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Your favorite game ever

Crystal Kingfisher

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In this topic, feel free to discuss your favorite game/games ever, and why.

I think you all know what my favorite game is.


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater/Subsistence. Everything about it is great. The story is amazing (and hands-down the best story in the MGS series, along with MGS1), the graphics are the best on the PS2 (and they still look good to this very day), the gameplay is just excellent, the final boss is outstanding, and the ending is very sad.

Plus, who doesn't like to listen to cheesy 70's-style pop music while climbing ladders? XD

Also, if you have Subsistence (like me), you get a whole crapload of bonus features: Adjustable camera, online mode (but you can't play it online anymore), the 8-bit Metal Gear games, hilarious short cartoons, etc.

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I don't have an absolute favorite game, but here are some games that come very close:

Super Mario Bros. 3

Sonic & Knuckles

Final Fantasy IV



Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Super Mario Sunshine

Sonic Adventure

They're all realy great games in their own right and I couldn't pick just one.

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I'm perpetually adjusting a ten-item "favourites ever" list, but for the sake of brevity I'll limit myself to the one (well, three-ish) that's generally on top:


The second generation of Pokemon games. I don't know that I'd want to go back and play them now (the incremental improvements of the series being what they are), but at the time... wow. I don't think I've ever had as much fun playing a video game as I did the first day I owned my copy of Silver. I was playing it blind (no internet spoilers for me back then), so every time I ran into a new monster, I was screaming WHATTHECRAPISTHISTHING and training it in the (often vain; good job, Dunsparce) hopes that it would evolve into something awesome.

They were just mind-blowingly improved over the first set of games. The graphics, the gameplay... even the story, meagre as it was, was better. They stuck close enough to their roots that they avoided that totally alien feeling that Ruby and Sapphire had, but they gave plenty of new content. In my opinion, I've never played a sequel that's been more improved over the original.

Are they the best games I've ever played? ...no, probably not. When nostalgia hits me, though, it hits me goddamned hard.

Edited by Octarine
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First of all, this topic should be called Your favoritest game ever.>_><_<(-_- This board needs a shifty eyed smiley)

Well, I'd say Sonic and Knuckles. Its really fun even though I've played through it so many times.

Ocarina of Time is also very awesome.

Edited by Marcello Claus
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Hmmm.... my favoritest game ever... this one'll be hard to choose.

As I'm sure you're no doubt aware, I happen to be a Sonic the Hedgehog fan, go figure, so naturally I'll be choosing one of those games, and I'm sure you won't be too terribly surprised if I choose a classic title.

Well, here goes.


This way I don't have to choose among my top 4. And yes, they are all the main classics. The only flaw with this game is the lack of Sonic CD, which is a reasonable issue for any die-hard Sonic fan.

What I like about Mega Collection is that it compiles together any game I enjoyed playing during my childhood. I was a Sonic nut, and still am. This game even includes the lock-on feature from Sonic & Knuckles, as well as Ristar and Flicky. Mega Collection Plus never saw a Gamecube release, sadly, and I would have enjoyed that game as well. (Since it included some Game Gear goodies as well)

The traditional Sonic formula has truly stood the test of time, and Mega Collection bundles it all up (but one... again, CD) for me to whip out a GameCube controller and have a blast from Green Hill, to Mystic Cave, to Ice Cap, and all the way to Doomsday Zone. Not only that, but I can pop Puyos with Robotnik's PINGAStacular (even using the AoStH design) mug on the boxart, bounce around in Toxic Caves, collect Flickies in Rusty Ruin, play as a Flicky and evade tigers, and last but not least shoot through galaxies (before Mario) as the legendary Shooting Star, Ristar!

As I've said before, including Sonic CD would have made this even better. I can't harbor much love for Chaotix, though. I found that game to be too clunky. Would've been nice for the fans, though.

Edited by Indigo Claus
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Well, this isn't easy, but I think choose 3 games:

1- The World Ends With You

The 2 battle thong is waaaay too damn addicting, and once I started this game, I never wanted to put it down until I'd beat it. Last Christmas, this game took up the most time out of my playing schedule. And I loved every second of it.

