hedgehog cinematic universe, Knuckles feels slight. It doesn't forward the story in any notable way, there aren't any future-facing Easter eggs or Keanu cameos that I spotted, and Knuckles himself doesn't have much of an arc. He just feels a little more comfortable calling Earth his home. As a generally family-friendly buddy comedy about a lovable loser who gains some confidence, though, Knuckles works pretty well. It goes down smooth and provides some laughs with occasional not-too-violent fight scenes, but it neither attempts nor succeeds in delivering anything more.



Generally, it’s hard not to shake the feeling that some people simply won’t be the target audience for Knuckles – and that’s OK. The Paramount Plus series is more of the same when compared to its bigger box office brothers. So much so, in fact, that it feels like Sonic 2.5 in places, despite a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Sonic cameo being one of only a handful of connections to the wider universe.

Still, it’s a light, fun, and relatively safe adventure that manages to flesh out Wade and Knuckles just enough that you’ll be fist pumping a little more when they show up again down the line. In that sense, it’s a job well done and resembles what the MCU originally aimed to do with WandaVision before bloating its line-up with more middling Disney Plus efforts.



The Knuckles miniseries on Paramount+ is a worthy addition to the franchise that proves we need more Sonic spin-offs.

Generally speaking, the rule of thumb here from the reviews seems to be what most expected - the series is not truly about Knuckles, but focuses on Wade and is about the family hijinks and drama he goes through, which means if you didn’t like the human focus of Sonic 1 and hated the wedding stuff in Sonic 2, this won’t grab you. Otherwise? You’ll probably enjoy it fine.

Other common points seem to be the spinoff not feeling totally necessary and the villains being generic retrends on Eggman. 

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This... well, I don't exactly know how to feel about this. I mean, the first movie was anywhere from okay to good. The sequel brought in a better ratio of game to movie/human/other nonsense. I mean, judging from what was already shown off of the series, it seemed a bit like a retread of the first film (I read in one review that the Buyer is essentially a stand-in for Robotnik?). Not that I don't mind this. As GamesRadar best put it, this serves the same purpose as those Marvel series did on Disney+, using the limited series as a way to flesh out characters, introduce things, generate hype for the next time said characters show up, etc. Speaking of generating hype, didn't they say this was supposed to act as a transition of sorts to the third film? Based on the reviews though, it would have probably done the show some good if there was a better balance of Knuckles and Wade, especially since Wade seemed to be one of the least favorable human characters of the community. I think he's done justice when he shows up in short spurts, but then again, this apparently is supposed to help flesh him out more. What doesn't help is that, looking elsewhere, Knuckles seems to make less appearances near the end of the series, with there being more focus on Wade. Of course, this is just a more skeptical look at the show. I'll probably still eat it up like most Sonic products and find good in it. The only thing I hope for though is that if they plan to continue this, making a cinematic universe with shows released in between movies, that they at least find a better balance. It's the Sonic characters people are here for, not the humans. They're like an extra.

(I'm still holding out hope that the Buyer's identity is Grimer, or some other existing character).
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Making a Knuckles show with the title of Knuckles not be about the title character so much is such a Kangaroo Joe Jack thing to do.


Why does Paramount do the things it does

Edited by DaBigJ
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I didn't have crazy high hopes for the show, so I feel pretty neutral? Maybe this is taking the majority of the human character engagement instead of the third movie...?

...Nahhh. Donut lord is here for good.

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50 minutes ago, DaBigJ said:

Kangaroo Joe

Did you mean Kangaroo Jack? Regardless, it doesn't seem to be that bad. He isn't showing up for like, one scene. But yeah, a show titled Knuckles that isn't about the character is kind of dumb. At least the first Sonic movie always kept Sonic in focus, even if the film started to veer toward the humans, like Tom. Speaking of which: 

42 minutes ago, niaco said:

I didn't have crazy high hopes for the show, so I feel pretty neutral? Maybe this is taking the majority of the human character engagement instead of the third movie...?

...Nahhh. Donut lord is here for good.