2- Disney's Magical Quest 3

Just as with TWEWY above, this game had a lot of playtime to me. I beat the game three times with Mickey and twice with Donald. The crazy part is that I seriously want to track down this game again.

3- Super Mario World

Classic Mario platforming at it's best. Most people I know pick Mario 3, but I just love this game to death. Now if only the VC port had better audio quality...

Edited by Mr. Blonde
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This is a very hard question.. let me just go over a few games I grew up on.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 When I was younger, the family got SEGA Smashpack 2 for me and my brother to play. I believe this was the first time I was introduced to Sonic, and I really love this game. I love the music, colorful graphics.. even though I can't get past 4/5 emeralds. xD I bought a Genesis and this game last year to see how it originally played. Good investment.

Shining Force Also a game a played on Smash Pack 2, this game got me addicted to RPGs in general. Not as "colorful" as a classic Sonic game, but still an awesome game. Something about the style of it.. being so young, I never saw a game like it before. I've yet to find an RPG I've fell in love with the same way.

Bomberman: Tournament Got this on the GBA, and I can't play it much anymore besides on my Gamecube. But I definitely remember playing it. The karabons, the music.. the bombs! I just think it's a wonderful game. The boss battle music was so cool, I downloaded it.

... And of course, I'm quite a fan of most of the Pokemon games. Gold, Silver, Yellow, Sapphire, Platinum even.

At the moment, that's all I can think of. I'll edit this post if I think of anything else.

Edited by Sonaos
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Look at my user name and you'll know. SNATCHER for the SEGA CD, created by the great Hideo Kojima. Awesome story, great graphics (for it's time), incredible music and some of the best voice acting I've ever heard. A cult-classic in every sense of the term.

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Tales of Symphonia

Arguably one of the best RPGs for the Gamecube, this game has an odd charm despite the chibi deformed characters and lackluster storyline. The multiplayer action was REALLY enjoyable with friends was a blast, even if things got really hectic. ^^; You really had to work together as a team to get through, and even alone the game is still fun with its multiple combination moves and special attacks. In addition, it had great replayability; maybe it was the costumes or the multiple side quests you could do after finishing the game once, but there were lots of ways to have relationships with your characters and explore different parts of the map. That, and the cheesy-ness in the graphics is quite hilarious, and the characters are agreeable and funny together. I especially love Mr. Zelos, since he's quite a charmer and hilarious character to play as (and flirt with women too).

Tales of the Abyss

Similar to Tales of Symphonia, but it had a better story and also a colorful cast of members. I really like the multi-player action of the Tales series since it's a great game for parties and sleepovers. The fact I could run around my enemy was a nice touch, and I loved seeing the transition from jerk Luke to noble Luke. Oh, and Dist the Reaper was bloody amazing. XD

Saturn NiGHTs

There is something magical about the Sega Saturn version that the Wii just can't pull off as well. I'm not sure what it is, but the gameplay is something else. I like the concept of flying around and doing acrobatic tricks, and the boss levels were fun... good times in my childhood.

Saturn Bomberman

Ah. This one is hard to explain unless someone has played it, but it's one of the best Bomberman games in the series. Maybe it's the music. The two player action. The dinosaurs. Or the funky bosses. I don't know, I just know it was extremely fun and one of the best games to play on the Sega Saturn (shame that it died off so quickly).

Edited by Teh Naz
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My favorite game ever is Zelda Ocarina of Time. No game has ever captivated me as much as OoT, to me it the perfect game for me, and sadly no game has ever been able to give me that sense of adventure that OoT had, not even recent Zelda outings. It may be dated now but shit it can hold it's own against some of todays titles, it's just that good in my opinion.

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Since others have put in more than one game I'll put in my top 3, but they are in order. My favouritest game of all forever being:

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Has a sinister and deep world that had yet to be truly topped by any games today. A great original villain that isn't Ganondorf, and is very much an unexpected one too. Almost every NPC has enough backstory and character development to be important minor/major characters. People say they are annoyed by the 3 day time limit, but for me it just adds to the overall feeling of extreme pressure and hopelessness that makes Majora's Mask such a unique and heart racing experience.