That would be the dream, especially since with an adaption of Sonic Adventure 2, there's bound to be a bit less filler, since it's more substantial. However, as I was saying before about Tom, I'm starting to wonder if it'll be Tom and Maddie, or even perhaps their kid, if they go down that route (actually, that could be the human subplot), will fill in the role of Amy, mainly when it comes to convincing Shadow to repent near the end. Wasn't it pointed out that Sonic seems to be older in this show, appearance wise? Time could've passed to allow that to happen. Additionally, as of those U.S. copyrights being registered, CD and Adventure 1 adaptions are on the table, leaving Amy to possibly be introduced in one of those adaptions.

Edited by The DOMinator
Grammar :p
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2 hours ago, DaBigJ said:

Making a Knuckles show with the title of Knuckles not be about the title character so much is such a Kangaroo Joe Jack thing to do.


Why does Paramount do the things it does

Because they knew Sonic fans wouldn't watch it unless it they attached Sonic shit to it.

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21 minutes ago, Kuzu said:

Because they knew Sonic fans wouldn't watch it unless it they attached Sonic shit to it.

If I wanted to watch a cop be a dumbass I would go outside and watch real life cops

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Can’t say I’m surprised, unfortunately. Given TV show budgets, it was likely they’d try to reduce Knuckles’ screen time to save on animation costs.

But holy hell, it’s still disappointing as fuck that this is just a Wade show ultimately and the villains are generic Eggman knockoffs. I know Archie and all that is a touchy subject, but given the warrior nature of the show, it would’ve been neat to have a rogue echidna as the villain, or hell, even Rouge or what have you. Feels like the plot could’ve easily been about Rouge being on a crime spree and Wade wanting to prove himself by arresting her with Knuckles’ help. Throw in some ancient echidna artefacts or something that Knuckles has a personal stake in retrieving and batta boom, we would’ve had something.

Oh well, guess I’ll still watch it, but I’m expecting the worst now lol. I do not give a shit about Wade.

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1 hour ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Feels like the plot could’ve easily been about Rouge being on a crime spree and Wade wanting to prove himself by arresting her with Knuckles’ help. Throw in some ancient echidna artefacts or something that Knuckles has a personal stake in retrieving and batta boom, we would’ve had something.

Yea I like this idea a lot better lol; I don't mind the human stuff in the Sonic movies, but it's kinda crazy how much the excitement for this show has gone away since its announcement. Lots of people were anticipating more characters like Rouge or the Chaotix to show up. Even if that seems like too high of expectations, it feels like a missed opportunity and we're instead left with what is looking to be a a fun but underwhelming show.

My expectations are a lot lower now, but I hope I can still find some enjoyment in this show. 

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I think it being a Wade show would be easier to swallow if he was on any of the actual posters, yet he isn't 

I guess the person who said Forces was from the people who brought you Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations found a new job at Paramount :p

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But how much screen time is Pachacamac getting?

Disappointing this seems to be a step back after the last movie. Hopefully there's enough good in here to offer a somewhat enjoyable time.

...please don't announce a Shadow series next only for it to be about Stone.

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14 minutes ago, DaBigJ said:

I think it being a Wade show would be easier to swallow if he was on any of the actual posters, yet he isn't 

I guess the person who said Forces was from the people who brought you Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations found a new job at Paramount :p

It’s honestly pretty funny that despite the insistence that the human cast is needed to garner any attraction, the promotion did a pretty good job of trying to make it look like Wade had a supporting role at best.

I know the budgetary reason why they focused on Wade, but still - at least the Sonic movie still felt relatively focused on him, even as a plot device, compared to the reviews making it sound like Wade runs the show here.

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I know I can't say anything cuz I'm still waiting for the show to release.

But why is me reading these reviews sprouting a comparison between Knuckles & the Sandy Cheeks Movie that got leaked? Where it majorly focuses on Sandy throughout the whole film, when it reality it's just another SpongeBob Movie. Because SpongeBob is still present the whole film. Also by Paramount.

I don't know, strange comparison on my part. And don't say you didn't watch it before it got taken down, I'm pretty sure 90% of everyone did see it before it was taken down.

Edited by Blueknight V2.0
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More reviews. 



Knuckles is barely in his own show

To set the record straight: Knuckles is not a show about the titular echidna. It is about Adam Pally’s Wade Whipple, the comic relief cop who was tolerable in low doses in the Sonic the Hedgehog movies but takes the spotlight of almost the entire six-episode show to irredeemable diminishing returns. See, Knuckles is listless after joining Sonic and Tails on Earth in the second movie, so in an effort to find some purpose on this new planet, he agrees to train Wade for a bowling tournament in Reno. A road trip ensues, and they’ve got a group of bounty hunters on their tail—it’s not too dissimilar from the original Sonic movie that had Ben Schwartz’s speedy hedgehog buddying up with a cop for a road trip. The trouble is, if you thought the Sonic movies’ detours into its human characters’ lives were maddening for a few minutes, Knuckles’ division between its two leads is so lopsided I don’t even know why the show is named after him.



This is a problem the Sonic movies have been struggling with since 2020, but it’s hardly the only problem that persists here. The product placement is so blatant that it feels like entire scenes were made to show our hero holding a bag of Doritos, and the show relies too heavily on licensed needle drops when an excellent video game soundtrack is right there for the taking. Half of its jokes are pop culture references, which worked with the first movie when that was Sonic’s connection to the rest of the world, but here it feels like the writers are running out of material.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was at its best when it leaned into all the video game dressings that make the series so special. Knuckles is the video game adaptation equivalent of LaCroix tasting like water that sat next to a fruit on the way to the store, rather than sparkling water with a delicious fruity kick. Sure, it’s got some video game stuff in it, but nothing significant enough to make it feel like more than just a cash-in on a recognizable, beloved character without much payoff. By the time I was midway through the show, my hopes that Knuckles would be more than a family sitcom with an echidna passing through were shattered.

The A.V Club:


So should you watch Knuckles? If you have no idea who these guys even are, don’t worry too much about missing it—it’s not for non-fans. If you, or your kids, love the Sonicverse, or maybe just enjoyed the previous two movies, go for it. If you can tolerate some product placement-related humor (namely Doritos and T.J. Maxx punchlines) and some eye-roll-inducing jokes with some genuinely hilarious moments mixed in, then dive in. And if you live for nineties nostalgia, there are plenty of Easter eggs to be found here. It’s got some heart, too, which is always good, and unlike its prickly protagonist, it doesn’t take itself too seriously.


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4 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Given TV show budgets, it was likely they’d try to reduce Knuckles’ screen time to save on animation costs.

Honestly, that's something I didn't think about. I guess that also sort of explains Sonic and Tails' absence from the majority of it, aside from it being supposedly a Knuckles show.


5 hours ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Feels like the plot could’ve easily been about Rouge being on a crime spree and Wade wanting to prove himself by arresting her with Knuckles’ help.

3 hours ago, FishyFishy said:

Lots of people were anticipating more characters like Rouge or the Chaotix to show up.

Rouge showing up seemed like the most expected outcome, given that, as I stated before, this was stated to be a transition of sorts from Sonic 2 to 3. You would think that to set up her role in the third film (almost definite since, you know, it's an Adventure 2 adaption), to make it so the third film doesn't have to dwindle on an informal introduction, and to generate hype, they would've put her in.

3 hours ago, GentlemanX said:

But how much screen time is Pachacamac getting?

Good question. Probably like a minute or two, if we're lucky.


3 hours ago, GentlemanX said:

...please don't announce a Shadow series next only for it to be about Stone.

Don't jinx it!

1 hour ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

Knuckles is barely in his own show

To set the record straight: Knuckles is not a show about the titular echidna.

Great, so not only is he being sidelined, he's barely there at all.


1 hour ago, Ryannumber1gamer said:

The product placement is so blatant that it feels like entire scenes were made to show our hero holding a bag of Doritos

This makes me think back to the Olive Garden joke in the first film. That was actually kind of clever, the way they pulled it off, while still inserting product placement. Was there even any product placement in the second film (I can't recall any)?