Despite Twilight Princess' ghosts and spiders and twilight monsters, nothing will ever be scarier than looking up at that fucking moon for the first time :P (And then there's the Ikana Canyon chapter of the game, truly epic)

Super Mario Galaxy

I may not be able to explain to some people why I love this one so much, and yes the hub did suck a bit, but I just got this feeling of adrenaline while I was playing it and flying through space, like nothing before. The game is also really beautiful and can definitely hold its own this gen; even on a weak system like the Wii.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

I love JRPGs, but never has a JRPG sucked me in and involved me in the story like Persona 4 did. You get to know all the characters really well. That and it took me fucking AGES to complete. And I LOVE that in a game. It's really long. Plus the battle system is simple, but in a way that it's really fun for some reason, like Chrono Trigger I guess.

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Well I couldn't decide on a favorite so I'll just list a few. There in no particular order. Here we go:

-Mega Man 2

To me the music and stages were great. Also it was one of the games I grew up with so that makes it even better.

-Super Mario Bros. 3

I just loved the yellow box with raccoon mario in flight. I like Giant Land and defeating Bowser for the first time was awesome!

-Extreme Pinball(PC version)

Even though it had a few pinball tables, it was still cool. Rock Fantasy was probably my favorite table.

-Mario Kart DS

My first mario kart game. I liked the bosses in mission mode. The tracks were pretty nice.

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Shining Force Also a game a played on Smash Pack 2, this game got me addicted to RPGs in general. Not as "colorful" as a classic Sonic game, but still an awesome game. Something about the style of it.. being so young, I never saw a game like it before. I've yet to find an RPG I've fell in love with the same way.

I love Shining Force. That was my first RPG, and still one of my favorites. (my most favorite RPG though would have to be Secret of Mana)

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Has a sinister and deep world that had yet to be truly topped by any games today. A great original villain that isn't Ganondorf, and is very much an unexpected one too. Almost every NPC has enough backstory and character development to be important minor/major characters. People say they are annoyed by the 3 day time limit, but for me it just adds to the overall feeling of extreme pressure and hopelessness that makes Majora's Mask such a unique and heart racing experience.

Despite Twilight Princess' ghosts and spiders and twilight monsters, nothing will ever be scarier than looking up at that fucking moon for the first time :P (And then there's the Ikana Canyon chapter of the game, truly epic)

I guess I need to play Majora's Mask, huh? I really want to play it, but just one question: How well will it work on an N64 emulator? (since I don't have an N64)

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

I love JRPGs, but never has a JRPG sucked me in and involved me in the story like Persona 4 did. You get to know all the characters really well. That and it took me fucking AGES to complete. And I LOVE that in a game. It's really long. Plus the battle system is simple, but in a way that it's really fun for some reason, like Chrono Trigger I guess.

I LOVE Persona 4! It's my favorite RPG for the PS2. It started off really boring, but about 30-40 minutes into it, the story started getting really interesting and then I couldn't put the controller down. I love it.

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I can't list one! So i'll list a few.

Skies of Arcadia Legends

Masterpiece. Simple as. It's battle system is incredibly basic and it's storyline is pretty cliche but it's just one of those games that never fails to captivate you with it's charisma and it's gameplay is amazing given how basic the battle system is. There's just so much to do. Like making discoveries, exploring the incredibly enormous world and customising your own base on Crescent Isle to recruiting your own crew. And it's a good example as any that you don't need uber angst to tell a story (I'm looking at you Final Fantasy). When I first played it, I recall that it took me about 70 hours to get to the end. Even an experienced player will take many hours to get to the ending, the game is massive.

What I loved a lot about the story (As unoriginal as it was) was that most of the Valuan Admirals except for Vigoro ultimately met their ends via their own hand. It also vouches heavily on morality and teamwork and I couldn't help but actually care about the main characters as well as the secondaries.

The only real drawback to Legends is that the incredible music had to be compressed for the game to fit on a Gamecube disc so it is of lower quality than the DC version and there are points of no return, such as unreachable treasure chests after a certain point in the story and unobtainable swashbuckler ratings as a resukt of multiple points of no return. I couldn't even recruit Ryu-Kan because of my glitchy swashbuckler rating. Nevertheless, SoA is my favourite RPG of all time and is amongst my favourite games of all time.