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Man, this show sounds massively underwhelming. I've lost a lot of enthusiasm for it after reading those takes.

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Are any of these reviews from Kotaku?

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Hmmm....after the excellent Fallout i had high hopes this would be a great "game adaption month". I may temper expectations given these reviews. 

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8 hours ago, Rabbitearsblog said:

Are any of these reviews from Kotaku?

One of them was.

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I'm just going to wait until the show actually comes out to see how the general audience feels about the show.

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On 4/22/2024 at 7:21 AM, DaBigJ said:

Making a Knuckles show with the title of Knuckles not be about the title character so much is such a Kangaroo Joe Jack thing to do.


Why does Paramount do the things it does


On 4/22/2024 at 10:04 AM, Kuzu said:

Because they knew Sonic fans wouldn't watch it unless it they attached Sonic shit to it.

That rationale would make sense in many cases, for example, the Wreck it Ralph posters overstating how much well-known video game characters would be in it in order to attract in a periphery demographic of gamers, because ultimately Disney animation is a huge brand and they still had their core fanbase either way...but this does not seem like that sort of scenario.  This probably does not have any major demographic beyond the core demographic of Sonic fans, so it shouldn't have Sonic shit attached to it; it should be Sonic shit that has other shit attached to it, because without the core it has no real reason to exist. 

At this point, I might as well mention that the live-action side of the Sonic movies has grown on me a fair amount.  I think part of why it's been so much easier to swallow than so many other movies that use the "cartoon character(s) invade(s) the real world" format is that the Sonic movies don't just play the whole real-world as the straight man against obnoxiously zany cartoon invaders; they play the "real" world quite cartoony in itself.  A bit of that was probably all-but inevitable when they casted Jim Carrey as Robotnik, but lots of the other human characters also get surreal in some way or another.  A cop isn't just obsessed with eating donuts; he talks to donuts.  Another cop's reaction to his patrol car exploding is to put on a helmet with a police light on top of it and ride around town on a toy scooter.  A high-ranking government intel agent is inexplicably obsessed with Olive Garden.  A Siberian bar is full of characters you'd expect to see at The Poison Apple or The Snuggly Duckling.  I'm not saying that surreal comedy is the only thing I will ever accept Sonic being, and I actually am relieved that the games are moving away from that lately, but in the context of the movies, I feel the dynamic elevates them above their peers by, oddly enough, allowing characters to be more balanced.  The animated characters are permitted to be used for emotions and behaviors beyond just shouting quips and jiggling around farting, while most of the humans are funny enough that the films don't become horribly boring every time the animated characters aren't onscreen.

But while I like the world the Sonic movies have built, and I'm guessing plenty others do too (and I also had no idea anyone hated Wade until it got brought up in reviews of this show), I still can't imagine anyone going out of their way to see more of them who isn't ultimately there for the Sonic elements.

Also, with regards to the claim that "they don't go the fully-animated route and have so little of Knuckles himself because animation is more expensive", I grant that animation is expensive, but I often wonder if animation is really so expensive that it would be impossible to afford if only these sorts of adaptations weren't dead-set on blowing so much money to hire a celebrity cast.  In this case, there's no getting rid of Idris Elba; he's a huge part of movie Knuckles' appeal.  But in general, I really wish more projects would break that mold of thinking they need a star-studded cast to succeed, especially since movie stars voicing characters usually just results in them essentially playing themselves.

Edited by Scritch the Cat
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53 minutes ago, castell-neath said:

Link below to main article:


They really seem to have liked it. Thats a good sign, yes!? 

Feel a lot more excited for this now after reading this. Sone other reviews have been a bit "meh" about it

This has been moved to the topic discussing reviews on the show in general, there’s no need to have a topic just for IGN.

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On 4/23/2024 at 12:21 PM, Rabbitearsblog said:

I'm just going to wait until the show actually comes out to see how the general audience feels about the show.

Kind of alarming ngl

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So, is the only bad thing that critics are saying about the Knuckles series is that Knuckles isn't in the show enough?  Is that it?

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