Sonic Unleashed (STRICTLY 360 version)

My fave game of all time. To me, it's practically perfect. It gets the daytime speeding sections so utterly right that i'm amazed it wasn't done earlier (Er, maybe the Rush series did to an extent) and the cutscenes balance humorous with drama. The graphics (Especially in HD) are gobsmacking and I often walk around Apotos Act 2 during day to marvel at the brilliance of how expertly all of it's been rendered. The soundtrack is pure genius.

It also features my favourite Sonic form, which is Werehog. And I thought the night stage was very nearly as good as the day stages. Only drawbacks are annoying QTE's really.

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

My reasons are practically the same as SuperLink's. This game is undoubtedly the most horrifying I have ever played and it really does induce a genuine feeling of paranoia. The puzzles are pure genius in the temples (Of particular note is the machinery puzzles inside the great bay temple and the hugely vertical room with the central column you have to cleverly manipulate in the SnowHead Temple) and the replay value is absolutely superb. Having an inanimate object as the Big Bad is incredibly original and Majora's Mask is such an effective and interesting villain. It has a great sense of foreboding and creepiness along with surrealism (A pristine plain broken by a single tree IN THE MOON!?). The music is amazing (My faves are the Song of Healing and the Great Bay Temple theme) and what I think is a great achievement is the 3 day time system.

Oh yes. And Fierce Deity Link FTW.

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I could never just choose 1 favourite, there's actually a couple I would consider my all time favourite games.

Sonic 2

One of my favourite games since childhood, I absolutely love it. The gameplay's addictive even after all these years, it has brilliant music, the levels never get old- they're unique and to me still as memorable as ever, it's one of the very few games I can actually complete, and so I like playing it, and of course I get great nostalgia from playing it, takes me back to my childhood years when Sonic games were magical, and Sonic 2 has always stood out to me the most.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles

This game is amazing, it really is. I like it for all the reasons I said about Sonic 2. To me it doesn't QUITE match the greatness of Sonic 2, but it's a very close 2nd. To me it's flawless, definitely among my all time favourite games.

Sonic Adventure DX

I love this game so much, it's easily one of the best games of all time IMO. I've said many times why I like it so much, and I'll say it again. The storyline is amazing, so's the levels, the music is about the only 3D Sonic game to actually be good, because it has that retro sound to it and I love the remixes, the voice acting is brilliant, and the characters all look really nice, and most of all I love the nostalgia I get from playing this game, it takes me back to 2003 when I was absolutely blown away from the greatness of this game, I liked it so much it brought back my obsession over Sonic which lasted for 6 years.

Pokemon Gold/ Silver/ Crystal

Amazing games, I'll never tire of them. The storyline is absolutely brilliant, it has the best generation of Pokemon, awesome music, there's always plenty to do, and I have some great memories from playing them, I've spent many an hour playing Pokemon Crystal. Can't wait for Pokemon Soul Silver and Heart Gold! =D It's one of the veeery few games I'll bother buying on its release date, in fact it's one of the very few games I'll buy atall!

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My favorite game, and arguably the most meaningful to me, would be Banjo-Kazooie. It was the first game to make me desperately want a game console, simply because it just looked like the greatest thing I had ever seen. It was like a cartoon, except I could run around in it. As a kid I found that awesome and it only took me a couple years to receive my own N64 and this game (along with others, including SM64). This game blew me out of the water.

Although I did not do it this year, I have made it a semi-yearly tradition for me to power through this game as fast as possible, collecting every jiggy and note in as few sittings as possible. I am far too lazy to dig out my N64 and check, but my last (and best) run was around the 7 hour mark, and it took me about two days to pull it off, if I remember correctly. I would have gotten away with not dying in the game if it weren't for Rusty Bucket Bay's engine room. Damn spinning cogs.

There are better games out there than Banjo-Kazooie, but this is the most meaningful to me. I love it.

Beyond this game, there are just way too many games for me to choose from, so I could never make an official second- or third-favorite list. Honorable mentions go to Ape Escape, Mario & Luigi 3, Super Mario Bros. 3, Yoshi's Island, Disgaea, Phoenix Wright, Persona 3, Kirby's Dream Land 3, Wario Land 4, Paper Mario, EarthBound... See? Impossible to choose.

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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Has a sinister and deep world that had yet to be truly topped by any games today. A great original villain that isn't Ganondorf, and is very much an unexpected one too. Almost every NPC has enough backstory and character development to be important minor/major characters. People say they are annoyed by the 3 day time limit, but for me it just adds to the overall feeling of extreme pressure and hopelessness that makes Majora's Mask such a unique and heart racing experience.

Despite Twilight Princess' ghosts and spiders and twilight monsters, nothing will ever be scarier than looking up at that fucking moon for the first time :P (And then there's the Ikana Canyon chapter of the game, truly epic)

Well, you just summed up my reason for having Majora's Mask at my number 1 spot.   :)

I guess I need to play Majora's Mask, huh? I really want to play it, but just one question: How well will it work on an N64 emulator? (since I don't have an N64

It runs at full speed my small laptop (and Looks wonderful since I connect my laptop to my TV via VGA cable). You just need a decent GFX card, a processor higher than a pentium III (at 600 Mhz or better), and the latest version of Direct X. Also I recommend getting a nice game-pad. Or getting it on the virtual console if you got a Wii lying around.   

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Ecco the Dolphin - Defender of the Future

This may not be my most favorite of all video games, but I hold it in high enough regard to place in this topic. This game (and this series) deserves the love.

Ecco is a game that adds new dimensions to exploration. It is a chance to explore the vastness of the seas in a 3D plane, a task few if any games of its time can pull off successfully. Furthermore it stood out as different. It made its mark by doing what the Dreamcast did best. It offered an unmatched and unparalleled experience that simply cannot be found elsewhere.

All this being said, the game goes even deeper. Rather than being some happy-go-lucky Dolphin fun-in-the-sun romp, the game sets a somber and almost epic atmosphere full of sharks, octopus and aliens. You feel for Ecco when you are forced to dive to the dark depths. You feel for Ecco when you are clawing (or finning) your way through monstrous caverns seeking out that next gasp of air. Forget just playing this game, you have to WILL that dolphin through each obstacle in his path.

Then there is the difficulty. It may just be the fact that I was coming into the age where I could handle the real gaming challenges, but Ecco represents a near perfect balance. A difficulty that was not disheartening, but rather encouraging. Never easy but always entertaining. When I beat Ecco (w/o a stradgy guide or online help) I really felt like I accomplished something.

Even through all that, the game is still fun. Nothing stops you from breaching the surface to have some sky time with the acrobatics and tailwalking. Not to mention the sheer unbridled joys of being free in the ocean. They even throw in a Soccer mini-game. To say nothing of being a Dolphin is just plain awesome.

The game is simply a masterpiece. To me, it stands out in a collection of masterpieces that was the Dreamcast. Its a spin on platforming that just isn't done often enough.

Swim on Ecco the Dolphin. Swim on.

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Well, after some thinking, I decided my favourite game is Metal Slug.


I currently hold the world record with 2players, on Normal Difficulty and 3 lifes.



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Okami (Wii, since it's the only version I've played) and Link's Awakening.

With games, I'm a guy that likes a good story. And when the gameplay and characters can match the quality of the epic story, it's easy for it to become one of my favorite games (like you Valkyria Chronicles, 83). Okami was one of the things that really got me interested into wolves, made me think the game was going to end like 3 times when it actually wasn't done yet, gave me a boner with it's awesome graphics and music, and so forth. Parts made me want to bawl while other parts made me angryious. It's just a fucking good game, and it's really hard to describe how much I like it, ^_^.

As for Link's Awakening, just every little thing about it is such a big win for me: The fact it's an offbeat Zelda game that feels both so different from the rest of the series while still feeling familiar. The characters, even if minor, stood out vividly. The way how each music piece is so unforgettable and how it wasn't afraid to try some different genres of music. How each weapon was highly reusable through out the game ('cept the last one, since you didn't have much time to play with it really, X_x). And overall, just how the everything chugs along, <3.


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It's hard to say, so I'll just say my top 5:

5. The Orange Box


I guess it's a bit cheap to consider it one game, but it comes on the same box and disc, so I'm counting it. And at that, the games compliment each other quite well; Half-Life 2 is an action-adventure title focusing on plot and physics, Portal is a basic puzzle title focusing on simplicity and Team Fortress 2 a big multiplayer title focusing on strategy and tactics. Each of them is brilliant in what they contribute to the package, and Portal in particular I find amazing- that some fresh college graduates managed to utilize the simple source engine for such an abstract game mechanic. It's really what catalyzed my interest in the science of video games.

4. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle


Sonic Adventure 2 is often considered the last game in the Sonic series before the it jumped the shark, but judging it as something beyond a Sonic title, it's really quite good. The music is varied, the levels are strong, the gameplay is fun and solid and the characters are well developed. Shadow's relationship with Maria and his subsequent demise was really the first time I ever found a video game story to be touching. Oh, and let's not forget the Chao Gardens. For the franchise as a whole, though, it would've been best if Sega viewed it as a distant spinoff rather than a basis for the future titles.

3. Banjo-Tooie


Don't get me wrong, the first was fantastic, but as far as I'm concerned, Tooie perfected the original formula. Where Banjo-Kazooie was a bit more straightforward, Tooie added a more unique individual level structure and Metroidvania style that really made the levels feel like a part of the world rather than just branches. Plus, this game really made Gruntilda one of my favorite video game villains of all time.

2. Super Mario 64


I admit that this one is a bit nostalgia-fueled considering it was the first video game I ever played, but to this day I stand by the fact that it was not only good, but revolutionary. It just has that pure charm that you can't feel in any other genre. The levels, the music, the environments- it all just works together to make something almost mystical.

1. Metroid Prime Trilogy


Yeah, yeah, another collection, but the Metroid Prime games are really just above and beyond everything. In particular, the first two are really the big players, but the Wii motion controls are really what shot them up to perfection, so that's why I chose the collection. Anyway, these games are not just normal games, they're an experience. They're really just a work of art- the unorthodox, environmentally projected narrative, the varied environments, the feeling of isolation, etc. That last one in particular is what really drove it in. Between the varied ambient music, the vast environments to explore and the lack of friendly interactions, Metroid Prime really captured my emotions and refused to let go. I've played Dead Space, BioShock and several other survival horror titles, and none of them come close to that feeling of distress and paranoia you feel when you expect the Ing or Chozo ghosts to pop out and attack you at any second. At the other end, worlds like Phendrana Drifts and Sanctuary Fortress just have the perfect subtleties and curiosities that keep you tied into the game without feeling forced into it, which is really all I can ask from such an escapist medium like video games.

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Aha, yes. Definitely my favourite Zelda game ever, and a permanent fixture in my top ten games of all time. It's somehow both the quintessential, gimmick-free Zelda experience and a strange departure from the norm all at once. It's got giant eggs, telephones, chain chomps and evil Kirbies of all things, but none of that ever really feels out of place because of the game's dream-like atmosphere. Useful items, a cute little not-quite-romance, a tear-jerking conclusion... Link's Awakening had it all for me. Other Zelda games have come close, but nothing's ever matched it.

Hm. I'm not up to writing an essay on each, so I'll also shout out Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger, Half-Life 2, StarCraft, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Advance Wars and the very flawed but unusually enjoyable Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. Pokemon G/S/C remain my favourites, though.

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S3&K. I wouldn't be SSMB-ing it up otherwise. ;)

Although this little-known gem also deserves an honourable mention:


"Don't leave. The Drones need you. They look up to you."

EDIT: Oh, wait, we were supposed to say "why". Well, it's the best turn-based-strategy game that's ever been made. Period. It's essentially "Civilization: Hard Sci-Fi", and actually has a plot. How many turn-based strategy games have a plot?! That's right: ONE. This one.

I still play it now, even though it's 11 years old. Civ 4 is a pile of crap compared to this game.

Edited by Frozen Nitrogen
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Okami, PS2. I own both but PS2 is the one I played first and I prefer it.

Fable 1 and 2, and probably 3 when it comes out too lol. I love Lionhead Studios.

I love the stories, but I love the gameplay too. I get frustrated with games so quickly, especially if I end up having to do something over and over and over. I get bored really quickly so need to be kept interested.

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How many turn-based strategy games have a plot?! That's right: ONE. This one.

Val Chronicles :P

Although to be fair, that one is more of a Turn Based Strategy / RPG / 3rd Person Shooter / Sega / Awesome

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